We need your help! Mapping our old trees of central Victoria
Posted on 28 February, 2023 by Ivan
We are excited to announce the arrival of our new mapping portal, that aims to assist community citizen scientists to map the old, and often large, trees of central Victoria. The interactive mapping portal is part of Connecting Country’s larger project, ‘Regenerate before it’s too late‘ which aims to engage the community on the importance of old trees across the landscape and how to protect them. Within the mapping portal you will also find an updated species list that will assist with the identification process of the large old trees.
Over the next three years (2023 – 2025), we will continue to host community workshops and develop engagement resources such as the mapping portal and a video. We will also work with local landholders to implement practical on-ground actions to protect their large old trees and ensure the next generation of large old trees across the landscape.
The community, including landholders, Landcarers and land managers, will be vital in mapping their favourite old trees across our region. Anyone can access Connecting Country’s new online mapping portal. The portal uses BioCollect, an advanced but simple-to-use data collection tool developed by the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) and its collaborators. BioCollect helps users collect field biodiversity data for their own projects, while allowing the data to be easily copied into the ALA, where it can be publicly available for others to use in research, policy and management. This allows individual projects to collectively contribute to a larger science database.
We need your help!
The mapping portal is now open for any community member to record the old trees in your area. You will need to register with the Atlas of Living Australia (its easy and free), then upload a photo and enter the field details needed for the survey. The portal will ask you simple questions about the tree location, size, species, age (if known), health status and habitat value.
To record your large old tree, or view the field survey questions and required measurements – click here
By recording large old trees you will help build our understanding of the large old trees in our region, and contribute to the largest biodiversity database in our country. As the database grows, you can also access the portal to learn about other wonderful large old trees in our area and view the photos.
Trees can be tricky to identify, especially eucalypts. If you are unsure about the identification of the tree species, you can:
- Use the to iNaturalist app to assist with identification – click here
- Refer to a good guidebook, like those published by Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests – click here
- Visit the Castlemaine Flora website – click here
We are most grateful for our generous project support from the Ian & Shirley Norman Foundation. The foundation aims ‘To encourage and support organisations that are capable of responding to social and ecological opportunities and challenges.’ To learn more about Ian & Shirley Norman Foundation – click here
Clean up Australia Day: 5 March 2023
Posted on 21 February, 2023 by Hadley Cole
Clean Up Australia Day is an annual nationwide event focussed on empowering local communities to clean up, fix up and conserve the natural environment. This year Clean Up Australia Day will be held on Sunday 5 March 2023. You can register your local clean-up event on the Clean Up Australia Day website – click here
To find events happening near you – click here
Local Landcare and friends groups of the Mount Alexander/ Leanganook region often host a Clean Up Australia Day event. Please see below for a list of local events happening across the region. You can also get in touch with your local Landcare group to see if they are hosting a 2023 event by finding your local group on the Connecting Country website – click here
Friends of Campbells Creek 15th annual clean-up event:
Help to clean up rubbish along the creeks and trails, followed by a social morning tea.
Where: Meet at the bus shelter next to Winters Flat Footbridge, Johnstone Street (Midland Highway), Castlemaine VIC
When: Sunday 5 March 2023, 8.00 am – 10.00 pm
What to bring: Hats, gloves, sturdy clothing, enclosed boots/shoes, sun protection, a rake if you have one, your own water (and a friend).
The group will provided collection bags, rubbish skip, and tea/coffee biscuits.
For more details – click here
Sutton Grange Landcare Group
Where: Meet at the Sutton Grange Hall, Faraday – Sutton Grange Rd. Sutton Grange VIC
When: Sunday 5 March 2023, 9.00 am – 11.00 am
What to bring: Hats, sunscreen, sturdy foot wear, water bottle, gloves and a friend!
For further information contact: Zane Tronson at ztronson@gmail.com
Golden Point Landcare Group
Where: Meet at Expedition Pass Reservoir (The Res), Golden Point Rd. Golden Point VIC
When: Sunday 5 March 2023, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
What to bring: Hats, sunscreen, sturdy foot wear, water bottle, gloves and a friend!
FOBIF exhibition opening this Saturday: Newstead Arts Hub
Posted on 21 February, 2023 by Ivan
Our friends and project partners at Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (FOBIF) are turning 25 and to celebrate are opening their photography exhibition this Saturday at the Newstead Arts Hub. The show will feature an incredible array of nature-based photographs from community members and FOBIF supporters. We would like to thank and congratulate FOBIF on 25 years of campaigning for better management of our natural assets and educating the community of their significance.
FOBIF photography exhibition opening: Saturday 25 February 2023
Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (FOBIF) is holding an exhibition at the Newstead Arts Hub (8A Tivey Street, Newstead, Vic) to mark 25 years of campaigning for a better future for our forests and promoting their value.
There will be 20 nature photos by members and supporters, historical material about FOBIF, drawings by Chewton Primary School students, and a geological display.
A seventy-page catalogue of the exhibition with extra historical material will be available for sale as well as FOBIF’s six published books and nature cards. All photos will be for sale with proceeds going to FOBIF.
The exhibition will be open over 3 weekends, (25 & 26 February, 4 & 5 March, 11 & 12 March 2023) and Labour Day (13 March 2023) between 10 am and 4 pm.
Alison Pouliot, well known fungi expert and engaging speaker, will open the exhibition at 10.30 on 25 February 2023. One of FOBIF’s founding members, Phil Ingamells, will also speak. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided.
You can find out more about the exhibition on the FOBIF website (www.fobif.org.au) or ring Bronwyn Silver 0448 751 111.
Jane Rusden. Crested Shrike-tit
Choughs. Patrick Kavanagh