Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

CFNC meeting on Shorebirds

Posted on 6 September, 2011 by Connecting Country

At the next Castlemaine Field Naturalist Club meeting on 9 September there will be a presentation by Mike Weston on Shorebirds.  The evening will begin at 7.30pm and the venue is the Uniting Church Hall. All are welcome.

Mike currently works as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at Deakin University. His interests are diverse but centre around wildlife and people, and working constructively to solve potential conflicts for the benefit of both people and biodiversity. His particular passion is the conservation of beach-nesting birds, and how they might be able to coexist with extremely high numbers of recreationists. To find out more about Mike Weston click here.

To see an example of local migratory waders have a look at this post on Geoff Park’s Natural Newstead blog where he records his recent observations of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers on Moolort Plains.


Native Grasses and Forage Shrubs in Farming Systems Field Days

Posted on 2 September, 2011 by Connecting Country

The North Central CMA are hosting two Native Grasses and Forage Shrubs Field Days.  These will take place in September at Lake Charm and Marnoo. Graeme Hand (CEO of Stipa Native Grasses Association Incorporated) and Jason Emms (SARDI Senior Research Scientist for the Enrich Program) will present and discuss information on a range of topics relating to utilising native grasses and forage shrubs in local productive farming systems.

The field day is a free event with lunch provided to those that RSVP.  Click here and here to see more details.

To register your interest in the field day please RSVP to the North Central CMA by 5 pm Monday 12 September 2011 on (03) 5448 7124 or


Digging down into Forest Creek

Posted on 1 September, 2011 by Connecting Country

Most Mount Alexander Shire residents and visitors to the area have seen photos of Forest Creek during the gold rushes, with enormous piles of dirt obliterating the watercourse. And most will know the creek as it is now, with substantial revegetation along most of its course. But the creek has other stories, not so well known, and these will be the subject of the third of Connecting Country free talks program for 2011 at Campbells Creek Community Centre on Thursday 8 September, to be presented by Robyn Ballinger.

‘The documents of the past give us a fascinating insight into the lesser known activities that happened along the creek,’ Robyn said yesterday.

‘Early maps, for example, show our creeks and rivers as being surrounded by excellent pasture land, suggestive of the kind of use the indigenous people would have made of it.  The presence of gold dramatically altered all this.’

Robyn’s talk will look at the creek from Golden Point to central Castlemaine, and tease out its many histories.  Forest Creek is known for its gold mining history, but people have made myriad other uses of this place over time. Using historical documents, Robyn will be providing a fascinating insight into the lesser-known activities that have shaped this local landscape.

Forest Creek at Welsh Street Bridge. Photo by John Ellis, August 2011

Robyn Ballinger’s presentation is a look at environmental history – how people have changed an environment over time and the consequences of that interaction for both nature and people.

To find out about this intriguing aspect of our local history, turn up to the Campbell’s Creek Community Centre on Thursday 8 September. A light supper made from local produce will be served from 6.30pm, and the talk will go from 7 to 9 pm.  Although the event is presented free as part of Connecting Country’s Yellow Box Woodland project, RVSPs from community members wishing to attend are encouraged to assist with catering (contact Chris on 5472 1594 or

The project is being undertaken in partnership with the North Central Catchment Management Authority and is co-funded by the federal Caring for our Country program and the state Natural Resource Investment Program.


New Field Guides on Mosses, Lichens and Fungi

Posted on 18 August, 2011 by Connecting Country

A meeting was recently held in Castlemaine to plan two new field guides covering mosses, lichens and fungi. This follows the success of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists folder guide to the indigenous plants of Castlemaine and surrounds. The new guides will be produced in the same format and the project has the support of FOBIF, Connecting Country and the Norman Wettenhall Foundation.

A field day is planned for 27 August to begin surveying local mosses. If you are interested in being involved in this new project, contact Bernard Slattery on 5470 5161.

