Birdwatching for beginners: VNPA online guide
Posted on 22 July, 2021 by Ivan
It was nearly 12 months ago when Connecting Country delivered our ‘Birdwatching for Beginners” event, which consisted of an online learning session and a practical group session in the field. The event was a massive success, providing a solid platform for the next generation of bird-loving watchers and monitors to improve their skills and learn from experts.
We recently discovered a great online overview for beginners interested in improving their birdwatching skills, particularly given we are now in another COVID lockdown and looking for online resources. The online resource covers the topics of:
- Spotting birds
- Noticing the feature of birds
- Identifying birds
- Recording bird sightings
- Using binoculars.
Please check out the VNPA resource below, and also our Birdwatching for Beginners event by clicking here, which has some useful resources and a video of our presentation featuring local bird guru Damian Kelly.
Birdwatching really is just watching birds!
Having special gear and knowing birds really well is wonderful and can take the experience to another level, but the simple act of watching and admiring birds can make you a birdwatcher too.
One of the wonderful things about watching birds is that it brings you in to the present moment. If a bird appears, now is the time to observe it because in a moment, it could be gone.
Birding is such an engaging way to bring new excitement to your adventures in nature. If you are keen to give birdwatching a go think ‘watching birds’ as your starting point. Try the tips below to make it easier and fun.
Let’s go birding
If you are keen to give birdwatching a go, try spotting, observing and identifying 5 different species of bird on your next adventure, then you can step it up over time.
Please click on the link below, and off you go!
Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests FOBIF AGM (Online) – 9 August 2021
Posted on 22 July, 2021 by Asha
The Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (FOBIF) 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held online via Zoom on Monday 9 August 2021 at 7:30 pm.
The guest speaker will be Ian Higgins, who will talk about native peas in the region. FOBIF hopes the event will be a delayed launch for their new guide, ‘Native Peas of the Mount Alexander region’, which was released during a lockdown early this year (but still selling well!).
Nominations are now open for the FOBIF committee. You don’t need a special form to nominate. All that’s required is that you be a member, and that your nominator and seconder both be members. Nominations should preferably be sent to the Secretary before the meeting.
Members and supporters who wish to attend can register by emailing FOBIF ( We would like people to register 48 hours before the meeting. People who have registered will be sent a login link before the meeting.
Contact FOBIF for more information:
Phone: (03) 5470 5161 or 0499 624 160
What and who is FOBIF?
Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (Mt Alexander Region) was formed in 1998 by people in the local community interested in working towards highlighting the significance of the Box-Ironbark Forests and Woodlands. There are over 100 members with a committee elected yearly at the Annual General Meeting.
We believe that the health of the land is intimately linked to its vegetation cover and the wildlife it sustains: that forests, soil and water are ‘an inseparable trinity.’ That’s why we work to encourage and support sound land management practices, on private and public land.
Learn more about their work by visiting the Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests website – click here
Nest box monitoring 2021 is complete!
Posted on 19 July, 2021 by Jess
This year was a busy year for our nest boxes. Our autumn 2021 monitoring was conducted by a tenacious team of seven ladder-trained volunteers: Ann-Marie, Asha, Beth, Corey, Frances, Kerrie, and Kim. In addition, an amazing crew: Alyssa, Bev, Carla, Cate, Duncan, Euan, Greg, Helen B, Helen J, Herbz, Isis, Jacqui, Janet, Jen, Jenny, Jeremy, Jess, Kate, Mal, Matt, Nat, Paul, Rachel, Rob, Rosemary, Smiley and Xiao, did the hard yards in carrying ladders and taking notes in the field. Thanks also to Vicki, who has been a champion in the background, managing and collating incoming data into our database, and preparing and sending reports for landholders.
Together, this stellar team exceeded our goal of surveying 100 sites, and instead surveyed 116 sites – that’s 347 nest boxes! We are still carefully checking our data, but preliminary results indicate that we detected the brush-tailed phascogale in nine nest boxes, as well as phascogale nests or scats in an additional 100 nest boxes – on par with previous years of monitoring. We also detected sugar gliders (now also known as Krefft’s Glider) in 92 nest boxes, and glider nests in a further 112 nest boxes. This indicates that nest boxes in our region are being used widely used by native animals and are providing important habitat for hollow-dependent species.
Please see below a collection of happy snaps by our monitoring team – while they worked hard and in all sorts of conditions, it certainly seems like they had a good time!
Nest box monitoring 2021 was conducted with support from Bank Australia and the Wettenhall Environment Trust. We really appreciate their valuable contribution to funding our Monitoring Coordinator, in-kind support for nest box surveys, and helping us keep our nest box volunteers safe and effective with training, equipment, and transport.
Platypus mysteries to be revealed – Baringhup Landcare Group
Posted on 15 July, 2021 by Asha
See below information about Baringhup Landcare Group’s exciting upcoming event with the Australian Platypus Conservancy:
The platypus is one of the world’s most amazing animals. This furry, warm-blooded mammal lays soft-shelled eggs like a lizard, uses its bill to navigate underwater, and sorts out arguments with the help of venomous spurs. The platypus is also among the most popular of Australia’s animal icons – a great flagship species for freshwater conservation. But what about the platypus’s own environmental needs? How is the species faring in the wild? And what needs to be done to ensure that populations survive in our local rivers and creeks?
Baringhup Landcare Group has arranged for Geoff Williams from the Australian Platypus Conservancy to share his knowledge of this amazing monotreme on Tuesday 3 August 2021 at Baringhup Community Hall starting at 7.00pm. Visitors are welcome. Bookings essential (see below).
Geoff will highlight the features that make the platypus so special, explain its conservation needs and how to go about helping these animals. He’ll then give some hints on how to spot platypus in the wild and outline the possibilities of becoming involved in ‘citizen science’ programs to monitor local populations.
