Landcare sticky beak tour 2022 – Harcourt Valley Landcare Group
Posted on 3 November, 2022 by Hadley Cole
As part of the Landcare sticky beak tour in October 2022 we celebrated the work of Landcare and friends groups across the Mount Alexander / Leanganook region of central Victoria. Although it is now November we will continue our ‘sticky beaking’ into the wonderful work of Landcare in the region.
Today we will have a little sticky beak into the wonderful work of Harcourt Valley Landcare Group.
Harcourt Valley Landcare Group are a welcoming group of volunteers of all ages dedicated to preserving and revitalising the Harcourt valley environment. In September 2022 they celebrated their 25 year anniversary, which is a remarkable achievement!
The Harcourt Valley Landcare Group aims to inspire, inform and support the community to protect and enhance the local environment. They have ongoing projects and working-bees on the last Sunday of each month.
The group has worked on a variety of projects including reviving the Silver Banksia population in the Harcourt valley, increasing habitat for the Blue-banded Bee, the granite rock circle at the Oak Forest, Harcourt, and restoration of a section of Barkers Creek in Harcourt known as the Tollgate Bridge. You can take a walk along the Barkers Creek restoration site and enjoy the group’s work. To access the site head to corner High St and Bridge St in Harcourt VIC.
To read more about Harcourt Valley Landcare’s projects head over to their website – click here
For their latest updates you can also visit their Facebook page – click here
To view the group’s stunning new brochure online, which was put together in celebration of their 25 year anniversary – click here
To become a member of the group or find out more about their working bees please email:
During October 2022, get out there and explore your local neighbourhood and see what plants and animals you can find in your local Landcare group’s sites! You never know what you might discover.
The Landcare sticky beak tour was made possible through a Victorian Landcare Grant with North Central Catchment Management Authority.
Coming soon: Caring for large old trees and AGM 2022
Posted on 2 November, 2022 by Frances
Please join us for this special free event on Saturday 19 November 2022 at 2.00 pm for brief AGM formalities, yummy afternoon tea and our special guest presenter.
Join us to learn about how to care for local old trees, and their incredible value as biodiversity hotspots in our landscape.
The iconic big trees that dominate our rural landscapes are silently disappearing, dying out from age, drought, disease, disturbance and climate change. Without action they will not survive or regenerate. We will lose these islands of biodiversity so essential to wildlife and farm productivity.
Connecting Country is working to engage the community to value large old trees and support landholders to adopt sustainable environmental practices that protect their trees, helping them fence to exclude stock, control weeds and pest animals, install nest boxes, and revegetate to restore diversity and ensure the next generation of paddock trees.
Our very special guest speaker is Chris Pocknee, an experienced wildlife ecologist from Biolinks Alliance, speaking on caring for large old trees.
Chris is an ecologist with a passion for understanding the threats facing native fauna and ecosystems, and how we can address these issues. Chris grew up in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne and completed his MSc at the University of Melbourne in 2017 before completing an internship with the Australian Wildlife Conservancy in NSW. Chris has recently submitted his PhD thesis at the University of Queensland, where he studied the impacts of fire and feral cats on the Endangered northern bettong. He relishes collaborative ecological work, and is passionate about empowering communities to conserve and recover local biodiversity. Chris loves exploring the outdoors, camping, wildlife photography and football.
Everyone is welcome!
For catering and logistical purposes, please register your attendance – click here
AGM formalities
The following Connecting Country AGM 2022 documents are available for download:
- Committee nomination form – click here
- Proxy voting form – click here
- AGM 2021 minutes – click here
- Financial audit report – click here
Please note only current Connecting Country members can vote in the AGM. To become a member or renew your membership – click here
If you have any questions, please email
Thank you to the Ian & Shirley Norman Foundation for their invaluable support of our ‘Caring for large old trees’ project.
Landcare Sticky Beak Tour October 2022 – Victoria Gully Landcare Group
Posted on 27 October, 2022 by Hadley Cole
As part of the Landcare sticky beak tour in October 2022 we will be celebrating the work of Landcare and friends groups across the Mount Alexander / Leanganook region of central Victoria.
Today we will have a little sticky beak into the wonderful work of Victoria Gully Landcare Group.
Victoria Gully Landcare Group comprises residents who live close to to Victoria Gully, which starts in the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park south of Castlemaine and meets Forest Creek at Greenhill Avenue, Castlemaine VIC. The group formed in 2010 and hold working bees that aim to restore the gully to a more natural state and provide a bushland connection from Forest Creek to the National Heritage Park.
Affectionately known by locals as the ‘the gully’, Victoria Gully accommodates a range of recreation and aesthetic needs including children’s play, walking and bike riding. From the south the gully starts as a narrow, deeply-incised channel then widens to an open, grassed valley with a jumbled topography resulting from historical gold sluicing. This valley is home to a large mob of kangaroos and an intermittent unnamed creek runs along the east side.
