Free Community Grants Writing Workshops
Posted on 20 May, 2011 by Connecting Country
The North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is providing free Community Grants Workshops throughout the catchment. The workshops, which will cover the 2011-12 Victorian Landcare Grants, will also include a Community Grant Writing course. The course, run by a professional writer, Kerry Anderson, will provide participants with practical advice and guidance in writing and developing funding applications.
The Castlemaine workshop will be held at the Ray Bradfield Rooms, Victory Park on Tuesday 31 May, starting at 6pm and finishing at 9pm (including supper). There will be similar workshops in Wedderburn, Kyneton, Maryborough and Kerang. Click here for further details.
Bookings are essential. All sessions are free and a light meal will be provided.
RSVP to or telephone 03 5448 7124 at least two days prior to the workshop, indicating which venue you would like to attend and any dietary requirements.
Ecology Field Days
Posted on 18 May, 2011 by Connecting Country
The first two Ecology Field Days run by Connecting Country will take place soon. The Geology and Soils day has been booked out but there are some spaces still available for the Yellow Box Woodlands day. Bookings are essential. Contact contact Krista on 5472 1594 or
29 May: Geology and Soils (Phil Dyson, North Central CMA)
We will visit sites that will give us an overview of the main geological influences in Mt Alexander Shire. We will explore the mysteries of soils, the relationships between soil and geology, and consider how have the different geologies have shaped our use of the land.
5 June: Yellow Box Woodlands (jointly led by Ian Higgins from Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare and North Central CMA, and Paul Foreman from Bush Heritage Australia and Blue Devil Consulting)
We will explore two sites to see an area of old yellow box woodland and one that has been greatly altered by land uses. We will learn about the interactions of trees, shrubs, herbs and fungi at each site and consider what opportunities each offers for animal habitat.
Both sessions run from 9am to 1.30pm. Transport is provided and the cost for each day is $10. For full details click here.
26 May 2011 – Fungi: Exploring a Forgotten Kingdom
Posted on 17 May, 2011 by Connecting Country
The first of Connecting Country’s 2011 free evening talks, Fungi: Exploring a Forgotten Kingdom, will take place on Thursday 26 May. The seminar will be held at the Campbells Creek Community Centre. Supper will be served at 6.30pm followed by the talk at 7 pm. Entry is free and members of the public of all ages are welcome. However, to give us an indication of likely numbers for catering purposes, it would be helpful if you could let us know by Friday 20 May if you are planning to attend: contact Krista on 5472 1594 or
Fungi expert, Alison Pouliot, will be the speaker. She writes that ‘we are constantly surrounded by fungi; in the soil, in the air, in the rivers and oceans, the forests and deserts, and perhaps even between our toes. Following the torrential rains these last months we’re likely to be surrounded by even more. The Mount Alexander Shire has a rich diversity of fungi and is the ideal place for an autumn fungi foray. Due to the warm and moist soil conditions the first fungi are already poking through the earth. It looks like we could be in for a bumper season. Continue Reading »
13 May 2011 – Expert to Talk on Frog Declines – and Recovery
Posted on 10 May, 2011 by Connecting Country
Respected Melbourne-based biologist, Dr Richard Retallick, is presenting a summary of the research on the decline and possible recovery of frogs to the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club on the evening of Friday 13 May (8pm at the Uniting Church Hall, entry from Lyttleton St, Castlemaine). All members of the community are welcome to attend. Entry is free.
Through the 1980s and 1990s, biologists were coming to a terrible consensus – populations of frog species were in decline at an alarming rate worldwide to the point where many species appeared to have disappeared completely within a short timeframe. At least two Australian frog species became extinct, and another two previously common local frog species, the Growling Grass Frog (Litoria raniformis) and Bibron’s Toadlet (Pseudophryne bibronii), effectively disappeared from the broader Castlemaine area.
Dr Richard Retallick was in the early phase of his academic career when a new potential causal factor was discovered – a disease called Amphibian Chytrid Fungus. Dr Retallick recalls, “Most of the populations that I had planned to study had either disappeared entirely or were reduced to a small number of individuals. Once chytrid fungus was identified for the first time, and linked to the unexplained frog declines worldwide, I was inevitably drawn into the whirlwind quest that followed, racing the clock to understand the impact and ecology of the fungus, which took me from the tropics of northern Australia to the deserts of Arizona and back to southern Australia.
“Despite its terrible consequences, the story of the discovery of chytrid fungus and the worldwide research to understand its origins and impacts and to find possible cures, is a remarkable one. There are still many unknowns, but each year a bit more of the puzzle is solved.”
24 May 2011 – Information Session for Small Landholders
Posted on 9 May, 2011 by Connecting Country
The North Central Catchment Management Authority has organised an information session aimed at lifestyle landholders who wish to find out more about protecting the natural values of their properties.
Topics covered will include covenanting, incentives and rebates available, sources of funding, grazing regimes for small herds, and projects to help you improve your place. David Stewart from the Department of Primary Industry Small Landholder Information Service will be the speaker.
The session will run from 6.30pm till 8.00pm and will be held in the Bendigo Council Offices. A light meal and children’s activities will be provided.
