Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Rabbits Invade Harcourt – Rabbit Control Field Day

Posted on 20 March, 2025 by Lori

In mid-February Connecting Country organised a very well patronised Rabbit Control Field Day led by Tim Bloomfield, from the Victorian Rabbit Action Network.  The event was part of the Partnership against Pests Project funded by Agriculture Victoria.  A big thank-you to Robyn Miller for putting together this summary of the event and photos.

Tim Bloomfield from Victorian Rabbit Action Network in the field discussing bait laying for rabbit control

The Rabbit Control Field Day was held on February 15th in Harcourt at the Heritage Centre before moving to a field site for demonstrations. Tim began by saying that rabbits ‘love’ the granitic soils which stretch in an arc from Harcourt to Maldon’s Mount Tarrengower. He described how rabbits were introduced to Australia in 1859 by Thomas Austin, who for hunting purposes imported 13 wild European rabbits which eventually spread across the entire continent.

He said, ‘Killing rabbits by shooting is easy but managing the landscape to eradicate rabbits is the difficult thing. Rabbits change the landscape and it is important to use a variety of control measures in the right sequence. These include baiting, fumigation of burrows and following up with destroying burrow systems and rabbit harbour. Rabbit proof fencing is an important but expensive tool for landowners.’

‘Rabbits need to be reduced by 85 to 95% to stop a population explosion. Two adult breeding rabbits will result in 184 rabbits in 12 months. If you don’t have effective prevention methods rabbits will fill your property after you have cleared them, as they will return to existing burrows. They can survive on low levels of protein and it only takes one to three rabbits per hectare to stop the regeneration of native species.  If you set up an exclusion plot, you will be surprised by the amount of natural grasses etc that will grow if you keep rabbits out.  Rabbits can spread 500 weed seeds per day which allows them to create their own habitat, for example, Box Thorn and Gorse.’

Tim recommended that neighbours in adjoining properties work together. He said, ‘By using an app called Feral Scan, burrow sites can be accurately recorded in order to make shooting effective and to locate them for the use of fumigants or poison bait.’ At the field site Tim demonstrated smoking a burrow to find the extent of the burrow and to identify the entrances.

Local earthworks contractor demonstrating rabbit warren destruction.

In deciding which chemical baits to use around burrows, the choice is between 1080 and Pindone.  Pindone is toxic to native animal species but they do have some protection against 1080.  However, there are limitations to using 1080, especially in urbanised areas, as there are particular risks to domestic animals like dogs.  It is necessary to have a Chemical Users Certificate to purchase and use 1080 and very important that any dead animals are removed early in the morning to avoid secondary poisoning of other animals when using any baits.

‘The final step, once shooting and fumigating and or baiting has been carried out, is to rip the burrows, to prevent any survivors returning to occupy an empty burrow.  Burrows can go to 850 millimetres and will not go lower than the water table. If burrows are being ripped, the ripping needs to go outside the holes by 4 meters. To make ripping cost effective, neighbours can share the cost.’

Tim was formally thanked by the Connecting Country organisers; the attendees were very impressed with Tim’s knowledge and advice and enjoyed a delicious morning tea and lunch provided as part of the course. Thanks were also extended to the property owners, who generously allowed the demonstrations to be carried out on their land.

Participants were interested to learn that Connecting Country will soon run a two-day course chemical users course, which is heavily subsidised, at Castlemaine Community House.

For more information on best practice rabbit control, visit the Victorian Rabbit Action Network (VRAN) website

This event was supported by funding from the Victorian Government through the Partnership Against Pests program.



Phascogale Nest Box Workshop with Harcourt Valley Landcare

Posted on 17 March, 2025 by Hadley Cole

Our friends at Harcourt Valley Landcare are excited to invite you to their upcoming Harcourt Phascogale Nest Box Workshop. At the workshop you will learn how to build a nest box for the vulnerable Brush-tailed Phascogale, for which the Mt Alexander Shire is one of the last remaining strongholds.
Phascogales have specific needs in a nesting box – not just any box will do. Miles Geldard from Wildlife Nesting Boxes will take you through the unique needs of Phascogales and how to make the perfect nesting box. You’ll learn a fair bit about the creatures themselves too!
When: Saturday 22 March 2025, 10.00am – 12.30pm
Where: Harcourt Valley Primary School, 3 Wilkinson St, Harcourt
Cost: $30 (including materials, lunch, tea & coffee)
Bookings essential: Register here  only 20 spots available!
Materials, lunch and tea/coffee are provided and you can take your nest box home with you. You don’t need to be a whiz with the tools and we can even lend you a power drill if you need. Included in your ticket price is installation of the box on your property (within the Mt Alexander Shire) by Miles Geldard.
To find out more about this wonderful event – click here
There are only 20 spots and at only $30, spots will fill quickly – so register today!


Partnering against Pests: Rabbit control field day

Posted on 13 January, 2025 by Anna

Connecting Country is teaming up with Victorian Rabbit Action Network (VRAN) to deliver a Rabbit Control Field Day as part of the Partnership Against Pests project (funded by Agriculture Victoria).

