Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Serrated Tussock slasher workshop

Posted on 13 November, 2009 by Connecting Country

The Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party, the National Serrated Tussock Management Group and the National Chilean Needle Grass Taskforce would like to inform you of new modifications that can be made to slashers to reduce the spread ofnoxious weeds such as Serrated Tussock (Nassella Trichotoma) and Chilean Needle Grass (Nassella Neesiana).

Slasher fans and slasher covers are a reasonably new invention which significantly reduces the spread of invasive species particularly Serrated Tussock and Chilean Needle Grass.

The Department of Primary Industries in partnership with Hume City Council and Macedon Ranges Shire Council are testing prototype slasher covers this year on tractor linkage slashers to minimise weed spread. The project with the Hume and Macedon municipalities aims to not only test the prototype but also promote the concept to other grass slashing contractors.

The field day is at Somerton Rd, Greenvale (Melway Map 178 E6).

The day will finish with lunch.

Register your intention to attend by email to or phone (03) 9217 4120.

Click here to read articles from the October 2009 ‘Tussock Times’.

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