Geoff Williams has been studying platypus since 1994 when he helped found the Australian Platypus Conservancy, an organisation dedicated to researching platypus conservation needs. Prior to his work with the APC, Geoff was Director of Healesville Sanctuary for five years from 1988 to 1993 and, before moving to Victoria, was Assistant Director of Sydney’s Taronga Zoo from 1985 to 1988. Geoff has presented numerous public talks on platypus at venues throughout Australia, including various universities, the National Museum in Canberra and the Melbourne Museum (on behalf of Australian Geographic).
Please note: To help manage COVID restrictions please booking via or contact Di Berry using the details below. COVID limits and regulations will apply. Bookings essential.
For further information, please contact:
Baringhup Landcare:
Diane Berry (Sec) 0403 020 663
Australian Platypus Conservancy:
Geoff Williams 03 5416 1478/0419 595939
Wattles of the Mount Alexander Region – Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests
Posted on 15 July, 2021 by Ivan
We are at the beginning of wattle season, with some of the early flowering wattles already in bloom in our region. There are few things more colourful in our landscapes than the wattle blooming crazy, also often a wonderful scent accompanies. We thought it would be a good time to revisit Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forest’s (FOBIF) excellent publication, Wattles of the Mount Alexander Region. We love this guide, with excellent photographs, descriptions and information about each of the local wattles, and some interesting facts about their preferred habitat and ecological value. The book was written by Bernard Slattery, Ern Perkins and Bronwyn Silver and is a tribute to the talent of these local, knowledgeable ecologists and the FOBIF community.
Please find details below, including where to purchase and what to expect in the beautiful developed guide.
Acacia, known in Australia as wattle, is one of the largest genus of plants in the country — nearly 1000 species! Its brilliant flowers transform winter and spring landscapes. Our sporting teams wear its green and gold colours. Sprigs of wattle flowers adorn official events, and Golden Wattle is our national floral emblem.
But how many wattle species can the average citizen name and recognise?
This 112 page guide, Wattles of the Mount Alexander Region, helps the beginner to make a start. In plain language, and generously illustrated, it presents 21 species which flourish in the Mount Alexander region of central Victoria. And a general introduction explains different features of wattles, helping in identification and appreciation of these tenacious and beautiful plants.
The book is published by Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests in association with Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club and Connecting Country. The authors are Bernard Slattery, Ern Perkins and Bronwyn Silver.

Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) sample pages from ‘Wattles of the Mount Alexander region’
- Recommended Retail Price: $10.00 plus $3 postage and handling ($13)
- Price for buyers outside Australia: $18.00 (includes postage and handling)
To purchase your copy through the FOBIF website, visit
or click here to download an order form to pay by cheque or bank transfer.
Rakali sighting at Expedition Pass Reservoir
Posted on 15 July, 2021 by Ivan
The gorgeous Rakali keeps a low profile in our community, with few sightings and some misconceptions about what is often called our ‘native otter’ or ‘Australian water-rat’. The Rakali is the largest native rodent and is a very attractive animal weighing up to 1.3 kilograms – as big as a medium-sized platypus. The Rakali’s ancestors are believed to have originally dispersed to Australia from New Guinea, where several closely related species are found today.
Connecting Country has been delighted to receive a sighting and video footage of a Rakali bathing in the glorious sunshine at our local Expedition Pass Reservoir. This is hugely impressive and important, as it validates a healthy waterway and restoration works for habitat and biodiversity. The footage was taken by local Chewton legends John Ellis and Marie Jones, who have been involved in many environmental and social projects in our region over the past decades. Marie said, “We stopped at Expedition Pass Reservoir to take a photo of a plant leaf to send to my daughter this morning and a rakali came along at the place where people tend to enter the water. John luckily had his camera ready and this is the result. It made me feel as though we must be doing something right with the work we do – but then again perhaps it shows how versatile and adaptable these little creatures are!”
Please enjoy the footage below from John and Marie, uploaded to our Vimeo Channel. Further details about the Rakali and their distribution are also provided below, courtesy of the Australian Platypus Conservatory.
Rakali distribution
The scientific name of the Australian water-rat is Hydromys chrysogaster, which translates as “golden-bellied water mouse”. Early European settlers sometimes referred to this animal as a beaver rat, though it’s actually much more like an otter than a beaver in both its appearance and behaviour. Since the early 1990s the water-rat has also been referred to as Rakali – the name used by the Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal people in the lower Murray River and Coorong region of South Australia.
Rakali occupy a wide variety of natural and man-made freshwater habitats, including swamps, ponds, lakes, rivers, creeks and irrigation channels. They also inhabit brackish estuaries and sheltered ocean beaches, and may populate ephemeral rivers and lakes in inland Australia when these fill with water after periods of unusually heavy rain. They tend to be most active in places where thick grass, low-growing shrubs, reed beds or large rocks provide plenty of cover on or near the banks. As shown below, water-rats are widely distributed on both the Australian mainland and Tasmania and also inhabit many offshore islands.

Map courtesy of R. Strahan. (1995). The Mammals of Australia, 2nd edition. (Reed Books: Chatswood NSW)
Size and appearance
Adult Rakali measure up to 35 centimetres in length from their nose to rump, with a slightly shorter tail. Adult males typically weigh 0.8 kilograms (up to 1.3 kg) and adult females typically weigh 0.6 kilograms (up to 1.0 kg). Animals living in different places often vary in colour. Most commonly, the head and back will be dark brown (with golden-yellow belly fur) or a lighter shade of brown, reddish-brown or grey (with fawn- to cream-coloured belly fur). However, apart from animals born near Shark Bay in Western Australia, virtually all individuals have a distinctive white tail tip.
Rakali fur is moulted twice a year, becoming thicker in winter. Like platypus fur, it consists of fine dense underfur covered by coarser guard hairs. However, Rakali fur is much less effective than platypus fur at keeping its owner warm – Rakali cannot efficiently maintain their body temperature in water below 20°C and therefore need to exit colder water periodically in order to warm up in a burrow or other sheltered site.