When: Saturday February 15th starting 9:30am-1:30pm.

Where: Harcourt ANA Hall, 7 High Street, Harcourt.

The day will include an indoor presentation followed by onsite demonstrations at a private property including an introduction to various control methods, demonstrations on how to use a bait layer or set up a bait station and a look at the impacts of rabbit harbour and burrowing systems and how to manage them.

This event is FREE but places are limited so please book your tickets HERE.  

The address of the private property in Harcourt will be provided closer to the date of the event.

Please wear appropriate outdoor clothing, sturdy footwear, hat, sunscreen and bring a water bottle.

Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

Please note the field day will be rescheduled if an extreme weather event is forecast.

The rabbit control field day is funded by the Victorian State Government Partnership Against Pests Program.



Seeding Our Future – Propagation Workshop with Newstead Natives

Posted on 23 December, 2024 by Hadley Cole

One of the key threats to local flora populations is seed security, particularly those species occurring in low numbers and fragmented populations that lack genetic diversity. Considering this Connecting Country is rolling out the Seeding Our Future project which focuses on building populations and connectivity of local flora species through community engagement and educational workshops on seed collection and propagation.

In early November we hosted the first event, a Seed Collection Workshop with Seeding Victoria in Castlemaine. The workshop was well received by a crowd of nearly 40 enthusiastic participants. Dan Frost from Seeding Victoria is a wealth of knowledge and shared his deep understanding of collecting various species of indigenous seed from across central Victoria. To read more about this event – click here

The second Seeding Our Future workshop is coming up on 22 February 2025: Propagation Workshop with Newstead Natives. This workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to learn from expert nursery person Frances Cincotta who will demonstrate various propagation techniques for some of our local indigenous plants.

The workshop will include:

  • Seed sowing
  • Propagating from Cuttings
  • Propagating through the division of plants

The workshop will also include a short presentation from Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation (DJAARA).

When: Saturday 22 February 2025, 9.00am -1.00pm

Where: Newstead Natives Nursery, 4 Palmerston Street Newstead VIC

Cost: $20 

 Morning tea and lunch will be provided. 

For bookings – click here



The Seeding Our Future project is funded by the North Central Catchment Management Authority through the 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants.


Seeding Our Future: Seed Collection Workshop with Seeding Victoria

Posted on 19 December, 2024 by Hadley Cole

On Saturday 9 November Connecting Country teamed up with Seeding Victoria to deliver a Seed Collection Workshop focussed on techniques for local indigenous plants. This workshop is part of a series of engagement events Connecting Country is coordinating through the Seeding Our Future project. This project aims to build the populations, and therefore resilience, of local flora species by engaging community members in the collection and growing of local species to build seed banks across the region ensuring seed security for future revegetation.

Dan Frost and Robert Hall from Seeding Victoria presented the workshop covering topics from seed collection permits, common and uncommon species worth collecting in terms of the price fetched per gram of seed, future projection of seed required for revegetation projects across the state (eg. for restoration projects as part of Victorian government BushBank program) followed by more practical aspects including collection techniques for various plant types.

Dan Frost has been collecting seed for almost two decades and brought a wealth of knowledge to the workshop. He talked us through the useful seed collecting equipment and talked about the increasing importance of creating seed orchards for collecting seed as weather patterns change significantly with climate change.


The second part of the workshop involved heading outside so Dan could talk us through identification of local flora species as well as recognising the various life stages plants move through and the optimum timing for collecting seed. We looked at a diversity of lifeforms including local everlasting daisies, shrubs, wattles, eucalypts, grasses and sheoaks. Dan also talked through the OH&S issues that can arise when collecting from trees. The most important message of the day was to always leave seed behind for the bush – as well as meeting permit requirements (only collecting 10% of seed from each plant) it is also critical seed remains in the bush for future growth for habitat and food for the local fauna.

Participants reported they enjoyed excellent presentations for Seeding Victoria staff, and many expressed their interest in getting involved in future seed collection and/or conservation projects.

“Thank you for the wonderful workshop. Dan was an excellent presenter with a huge amount of knowledge communicated really well. Thank you all! “

The Connecting Country team are pleased to kick the Seeding Our Future project off so successfully. We look forward to the next workshop: Propagation with Newstead Natives in February 2025.

The Seeding Our Future project is funded by the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) through the 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants.



Connecting Country’s 2024 AGM: Growing our Future Together

Posted on 12 December, 2024 by Hadley Cole

On Saturday 23 November Connecting Country held it’s 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Campbells Creek Community Centre. The focus for this year was to provide an opportunity for Connecting Country members and the wider community to come together and think about what is important to our community in supporting local biodiversity and connection with nature. 

After 16 years of influencing positive environmental change on 500+ properties in the region, the time has come to look forward and consider the future of Connecting Country!  