For further information click here.
22 May 2011 – Nuggetty Planting Day
Posted on 2 May, 2011 by Connecting Country
This is an invitation to help plant 1000 indigenous seedlings on 22 May for a project funded by Connecting Country and supported by BRIT. For more details click here.
9 June 2011 – Biodiversity Across the Borders Conference
Posted on 25 April, 2011 by Connecting Country
The theme for the 2011 Biodiversity Across Borders Conference is “Vulnerability and Resilience of Ecosystems”. The conference will be held at the Mt. Helen campus of the University of Ballarat on 9 June 2011. Continue Reading »
Connecting Country Education Program 2011
Posted on 21 April, 2011 by Connecting Country
The Connecting Country Education Program for 2011 has now been finalised. There will be field days on Geology and Soils, Yellow Box Woodlands and Rivers and Streams and evening talks on Fungi, Fire and Cultural Heritage. A flyer about the program can be downloaded here and full details and an application form can be found here.
Creasys Road Revegetation Project Launch
Posted on 27 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
Come and be inspired by this fantastic project!
The Muckleford Catchment Landcare Group invites you to the official launch of the Creasys Road Revegetation Project.
The project will be launched by Cr Brook Acklom. A walking tour of the project will be conducted by the Project Manager, Sue Slaytor. This will be followed by an informal BBQ with refreshments. Please bring your children, your neighbors, your friends and your own chairs.
Where: Northern Boundary of 89 Creasys Road, Muckleford (look for the signs on the day).
RSVP: Paul Hampton, Secretary, 5474 2189, by Monday 30 November.
Serrated Tussock slasher workshop
Posted on 13 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
The Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party, the National Serrated Tussock Management Group and the National Chilean Needle Grass Taskforce would like to inform you of new modifications that can be made to slashers to reduce the spread ofnoxious weeds such as Serrated Tussock (Nassella Trichotoma) and Chilean Needle Grass (Nassella Neesiana).
Slasher fans and slasher covers are a reasonably new invention which significantly reduces the spread of invasive species particularly Serrated Tussock and Chilean Needle Grass.
The Department of Primary Industries in partnership with Hume City Council and Macedon Ranges Shire Council are testing prototype slasher covers this year on tractor linkage slashers to minimise weed spread. The project with the Hume and Macedon municipalities aims to not only test the prototype but also promote the concept to other grass slashing contractors.
The field day is at Somerton Rd, Greenvale (Melway Map 178 E6).
The day will finish with lunch.
Register your intention to attend by email to or phone (03) 9217 4120.
Click here to read articles from the October 2009 ‘Tussock Times’.
Woodend Landcare Group Working Bee
Posted on 12 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
All are welcome to join the Woodend Landcare Group for their final working bee for 2009.
Activities will take place along the new Five Mile Creek track, south of the creek. Please bring along your gardening tools, hat, gloves and sunscreen.
Enjoy a morning tea afterwards provided by Woodend Landcare Group. RSVP’s are essential.
Location: meet at the end of Pyke Street, Woodend
To RSVP contact: Jo Clancy, President Woodend Landcare Group
on 5427 1909 or email
Stanley Park AGM and talk on Birds of the Macedon Ranges
Posted on 12 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
Stanley Park Committee of Management invites you their AGM which will include a presentation on ‘Birds of the Macedon Ranges’ by Bruce Donaldson.
This fully illustrated talk will introduce you to the birds you are likely to encounter in the Macedon Ranges with commentary on their frequency, location and behaviour as well as tips for observing and identifying them.
Venue: Jubilee Hall, Smith Street, Macedon
Light refreshments will follow the meeting
To RSVP contact: The Secretary, Stanley Park Committee of Management on 5426 242 or email
Woodend district Aboriginal Heritage and Aboriginal Heritage Act talk
Posted on 12 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
Learn about the Aboriginal Heritage of the Woodend District and the Aboriginal Heritage Act at a talk to be presented by the Woodend Landcare Group.
Guest speaker Dr. Vincent Clarke, noted archaeologist and Woodendl resident, will discuss the pre-European history of the area and subsequent European settlement, as well as how the Aboriginal Heritage Act impacts on local community groups.
Bookings are essential.
Venue: Woodend Neighbourhood House, Forest Street, Woodend
Supper will be provided
To RSVP contact Jo Clancy, President Woodend Landcare Group
on 5427 1909
Cactus Killing Field Day
Posted on 12 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
Parks Victoria and Tarrengower Cactus Control Committee:
Location: East side of Cairn Curran, follow the signs from the main entrance.
Sausage sizzle at about 12.30pm.
It’s the last field day for the year, so come and celebrate a great year’s work.
For more information contact Tony Kane on 5475 2973.
FREE volunteer recruitment workshop
Posted on 12 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
At: North Central CMA, Midland Highway, Huntly
A workshop exploring what motivates people to volunteer and how to meet your volunteers’ needs is being run in Bendigo. Brought to you by Conservation Volunteers Australia the workshop will include;
- Organisation self review
- Discussion of successful volunteer recruitment and retention strategies.
This will be an invaluable workshop for Landcare Groups wanting to retain
and increase membership.
