Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Wildlife friendly garden workshop with Cassia Read

Posted on 28 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

Among exuberant flowers and darting pollinator insects, twenty people gathered in Cassia Read’s Castlemaine garden on Saturday the 19th November 2016 to learn about wildlife friendly gardening. Cassia’s mission for the workshop was to inspire and inform people about how to nudge their gardens in a wildlife friendly direction. Cassia suggested elements that could be added to any garden to make it more biodiverse, whatever the gardeners needs and values.


Cassia (left) talked about how we could all nudge our gardens in a wildlife friendly direction.

Cassia explained that she’s passionate about wildlife friendly gardens because life in the garden brings beauty and joy; it fosters a connection between people and nature; and, because gardens can provide a refuge for wildlife in a changing climate.

A garden is a community of plants and animals, living together and interacting with each other. Cassia introduced the concept of garden community ecology with a drawing of a food-web in her own garden. This illustrated how energy, harvested from the sun by plants, moves up the food chain; from pollinating and leaf eating insects and seed and nectar eating birds, through predatory insects, reptiles, frogs, small bush birds, bats and phascogales, to larger carnivores such as kookaburras and boobook owls.


Foodweb in Cassia’s garden, showing ‘who eat’s what’ and the movement of energy harvested by plants from the sun, up the food chain to larger predators (Illustration by Cassia Read).

Cassia drew attention to the importance of insects in bringing wildlife to the garden, because many of the larger vertebrates either eat insects directly or they eat the insect predators. Even small honey-eaters supplement much of their diet with insects living in the tree canopy.

Cassia invited participants to spend a moment quietly observing life in the garden in two different locations, using two different ways to observe: an unfocussed, dreamy gaze that allows you to see all the movement in the garden with your peripheral vision; and a focused gaze to see the detail of particular species and individuals going about their daily lives. Cassia commented that observation is the key to wildlife friendly gardening. The more you look, the more you learn and enjoy and are inspired to create a living landscape around you.

Cassia discussed the spectrum of garden styles that range between pavement and bushland, with biodiversity in the garden increasing as you moved from a low diversity, simplified landscape like a park, through to a garden with different vegetation layers, different micro-habitats and more indigenous species.


Spectrum of garden styles, from pavement to bushland, with garden biodiversity increasing with complexity of vegetation structure, micro-habitats and indigenous plantings (illustration by Cassia Read).

During the guided tour around her half acre block, Cassia discussed elements she has added to her garden to create shelter and food for wildlife. Standing around her small pond, participants discussed how the creation of even a small pond, planted with local water plants, brings frogs, dragonflies, aquatic invertebrates and a place for quiet reflection and observation. Other important elements included:


Cassia’s pond has Pobblebonk tadpoles but no mosquito larvae because she’s introduced native Murray Rainbow Fish that eat wrigglers but not frogs eggs.

  • Growing indigenous and exotic flowers for native pollinators such as native bees, wasps, hoverflies and butterflies. Through extending the flowering season with thoughtful planting you can extend the time nectar and pollen are available to pollinators;
  • Planting dense and prickly shrubs where small bush birds can hide from cats and aggressive or predatory birds;
  • Building leaf litter, mulch and woody debris for insect habitat, which in turn provide food for ground foraging birds, reptiles, frogs and phascogales;
  • Adding nest-boxes and artificial hollows to trees for birds and bats – but watch out they aren’t placed too high or you won’t be able to evict Indian Miners and other wanted pests;
  • Planting a drought-tolerant native lawn that provides food and shelter for moth and butterfly larvae, and seed for native pigeons and Diamond Firetails;
  • Creating varied rocky habitats for basking lizards, including rock on soil and rock on rock. Also, pupae from ant colonies that live under the rocks are an important food source for ground foraging predators.

The workshop concluded in the shade of a gum tree, with an exercise and conversation about nudging our own gardens for wildlife. What more could we do and what were our barriers? Cassia guided participants to think about their gardens in terms of management zones, from high maintenance and input zones such as the small orchard, to low maintenance and input zones such as areas of drought-hardy, native shrubs planted for screening at the front of a block.

Thanks to all attendees for coming along, and to Cassia and Melanie Marshall from the Mount Alexander Shire Council for their work presenting and bringing this event into fruition. Much was learned from Cassia’s unique perspective on how to build a garden and engage with nature.

For further information visit our Wildlife Friendly Garden webpage here.

This workshop has been supported by Connecting Country, through funding from the Australian Government and the Mount Alexander Shire Council through their Sustainable Living Workshop Series.



South African Weed Orchid – ID first, then dig out!