The south head of the gully contains good quality box-ironbark forest, including Clinkers Hill Bushland Reserve, where the group has focused on cleaning up rubbish, removing large weeds, and regular removal of English Broom seedlings. Mature Yellow Box trees dominate on the sluiced alluvial gravels. Landcare work here is evident in the absence of broom, resulting in the slow return of wattles, peas such as Pultenaea and Daviesia, and other native plants.
In 2010 the open valley was a nightmare of gorse, broom, blackberries, thistles and rubbish. The Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) has responded to the group’s interest interest in the gully with substantial weed and rubbish removal over the years. This has enabled Victoria Gully Landcare Group to concentrate on planting and maintaining two exclusion plots and a frog pond enclosure.

The Victoria Gully Landcare team working hard in ‘the gully’ (photo from the Connecting Country archive)
DELWP has supported the group’s efforts by providing plants, materials and the frog ponds fencing. In 2020 DELWP installed a further large exclusion plot along the east side of the valley, near the railway line, and kept responsibility for planting and maintenance. The group’s plans for the future include nest box installation, and dispersed planting in hollows and banks of the central alluvial mining area that kangaroos are unlikely to access.
Victoria Gully can be accessed from the west via Dawson St off Preshaw Street, or from the east via Dawson Street off Ross Drive, in Castlemaine VIC. Please see the following map for details.
From the south, Clinkers Hill Bushland Reserve (not included in the map) can be accessed via Preshaw Street.
To find the contact details for Victoria Gully Landcare Group (or your local Landcare group) head over to the Landcare groups contact page on Connecting Country’s website – click here
During October 2022, get out there and explore your local neighbourhood and see what plants and animals you can find in your local Landcare group’s sites! You never know what you might discover.
The Landcare sticky beak tour was made possible through a Victorian Landcare Grant with North Central Catchment Management Authority.
Join the Great Southern Bioblitz – 28 to 31 October 2022
Posted on 27 October, 2022 by Frances
It’s on again! Our friends at Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club are inviting everyone to get outside and get involved in the Great Southern Bioblitz 2022. By recording the plants and animals you see, the Great Southern Bioblitz is not only fun, but a valuable way of documenting the life-forms present in our region. Once you add a sighting to the iNaturalist website or app, others can help with identification. Your recording then feeds into public databases such as the Atlas of Living Australia and Victorian Biodiversity Atlas. Read on for details from Castlemaine Field Naturalists.
The Great Southern Bioblitz is on Friday 28 to Monday 31 October 2022
Have fun, get out in the bush or wander around your garden and see what you can find.
Take photos or sound recordings and load these observations into iNaturalist. When loading a sighting you should identify what you have seen to the best of your ability. Your identification need only be at the level of ‘plant’ or ‘insect’ but it is, of course, much better to provide a more accurate identification if you can. If your camera does not record the location you can show the location of your sighting by dropping a pin on the map. You may mark the location as ‘obscured’ if it is a rare species or on private property. It will still count towards the bioblitz. All observations in our area will automatically be included in our bioblitz project.
You may also take part using the iNaturalist App on your phone and load observations directly from your phone.
Your records will make a difference to our knowledge of the flora and fauna of the Castlemaine region.
This year we will be looking for the rare, unusual and unexpected amongst the sightings. This will include rare and threatened species, first records on iNaturalist and species, either common or rare, that may not have been recorded in our region before. An example of what to look out for is Hairy Swainson-pea (Swainsona behriana), once common in the area but now possibly locally extinct.
However, please do not restrict yourself to native plants or animals or things that are uncommon. All observations contribute to our bioblitz.

If you are taking part the important thing is to record your sighting during the four days over the weekend. You will have the next 14 days to upload your sightings to iNaturalist and to add identifications. Adding or confirming identifications to other people’s sightings is a good way to improve your natural history identification skills.
The other challenge is to beat our performance last year. Can we do it?
Last year our top observer was Habitatearth with 320 observations. Overall we had 1,826 observations and 569 species, so there is your target. You can monitor our progress here.
Go For It!
For more information visit the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club website – click here
Landcare sticky beak tour 2022 – Sutton Grange Landcare Group
Posted on 26 October, 2022 by Hadley Cole
As part of the Landcare sticky beak tour in October 2022 we will be celebrating the work of Landcare and friends groups across the Mount Alexander / Leanganook region of central Victoria.
Today we will have a little sticky beak into the wonderful work of Sutton Grange Landcare Group.
Sutton Grange Landcare Group was formed in 1990. As well as committee meetings they hold general meetings, which often include a guest speaker. The group puts together a wonderful quarterly newsletter that covers great information on natural resource management issues in the local area.
The group has a popular free tree program where anyone who is a member is entitled to 40 free trees per year. This year the group decided to hold a planting day during the winter 2022 school holidays, encouraging families to bring their kids along to take part in the plantings. To read more information on the wonderful success of their planting day – click here
Sutton Grange Landcare Group have worked to reintroduce native plant species to the Albert Cox Memorial Sanctuary in Sutton Grange VIC, since 1991. The memorial site was previously a school pine plantation, which was then cleared for timber harvesting. The current Landcare members have worked on pest control and replanting the former plantation and an adjacent area under the guidance of a local member and Connecting Country. During winter 2022 they planted another 300 trees in the adjacent area to revegetate a disused road. Sutton Grange Landcare Group also works in partnership with Mount Alexander Shire Council to maintain an area of threatened native grasses and herbs around the nearby Sutton Grange War Memorial.