Please click on the link below for further images and details about the Rakali:
Online event: ‘The Sleepy Lizard’, Friday 9 July 7.30pm
Posted on 8 July, 2021 by Ivan
Our friends at Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club are hosting a wonderful online event called ‘Behavioural ecology of the Sleepy Lizard: when life gets tough, monogamy has its advantages’
The event is via the Zoom platform and features guest speaker, Dr Greg Kerr, from the Nature Glenelg Trust. Greg will be talking about the Shingleback or Stumpytail Lizard, also known as the Sleepy Lizard, and its unique behaviour and habitat requirements.
Please read on for details from Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club website.
Monthly Meeting – Friday 9 July, 7.30pm, by Zoom
Guest speaker: Dr Greg Kerr, Nature Glenelg Trust
“Behavioural ecology of the Sleepy Lizard: when life gets tough, monogamy has its advantages”
Victorians will know the Sleepy Lizard as the Shingleback or Stumpytail. For our July monthly meeting, Dr Greg Kerr, Senior Ecologist, Nature Glenelg Trust, will give fascinating new insight into the social behaviour of this species. In mammal and bird species there are many advantages of monogamy, particularly where parental care is critical to successful reproduction.
Sleepy lizards are socially monogamous and a male will closely follow a female for many weeks prior to mating. Greg’s research into the behavioural ecology of sleepy lizards leads to a rejection of the old idea that males are guarding the females, but rather suggests that it is the female who wears the pants in this relationship!
The meeting will be held by Zoom. If you have not joined earlier webinars and wish to attend, please email Peter Turner at
Seeking birdwatchers for surveys in 2021
Posted on 6 July, 2021 by Jess
Connecting Country’s bird monitoring program allows us to see if all our hard work restoring habitat is actually making a difference, and to assess the status of our woodland birds in the Mount Alexander region of Central Victoria. Back in 2010, with help from experts, we carefully set up a bird monitoring program at selected locations across the region. Every year we go back to survey theses sites, providing valuable information to guide future decisions.
These days, our surveys are done entirely by volunteers – our community champions.
We’re now looking for more people local to the Mount Alexander area to be part of this program and assist with our bird surveys.
To be involved in this program you will need to:
- Be able to confidently identify bird species in the Mount Alexander area by sight as well as from their call
- Have a reasonable level of fitness and able to traverse rough ground
- Know how to conduct a 2 ha 20 min area search (we can help with this)
- Liaise with private landholders
- Be comfortable navigating to and from survey sites using a GPS on your phone (we can help with this)
- Attend an online induction
- Follow safety protocols and adhere to current COVID-19 restrictions
We will support you, and can provide training on conducting surveys and navigation if required. However, having great bird ID skills is essential.
If you’re keen to be involved please email Jess Lawton (Monitoring Coordinator) including a brief description of any experience you have with bird identification and surveys, and a phone number:
Jess will then get in touch to discuss and provide more information.
Victorian Landcare Awards – nominations close Sunday 11 July
Posted on 6 July, 2021 by Jacqui
Nominations for the 2021 Victorian Landcare Awards close this Sunday 11 July.
In 2019, local winners were celebrated at Government House in Melbourne. They included:
- Malmsbury District Landcare Group – Winner of the Australian Community Media Landcare Community Group Award.
- Harcourt Valley Landcare Group – Highly Commended for the Australian Community Media Landcare Community Group Award.
- Ian Grenda – Highly Commended for the Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award.
Read on to find out more about the Victorian and National Categories.
About the 2021 Victorian Landcare Awards
The State and Territory Landcare Awards are coordinated nationally by Landcare Australia, with each state and territory coordinating their own awards ceremony. The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning through the Victorian Landcare Program coordinates the Victorian Landcare Awards ceremony.
In addition to the eight national award categories, Victoria awards additional categories which are independently sponsored at a state level.
The Awards are a celebration of the significant work undertaken by groups, networks and individuals who contribute their time and care to the conservation of Victoria’s land, water and biodiversity.
The Victorian Government is proud to support and celebrate the efforts of those environmental volunteers who are working to the protect our land, water and wildlife, and the communities who love and depend of them.
Nominations close 11 July 2021. To submit your application – please visit
- Dr Sidney Plowman Travel and Study Award ($4,000)
- Heather Mitchell Memorial Fellowship ($4,000)
- Environmental Youth Action Scholarship ($2,000)
- Landcare Network Award ($500)
- Environmental Volunteering Award ($500)
- Urban Landcare Award ($500)
- Joan Kirner Landcare Award ($1,000)
- Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award ($500)
- Australian Government Partnerships for Landcare Award ($500)
- Australian Government Landcare Farming Award ($500)
- Coastcare Award ($500)
- Landcare Community Group Award ($500)
- Woolworths Junior Landcare Team Award ($500)
- Indigenous Land Management Award ($500)
- Young Landcare Leader Award ($500)
Castlemaine Copper Butterfly upends city rail plan
Posted on 1 July, 2021 by Ivan
Our beautiful Eltham Copper Butterfly (aka Castlemaine Copper Butterfly, as we do have the largest population in the world!) has been in the news again! The Endangered butterfly has been discovered next to a suburban railway near Eltham, VIC, and has triggered a change in the large railway infrastructure project, to ensure the population is not threatened. The Age newspaper featured a large writeup on the community discovery and subsequent revision of the railway project, due to the Endangered listing of the butterfly under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
The Eltham Copper Butterfly is a small and attractive butterfly with bright copper colouring on the tops of its wings visible during the summer flight season. Connecting Country has been a strong advocate for the further protection of the butterfly and has facilitated surveys in our region and hosted educational events to engage our community of the importance of our regions populations. For more information about the butterfly, and why we love this fascinating beauty, click here.
Some interesting butterfly facts:
- This unusual species has a close symbiotic association with a group of ants from the genus Notoncus and the shrub Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa).
