Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Skink Shenanigans – news from our reptile and frog monitoring program

Posted on 16 February, 2017 by Asha

In 2016, Connecting Country set up a new reptile and frog monitoring program across the Mount Alexander region. With the help of 42 landholders and over 20 volunteers, we have recently finished checking the 480 monitoring tiles. These tiles make up 48 sites across the region, distributed between sites of intact woodland, revegetated woodland, and grasslands/paddocks.

We had some interesting finds under the tiles, and we’ll be sharing these results soon. Frogs, juvenile snakes, several species of skinks and many invertebrates all seemed to love living under the tiles. It was often quite a challenge to tell the species apart, especially when they move at lightning speed!  Here is a video of two skinks that we’ve seen underneath the tiles.  Can you guess what they are?

CLICK HERE to find out more about Connecting Country’s Reptile and Frog Monitoring program including links to some useful resources to help you identify some of your own discoveries. Contact Asha for more information at or (03) 5472 1594.

Connecting Country’s Reptile and Frog Monitoring Program is being undertaken with the support of the Ian Potter Foundation.

2 responses to “Skink Shenanigans – news from our reptile and frog monitoring program”

  1. Terri Williams says:

    My guess would be a Lerista bougainvillii – Bougainville Skink for at least one of them although they both had that beautiful copper colour to their tail. Boulenger’s can have the copper colour too.

  2. Kylie says:

    Possibly Large-striped Skink (Ctenotus robustus) and Bougainville’s Skink (Lerista bougainvillii)

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