Numbers are limited and registration is essential.
To register contact Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA)
phone the Bendigo CVA office on 0354 440 777
Click here to see the flyer for full details
Flora Identification Course
Posted on 8 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
Brought to you by McKenzies Hill Action & Landcare Group.
Run by Paul Foreman, consultant Botanist and Bush Heritage Australia Ecologist, the course aims to give participants an introduction to the ecosystems and indigenous flora of the Castlemaine area.
The course will run over four Sundays from 2pm – 4pm. There is a day long bus tour of the shire after the four field based sessions.
Sunday September 27th – Introduction to common trees. At Lushington Hill Bushland Reserve (Cnr. Martin & Monaghan streets, Diamond Gully).
Sunday October 4th – Common shrubs. At Kaweka Wildflower Reserve (Cnr. Hargreaves & Turner streets, Castlemaine).
Sunday October 11th – Common wildflowers. At Expedition Pass Reservoir (Reservoir Car Park, Point Road, Faraday).
Sunday November 8th – Common grasses. At Castlemaine Botanic Gardens (Northern Cark Park off Downes Rd).
Sunday November 15th – Tour of the shire. Bus provided. Meeting and returning to the car park opposite the Railway Hotel, Gingell St, Castlemaine. 10am – 4pm
For more information and to book contact Paul Foreman on 5472 4874 or 0429 134 592
Committees and Constitutions Workshop
Posted on 4 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
Venue: Sustainability Room, Woodend Neighbourhood Centre, Forest St, Woodend.
Does everyone in your committee understand your constitution or the Model Rules? Are you in a Committee and are not too sure what you have to do?
The Committees and Constitutions workshop, presented by Consumer Affairs Victoria, will introduce the roles and responsibilities of committees in community organisations. The workshop will also explain the Model Rules and the requirements of self-developed constitutions and the legal responsibilities they represent.
The workshop will:
– Highlight the benefits of being an incorporated association
– Simplify the legal requirements under the Incorporations Act 1981
– Provide information on handling disputes and grievance procedures
– Explain the roles and responsibilities of each committee member
For further information contact Gaynor Atkin, Community Project Team Leader, Macedon Ranges Shire Council.
Phone: 5422 0247 or Email:
Connecting Country Reference Group Meeting and Special General Meeting
Posted on 4 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
Please be advised of our first Reference Group meeting on the 5th NOVEMBER at 7pm at the Chewton Town Hall, Main Road Chewton (Next to the Post Office). There is parking behind the hall.
The evening will include an official project launch and very brief Special General Meeting in order to make some constitutional alterations.
Also on the agenda is:
– An update on the project and group involvement opportunities;
– A presentation from DSE staff on the Bushtender program which is currently running across the Goldfields Region;
– Further group on-ground project development and funding opportunities to follow on from the workshop held in August.
For more information please call Krista on 0466 012 030
Weed Workshops in Bendigo
Posted on 4 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
Are you a weed professional wishing to increase general awareness of the impact of weeds on the natural environment?
Weeds CRC has developed ‘What does your garden grow?’, a ‘train the trainer’ workshop aimed at assisting anyone speaking to groups or running courses on weeds. The workshop will focus on controlling weeds in gardens and the management of garden ‘escapees’ from urban fringe areas into adjoining bushland.
Suitable for plant nursery staff, education and training facilitators, weed management professionals, and representatives from organisations such as Landcare, this workshop is aimed at assisting you to deliver informed advice to your audience about local, national, environmental, noxious and declared weeds.
Participants will receive training materials that can be adapted to:
- provide information and materials for short courses and information sessions
- supplement formal training in weeds by educators/educational facilities
- inform Landcare/Bushcare volunteers
- client and home gardener needs
24th November: What does your garden grow?
25th November: What pesky plant is that?
Both workshops run from 9am – 3pm.
Venue: Bendigo DPI or TAFE
venue to be confirmed on booking
Cost: $200 (incl GST)
Includes workshop resources kit, morning tea & lunch
For more information contact: Annette Beer (02) 6938 1671
Environment Victoria and friends invite you to Celebrate Your River!
Posted on 4 November, 2009 by Connecting Country
Join us for the launch of the Your River: Loddon River project
Environment Victoria’s Your River project is an online storytelling
feature, profiling people who love and care for their local waterways.
Come along and share in stories of the Loddon River by: olive growers
Marlies and Peter Eicher, environmental educator Cathy McCallum,
indigenous plant expert Paul Haw, organic wine producer Ron Snep, sheep
farmer John Baulch and Kerang local Elaine Jones.
Thursday, 12 November 2009 @ 6.00pm
At Boort Tennis Club, Godfreys Road, opposite The Bric and right on
Little Lake Boort
Guest speakers, information displays, finger food and a
complimentary drink on arrival. Share in the stories of the Loddon River
and learn about Environment Victoria’s latest initiative, River Rescue
and Regional Renewal: an Action Plan for Northern Victoria.
Admission is free
Call Juliet Le Feuvre on (03) 9341 8106 or email her at by Monday, 9 November.
All are welcome!
Hosted by Environment Victoria with the support of North Central
Catchment Management Authority