Take yourself for a stroll out at Sutton Grange and see some of the wonderful work this group have been doing to protect and conserve local flora and wildlife habitat. To make your way to the Albert Cox Memorial Sanctuary, head to the corner of Sutton Grange Redesdale Rd and Bendigo-Sutton Grange Rd in Sutton Grange VIC. Please see the following map for further directions.
During October 2022, get out there and explore your local neighbourhood and see what plants and animals you can find in your local Landcare group’s sites! You never know what you might discover.
The Landcare sticky beak tour was made possible through a Victorian Landcare Grant with North Central Catchment Management Authority.
Landcare sticky beak tour 2022 – Post Office Hill Action Group
Posted on 24 October, 2022 by Hadley Cole
As part of the Landcare sticky beak tour in October 2022 we will be celebrating the work of Landcare and friends groups across the Mount Alexander / Leanganook region of central Victoria.
Today we will have a little sticky beak into the wonderful work of Post Office Hill Action Group.
Post Office Hill Action Group (POHAG) manages 22.6 hectares of public land on behalf of the community, with a focus on preserving the cultural and historical features of the Post Office Hill Reserve in Chewton VIC. They work to complement the natural regeneration of indigenous plants through weed control, improve wildlife habitat by installing nesting boxes and shelter plantings, and improve access for the general public.
POHAG meets on the second Sunday of the month. Meetings are usually followed by a walk, and visitors are always welcome. They are a welcoming and energetic group who enjoy the opportunity to work outside together and connect with the local bush.
Post Office Hill Reserve surrounds Chewton Primary School, and for the winter 2022 planting season POHAG members teamed up with Chewton Primary School students to revegetate sections of the creek line behind the school. The planting days were a wonderful success, with the local students learning much about the surrounding reserve. To read more on one of these planting days – click here
Post Office Hill Reserve was once covered in natural vegetation before being practically denuded during the 1852 gold rush. Thousands of enthusiastic souls from all over the world flocked to the Forest Creek diggings hoping to make their fortune. The land was up turned and folded on itself and left as ‘upside-down country’. POHAG’s work across the reserve encourages biodiversity to return to the landscape.
To keep up to date with what’s happening at POHAG, head over to their Facebook page – click here
You can also read of their latest adventure via the Chewton Chat (Chewton’s local newspaper) – click here
It is well worth having a look at Post Office Hill Reserve, especially during these spring months, and taking a walk through the reserve and see what wildflowers are on show. To find your way through the various walking tracks head to the corner of Mitchell St and Railway St in Chewton VIC, where you will find an information board about the reserve put together by POHAG.
During October 2022, get out there and explore your local neighbourhood and see what plants and animals you can find in your local Landcare group’s sites! You never know what you might discover.
The Landcare sticky beak tour was made possible through a Victorian Landcare Grant with North Central Catchment Management Authority.
Landcare Sticky Beak Tour October 2022 – Barkers Creek Landcare & Wildlife Group
Posted on 21 October, 2022 by Hadley Cole
As part of the Landcare sticky beak tour in October 2022 we will be celebrating the work of Landcare and friends groups across the Mount Alexander / Leanganook region of central Victoria.
Today we will have a little sticky beak into the wonderful work of Barkers Creek Landcare & Wildlife Group.
Barkers Creek Landcare & Wildlife Group (BCL&WG) work to protect and restore their local natural environment. The group is committed to celebrating and building their sense of belonging to the Barkers Creek community.
They maintain a balance between working on public and private land and members properties. The primary focus is ‘on ground works’ (monthly working bees) together with a ‘splash’ of educational and social activities.
The group established in 1996 and has a vibrant mix of members and there are often half a dozen or so children at each working bee which not only adds to the fun but instills a belief in the next generation of landcarers.
The group are currently working to put together the third management plan for a bushland reserve called the Natural Features Bushland Reserve in in the heart of Barkers Creek. They are hoping to achieve a significant ‘ecological’ restoration of this 35.5 ha parcel of bush, working closely with land managers Parks Victoria and other local community and environment groups.
Join Barkers Creek Landcare & Wildlife Group on Sunday 23 October at 9.30 am at the Peelers Rd entrance to the Natural Features Bushland Reserve, Barkers Creek VIC (please see the map below for more details) for a working bee or just a sticky beak to see what the group are up to!

Map of Natural Features Bushland Reserve, Barkers Creek VIC. Photo from Barkers Creek Landcare & Wildlife Group website.
For more information on the group’s projects or to get in contact with them head over to their website – click here or their Facebook page – click here
During October 2022, get out there and explore your local neighbourhood and see what plants and animals you can find in your local Landcare group’s sites! You never know what you might discover.
The Landcare sticky beak tour was made possible through a Victorian Landcare Grant with North Central Catchment Management Authority.