Moss capsules, Metcalfe Nature Conservation Reserve, Photo by Bernard Slattery, May 30 2011


Community Tree Planting in Taradale

Posted on 18 August, 2011 by Connecting Country

Taradale Landcare has organised a community tree planting on Saturday 20 August. The meeting time is 10am and the meeting place is the Mineral Springs, Taradale. There will be plantings of Yellow Box, Blackwood and Manna Gums at Back Creek in the Taradale Mineral Springs and plantings of  Golden Wattle and Long-leaf Box at Kangaroo Creek by the Quartz Battery. It is suggested you dress warmly with sturdy boots. Morning tea will be provided.  Contact for further information.


Tackling Weeds in Three Ways

Posted on 17 August, 2011 by Connecting Country

Cactus Killers Wanted!

The Tarrangower Cactus Control Committee and Parks Victoria will hold their next community field day on Sunday 28 August starting at 10.30 pm.  The field day will be held at a property on the Baringhup Road near its intersection with the Hayes Road.  The route to the site will be well signposted.

The field day is an opportunity to enjoy some time outdoors while helping to eradicate Wheel Cactus from our district.  No experience is necessary and everyone concerned with the natural environment is most welcome.  Dress for the occasion in warm clothes and sturdy footwear.  The day will conclude at about 1 pm with a free sausage sizzle and cuppa.

Wheel Cactus from the Tarrengower area (Photo from DPI).

Managing Weeds on Your Small Property
A free workshop (and BBQ) on managing weeds will be held on 12 September at Woodvale Public Hall, Woodvale, between 6.00 and 8.30pm. For more information, click here.

Mapping of Wheel Cactus and other weeds
Connecting Country are also still promoting the mapping of weeds, particularly Wheel Cactus, on the community interactive mapper website.  All data will make an important contribution to the understanding and control of these weeds in the local area.  For information on how to participate in Connecting Country’s mapping of Wheel Cactus, click here.


How much fire is enough?

Posted on 10 August, 2011 by Connecting Country

In the second talk in its Education Program for 2011 the Connecting Country project is hosting a free information night on Thursday 25 August at Campbell’s Creek Community Centre. The management of Box-Ironbark forests through controlled fire will be the topic of conversation.

Fire can be used to reduce fuel hazard, and it can also be used to promote biodiversity. But what is the ‘natural’ fire regime in Box-Ironbark forests? How much fire can Box-Ironbark forests tolerate and how much burning should or could we be doing there?

Connecting Country project manager Chris Timewell said the night will be an opportunity for the community to hear and discuss the management of Box-Ironbark forests using fire.

Guest speaker, Dr Arn Tolsma, a senior scientist in Community  Ecology at the Arthur Rylah Institute, has a particular knowledge of forests and woodlands in our region. In 2007 Arn co-authored a research paper for the North Central CMA on fire ecology and management .

“One of the main problems that natural resource managers face is balancing the needs or wishes for a controlled fire regime with the needs of our native plants and animals,’ he said this week. “If management burns are too frequent, there is a risk of long term decline in some native species, and deterioration of soil quality. On the other hand, there is also the risk of losing species if burns are not frequent enough.”

“We are starting to get a better understanding of the way Aborigines used fire in this region. Most Box-Ironbark species not to need fire to regenerate, but we still need to do more research into how much fire is appropriate.”

So how much fire is enough? To find out, turn up to the Campbell’s Creek Community Centre on Thursday August 25. A free light supper made from locally sourced produce will be served from 6.30pm, and the talk will go from 7 to 9 pm.  Bookings can be made by contacting Chris on 5472 1594 or  (Also keep the evening of 8 September free in your diary for the third and final talk in the 2011 Education program).

This free event is part of Connecting Country’s Yellow Box Woodland project.  The project is being undertaken in partnership with the North Central CMA and is co-funded by the federal Caring for our Country program and the State Natural Resource Investment Program.