Posted on 23 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

South African Weed Orchid, Disa bracteata, is flowering now and if you’re quick  you can help stop the spread of this emerging and highly invasive weed in our area. Tanya recently found them at Barkers Creek Reservoir in Harcourt and we have some photos to help you identify them. And, if you do find them, practice good bush hygiene so that you don’t spread the infestation.

South African Weed Orchid is a  perennial terrestrial orchid with underground tubers. Dormant for much of the year, it sprouts in early spring with a rosette of leaves, followed by flower spikes developing into seeds as the weather drys out during summer.


South African Weed Orchid – whole plant, roots and bulbs. Photo: Bonnie Humphreys

Stems – erect and fleshy usually 30–50 cm tall. Leaves – a rosette of green leaves with purple undersides, tapering from a broad base to an pointy tip, 5–15 cm long.  These weeds are distinct from indigenous Onion Orchids (Microtis spp.) as they have a rosette of leaves, while the native Onion Orchids have one round leaf, often extending above the flower spike.

Flowers – from late October through to December in Victoria. 15– 30 flowers grow on a thick cylindrical spike 5–20 cm long, which resembles a greenish-brown asparagus spear. Flowers very dense and are mostly reddish-brown and yellow with a leafy bract.

Seeds – black, minute and dust-like, contained within the capsular fruit. The species is autogamous (self-pollinating) and thus produces


Treatment by digging out and carefully bagging plant matter is useful in containing the spread of this invasive weed. Photo: Bonnie Humphreys

a large amount of seed per plant. The main form of dispersal is wind, but seed can also be spread on shoes, clothing and vehicles, as well as in water and through animal and soil movement. The seeds can remain viable for years. (This means that one seeding plant this year means many weeds for many, many years to come.) Seed set and dispersal starts at the end of November or as the weather drys out. The seeds continue to mature even if the flower head is picked.
Tubers – generally thought to have 1–3 tubers, similar  in appearance to a small potato, about 20 mm in size. The plant also has a mass of fleshy  roots and there is no main tap root.


The weed orchid has 1–3 tubers about 20 mm in size also has a mass of fleshy roots and there is no main tap root. Photo: Bonnie Humphreys

Treatment – Manual removal requires digging up and removing all parts of the plant, including the tuber, leaves and flowers. The plant material must be bagged securely (e.g., in a snap-lock bag) to prevent the fine dust-like seed from spreading further.

Currently this weed has been recorded in relatively small numbers in Chewton, Redesdale, Elphinstone, Taradale, Walmer, Barkers Creek, Sutton Grange, Ravenswood and Harcourt.

For further reading see this link for more information and reading references see page 6 of this 2009 edition of Weedscene magazine.


Lions? We don’t have lions, but we do have Antlions!

Posted on 17 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

dscn0408Connecting Country’s field botanist, Bonnie Humphreys, came across an interesting creature this week while out in the field conducting vegetation surveys and finding her way around her new camera. Upon return to the office, Bonnie did some hunting around to see what it was that she had captured with her camera. Turns out it is an antlion, but the species remains unknown. Perhaps one of our readers could help us identify it?

The antlions are a group of about 2,000 species of insect in the family Myrmeleontidae, known for the fiercely predatory habits of their larvae, which in many species dig pits to trap passing ants or other prey.


Antlion cone shaped trap.

The sand traps are about 40mm diameter. The Antlion sit at the middle of the trap, covered by loose sands. When an ant or other small insects walks inside the trap, some sand falls into the centre to alert the Antlion. It flicks more sand to the ant and cause the ‘land sliding’. The ant then falls towards the centre and the Antlion attacks the ant by its long jaws.  Some other species larva burrow freely in sand or live on trees as predators. They pupate in soil with cocoon covered with sand. Eggs are laid singly and scattered in dry soil. You can watch another species of antlion in action here.


If you do recognise the species we’d love to hear from you, please leave a comment below.


Gazanias from our 2012 weed watch post

Posted on 2 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

The following information was originally published in 2012 by Geraldine Harris in the Castlemaine Naturalist newsletter, and has been kindly re-written by her for the Connecting Country website. we have decided to re-post it as a the Gazanias are currently in full bloom.

Some plants become environmental weeds when they escape from our gardens into the surrounding countryside and start competing with local native indigenous species. I want to look at how some of these infestations can be controlled and which native plants can be used in their place.

Our native plants cannot be expected to perform as vigorously as pest plants that have been selectively bred for survival over hundreds of years. However, getting rid of pest plants and replacing them with native species will help preserve the integrity of our local habitats, attracting and providing resources for more native birds and other animals.