Landcare sticky beak tour 2022 – Muckleford Catchment Landcare Group
Posted on 20 October, 2022 by Hadley Cole
As part of the Landcare sticky beak tour in October 2022 we will be celebrating the work of Landcare and friends groups across the Mount Alexander / Leanganook region of central Victoria.
Today we will have a little sticky beak into the wonderful work of Muckleford Catchment Landcare Group.
Muckleford Catchment Landcare, also known as Muckleford Landcare, take a holistic approach to caring for the land. They work to improve water quality in the Muckleford Creek and its tributaries, conserve soil in the Muckleford Creek catchment, and create a healthy and viable balance between farming and biodiversity. They also encourage co-operation between landholders within the catchment, as well as harnessing local knowledge and expertise to improve the environment.
Recently Muckleford Landcare has been working with a Muckleford landholder to build a 30 metre wide habitat corridor that connects a bush block on one side of the property to a bushland reserve on the other side. The project involved some fencing, as well as ripping the site in preparation for planting. To read more about this project head over to the July 2022 edition of the North Central Chat, published by the North Central Catchment Management Authority – click here
To check out the site of this ‘Building habitat across the landscape’ project, head out for a drive to Muckleford School Rd, Muckleford VIC, and you will see the work that has been completed opposite the Muckleford Bushland Reserve. Please see the map below for more details.
Muckleford Landcare work to assist landholders to access funding for land improvement projects on their properties. They have a wealth of information on the costs involved for improving biodiversity and building habitat corridors on your property.
For more information please contact Muckleford Landcare via email ( or
Wildflower walk
On Sunday 23 October 2022, Muckleford Landcare are heading out for a wildflower walk from 10.00 am – 11.30 am. To join the walk, meet at the end of Sinclairs Lane, Muckleford VIC. This is a perfect opportunity to get out and meet the group while enjoying the wildflowers. For more information head over to the Muckleford Catchment Landcare website – click here
During October 2022, get out there and explore your local neighbourhood and see what plants and animals you can find in your local Landcare group’s sites! You never know what you might discover.
The Landcare sticky beak tour was made possible through a Victorian Landcare Grant with North Central Catchment Management Authority.
What have we been up to? Our annual report 2022
Posted on 19 October, 2022 by Frances
Connecting Country’s annual report 2022 is now available for you to catch up on our highlights from 2021-22. Along with brief updates from our President, Treasurer and Director, the report gives an overview of our work – spanning landscape restoration, community engagement, monitoring and Landcare support – with plenty of gorgeous pictures!
Our annual report is also another opportunity to say a huge thank you to our many valued funders, donors, volunteers and supporters in the community, and our hardworking staff and committee of management.
We hope you enjoy learning a little more about our work and achievements this past year, which has been busy, challenging and enjoyable!
To view the Connecting Country annual report 2022 as a document – click here
To view the Connecting Country annual report 2022 as a video (with sound!) – click below
Helping us deliver more habitat restoration!
By making a regular or once-off donation you will directly support habitat restoration in the Mount Alexander region of central Victoria, Australia.
Since 2009 we have worked with over 300 landholders and groups to do restoration works on over 12,000 hectares across our region, providing refuge for wildlife through planting of locally indigenous plant species, installation and monitoring of nestboxes, wildlife surveys and community education programs.
Connecting Country (Mount Alexander Region) Inc is a registered charity with deductible gift recipient (DGR) status.
All donations of $2 or more to Connecting Country are tax deductible.
Secure online payment by credit or debit card
Head to our secure online payment site by clicking below:
If you’re inspired to get more involved with Connecting Country please:
- Become a member (if you’re not already) – click here
- Support us with a donation – click here
- Consider volunteering with us
- Get in touch via email ( or phone (0493 362 347)
Landcare sticky beak tour 2022 – Maldon Urban Landcare Group
Posted on 19 October, 2022 by Hadley Cole
As part of the Landcare sticky beak tour during October 2022 we will be celebrating the work of Landcare and friends groups across the Mount Alexander / Leanganook region of central Victoria.
Today we will have a little sticky beak into the wonderful work of Maldon Urban Landcare Group (MULGA).
Maldon Urban Landcare Inc. (MULGA) started in 1992, and was the first urban Landcare group in Victoria. MULGA has continued to be active over the years, predominantly doing weed control and revegetation work on parts of the Maldon Historic Reserve (managed by Parks Victoria), including the South German Mine area, Long Gully, and, in recent years, Anzac Hill. In the 1990s MULGA also established 11 fenced exclosures to protect indigenous vegetation across the Maldon Historic Reserve.
From 2017, MULGA has pursued a major project surveying indigenous eucalypts that, due to their size, have likely been growing since before European settlement (1852). So far they have surveyed 314 old trees in and close to Maldon.
To learn more about these large old eucalypts and the fenced exclosures please visit MULGA’s webpage – click here
MULGA’s main activities involve a monthly working bee on the first Sunday morning of the month, where the group carry out weed control work and regular monitoring of areas where they have previously worked.