Correction of date for CFNC talk

Posted on 8 August, 2011 by Connecting Country

The Castlemaine Field Naturalist Club meeting will be held on Friday 12 August, not 13 August as stated in a previous email. Craig Grabham will be giving a presentation on bats in Victoria and around the Castlemaine area. Click here for more details.

Also a reminder that Megan Wong will be giving a presentation entitled  ‘Untangling the soil food web’ this Thursday 11 August at the Newstead Community Centre. This will be a very intriguing journey into life in our soil. Click here for more details.


All about Bats

Posted on 7 August, 2011 by Connecting Country

At the next Castlemaine Field Naturalist Club meeting Craig Grabham will discuss what bats are, their ecology, and bat diversity in Victoria and around the Castlemaine area. The role of bats in the broader ecosystem and why they are important to us will then be covered followed by a summary of the various survey methods used to survey bats. To conclude the evening, people will be able to use the Anabat detector and other survey equipment.

The presentation will take place on 12 August at the Uniting Church Hall (enter from Lyttleton Street). Starting time is 7.30 pm. All welcome.

Photos by Craig Grabham



How Life in the Earth Supports Life on Earth

Posted on 5 August, 2011 by Connecting Country

Newstead Landcare Group’s August presentation ‘Untangling the soil food web’ will be a very intriguing journey into life in our soil. Megan Wong, researching for a PhD in soil ecology, will introduce soil microflora (bacteria and fungi) and microfauna (eg nematodes and springtails), which are important and fascinating creatures that go largely unnoticed. Microscopic creatures that make up the soil food web, and how they all work together to support life on earth will be discussed. Megan will touch briefly upon her current plant-microbe research in the Northern Plains Grasslands of Victoria.

The talk will be from 8-9 pm on Thursday 11 August at Newstead Community Centre. All are welcome to attend. Gold coin donations would be appreciated. The presentation will be followed by a brief business meeting.


Innovative Farming Forum in Kerang

Posted on 5 August, 2011 by Connecting Country

The North Central CMA are inviting the community to attend the Innovative Farming Forum on 17 August 2011 at the Kerang Valley Resort. The Forum is designed for those farmers who are already, or are considering:

  •  irrigating less
  • changing their land and water use, or
  • unsure about their options with a variable climate and availability of water for irrigation.

The forum will provide an opportunity to:

  • hear from farmers who have successfully changed their land use
  • hear from key note speakers regarding sustainable land practice options on farming land where irrigation has been significantly reduced, or ceased completely
  • network with farmers and others to share experiences, lessons and advice; and
  • learn more about the Innovative Farming program and associated projects

For catering purposes please RSVP to North Central CMA on 5448 7124 or by Friday 11 August



Posted on 27 July, 2011 by Connecting Country

The Tarrangower Cactus Control Committee and Parks Victoria will hold their next community field day on Sunday 31 July starting at 10.30 pm.  The field day will be held in Cooks Lane, which is off the Baringhup Road near its intersection with the Bridgewater – Maldon Road.  The route to the site will be well signposted from the intersection.

The field day is an opportunity to enjoy some time outdoors while helping to eradicate Wheel Cactus from our district.  No experience is necessary and everyone concerned with the natural environment is most welcome.  Dress for the occasion in warm clothes and sturdy footwear.  The day will conclude at about 1 pm with a free sausage sizzle and cuppa.

Wheel Cactus community field days are monthly events and take place on the last Sunday of each month.


Bridal Creeper Field Day Report

Posted on 20 July, 2011 by Connecting Country

‘Stop the spread’ was the catch cry at the Bridal Creeper Field day organized by Ian Grenda and the Nuggetty Landcare Group and held on Sunday 10 July. A Weed of National Significance (forever more known as a WONS!) Bridal Creeper is regarded as one of the worst weeds in Australia because of its invasiveness, potential for spreading, and its environmental and economic impacts.