Gazania linearis
Gazanias are the large daisy-type yellow flowers that are escaping from private gardens and appearing more and more abundantly along our local roadsides and in bushland throughout Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and New South Wales.

These very showy plants originated in South Africa and are being promoted in many plant nurseries as a tough drought resistant species. Many hybrids have been developed in cultivation between Gazania linearis and a closely related environmental weed species Gazania rigens. These plants produce abundant wind-blown seeds that can be dispersed many kilometres from the source, producing ever-increasing patches of gazania that compete with locally indigenous species. Gazanias also have the ability to re-grow from their bare roots, which enables them to spread into our bushland by the dumping of garden waste containing the tuberous root systems of these plants. Native animals tend not to eat them as they are low in nutritional value.

Control methods include pulling out by hand if the infestation is small (making sure the roots are removed so it doesn’t re-grow) or spraying with a registered systemic herbicide into the heart of the rosette. If you have a large outbreak amongst grasses or in a lawn, a broadleaf-selective herbicide maybe a much better option. At very least, remove and then bag the flower heads. The ‘bagging’ prior to disposal is important because even when the gazania flower heads are detached, most still have the ability to develop as mature flower heads with masses of viable seed.

As substitutes you could plant native daisies such as Sticky Everlasting (Xerochrysum viscosum), Common Everlasting (Chrysocephalum apiculatum) and Clustered Everlasting (Chrysocephalum semipapposum).  Pigface (Carpobrotus modestus) would also be a useful substitute requiring no water and producing large pink-mauve flowers all summer.

Rayner C. 2012, ‘Weed of the Month’, Angair Newsletter. No 1, p6.
Marriot N.2011, ‘Plant ‘Aussies’ – not weeds’, Growing Australian, Vol 54.3, No 216, p12-13.


Paterson’s Curse – pretty but a problem

Posted on 24 October, 2016 by Connecting Country

The flower of Patterson's Curse close up!

The flower of Paterson’s curse close up!

While out in the field Connecting Country staff, Bonnie Humphreys and Jarrod Coote, have noticed a number of out-breaks of Paterson’s Curse in our region. This weed is easily recognisable at the moment by the swathes of purple flowers. Yes it’s pretty, but it’s also a potentially big problem.

Paterson’s curse is a winter annual herb that often becomes the dominant species in pastures. It is a prolific seeder that can produce more than 5000 seeds per plant per year. Large quantities of seeds may accumulate in the soil over several years. For example, a seed bank of up to 30 000 seeds per square metre has been reported. Seeds may remain dormant in the soil for up to five years.

Paterson’s curse is considered a weed because:

  • It reduces pasture productivity and is toxic to livestock.
  • It can degrade the natural environment, compromising habitat values by crowding out and suppressing native vegetation.
  • Hay and grain infested with it fetch lower prices.
  • It affects human health. Some people are allergic to the pollen and the rough hairy texture of the leaves and stems causes skin irritation in people having close contact with the plant.

The life cycle of Paterson’s curse is important to understand in managing infestations. Currently plants are flowering and set seed from the top of the stem down. The plant then dies back and seeds germinate in the residual bare ground. As the plant grows it forms a rosette and then sends up the flowering stem.

So right now, the best thing to do is to map infestations and chip or spray emerging rosettes in Autumn next year. Rosettes can be easily chipped out and turned upside down to dry in the sun or sprayed with a registered herbicide.

For more information from the Agriculture Victoria website, click here.




8 Nov 2016 – Landowners looking after Grasslands Workshop

Posted on 12 October, 2016 by Connecting Country

plains-wander-chicksThe Landowners looking after Grasslands – Field Day on the Plains has been rescheduled to Tuesday November 8th 2016, 10.00am to 2.30pm because of the wet roads.

Join the Northern Plains Conservation Management Network, Trust for Nature and Dr David Baker-Gabb, renowned expert on Plains-wanderer, in launching Managing Native Grasslands for Plains Wanderers Field Guide. Hear from Dan Harley, Threatened Species Biologist with Zoos Victoria, about their Fighting Extinction Programme and the plan to start captive-breeding Plains-wanderers in 2017. Accompany Paul Foreman, grassland ecologist for a walk across Andy & Judy McGillivray’s property, and learn how to survey for threatened grassland flora species such as the nationally listed Swainson-peas.

swainson-peaWHEN: Tuesday November 8th 2016, 10.00am to 2.30pm
WHERE: Andy & Judy McGillivray’s, McIntyre Rd, off Roslynmead Rd, Torrumbarry. Vic Roads Reference: 30J2 & 31A2 .
Morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea will be provided. Please wear sturdy walking shoes, bring a camp chair, sunhat, binoculars, warm coat, sunscreen and a bottle of water.
RSVP is essential to the North Central CMA by 5 pm Thursday 3rd November on (03) 5448 7124 or email

Please poster here for location details.