- Adult butterflies lay their eggs on the roots and stems of Sweet Bursaria. Once the eggs hatch, the ants guard the caterpillars (providing protection from predators), ushering the larvae to and from the ant nest at the base of the shrub, to feed on the Sweet Bursaria leaves at night. In return the ants feed on the sugar secretions exuded from the body of the caterpillar.
- The butterfly prefers open flight paths and receiving direct sunlight. It likes vegetation with an open middle and understorey.
- Castlemaine region has the largest known population in the world, with suitable habitat and woodlands. Fire is the major threat to this species, as well as loss of habitat.
The full article courtesy of The Age website is below, a good example of how community and citizen science can ensure better protection of remaining populations.
Butterfly flaps its wings in Montmorency – and upends $530m rail plan
Hundreds of metres of new railway tracks promised by the Andrews government in Melbourne’s north-east will no longer be built to save an endangered butterfly species.
The $530 million track duplication on the Hurstbridge line was promised before the 2018 state election. The upgrade would benefit commuters in two marginal, Labor-held seats of Eltham and Yan Yean.
The project involved duplicating about three kilometres of a single-track section between Greensborough and east of Montmorency station, and a separate 1.5 kilometre stretch between Diamond Creek and Wattle Glen.
Work started on the project late last year but was paused after a local spotted the endangered Eltham copper butterfly in remnant bushland near Montmorency station in January.
This prompted the Level Crossing Removal Authority to alert the federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment about the discovery.
The state government looked set to face a lengthy environmental approvals process to proceed with the works. Instead, the government ditched a section of its planned duplication that would have cut through the butterfly habitat.

Jane Oldfield and Damian Magner, who spotted the endangered butterfly in remnant bushland near Montmorency station in January (photo: The Age)
Under the revised plan, 950 metres of the rail line will no longer be duplicated east of Montmorency station on the Eltham side — where the butterfly habitat is located.
Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan said the government had to act quickly to ensure it was following federal environmental legislation.
“We’re already hard at work delivering the Hurstbridge line duplication through this growing part of Melbourne and very soon residents will benefit from more frequent and reliable services,” she said.
The Eltham copper butterfly, which is nationally listed as endangered, is found only at several sites around Eltham and in isolated spots in Castlemaine, Bendigo and Kiata, near Nhill. It was considered extinct from the 1950s, until it was rediscovered in Eltham in 1986.
Montmorency resident Damian Magner, who spotted the butterfly in February, said it was great news that it would be spared. But he said had the government carried out proper environmental assessments before starting the project, instead of relying on residents’ intervention, “they wouldn’t have ended up in this awful mess with egg all over their faces.
“It’s appalling that local residents have had to step in and protect this crucial butterfly habitat, when multiple Victorian state and federal government agencies should have been aware of it from the beginning. They never bothered to look.”
The government counters that it had carried out all necessary environmental assessments and there was no sign of the butterfly before they were sighted in early 2021.
The government says the revised design will not reduce the service frequency it originally promised: a train on average every seven minutes from Greensborough and every 10 minutes from Montmorency and Eltham. This is due to additional signalling and power works that will now be rolled out.
Any changes to the cost of the works being carried out by an alliance of Acciona, Coleman Rail, WSP and Metro Trains Melbourne will not be significant, the government says.
Major construction is to start early next year and will be finished in late 2022. The butterfly habitat will be fenced off while the works are under way.
Public Transport Users Association spokesman Daniel Bowen said the government had to ensure no services would be sacrificed. “It certainly does compromise the duplication and they do need to make sure the rest of the project is optimised to reduce train delays,” he said.
The federal Environment Department said substantial civil or criminal penalties would apply to any person who carried out work that posed significant impact to a nationally endangered species without the proper approvals in place.
Tricky birds: revisiting Thornbills
Posted on 1 July, 2021 by Ivan
In August 2020, Connecting Country collaborated with birding experts Geoff Park and Chris Tzaros for our much-anticipated event, ‘Tricky Birds of central Victoria with Geoff Park and Chris Tzaros’. This online free event sold out with 500 bookings recorded the day before the event. We were absolutely thrilled to host this event with Geoff and Chris, who shared their tips for birding in central Victoria.
Geoff covered tips on raptor identification and Chris focused on the tricky topic of identifying thornbills of central Victoria, followed by an hour of interactive panel discussion and a chance to ask the experts those tricky bird watching questions. Both of the presentations were delivered with the passion and precision you would expect from leading bird experts and outstanding photographers, with many beautiful images and helpful tips about identifying these look-a-like birds that can be difficult to distinguish.
To get some further tips on identifying Thornbills, you may like to visit Geoff Park’s recent posts below, through his much-loved Natural Newstead blog. This recently published three-part blog series, is an absolute treat for anyone who loves birds, highlighting a variety of thornbill species. It features stunning photographs and an excellent overview of the tricky thornbills. Please find the three blogs below:
To see the ‘Tricky Birds’ presentations (PDF) delivered by Geoff Park and Chris Tzaros and discover more about the Connecting Country event, please click on the link below. We sure did learn a lot and the audience was thrilled to see these two leading bird ecologists provide valuable identification skills for tricky birds.
Whistling Kite surprises with phascogale catch
Posted on 30 June, 2021 by Ivan
(warning: graphic content of predator and prey)
Our region of central Victoria is home to numerous raptors, particularly in the vast plains to the north and west of Castlemaine, where species such as Whistling Kite, Black Kite, Brown Falcon, Kestrel and Black-shouldered Kite hunt the plains and farmland. Raptors are near the top of the avian food chain and feed on a variety of mice, rats, birds and native marsupials, as well as various roadkill species. They are excellent hunters, as well scavengers, and are often seen perched on dead trees and fences, eyeing off prey in the grasslands and pastures.