Ian, Janis and Jane took the troopers through an area where various control methods were being trialled and talked about how a site assessment was vital in choosing the most appropriate control method.  The use of biological controls of rust fungus and leaf hoppers would help to weaken the plants and prevent flowering and seeding, and would suit areas that were difficult to access, had large infestations and perhaps difficult for the land managers to tackle.  Hand weeding would be okay to stop the spread but when you see the prolific corms that all need to be treated this method would suit perhaps new plants or areas where native plants were present.  Spraying methods were also discussed along with scrunching and gloving!

After a warming BBQ and lots of ideas, people headed off with bags containing rust spore or leaf hopper infested Bridal Creeper ready to spread the helpers and help stop the spread of this creepy plant.  A great session and thanks to Nuggetty!

Click here to see the Project Brief and here for Field Notes on data and photo monitoring.

For further information, email Ian Grenda ( or Janis Stewart (


Three Fascinating Field Trips

Posted on 13 July, 2011 by Connecting Country

This year’s Connecting Country Education Program treated participants to three fascinating field trips around Mount Alexander Shire.

In May, Phil Dyson from the North Central Catchment Management (CMA) provided an insight to how landscapes are formed with his geology and soils tour. From the anticlinal fold in Lyttleton St in Castlemaine to the top of Mt Alexander, we learnt about the main rock types in the Mount Alexander Shire landscape and how these were formed.  We observed how geology, soils and vegetation interact to produce differing impacts on land use.

Phil Dyson points out interesting landscape features from the top of Mt Alexander.

‘The bush is more than just bush’ was the theme of our Yellow Box Woodland tour with Paul Foreman (Bush Heritage) and Ian Higgins (North Central CMA) in June.  At an idyllic woodland site tucked away in the Irishtown forest, we learnt how to recognize different vegetation communities and habitat characteristics. Ian and Paul highlighted that the disturbance history of local vegetation communities is different, which means some are more rare and more damaged than others.

Paul Foreman assists participants with completing a vegetation assessment.

Elaine Bayes (BRIT TAFE and Department of Sustainability and Environment) and Damien Cook (Australian Ecosystems) inspired all participants by their knowledge of, and passion for, waterways and wetlands, our final field trip. We followed the Loddon River from Glenluce to Newstead learning how to assess waterways and observing how land use changes as you move downstream. At the Moolort Wetlands we saw the abundance of birds, and other aquatic plants and animals, that have been thriving over the past few months after these areas filled with water for the first time in over a decade.

Damien Cook highlights the wetting and drying cycle at the Moolort Wetlands.

Connecting Country would like to send a huge thanks to all participants, our wonderful presenters, and, especially, to Deirdre Slattery who developed the program.

This year’s education program is not over! We have two more free evening talks on the bill. Arn Tolsma from the Arthur Rylah Institute will talk about the role of fire in Box Ironbark Forests on the 25th of August. The history of Forest Creek and its impact on the landscape will be explored by Robyn Ballinger on the 8th of September. These events will be held at the Campbell’s Creek Community Centre and kick off at 6.30pm with soup provided by the Growing Abundance Project. Click here for further information.


10 July – Planting on the Loddon River

Posted on 5 July, 2011 by Connecting Country

Newstead Landcare Group’s second planting for 2011 will be by the Loddon River at Newstead. It will take place this Sunday 10 July at 9.30 am. The group is planning to put in more shrubs and sedges on “the Island” about 600m upstream from the bridge. As the road may be boggy and rough, you may want to park in Layard Street near the ford and walk downstream. Bring some gloves and a mug for morning tea. Buckets, hammers and digging implements would also be useful.

If you would like more information, contact Patrick Kavanagh on 54 762 755. All are welcome.


Reminder about Upcoming Events

Posted on 4 July, 2011 by Connecting Country

This is a reminder about four events that you may be interested in attending over the next week:

Friday 8 July
Euan Moore will speak on Birding in Sri Lanka at this month’s Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club meeting. Starting time is 7.30 pm and the venue is the Uniting Church Hall (enter from Lyttleton Street). All welcome.