Creating Wildlife Friendly Gardens – Workshop and Webpage

Posted on 10 October, 2016 by Connecting Country

You can create beauty and habitat in your yard with a wildlife friendly garden. For those interested in habitat restoration but find themselves living in town we have put together a list of useful resources with information about how to build habitat for wildlife into our suburban gardens. Visit our new “Wildlife Friendly Gardens” page of our resources section (click here) for information about attracting wildlife to your garden.

Habitat for animals is possible, even on a very small scale. All photos by Cassia Read

Cassia Read will be showcasing her wildlife friendly garden as part of Connecting Country’s Education Program and the Mount Alexander Sustainable Living Workshop Series on Saturday the 22nd of October 2016 at 10.30am (Please note this as a correction to starting time information published in the Midland Express on October 4th).

This workshop is also advertised as part of the Festival of Open Gardens official program. The Festival is celebrating it’s 25th year and showcases gardens across Castlemaine and district. We especially love the gardens with native species (of course) in the program such as 152 Hargraves St., Winters Flat primary School, and the Newstead Community Garden.



Nature News October 2016 – Make it and wildlife will come

Posted on 4 October, 2016 by Connecting Country

For this month’s Nature News, on page 26 in this week’s Midland Express (4th October 2016) local ecologist and garden designer, Cassia Read shares come of her insights from creating a wildlife friendly garden. While Connecting Country encourages you to use locally native plants where possible, Cassia has found that all sorts of flowering plants can provide useful habitat. 


Cassia’s garden plays host to a range of local wildlife and plant species.

Striding around the corner of a friend’s Newstead house today my eyes suddenly met the steady gaze of a Grey Shrike-thrush sitting on her eggs. She’d made her home in a basket nailed to the wall, within arms-reach from where I stood. She wasn’t bothered by comings and goings of her human neighbours.

Thrush’ sing exquisite songs in my own Castlemaine garden. I was instantly inspired to hang baskets around my house to encourage more of these birds.

I am fascinated by the possibilities of gardens that meet both needs of the people and the local birds, lizards and butterflies. In these days of a changing climate, urban gardeners can support a host of local wildlife with food, shelter and water. It just takes some thought and a little time spent pottering in the garden.

In my own garden, I’m not aiming to restore bushland or even to create a picturesque bush garden. I grow fruit, veggies and some nostalgic flowers from my childhood. I welcome cool summer shade from deciduous trees. How do I balance my needs with those of wildlife?

I find comfort and direction in considering the spectrum of home garden styles in Castlemaine, ranging between easy-care concrete and bushland gardens that meld with local Box Ironbark Forest. Wherever a garden is positioned on this pavement-to-bushland spectrum, it can be nudged in a more wildlife friendly direction.

For instance, some grass provides a place for magpies to fossick where a pavement is void of life; old style flowers provide nectar for butterflies while ornamental cultivars bred for show are nectarless; a corner planting of dense shrubs is better for Blue Wrens and Thornbills than a park-like lawn that stretches from house to fence; a dry stone wall provides shelter for hibernating Marble Geckos where cemented walls are pure architecture.

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink…. Make it and wildlife will come.

Gardens with wildlife hum with energy and interest. Spotted Pardalotes dipping in a bird bath and Blue Banded Bees darting amongst the Rosemary flowers bring spontaneous joy. Today I’m planting colourful salvias for my girls to pick and Eastern Spinebills to feed on. Tomorrow I’ll scatter basking rocks for lizards. Not big steps, but nudges in a wildlife direction.

Cassia will be showcasing her garden as part of Connecting Country’s Education Program and the Mount Alexander Sustainable Living Workshop Series on Saturday the 22nd of October at 10.30am (Please note this as a correction to starting time information published in the Midland Express on October 4th).

For more information about attracting wildlife to your garden visit the “Wildlife Friendly Gardens” page of our resources section (click here).


Last chance for direct seeding through Connecting Landscapes

Posted on 29 September, 2016 by Connecting Country

Direct seeding success at a property in Taradale

Direct seeding success at a property in Taradale

For the past five years Connecting Country has been incredibly fortunate to be running our Connecting Landscapes Across the Mount Alexander Region program. Funded through the Federal Government, it has allowed us to support 75 landholders  undertake revegetation across 357 ha and the control of weeds and rabbits across an additional 1,349 hectares, plus additional bushland enhancement measures such as protective fencing and grazing change within all areas.  We’ve also coordinated dozens of education events and continued our biodiversity monitoring surveys for birds and phascogales.  Now is your last chance to get involved with the on-ground works aspect of this fabulous program. To meet our targets, we are looking for one or two new properties to undertake revegetation projects of at least 5 hectares (12 acres).