Local ecologist and author Damien Kelly has produced an excellent overview of raptors in our region. To view – click here
We were surprised by recently discovering a collection of images from a local resident, which showed a Whistling Kite grasping a captured Brush-Tailed Phascogale (Tuan). The photos show the brutal reality of the food chain and the incredible hunting skills of the Whistling kite. The photographs were taken by Helen McGeachin, and have been published here with her permission. Helen took the photographs a few years ago (June 2013) when she was working in her workshop in Elmtree Lane, Chewton VIC and looked up to see the kite (with poor little Tuan in hand ), which had landed on a nearby fence post.
The Whistling Kite is a medium-sized raptor (bird of prey) with a shaggy appearance. It has a light brown head and underparts, with pale streaks, and dark sandy-brown wings with paler undersides. The underwings have a characteristic pale ‘M’ shape when open. The head and body are relatively narrow and the tail is rounded. The wings are long and well-rounded, with a wingspan of 120 cm to 145 cm.
They are often seen near water or around farms, soaring in a lazy circling flight pattern. The distinctive call of the Whistling Kite is, unsurprisingly, a clear whistle, which begins by descending down the scale, followed by an up-scale staccato chatter, given by birds as they fly overhead or when perched. During the non-breeding season, they mainly eat carrion, but during the breeding season, they take live prey, especially rabbits and hares, as well as fish, reptiles, birds, small mammals and invertebrates. They sometimes attend fires to catch fleeing prey, and they may steal food from other birds of prey.
To hear the call of the Whistling Kite – click here
Nature journaling with BirdLife Castlemaine – Saturday 3 July 2021
Posted on 24 June, 2021 by Ivan
Here is a great opportunity to practice some nature journaling through our much loved BirdLife Castlemaine District branch, exploring the natural world through art and creativity. The location will be the woodlands around the popular Crusoe Reservoir, near Kangaroo Flat, Bendigo VIC. We rarely find the time to connect deeply to landscapes in the ever-increasing realm of busyness, so here lies the perfect opportunity!
Please read on for details provided by BirdLife Castlemaine.
For inspiring photos of the wildlife spotted at the reservoir and surrounds, visit the excellent website of Friends of Crusoe Reservoir – click here
Nature journaling – Saturday 3 July 2021
Join some nature-loving creatives and aspiring creatives and explore the natural world through your chosen medium … which can be whatever you want. We will be in the bush seeking inspiration from the natural world, both from the plant and animal kingdoms.

A beautiful drawing of an Eastern Yellow Robin, that Ash Vigus is currently working on (photo: Jane Rusden)
All ages and abilities are welcome.
11:30 am – 1:30 pm, 3 July
Crusoe Reservoir carpark, Kangaroo Flat, Bendigo VIC
From Castlemaine. Calder Hwy (A79) then turn left into Furness Street (Harvey Norman is on the corner). Go to the end of Furness Street then turn left into Crusoe Road. Crusoe Reservoir is 500 metres on the left. We meet in the car park there.
From Maldon. Bendigo – Maldon Road (C283) then left onto Calder Alternate Hwy. After 850 metres turn right onto Crusoe Road. After 6.7 km, Crusoe Reservoir is on the right. We meet in the car park there.
There are toilets just inside the entrance, near the carpark.
Be prepared to walk a short distance on flat ground, to find a good spot to settle and create.
Bring something to sit on, lunch, water or flask, very warm clothing, binoculars if you want and have them, and most importantly, your creative materials – pen, paper, pencils, paint, camera, or whatever you need to get creative in nature. Guide books could be helpful to identify plants and animals.
You may like to join our bird walk at 9 am at the same location. For details of all our events – click here
BirdLife Castlemaine District
Bird of the month: Galah
Posted on 23 June, 2021 by Ivan
Welcome to our sixteenth Bird of the month, a partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District. Each month we’re taking a close look at one special local bird species. We’re excited to join forces to deliver you a different bird each month, seasonally adjusted, and welcome suggestions from the community. We are lucky to have the talented and charismatic Jane Rusden from BirdLife Castlemaine District writing about our next bird of the month, with assistance from the brilliant Damian Kelly.
Galah (Eolophus roseicapilla)
Recently I had the absolute pleasure of visiting Nature Foundation’s property, Witchelina Nature Reserve, near Marree in South Australia and I highly recommend making the effort to visit. Whilst there I saw desert birds that Victorians get very excited about because their ranges don’t extend this far south. These are birds we rarely see and birds we commonly see, like the Galah. This bird is either overlooked or labelled a destroyer of crops, but lights up in clear desert light showing off the most stunning pink face and body.
Cockatoos are known to be very intelligent the world over, and this includes the Galah. They have readily adapted to altered habitats such as farmland, particularly cropping, with accompanying water sources. I saw them at Witchelina utilising open woodland and mallee, with the exception of the driest areas. They can often be seen in mixed flocks with both Corella species and Sulphur Crested Cockatoos, feeding on any area of open ground.
However, Galahs have also learned to utilise tall forests and coastal areas, a seemingly far cry from their original dry interior ranges. Interestingly, while the Galah was known rarely in Tasmania, there is now an expanded breeding population. In another example of the ability of this species to move vast distances, in 1966 in response to drought, a flock of Galahs moved from inland areas to Maroochydore in Queensland, where they now reside and breed. Its wide distribution and abundance positions the Galah as perhaps the most successful member of the cockatoo family.
Due to their adaptability, Galahs have landed in the crosshairs of parties with grievances towards them. This is an extra sad dilemma as they form permanent pair bonds for the life of a bird and have complex social structures. They will often use the same nest in a tree hollow year after year, rearing young who remain dependent for several months in the nest, then another month in a creche, still being feed by their parents.
On a lighter note, studies have shown their love of what humans call mischief. Galahs can undo bindings on grain bags for a free feed, will play and swing on wires, roll down inclines and play with objects using their feet, while lying on their backs. To bathe they love to hang upside down with their wings out, in the rain. No wonder the slang for a person being a bit of a goof is ‘you’re a Galah!’