MULGA has worked to replace the trees at Anzac Circles on Anzac Hill, Maldon VIC. The Circles were originally planted with 64 Mahogany Gums in 1917, in memory of Maldon men who fought in World War I. There is only one original tree still alive. In 2017, the centenary of the planting, MULGA committed to spend its own funds to replant the Circles with native Yellow Gums (Eucalyptus leucoxylyn sub species pruinosa). The ground on Anzac Hill is really rocky and there is virtually no topsoil, so it’s amazing how well the plants are growing! Near the carpark at the top of Anzac Hill, there is an information sign, with a QR code linking to the website of the Maldon Museum & Archives Association, where there is more information about the soldiers remembered.
Why not take a stroll up to Anzac Hill and check out the progress of MULGA’s plantings at the memorial site? To get there head up to Anzac Hill Road, Maldon VIC, as shown in the following map.
MULGA have also coordinated a ‘pre 1852 eucalypts in Maldon’ project with the objectives to obtain detailed records for eucalypts that were growing before 1852 (pre-European settlement) in Maldon, and to achieve long-term protection for these trees under the Mt. Alexander Shire Council Planning Scheme, or an appropriate alternative scheme. The large, old indigenous eucalypt trees still surviving in the township of Maldon are of significant environmental and historical significance, and are rare examples of pre-European settlement vegetation in an urban setting. There is a brochure called ‘Living Treasures’, which provides a map and information about some of the trees and is available in the Maldon Visitor Information Centre (in the Shire Gardens on High St, Maldon VIC, open every day).
For more information on Maldon Urban Landcare Group (MULGA) and to become a member, please email them at
During October 2022, get out there and explore your local neighbourhood and see what plants and animals you can find in your local Landcare group’s sites! You never know what you might discover.
The Landcare sticky beak tour was made possible through a Victorian Landcare Grant with North Central Catchment Management Authority.
Book now! Connecting Country AGM 2022 and guest speaker
Posted on 17 October, 2022 by Ivan
Now is the perfect time to book for our AGM 2022 and ‘Caring for large old trees’ event. After two years of online AGMs, we finally meet at the magnificent Campbells Creek Community Centre in person. Hurrah!
Please join us for this free event on Saturday 19 November 2022 at 2.00 pm for brief AGM formalities, afternoon tea and our special guest presenter. As usual, it will be much more than an AGM!
Our theme is ‘Caring for large old trees in our landscape’ and we will feature a special presentation. Read on for details.
Large old trees: Caring and sharing their future
Chris Pocknee – Landscape and Biodiversity Conservation Ecologist with Biolinks Alliance
Chris is an ecologist with a passion for understanding the threats facing native fauna and ecosystems, and how we can address these issues. Chris grew up in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne and completed his MSc at the University of Melbourne in 2017 before undertaking an internship with the Australian Wildlife Conservancy in NSW. Chris has recently submitted his PhD thesis at the University of Queensland, where he studied the impacts of fire and feral cats on the Endangered northern bettong. He relishes collaborative ecological work, and is passionate about empowering communities to conserve and recover local biodiversity. Chris loves exploring the outdoors, camping, wildlife photography and football.
Join Chris to learn about how to care for old trees in our landscape, and how vital they are to a host of woodland birds and other wildlife.
Everyone is most welcome! Please register your attendance for the meeting – click here
AGM formalities
The following Connecting Country AGM 2022 documents are available for download:
- Committee nomination form – click here
- Proxy voting form – click here
- AGM 2021 minutes – click here
Our independant financial audit report 2022 is in progress and will be available in early November prior to the AGM.
Please note only current Connecting Country members can vote in the AGM. To become a member or renew your membership – click here
If you have any questions, please email
Thank you to the Ian & Shirley Norman Foundation for their invaluable support of our ‘Caring for large old trees’ project.
Rare and threatened plants of Maldon – 22 October 2022
Posted on 13 October, 2022 by Hadley Cole
Maldon Urban Landcare Inc. (MULGA) are hosting a presentation with local ecologist Karl Just on the rare and threatened plants of the Maldon area. The event is on Saturday 22 October 2022 at 10.00 am at the Maldon Neighbourhood Centre, cnr Church and Edward Sts, Maldon VIC. All are welcome!
Karl will provide an overview of rare and threatened plants around Maldon across the Mount Alexander region, as well as discussing common threatening processes and what can be done to prevent future decline.
Karl Just is a botanist and zoologist, with over 15 years experience as an ecological consultant, playing a leading role in over 150 conservation-based projects. He is considered an expert in the ecology and conservation of Victoria’s terrestrial orchids. Karl has many years of practical experience in bushland management, assisting in restoring plant communities and recovering threatened flora and fauna.
Bookings are not required. For further information contact Bev Phillips (ph 0407 770 350).
For more information on MULGA – click here
Landcare sticky beak tour 2022 – Golden Point Landcare
Posted on 12 October, 2022 by Hadley Cole
As part of the Landcare sticky beak tour in October 2022 we will be celebrating the work of Landcare and friends groups across the Mount Alexander / Leanganook region of central Victoria.