These subsidized revegetation projects would be organised and implemented by Connecting Country and its works crew. The plants used would comprise locally occurring wattles, eucalypts and other understory species. Using a process called direct seeding, they are planted as seed with our specialised equipment. We encourage all expressions of interest from landholders within the target area (see map below). If we cannot help you this year or through this program, we will keep your details on a database in case of future opportunities.

Bonnie explains how direct seeding works

Bonnie explaining how direct seeding works to landholders.

Contact us now to get involved! Alternatively, talk to your neighbours if you think they might benefit. To find out more about our on-ground works process and to access an expression of interest form, CLICK HERE.  For more information contact Jarrod or Bonnie on 5472 1594 or email

Landholders who have already undertaken projects can expect Jarrod and Bonnie to be undertaking some follow up visits in the coming months to see how things are going.

‘Connecting Landscapes’ is just one of several, although the largest, projects that Connecting Country currently runs. While this particular program finishes up mid next year, our other programs such as hosting Asha (our landcare facilitator) and stewards for woodland birds will continue and there are many other exciting opportunities in the pipeline.

We are currently in the process of considering the future direction of Connecting Country and we encourage you to attend our AGM to help us explore the possibilities. Click here to find out more about the AGM. We are also currently running an on-line survey at the moment and would appreciate your input, click here to complete our on-line survey.

The target area for Connecting Landscapes.

The target area for our Connecting Landscapes revegetation program is shown in blue.


Spring 2016 – CFNC Wednesday Wildflower Walks

Posted on 21 September, 2016 by Connecting Country

Scented Sundew

Scented Sundew, one of the many local species you’re likely to see on a walk with the Castlemaine Field Naturalists.

Each Spring, the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club hosts a series of Wednesday afternoon wildflower walks.  With all of the rain over recent weeks and months, this is shaping up as being one of the best wildflower seasons in many years.

There are two more walks being held this year, both departing at 4pm sharp from the Octopus building car-park (Duke St, opposite the Castle Motel).  Members and visitors are welcome.

Wednesday 28 September – Location: TBD.  Leader: George Broadway

Wednesday 5 October – Location: TBD.  Leaders: Peter and Rosemary Turner


Friday Sept 23rd 2016 – Newham Landcare talk about frogs

Posted on 21 September, 2016 by Connecting Country

Young treefrog FRG 0052

A young tree frog pops up to say hello.

If you’ve wondered what all the noise is about following the recent rainfall, on Friday September 23rd 2016 the Newham and District Landcare Group will be hosting a talk about frogs by Richard Akers.

Richard will talk about the importance of frogs in the ecosystem, frog identification, sounds, the frog census and what we need to do to maintain a frog-friendly environment.

Learn also how to identify frogs in our area, what they sound like, the biology of frog life cycles, food chains, the impacts of fire posterand climate change and more.

The talk will be held at Newham Mechanics Institute Hall.

7pm drinks & nibblies
7.30 presentation
Supper to follow

RSVP appreciated: Helen Scott at or
0412 582 526


Farewell and HUGE thanks to the Green Army Team

Posted on 12 September, 2016 by Connecting Country

We recently said ‘good bye’ to our first Green Army team of 2016. During their six months, the team worked on projects for ten Landcare groups, including doing weed control, track maintenance, and planting. You can now see signs of their fantastic work all over the region.

The team asked Asha to pass on their thanks to all the Landcare members who took time to encourage them and assure them that their efforts will make a huge difference to the landscape and the community. Team member, Rachel, expressed that they have learned a lot during the six months, and that their time on the team has helped her career move forward. Most of the team will still be working locally, so keep an eye out for their friendly faces.

We had a short but sweet morning tea to see the team off and wish them well into the future. Thanks to all of the Landcare members who have worked alongside the team in the last six months. A big thank you to Liam, Mitch, Paige, Kirra, James, Rachel, Melissa, Josh, Cindy, and Peter for all your hard work.



Nature News September 2016 – The pleasures of crawling around in the damp

Posted on 6 September, 2016 by Connecting Country

On page 12 in this week’s Midland Express (6 September 2016) there is a great Nature News piece by local naturalist and co-author of the soon to be released local Eucalyptus guide, Bernard Slattery, about the wonder of those tiny and important life-forms – the mosses.

mount alexander 26 7 12 020 (1)

Moss on Mount Alexander… a world you can get lost in. Photo by Bernard Slattery

This year we can celebrate a goodish winter: cold, grey, and—most importantly—wet.