To listen to the call of the Galah, please visit Graeme Chapman’s website – click here
A big thank you to contributors to this edition of Bird of the Month – Jane Rusden and Damian Kelly – for their amazing knowledge and skills.
Wheel Cactus community field day – Sunday 27 June 2021
Posted on 23 June, 2021 by Ivan
Old and new volunteers alike are invited to Tarrangower Cactus Control Group’s next Community Field Day on Sunday 27 June 2021.
Read on for more details from the Cactus Warriors.
The morning’s activities begin at 10:30 am and end with a delicious BBQ lunch and friendly chat around 12:30 pm. We supply all the necessary equipment, so please come and join us for a rewarding morning in the outdoors. Just make sure you wear sturdy boots and long pants and sleeves for protection.
The location for this field day is at the eastern end of Bells Lane, Eastville VIC. To get there, head north out of Maldon along Bridgewater Rd. for 9 km, then turn right into Murphys Rd. Drive another 3 km and turn right into Bells Lane, and you’ll find us another 1.5 km along, on the side of the road in Bells Lane. The route will be well marked with our ‘cactus’ boards.
These events are COVID restriction-compliant and family-friendly, but children must be accompanied by a parent at all times. If you have any queries or want to see a map for directions, please go to our website
Location: Bells Lane, Eastville VIC
15 km from Maldon via Bridgewater and Murphys Roads
Date: Sunday 27 June 2021
Time: 10.30 am to 12.30 pm
The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group Inc. (TCCG) consists of Landcare volunteers dedicated to the eradication of Wheel Cactus (Opuntia robusta). TCCG, in conjunction with Parks Victoria, holds friendly and informal Wheel Cactus Control community field days to inform and demonstrate control techniques, on the last Sunday of the month from May to October. These field days always end with a free BBQ lunch, cuppa and cake and the opportunity to chat, exchange ideas and make contacts. It is a great opportunity to spend a rewarding morning outdoors, meeting neighbours and others who are concerned about preserving our unique environment. Everyone is welcome, no previous experience is required and all equipment is supplied. View the video below to catch the ‘cactus warriors’ in action.
How to identify and record deer sightings – Friday 25 June 2021 online
Posted on 23 June, 2021 by Frances
There is no doubt that feral deer have increased their distribution and impacts in central Victoria over the past decade. We have seen a sharp increase in sightings from our community and have had many conversations about their detrimental impacts on our native forests and woodlands.
Deer facts:
- Feral deer are becoming a major pest species in Victoria.
- There are six species across Australia (red, fallow, rusa, sambar, chital and hog).
- Their numbers are increasing.
- Local authorities need your help to map populations and report problems.
- Everyone is encouraged to report all sightings.
- For more information on the potential distributions of the six feral deer species – click here
We recently received the following message from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DEWLP) regarding a training session on Friday 25 June 2021 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. Online.
Please read on for information about how to join DELWP’s online event.
How to identify and record deer sightings: DEWLP
Dr Chris Davies from the Australian Deer Association will present the training.
Topics covered will include deer species, habitat preferences, behaviour and sign.
Chris will also cover the use of the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas Go data collection tool.
For those who aren’t able to participate due to the short notice of next Friday’s event, or others that may want to undertake the training through your networks we will schedule further training with more notification time.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+61 3 7019 2540,,322444677# Australia, Melbourne
1800 571 208,,322444677# Australia (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 322 444 677#
Putting a dollar figure on threatened species
Posted on 16 June, 2021 by Ivan
We are both lucky and unlucky to have our share of threatened species calling our region of central Victoria home. Plants and animals are driven to the edge for a variety of reasons. Habitat loss and invasive species are recognised as the two largest factors in species decline and extinction. The Mount Alexander region offers a safe haven for some species, but also an abundance of invasive weeds and pest animals.
If money rules the world (which we hope it doesn’t!), then perhaps we need a dollar value to represent threatened species and their plight for survival.
Thankfully, a major research project has explored putting a dollar figure on threatened species. Dr Ram Pandit of the University of Western Australia (UWA), Dr Kerstin Zander of Charles Darwin University (CDU), and their colleagues are taking a close look at how people value threatened species, with some surprising and heartening results.
To learn more, please read the following article, provided courtesy of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub.
To read the full article on the Threatened Species Recovery Hub website – click here
The economics of threatened species
What price persistence? Dr Ram Pandit of the University of Western Australia (UWA), Dr Kerstin Zander of Charles Darwin University (CDU), and several researchers from both UWA and CDU are taking a close look at how people value threatened species, with some surprising – and heartening – results. Here they share their insights into what it means to Australians to avert extinction of vulnerable species.
There is a common misconception that economics is about money. It is not. Economics is the science of allocating scarce resources and making decisions – whether about allocating money or anything else. The total economic value of something includes not just how much money one can get for it on the open market but many other values that do not involve money at all. Dollar values help people understand the worth of something in monetary terms, but they are only one small part of the story in making decisions.
The value of persistence
Threatened species illustrate this point beautifully. The fact that you cannot trade boggomoss snails does not mean that Australian people do not value them. Most respondents will never get the tiniest monetary gain from the snail’s persistence – they will never sell one, eat one, photograph one or visit one of the few boggy mossy springs where they persist in Queensland’s Dawson Valley. Yet, respondents to our species-specific surveys said they were willing to pay around $47 per year to make sure boggomoss snails are not lost forever, with 69% of respondents willing in principle to pay something for the snail to survive. Multiplied across the country’s population, that’s a pretty high existence value. Even when respondents had to choose how much they are willing to pay among three or five threatened species, they were willing to give $0.33 and $0.20 per year, respectively, to make sure the snail no longer qualifies for the threatened species list.