Today we will have a little sticky beak into the wonderful work of Golden Point Landcare.
Many local residents will be familiar with the popular swimming spot at Expedition Pass Reservior in Golden Point, affectionately known as ‘the res’. Well, this special area has its very own Landcare group who care for the surrounding bushland.
Golden Point Landcare Group started back in 1994 and has worked in the Forest Creek catchment from Expedition Pass Reservoir to the Monster Meeting site in Chewton. They have partnered with private landholders and the various government agencies who have managed the crown land over that time.
The current public land manager is Parks Victoria and most of the catchment is in the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park.
The group’s main focus has been pest plant and animal management through funded projects complemented by community education programs. These activities place emphasis on helping the recovering landscape from the impacts of gold exploration starting back in 1851.
One of Golden Point Landcare’s ongoing restoration sites is at Chinamans Point and Trapps Gully, which will be part of the Monster Meeting site walk. To check out some of the work they have been doing in this area, head to the intersection of Chinamans Point Road and Ammons Road in Golden Point VIC, and take a walk along the walking track.
They have the support of the ‘Chewton Chat’ community newspaper to keep everyone up to date with what is happening.
The Forest Creek walking track starts in Castlemaine, meanders through Chewton and follows the creek upstream to Expedition Pass Reservoir, passing through areas cared for by multiple Landcare groups. The amazing landscape restoration work that Landcare groups have achieved over the years means that everyone can enjoy our bushland and its creatures. But there’s always more to be done!
For more information on Golden Point Landcare Group or to become a member you can contact Jennifer Pryce via email ( or phone (0423 900 590).
During October 2022, get out there and explore your local neighbourhood and see what plants and animals you can find in your local Landcare group’s sites! You never know what you might discover.
The Landcare sticky beak tour was made possible through a Victorian Landcare Grant with North Central Catchment Management Authority.
Don’t miss out: Bursaria for butterflies
Posted on 11 October, 2022 by Ivan
We’re still looking for local landholders to join our ‘Bursaria for butterflies’ project, but you’ll need to get your expression of interest (EOI) soon! Our EOI process closes 5 pm on 17 October 2022. Read on for details on how to get involved, and please be sure to read the project criteria.

Small but beautiful: the Eltham Copper Butterfly is only the size of a ten cent piece (photo by Elaine Bayes)
Connecting Country’s Bursaria for Butterflies project aims to protect and enhance priority habitat for the threatened Eltham Copper Butterfly (Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida) around Castlemaine VIC. We’ll achieve this through practical on-ground actions to reduce threats and improve the quality, quantity and connectivity of available butterfly habitat. We will work with key landholders to protect and restore priority butterfly habitat on their land. We’re supporting local landholders to control threats (including weeds and rabbits) and revegetate their land, focusing on the butterfly’s host plant, Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa).
We are looking for interested landholders with properties (of at least 1 acre) adjacent to the known local populations of the Eltham Copper Butterfly around Castlemaine. To read more about the benefits of being part of the project – click here
Property selection criteria
Not every property will be suitable as Eltham Copper Butterfly habitat.
We’re looking for properties that meet the following criteria.
Land with:
- Minimum of 0.4 hectares (1 acre) land size with space for revegetation planting
- Proximity (within 1 km) to Kalimna Park, Castlemaine Botanical Gardens northern section, Chewton Bushlands (Dingo Park Rd region), Walmer Forest Reserve (near southern end of Woodbrook Rd) and Campbells Creek (near Broad Rd).
- Suitable conditions for the target plant species to facilitate healthy growth.
- No domestic stock grazing.
Landholders with:
- Strong interest in managing their property for biodiversity conservation and restoration.
- Commitment to planting and maintaining the revegetated plants.
- Capacity to commit to future land management actions (e.g., weed and rabbit control, grazing exclusion, maintaining plant guards).
Landholder expressions of interest
If you meet the criteria and are keen protect and restore butterfly habitat on your land, please complete our expression of interest form – Click here
Please return your expression of interest form to Connecting Country via email ( Expressions of interest close on the 17 October 2022
This project is funded by the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment as part of the Environment Restoration Fund and Threatened Species Strategy Action Plan.
Learn more about the Eltham Copper Butterfly
For more information about the Eltham Copper Butterfly – click here
Our land at contact with Newstead Landcare – UPDATE!
Posted on 10 October, 2022 by Frances
We received the following update from our friends at Newstead Landcare Group regarding thier AGM 2022 event:
Due to the high risk of floods today and tomorrow, in sorrowful mood we’ve decided to cancel the presentation by Barry Golding for our AGM tomorrow night.
Barry will do his presentation early in 2023. We will still have the AGM via Zoom (link and password below). The AGM will probably take about 20 minutes.
Newstead Landcare AGM 2022
13 October 2022 at 7.30 pm
To join the online AGM via Zoom – click here
Our land at contact
The arrival of Europeans in Australia produced profound changes across the continent. It can be hard to know exactly what the landscape looked like before this dramatic upheaval. The documents left by the earliest intruders can give us a few clues.