And, apart from replenished dams, this wet winter is good because it gives us a reason to go out into the bush, get down on our knees, and become completely absorbed in looking at the micro universe of…MOSS.

Moss isn’t just a green monotonous smudge. It’s beautiful and very variable. To appreciate this fully, you have to get right down close with a hand lens, or a camera with macro lens. You do risk embarrassment by doing this. A few times I’ve been lying flat on my stomach checking out the moss, and concerned passers-by have stopped to ask after my health so it does help if you can wave a camera or a hand lens to reassure people you’re OK.

The wet winter has created great beds of moss in our forests. Moss has repopulated crevices in walls and appeared in patches in lawns and corners of garden beds.

Mosses are tiny and simple. Unlike more familiar plants like grasses, they don’t have roots: they absorb water and nutrients directly into their leaves. They also reproduce via fine, dust-like spores, not seeds.

They’re ancient plants, maybe the first to have colonised the land. There’s a theory that early mosses, over 400 million years ago, played a big part in boosting oxygen in the atmosphere, laying the foundations for all sorts of future evolutions.

Mosses are useful. They’re amazingly hardy and can colonize bare land so they’re good at helping the recovery of eroded landscapes. They can tolerate long dry periods:  seemingly dead crusts spring to life at the first shower of rain.

Seen up close, mosses are intricate, colourful and enormously various. Although some are so tiny as to be hard to make out without a microscope, there are plenty of species noticeable to the naked eye. Some leaves are rounded, some are thin as wisps; colours are every shade of green; and spore head stalks can be red, orange, green or yellow.

A great resource for finding out more is Bernard Slattery and Cassia Read’s Mosses of dry forests in south eastern Australia. To purchase a copy visit the Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests webpage


Friday 9th Sept 2016 – Australian Ants in roadside and remnants

Posted on 4 September, 2016 by Connecting Country


The guest speaker for the next Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club on Friday 9th September is Ballarat-based entomologist Peter Muller.  Peter’s presentation will be about the great variety of interesting ants that occur in the local area and beyond.  Peter has provided the following text about himself and the talk:

Early life; lived, trained/educated/qualified in agriculture. Changed direction and pursued a career in natural land management. Worked for various environmental organisation, Parks Victoria and Conservation and land management, and the various forms that it has morphed into over the years. Have gained substantial land management experience in a variety disciplines and responsibilities. Over 30 years have worked in conservation in most areas in Victoria.

Nest mound of Rhytidoponera spp. Photo by Peter Muller.

Nest mound of Rhytidoponera spp. Photo by Peter Muller.

For the last 15 years, until recently retired, I have worked in environmental education with Ballarat/Federation University, a challenging but rewarding profession. Now with a bit of time on my hands, I am devoting some of it researching ants and, hopefully, to answering some question about ants that I have had for many years. I hope, along the way, I can add a little bit to our environmental knowledge, and add value to natural areas particularly, roadside and remnants.

 I live at Enfield south of Ballarat, and have three daughters in various parts of the world.

Peter will also lead the club’s excursion on the following day, which will be a search for nests of sugar ants and other ants.  The following link provides some further information to assist with ant nest identification during the excursion (CLICK HERE).

Peter’s presentation will commence from 7.30pm in the Fellowship Room behind the Castlemaine Uniting Church (on Lyttleton St, next door to the Art Gallery and Museum) on Friday 9 September.  The excursion will depart from the Octopus building car-park on Duke St (opposite the Castle Motel) at 1.30pm sharp on Saturday 10 September.  Members and visitors are welcome to attend both, and there is no cost for attendance.


Taking a closer look at conservation covenants

Posted on 25 August, 2016 by Connecting Country

TFN brochureOne of the most inspiring aspects of the Sutton Grange Organic Farm (home of Holy Goat Cheese which we visited as part of our Farm Field Day) is how Carla and Ann-Marie have protected their remnant vegetation with a Trust For Nature Conservation Covenant.

Connecting Country would like to share an article by Mat Hardy from the August 2016 edition of Decision Point magazine about conservation covenants. This piece discusses their strengths as a mechanism for protecting nature and recommendations for ensuring their benefits are maintained into the future. To read the article click here.

For more information about conservation covenants check out Trust For Nature’s website.


