Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Nature News October 2016 – Make it and wildlife will come

Posted on 4 October, 2016 by Connecting Country

For this month’s Nature News, on page 26 in this week’s Midland Express (4th October 2016) local ecologist and garden designer, Cassia Read shares come of her insights from creating a wildlife friendly garden. While Connecting Country encourages you to use locally native plants where possible, Cassia has found that all sorts of flowering plants can provide useful habitat. 


Cassia’s garden plays host to a range of local wildlife and plant species.

Striding around the corner of a friend’s Newstead house today my eyes suddenly met the steady gaze of a Grey Shrike-thrush sitting on her eggs. She’d made her home in a basket nailed to the wall, within arms-reach from where I stood. She wasn’t bothered by comings and goings of her human neighbours.

Thrush’ sing exquisite songs in my own Castlemaine garden. I was instantly inspired to hang baskets around my house to encourage more of these birds.

I am fascinated by the possibilities of gardens that meet both needs of the people and the local birds, lizards and butterflies. In these days of a changing climate, urban gardeners can support a host of local wildlife with food, shelter and water. It just takes some thought and a little time spent pottering in the garden.

In my own garden, I’m not aiming to restore bushland or even to create a picturesque bush garden. I grow fruit, veggies and some nostalgic flowers from my childhood. I welcome cool summer shade from deciduous trees. How do I balance my needs with those of wildlife?

I find comfort and direction in considering the spectrum of home garden styles in Castlemaine, ranging between easy-care concrete and bushland gardens that meld with local Box Ironbark Forest. Wherever a garden is positioned on this pavement-to-bushland spectrum, it can be nudged in a more wildlife friendly direction.

For instance, some grass provides a place for magpies to fossick where a pavement is void of life; old style flowers provide nectar for butterflies while ornamental cultivars bred for show are nectarless; a corner planting of dense shrubs is better for Blue Wrens and Thornbills than a park-like lawn that stretches from house to fence; a dry stone wall provides shelter for hibernating Marble Geckos where cemented walls are pure architecture.

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink…. Make it and wildlife will come.

Gardens with wildlife hum with energy and interest. Spotted Pardalotes dipping in a bird bath and Blue Banded Bees darting amongst the Rosemary flowers bring spontaneous joy. Today I’m planting colourful salvias for my girls to pick and Eastern Spinebills to feed on. Tomorrow I’ll scatter basking rocks for lizards. Not big steps, but nudges in a wildlife direction.

Cassia will be showcasing her garden as part of Connecting Country’s Education Program and the Mount Alexander Sustainable Living Workshop Series on Saturday the 22nd of October at 10.30am (Please note this as a correction to starting time information published in the Midland Express on October 4th).

For more information about attracting wildlife to your garden visit the “Wildlife Friendly Gardens” page of our resources section (click here).

One response to “Nature News October 2016 – Make it and wildlife will come”

  1. This is a charming article. It reminds us to seek our rewards for effort in small steps, small observations. Instead of focusing on the distance yet to travel, we should focus on the steps we’ve already made along the right path. Thank you Cassia.

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