Saturday 9 July
As part of their Small Conservation Reserves Survey, the Castlemaine Field Naturalists have organised an excursion to the Walmer South Nature Conservation Reserve. The group will depart from the carpark opposite the motel in Duke St, Castlemaine at 1.30 pm sharp.

Sunday 10 July
The Nuggetty Land Protection Group is inviting interested community members to attend a workshop on Bridal Creeper. The workshop will be held at the Bridal Creeper Trial site which is located immediately behind the Maldon cemetery in the Maldon Historic Reserve. It will take place between 11.00am and 12.30pm and finish with a free sausage sizzle and cupper. For more information click here.

Monday 11 July
The Friends of the Box-Ironbark AGM will be held at the Continuing Education building, Templeton St, Castlemaine. Starting time is 7.30 pm. The guest speaker will be Damian Wells, CEO of the North Central Catchment Management Authority and he will speak on Catchment Management and the Floods.


Integrated Weed Management workshops

Posted on 21 June, 2011 by Connecting Country

Landcare and the North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) are hosting an informative workshop titled ‘Integrated Weed Management’ to be held at Boort and Woodend, on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 June respectively.

The ‘Integrated Weed Management’ workshops will be presented by prominent Professor Brian Sindel from the University of New England. Formally a member of CSIRO, Professor Sindel is now the Professor of Weed Science at the University. Professor Sindel is an author and editor of a wide range of well-known weed management resources and has over twenty years of invaluable knowledge, research and experience in weed ecology and management.
Continue Reading »


27 June – Reference Group Meeting

Posted on 10 June, 2011 by Connecting Country

What will Connecting Country look like in 5 years time? Please join us to share your thoughts and ideas to help shape the future direction of the project.

An agenda will be sent prior to the meeting. For minutes from the last meeting click here. All are invited. We would love to see at least one member from each Landcare/friends group attend.

The meeting will take place in the Ray Bradfield Rooms, Castlemaine, between 7 pm and 9 pm.


World Environment Day in Castlemaine

Posted on 25 May, 2011 by Connecting Country

World Environment Day will be celebrated in Castlemaine on Sunday 5 June with an Environmental Expo in the Market Building organised by Trust for Nature. Connecting Country, Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests, MASG and a range of other local environmental organisations, community groups and schools have organised displays and activities for the morning which starts at 10am and finishes at midday.

The event will be family friendly with children’s art activities at various stalls and there will be short environmental documentaries. It will be a good opportunity for people to find out how they can be involved in environmental initiatives in the area. Everyone is welcome. The Expo coincides with the Farmers market which will take place in the adjacent Victory Park.

The mayor of Mount Alexander Shire, Janet Cropley, will launch the councils new Environment Strategy during the morning.

More information can be found here.


3 June 2011 – ‘Recreating the Country’ Field Day

Posted on 22 May, 2011 by Connecting Country

The Ballarat Region Treegrowers is hosting ‘Recreating the Country’ Field Day on Friday 3 June 2011 at the ImLal Biorich Demonstration site (VicRoads Country Directory Map 77 ref B4).  The day starts at 10am and finishes at 4.15pm.

Recreating the Country is a new model of revegetation that integrates conservation with production.  This new model aims to enrich habitat potential across rural Landscapes, not just for a lifetime, but for centuries to come.  The field day will involve talks and site tours by conservation and farm forestry experts. Download the flyer here for further information.

If there is sufficient interest from community members, the North Central CMA is planning on organising a bus from Bendigo to the field day site.  For further information or to register your interest in attending the field day via bus please contact Ashley Beven, Regional Landcare Facilitator, North Central CMA by Friday 27 May 2011:

Phone: (03) 5440 1864
Mobile: 0428 508 726