Connecting Country in the national birding news

Posted on 27 July, 2016 by Connecting Country

In 2015, Connecting Country signed a ‘affiliated organisation’ agreement with Birdlife Australia, which is Australia’s largest organisation devoted to the future of native birdlife.  This agreement formalises an existing working relationship between our two organisations to cross-promote relevant events and activities, to share bird survey data and generally to provide on-going support for each other in efforts to conserve and study birds of central Victoria.

Brendan Sydes, Connecting Country’s president, has a long standing support role on two of Birdlife Australia’s committees.  In the June 2016 edition of the ‘Australian Birdlife’ magazine, there is an extensive interview with Brendan, where he talks about his role with Birdlife, his profession (as a lawyer with Environmental Justice Australia) and the importance of community-based approaches to landscape restoration – such as Connecting Country.  This magazine is sent to the 12,000 plus members of Birdlife Australia and is also available for sale in most newsagencies.  Connecting Country has already been contacted by people from elsewhere in Australia wanting to know more about what we do.

To read a scanned copy of the full article, follow this link (CLICK HERE).  For those out there with an interest and/or concern for our local birds, we encourage you to consider buying a copy of this magazine or joining up with Birdlife Australia as a member.




19 August 2016 – Sustainable and Biodiverse Farms Field Day

Posted on 21 July, 2016 by Connecting Country

Holy Goat

Enjoy an informative tour of the Sutton Grange Organic Farm with Holy Goat Cheese owners Anna-Marie Monda and Carla Meurs.

Making a dream of a sustainable and biodiverse farm a reality is hard work, but some of the region’s most successful producers are here to help. Connecting Country and the North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) are bringing successful farmers together for a Farm Field Day on 19 August.

North Central CMA regional Landcare Facilitator Mandy Coulson said the field day is about learning from others and fully understanding the journey from idea to marketplace.

“It will be an opportunity to learn about local produce and the various journeys people are experiencing as they work towards achieving integrated sustainable land systems in the southern part of the region,” she said.

Carla Meurs and Anna-Marie Monda (Holy Goat Cheese), Katie Finlay  (Mount Alexander Fruit Gardens), Mandy Jean (Guildford Winery), John Cable (JCBee Honey), Ben Boxshall (Farm Forest Growers of Victoria), Sam White (Sidonia Road Organics), and Clare de Kok (Pig in a Box) will tell their stories of innovation, diversification and value adding.

farm field day flyer“Over 200 landholders in the Mount Alexander Region have worked with Connecting Country to improve the sustainability and biodiversity of their properties,” Connecting Country’s Krista Patterson-Majoor said.  “We are thrilled to provide this opportunity to see one of these inspiring farms in action and to learn from other local producers.”

The field day will be held at the Sutton Grange Community Hall and nearby Sutton Grange Organic Farm, the home of Holy Goat Cheese. The event is free and supported through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme and by Connecting Country, through funding from the Australian Government.

Click here to download a flyer and agenda for the day.

RSVP is essential by 8 August on or 03 5448 7124.

farm field day agenda


Nature News: A beginner naturalist discovers frogs

Posted on 16 June, 2016 by Connecting Country

With all this rain, it’s a good time to share Naomi Raftery’s story of discovery of our more elusive local residents – frogs. She’s found that many different types exist in our waterways and backyards… you just need to use your ears to find them! This Nature News article appeared in the Midland Express on the 3rd May 2016. Also, if you have a copy of last weeks paper (Midland Express, 7 June 2016, page 17), you’ll find a great article by Max Schlachter on our nest box program. 


Another elusive local resident, the Spotted Marsh Frog, is best identified by its ‘tok tok tok’ call. Photo by Damien Cook

It started in February this year. We had recently moved into a house that shares a back fence with a usually dry creek. A summer downpour of rain and our quiet backyard gained a sort of roaring sound that could only be water. I went to look and rushed back inside to declare that there was a ‘raging torrent’ at the back of our new house.

With that summer downpour came a new interest in my life. Frogs. We knew they were out there, as the soothing sound of a natural amphibian chorus stayed with us in our sleep each night, but we hardly ever saw them. That is until I went into the back yard and saw one pushing itself forward with impossibly skinny back legs. At first I thought it was a rat but the movement was unmistakeable.  I was curious to find out more.

Frogs are hard to identify, so I used the free Frogs Field Guide from the North Central Catchment Management Authority to help. Species in our local area include three types of tree frogs, which have small round pads at the end of each toe, a special adaptation that helps them to climb trees. There are also nine species of a group known as the Southern frogs, which are not brightly coloured or endowed with poisonous secretions for your arrow tips like other frogs, but they are warty reminders to take care of our riparian areas for the next generation of tadpoles.