The Critically Endangered boggomoss snail is found only in the Dawson River catchment, in the Brigalow Belt Bioregion of Queensland (photo: John Stanisic)
In fact, what we discovered was that the dollar value of a species increases substantially as it approaches extinction. That effectively says that threatened species are beyond dollar value. This was consistent with another of our surveys, in which 70% of respondents thought extinction should be prevented regardless of the cost. Some might think that impractical – except that the US Endangered Species Act aims “to halt and reverse the trend toward species extinction, whatever the cost”, as the US Supreme Court put it.
That’s not to say that people do not value some species more than others. So long as extinction is avoided, the amount people would be willing to pay for conservation varied by species. In contrast to general perception that birds and charismatic species are valued more than the others, we found that charisma-challenged species like skinks are also valued highly. In our multiple species valuation study, we found that people are willing to pay $3.12 per year to conserve the great desert skink and about $0.37 per year to conserve the eastern bristlebird. We also assessed the community’s values for threatened ecosystems like salt pans ($0.10/year) or Sandstone Shrubland Complex ($0.93/year). Much of our research was quite new – nowhere in the world have multiple species been assessed simultaneously, ecological communities been valued, or anyone tried to uncover the community’s values for anything other than high-profile species.

The Christmas Island blue-tailed skink would be extinct if not for the time and care of dedicated staff and captive breeding facilities provided by Parks Australia and Taronga Park Zoo (photo: Parks Australia)
As a result, we can work out some general rules for determining a species’ non-market value that will help policy-makers estimate the cost to the public if a development increases the probability of species extinction, or the benefits that can arise from habitat restoration. Such values represent the benefits to society of conserving species, and help to make decisions about species conservation while considering the costs.
Management – and trust
In another study, we assessed how the worth of threatened species was affected by their management. We asked whether people would pay less if a species were kept in a zoo, if feral animals were killed as a part of threat management or if a species’ genetic makeup were managed to avoid inbreeding effects. Somewhat to our surprise, the killing of feral animals was embraced by a large proportion of respondents. They were more cautious about genetic management, but only actually opposed active manipulation of genes.
In all the valuation studies, what came through was a trust of the scientists. If scientists were concerned a species might go extinct, and proposed a process to make sure that would not happen, most respondents were willing to make a contribution. As we know, such trust places a great responsibility on those who are trusted, and can easily be lost.

Saving a species can require a major long-term commitment.
The bridled nail-tail wallaby was widespread across eastern Australia at the time of European arrival, but foxes, cats and land clearing drove major declines. The species was thought extinct until a single small population was found in central Queensland in 1973. To prevent the extinction of the species, Taunton National Park (Scientific) was established at the site and feral predator control and other conservation actions have been put in place since that time to conserve and support its recovery. Image: Nicolas Rakotopare / Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service
On the money
A final part of our work did also look at the monetary economy and threatened species. For instance, many species may survive only if they are kept in zoos or behind large fences. To help planning for such expenditure, the country’s zoos provided estimates of the costs of keeping different types of animals – and mammals and birds are much more expensive to keep than other, smaller animals. We costed the different types of fencing that are increasingly being erected to protect native mammals from feral predators. For a sample of species, we also calculated the institutional costs of threatened species management. Rangers erecting nest boxes can only do their job if there are people in offices arranging their weekly pay or training them how to climb trees. Such costs are almost never calculated in threatened species budgets, which fall short as a result.
However, not all costs are outlays. Threatened species managers often live in rural and remote communities; their children go to local schools; they buy food from the local shops. For every dollar invested in such a community, there are flow-on benefits in terms of jobs and local investment. That information is being fed into an analysis of threat management needs across the country to allow calculation of at least some of the monetary benefits that communities can derive from hosting threatened species and their managers.
Economic analysis is critical to most policy-making by government. Our work aims to ensure that the very real values Australians place on threatened species, the values that explain the existence of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub, and of the legislation aimed at protecting threatened species, are given a seat at the decision-making table. If boggomoss snails could cheer, we are sure they would.
Further information
Ram Pandit
Kerstin Zander
Stephen Garnett
Threatened Species Recovery Hub
Platypus encounters: make your sightings count
Posted on 16 June, 2021 by Ivan
We love our most unusual mammal, the platypus, and are lucky enough to have some low but viable populations in the rivers and waterways of central Victoria, including our very own Campbells Creek. Monitoring key species can teach us about the health of local ecosystems and alert us to changes in the environment.
Our friends at the Australian Platypus Conservancy encourage all community members to report all platypus sightings via the APC website, which will then feed the data into the national biodiversity databases. This is vitally important for decision-makers and funding bodies. Please read on for details from APC regarding the importance of reporting platypus sightings and how to complete this task.
To learn more about the Australian Platypus Conservancy – click here
To read the May 2021 issue of ‘Platypus News & Views’, the APC newsletter – click here

The platypus is listed as ‘Near Threatened’ in Australia and on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List (photo: APC)
Make your sightings count
Recent efforts to assess the platypus’s national conservation status have highlighted the value of having a reliable set of platypus sightings records that can be used to help analyse population trends across the species’ range.
Backed by considerable federal funding, the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) was launched in 2010 with the worthy aim of consolidating reliable Australian flora and fauna records from available sources – including state and territory wildlife databases, museum records and ‘citizen science’ sightings reported directly to ALA or via co-operating online platforms.
The Australian Platypus Conservancy began routinely recording the details of platypus sightings made by its own staff or other persons in 1994, and extended this program to include reports of rakali (aka Australian water-rats) in 2004. All of the APC’s past records for both species have now been shared with ALA, with more recent reports uploaded on a regular quarterly basis. Around 21% of the approximately 13,500 platypus records currently held by ALA (dating back to the 1830s) have been contributed by the Conservancy. Likewise, the Conservancy has provided just over 27% of the nearly 8,000 rakali records held by ALA dating back to the 1840s.