Professor Barry Golding of Federation University has combed through historical records to put together a picture of how the land around Newstead and its environs may have looked prior to contact. From the extensive permanent ponds on the Loddon containing literally tonnes of Murray Cod to the vast meadows of Yam Daisies (Myrnong), some of the descriptions Barry has found give us a glimpse of the extraordinary richness of our neck of the woods.
Barry will be presenting some of his findings at Newstead Landcare Group’s AGM on Thursday 13 October 2022. The presentation will start at 7.30 pm at Newstead Community Centre. A very brief AGM will follow. All are welcome to attend, gold coin donations appreciated.
Newstead Landcare Group presentation
Presenter: Professor Barry Golding of Federation University
Where: Newstead Community Centre, 9 Lyons St, Newstead VIC
The event will be postponed in the event of extreme weather or flooding.
For details on the Natural Newstead blog – click here

Yam Daisy or Myrnong (Microseris lanceolata) (photo by Frances Cincotta)
Bird of the month: Peregrine Falcon
Posted on 10 October, 2022 by Ivan
Welcome to Bird of the month, a partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District. Each month we’re taking a close look at one special local bird species. We’re excited to join forces to deliver you a different bird each month, seasonally adjusted, and welcome suggestions from the community. We are blessed to have the brilliant Damian Kelly from BirdLife Castlemaine District writing about our next bird of the month, accompanied by his stunning photos.
Peregrine Falcon – Falco peregrinus
Peregrine Falcons can be found worldwide on every continent except Antarctica, with several subspecies identified. The species name peregrinus refers to its wandering habit in the northern hemisphere where it migrates to warmer climes in winter.
However, the Australian subspecies (Falco peregrinus macropus) does not migrate. The subspecies name macropus comes from macro = large, and pus = foot. It seems that the Australian birds have developed a large foot to facilitate the taking of Galahs, one of their preferred prey items. In addition, because they do not need to migrate, they have shorter wings and are heavier than most northern subspecies. Although this is less favourable for long flights, it aids in speed and manoeuvrability, which makes hunting medium to large parrots easier. In Australia, as in other parts of the world, Peregrines have adapted to humans and are now well-established nesting and living in large cities where they utilise tall buildings.

Peregrine Falcons are among the world’s most common birds of prey and are present in central Victoria (photo by Damian Kelly)
They have been used as trained hunters in the sport of falconry for at least 3,000 years. They are easily trained and adapt to humans, being easy to breed in captivity.
It is the fastest animal on earth, having been clocked at 112 km/hour in level flight and over 300 km/hour in a dive, recorded when a female Peregrine chased a skydiver. Prey consists largely of other birds, normally caught in flight, although sometimes knocked out of the sky during a fast dive. City falcons primarily take feral pigeons, along with other small birds such as honeyeaters and some water birds.
They also have a murderous reputation amongst their own kind, with female falcons killing other females to gain possession of a nest site. Occasionally a new male will drive away an existing male and take over a site with a sitting female. This is being played out with the Collins Street falcons at the moment in Melbourne. Females are larger than males.
Australian Peregrines tend to be sedentary, holding territories and nest sites throughout the year. They do not build their own nests, preferring ledges on cliffs as well as ledges on buildings in large cities, large hollows or sometimes taking over the existing nests of other species such as Whistling Kites. Research in Victoria has identified around 256 active nests – 60% on cliffs, 10% on buildings, 14% in stick nests of other species, and 16% in tree hollows. Both males and females incubate the eggs and feed the young.

Peregrine Falcons are extremely territorial and rare birds-of-prey that dive at neck-breaking speeds to hunt smaller birds (photo by Damian Kelly)
If you want to watch active nests in Australia, two have online webcam feeds with young that hatched around early October 2022.
To watch Peregrine Falcons nesting on a tall building in Collins Street in Melbourne VIC – click here
To watch Perigraine Falcons nesting in a nest box on a water tower in Orange NSW – click here
Damian Kelly
Landcare sticky beak tour 2022 – McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group
Posted on 6 October, 2022 by Hadley Cole
As part of the Landcare Sticky Beak Tour in October 2022 we will be celebrating the work of Landcare and friends groups across the Mount Alexander/ Leanganook region.
Today we will have a little sticky beak into the wonderful work of McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group.
McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group work to protect and restore the natural environment in the McKenzie Hill and Diamond Gully area, highlighting its unique features for the benefit of the community now and for future generations.
As well as protecting and restoring biodiversity, the group has a vibrant and diverse membership of volunteers with a focus on social enjoyment and inclusiveness.
McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group have completed plantings and weed control at a site known as Seventy Foot Hill Reserve on Diamond Gully Road, Castlemaine VIC. Take yourself for a stroll and see what they have been up to this October! The wildflowers will be out and on display this time of year.
Please see the map below for directions on how to get to Seventy Foot Hill Reserve.

Map of work sites. Image from McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group brochure. Click image to enlarge.