Identification required me to learn to listen. I started by trying to decipher just one croak. Slowly different noises came clear. There was the ‘bonk’ single call of the Pobblebonk and the ‘crick crick crick crick crick’ of the Common Froglet. It was fun to try and make this noise myself.

Recently the disused bathtub in our yard half filled with water. I walked past and noticed the water ripple and caught sight of a frog stuck in the bath. After fishing it out, my daughter and I released it in the reeds at the back of the house. I identified it as a Pobblebonk and they’re pretty common around here.  Less common are the bright green and very sweet Growling Grass Frogs. This species is listed as ‘Vulnerable’ under the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. A local expert heard them singing at Kalimna Park during the last flood.

As my frog identification journey continues, I’ve gathered a solid set of resources to help along the way. You can download a free copy of the Frogs Field Guide from Our local frogs are also highlighted in Wildlife of the Box-Ironbark Country by Chris Tzaros. I also like


Long Swamp Protected

Posted on 8 June, 2016 by Connecting Country

Last Wednesday (1 June 2016), Max Kay and myself (Saide Gray) from the Connecting Country Committee of Management were very fortunate to be able to attend the official launch of Long Swamp as a Trust for Nature covenanted wetland, now called the Murray Family Conservation Reserve: Long Swamp. After an initial gift of 40ha in 1992, the Trust for Nature, with support from the North Central Catchment Management Authority, donors and the community, recently purchased another 145ha of Long Swamp. Only one small site at the eastern end of the wetland remains in private hands.


Long Swamp in January 2016. Photo by Geoff Park.

Long Swamp is a priority ecosystem as it supports an extensive area of cane-grass wetland vegetation, a restricted habitat essential for a range of rare and threatened species, such as the endangered Australasian Bittern, the vulnerable Australian Painted Snipe and the Growling Grass Frog. A small group of Brolgas was recorded as using the site prior to draining in 1965 and have been seen returning in more recent years.  The new addition also protects the ecological community fringing the Swamp, which is known as Grassy Eucalypt Woodland of the Victorian Volcanic Plain, nationally listed as critically endangered under the Australian Governments’ Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

Long Swamp is the only deep freshwater marsh in the approximately 50 diverse wetlands in the Moolort Plains, between Maryborough and Castlemaine on the north-eastern tip of the Victorian Volcanic Plain –  Victoria’s only national biodiversity hotspot.

As the wetland is surrounded by private land, this was a rare opportunity to briefly explore the site. The reserve was officially opened by Lily D’Ambrosio (Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, and also Minister for Suburban Development), David Clark, (chair of the North Central Catchment Management Authority) and Max Ervin (Chair of Trust for Nature). We were guided on a walk through the swamp by local ecologist Damien Cook after a welcome to country by Graham Atkinson (chair of the Dja Dja Wurrung Aboriginal Clans Corporation).

Now the work of restoration begins. If you would like to know more about the Murray Family Conservation Reserve: Long Swamp, please contact Trust for Nature on 1800 99 99 33 or

The following photographs show some of the landscape and flora present at this new Wetland Conservation Reserve.



FOBIF Tree exhibition moves to Newstead

Posted on 30 May, 2016 by Connecting Country

Long-leaved Box Eucalyptus goniocalyx, juvenile leaf Strangways Photo by Patrick Kavanagh September 2014

Long-leaved Box Eucalyptus goniocalyx, juvenile leaf.  From Strangways
Photo by Patrick Kavanagh, September 2014

The Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests exhibition, Trees in the Mount Alexander Region, is moving to the new Newstead Railway Arts Hub after a month at TOGS café in March.

The show in Newstead will run throughout June 2016. It will include the photos from the TOGS show and a slide show which will have at least one image from people who sent in photos for the FOBIF Flickr site after a call for photos in January. There are 25 framed photos which are all are for sale with proceeds going to FOBIF.

The Arts Hub show will be open at weekends and the Queens Birthday holiday (Monday 13 June). Opening hours are 10 am to 4 pm. The address is Dundas Street, Newstead (directly across from Railway Hotel). If you would like to view the exhibition outside these days/hours, or help with staffing the show, contact Bronwyn Silver on 5475 1089.

The opening will be at 10.30 on Saturday 4 June 2016. There will be refreshments and everyone is welcome. Bernard Slattery from FOBIF will open the show.

Death Throes Yellow Box Eucalyptus melliodora. Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve Photo by Damian Kelly, November 2015

‘Death Throes.’  Yellow Box Eucalyptus melliodora. From Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve
Photo by Damian Kelly, November 2015