As shown below, the Conservancy’s contribution to national wildlife reporting has also grown through time, comprising 46.5% of platypus records (left pie chart) and 50.5% of rakali records (right pie chart) held by ALA for the period from 2010 to 2019. This partly reflects the success of APC initiatives specifically designed to boost the number of reported sightings, such as the community-based visual surveys for rakali carried out in Victoria in 2016/17 and the ACT in 2018/19 (supported by the Wettenhall Environment Trust) and the campaign to obtain platypus sightings in the Goulburn River catchment conducted in partnership with the Goulburn Broken CMA in 2018/19.
These projects, featuring public information sessions and extensive media coverage, boosted sightings not only in the nominated time period but also in subsequent years. They thereby provide a model of how useful additional sightings records can be harvested cost-effectively for the national database.
Importantly, the Conservancy has always accepted that an essential aspect of recording platypus and rakali sightings for posterity is to identify reports that are likely to be in error. In some cases, details of an animal’s appearance or behaviour may apparently differ from those of the species nominated in the report. Other records may be suspect due to a species having been seen at a location well outside its current known range. To resolve these discrepancies, a Conservancy biologist immediately contacts whoever made the report for more information – e.g., the distance to the animal, length of time it was observed, prevailing light conditions and whether it was seen by more than one observer – to provide a factual basis for assessing the sighting’s merit.
Although visual records certainly have some limitations when used to characterise a species’ distribution and status, they nonetheless are of real interest. We therefore encourage anyone lucky enough to see a platypus or rakali in the wild to report the details via the APC website ( so this information can be added to the national database.
Australian Platypus Conservancy
Environmental volunteer managers forum – 28 & 29 July 2021
Posted on 16 June, 2021 by Frances
We treasure our environmental volunteers and the amazing work they do in our region to restore and rebalance our landscapes for generations to come. We have clocked over 11,000 volunteer hours at Connecting Country, since beginning in 2007, and could not continue without our volunteer network.
The Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DEWLP) is developing a forum for Environmental Volunteer Managers (EVM), which might be of interest to some of our community and stakeholders. Please see the details, which highlight Victoria’s first statewide ideas exchange and professional development opportunity designed especially for professional environmental volunteer managers.
EVM Grow – Connect, learn, share – save the date
Launch webinar: 22 July 2021, 2:00-3:00 pm
Forum: 28 & 29 July 2021, 9:30 am-1:30 pm
EVM Grow provides an opportunity for Victoria’s professional Environmental Volunteer Managers (EVMs) to connect, learn from each other and share successes and challenges.
Join us to strengthen our professional community of practice with a focus on program and sector level opportunities and collaboration.
What is EVM Grow?
It’s a virtual event featuring an online forum and hub for you to connect, learn and share.
Learn from expert presenters, trainers, and EVM colleagues over two half-days at the EVM Grow forum. Continue your connections and collaboration on our EVM hub – a month-long interactive opportunity to exchange ideas, resources and collaborate with your peers.
Don’t miss the one-hour introductory launch webinar on 22 July.
Who is it for?
It’s for professional environmental volunteer managers (EVMs) across Victoria, in paid positions in local or state government departments and agencies, and the not-for-profit and community sector.
Registration will be opening very soon! Do you know other environmental volunteer managers who may be interested in EVM Grow? Please forward this email on and encourage them to join the EVM Grow mailing list for registration information and updates.
Join the EVM Grow mailing list – click here
For more information about EVM Grow, email the Environmental Volunteering Action Group at
Created by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s Environmental Volunteer Action Group, EVM Grow is Victoria’s first statewide ideas exchange and professional development opportunity designed especially for professional environmental volunteer managers.
Loddon Mallee climate ready plan 2021 – last chance to have your say
Posted on 10 June, 2021 by Ivan
Adapt Loddon Mallee is keen to hear feedback from the community on their recently drafted Climate Ready Plan, which aims to ensure the Loddon Mallee region is climate-ready, thriving and prosperous. The ADAPT Loddon Mallee network brings together people from all walks of life across the region to learn, share knowledge, and build networks to support communities in becoming climate-ready.
There is no doubt climate change is one of the greatest challenges ever faced by society, natural landscapes, and our native plants and animals. Despite the efforts of governments, community groups and individuals, it is certain we will experience a trend of warmer and drier conditions here in central Victoria, with erratic and unstable weather patterns. Adapting to these changes and providing resilient landscapes and communities is a vital step in being climate-ready.
Adapt Loddon Mallee is inviting feedback on their draft Climate Ready Plan for our region. Please read on for details from Adapt Loddon Mallee about how to provide feedback on the draft plan.

Connecting Country has been regenerating the landscape, with the added benefit of carbon capture, for over a decade (photo by Connecting Country)
What is ADAPT Loddon Mallee?
Climate change impacts are already being felt in communities across the region. The pressure is being felt in sectors like local water, food production, and health and wellbeing.
While it is important that we all take steps to reduce our emissions to mitigate against further future climate impacts, such as embracing renewable energy, we also need to reduce our current and future vulnerability by taking adaptation action.
The ADAPT Loddon Mallee network brings together people from all walks of life across the region to learn, share knowledge, and build networks to support communities in becoming climate ready.
Adapting to climate change involves taking practical actions to manage current impacts and future risks to build resilient communities and systems across the region.
Successful adaptation is a shared responsibility. Individuals, communities, businesses and governments at all levels have a part to play. The challenge is too big to anyone to act alone – to ensure thriving communities in the future we need to work together.
ADAPT Loddon Mallee will focus on the following areas under three categories identified in the 2018 Regional Gap Analysis:
- People: Traditional Owners, youth, elderly, and volunteers.
- Places: Small townships, rural cities, places of natural and cultural significance.
- Sectors: Agriculture, biodiversity (flora and fauna), manufacturing, tourism, and health and human services.
Climate Ready Plan
ADAPT Loddon Mallee want to hear from you on what’s important in climate change adaptation in the Loddon Mallee region for the next five years.
To read the draft plan and provide comments, please – click here
Thanks kindly
ADAPT Loddon Mallee