To contact McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare group head over to our Landcare group contacts page on our website – click here or via their Facebook page – click here
This October, get out there and explore your local neighbourhood and see what plants and animals you can find in your local Landcare group’s sites!
The Landcare sticky beak tour was made possible through a Victorian Landcare Grant with North Central Catchment Management Authority.
Renew your membership 2022-23
Posted on 5 October, 2022 by Frances
A great big thank you to those members who renewed their Connecting Country membership for 2022-23, and a hearty welcome to our new members!
We love new members and encourage all existing members to continue their membership for the coming year.
If you haven’t renewed your membership, it’s never too late and only takes a minute!
Begin or renew your membership – click here
Why be a member?
- Demonstrates your commitment to local, on-ground landscape restoration.
- Shows your support for Connecting Country, which helps us when seeking funding for new projects.
- Allows you to vote at the Connecting Country AGM.
- Gets you access to Connecting Country events, advice and equipment.
- Provides you with insurance cover when attending events or volunteering with Connecting Country.
Membership is free. However, if you would like to offset the costs associated with your membership or are in a position to contribute financially to our landscape restoration work please consider donating. We are a registered charity, donations over $2 are tax deductible, and receipts are issued automatically.
Make a donation:
- To make a secure online donation (via GiveNow) – click here
- For other ways to donate – click here
We sincerely thank all our members for your continued support and participation in Connecting Country activities over the last busy year. We’re now working on some exciting new projects for 2022-23 and hope you can be part of our story.
Get to know the Fryerstown Grevillea with Castlemaine Field Naturalists – 14-15 October 2022
Posted on 5 October, 2022 by Ivan
As a monthly tradition, our friends at Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club hold a meeting with a guest speaker on the second Friday of the month, followed by a group excursion or field trip the following day. Castlemaine Field Nats provided the following details about their October 2022 meeting and excursion, which look very interesting and exciting. All are welcome to attend. For more information on the club, please visit their website – click here
MONTHLY MEETING: Friday 14 October 2022 at 7.30pm
Location: Uniting Church Fellowship Room, Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine VIC
Speaker: Georgie Custance
Title: Monitoring Fryerstown Grevillea, a threatened species in our region
Join ecologist Georgie Custance from the Threatened Species Conservancy to learn more about a locally endemic plant, the Fryerstown Grevillea (Grevillea obtecta). Although locally common in small areas, it is not widespread and is subject to threats such as inappropriate fire management. Learn how to record and monitor this species using a threatened plant monitoring app. called ProofSafe on your smartphone or tablet.
By mapping the locations of the Fryerstown Grevillea, the Threatened Species Conservancy will be able to assess the true status of this species and the need for recovery actions to enable it to persist in the wild.
We encourage you to load the free phone app, ProofSafe, to your mobile phone or tablet before the meeting as Georgie will provide instructions on how to use it as part of her talk. For detailed instructions from the Threatened Species Conservancy on how to load and use ProofSafe, please refer to the page on our website – click here
EXCURSION: Saturday 15 October 2022 at 1.30 pm
Grevillea obtecta project – learn how to identify and record sightings of this rare species in the field
Leader: Georgie Custance
Enjoy a walk in the bush to visit some local populations of this wonderful species as well as the many other native plants that are flowering at the moment. During the walk Georgie will demonstrate how to use ProofSafe to record your sightings of Fryerstown Grevillea (Grevillea obtecta) so that we can practice what we learnt at the meeting. Location to be confirmed but either Fryers Ridge or Porcupine Ridge which are some of our best wildflower areas.
We hope to see you there to learn how to identify this rare plant and how you can contribute to its crucial monitoring and conservation.
Meet: 1.30 pm at the Octopus building in Duke St, opposite the Castle Motel, Castlemaine VIC
Bring: Water, afternoon tea, sturdy shoes, hat and if possible, your mobile phone or tablet with the ProofSafe app. loaded.
Landcare sticky beak tour – Book Now – Saturday 8 October 2022
Posted on 3 October, 2022 by Ivan
The Mount Alexander region Landcare sticky beak tour is a celebration of Landcare and friends groups across the region! Many of the natural spaces you can experience in our beautiful region have been lovingly brought back to life and cared for by the incredibly dedicated network of Landcare and friends groups of the region.
Our Landcare sticky beak tour provides an opportunity for our local Landcare and environment groups to showcase their work both online over the month of October 2022, and in person at the launch on Saturday 8 October 2022 at Honeycomb Reserve (end of Honeycomb Rd), Campbells Creek VIC from 10.00 am to 12 noon.
Connecting Country will launch the project in partnership with local Landcare and friends groups, with a walking tour in and around sites in the Campbells Creek area. This is a great opportunity to hear about the activities of local Landcare groups, meet some of the Landcarers and share their stories. Everyone is welcome and morning tea will be provided. Sturdy walking shoes and drink bottles are recommended.
Please book to assist us with planning.
To book for this free event – click here
If you have questions about the Landcare sticky beak tour please contact Connecting Country’s Landcare Facilitator, Hadley Cole –
This project is funded by North Central Catchment Management Authority as part of the Victorian Landcare Grants.