Three local Connecting Country members, all from differing backgrounds, were invited to join a panel discussion facilitated by Castlemaine Institute’s Sharon Fraser. Brendan Sydes, Connecting Country Committee President and Australian Conservation Foundation’s Biodiversity Policy Advisor,  Ian Higgins, local natural resource management practitioner and founding member of Friends of Campbells Creek and Ann-Marie Monda, landowner (with Carla Meurs) from Wooroomook property in Sutton Grange who integrate environmental improvements within agricultural farmland, were invited to the panel to discuss what is important to them in local biodiversity conservation and how we can shape the future of Connecting Country to achieve this. 


Panel discussion with Brendan Sydes, Ian Higgins, Anne-Marie Monda interviewed by Sharon Fraser from Castlemaine Institute.

The panel discussed the current state of the environment at the broader scale of global, national and state levels and then moved on to the importance of action at the local level and how many of the actions we take locally have a direct impact on the ground. All three panel speakers spoke of the importance of Connecting Country as a network that brings the many Landcare, friends of and environmental groups together, providing a central point for people to come to share information and connect with others who have the same goals of protecting the natural environment.



AGM attendees were given the opportunity to break into groups and discuss local conservation actions they have been involved in throughout the last year and also think about what the role of Connecting Country has been for them as a Landcare, friends group member or a local Landholder over the previous 16 years. Small groups of participants recorded their visions for Connecting Country’s future that would provide financial security as well as meeting the most significant conservation needs of our local community. These ideas were recorded on gum leaves that were then displayed on branches of a beautiful tree painted by local artist Jane Rusden.



Sharon Fraser gracefully held the workshop with an open mind and sincerity and the Connecting Country committee and staff are very grateful for her input into the day. Contributions from participants on the day will be summarised and used by the Connecting Country Committee of Management in future planning.

The most important message that came out of the day is that Connecting Country remains widely respected within the community and holds a significant role in acting as a network of many branches, bringing together many local conservation groups and the broader visions for restoring and protecting the natural environment.







Elphinstone Land Management Association & Taradale Landcare pollinator planting

Posted on 21 November, 2024 by Hadley Cole

In 2023 Connecting Country received funding through the Victorian Landcare Grants for a pollinator corridor project; The Bee Line project. The project has involved working with five Landcare groups in the Mount Alexander region to coordinate the planting of 1600 pollinator attracting plants with the aim of further expanding pollinator corridors.

Research demonstrates a serious global decline in pollinators due to habitat loss, a lack of connectivity between isolated pockets of habitat and climate change. By ensuring restoration efforts include pollinator attracting plant species and are connected to existing bushland or restoration sites, we can help to build resilience across ecosystems at the landscape scale. Pollinators form the backbone of the natural environment and by increasing connected habitat for a diverse range of their life forms, we are encouraging populations to thrive which will have a flow on affect to all flora and fauna across the Mount Alexander Shire.


Photos above show the planting sites on private property in Taradale and along the roadside in the Elphinstone township. Photos by Lynette Hills.

Elphinstone Land Management Association (ELMA) partnered with neighbouring group Taradale Landcare to take part in Connecting Country’s Bee Line Project and planted 300 pollinator attracting plants species across sites between each group’s work areas. The groups worked with public and private landholders and targeted areas along or adjacent to the roadsides between the Taradale and Elphinstone townships. These planting sites were carefully selected as they add value to existing plantings that will enhance connectivity between Taradale cemetery which is home to precious indigenous flora.

The plantings aim to increase connectivity through corridors from Elphinstone to the Taradale Cemetery, through to Taradale township. These strategic plantings aim to allow pollinators to move through the landscape and hopefully lead to an increase in populations of local pollinators by providing additional food and habitat resources.

Well done ELMA and Taradale Landcare for teaming up, pooling resources and working successfully together to continue conservation efforts in the region!

This project is funding by North Central Catchment Management Authority through the 2023 Victorian Landcare Grants.




Maldon Urban Landcare Group AGM & special event: Living with our Wild Neighbours with Tanya Loos

Posted on 11 November, 2024 by Hadley Cole

Maldon Urban Landcare Group (MULGA) is celebrating their Annual General Meeting (AGM) with special guest Tanya Loos who will be speaking about her most recent book ‘Living with Wildlife’ on Saturday 30 November 2024.

MULGA have provided the following information and details about this wonderful event.

Everyone is welcome to come along to this very interesting talk ‘Living with Wildlife’ – possums in the roof, an echidna in the garden, or perhaps a bird attacking your windows? Join Tanya Loos, author of Living with Wildlife: A Guide for Our Homes and Backyards, published by CSIRO Publishing, as she provides information, advice and solutions to encounters with wildlife, based on current guidance from wildlife rescue organisations and the latest research. Tanya loves drawing from ecological science to educate and inspire people to care about wildlife and wildlife habitat.


When: Saturday 30 November at 2.15pm

Where: Maldon Neighbourhood Centre, 1 Church St, Maldon VIC

Refreshments will be provided. Booking not required.

For further information, contact Bev Phillips, ph. 0407 770 350, email:


BirdLife Castlemaine’s Mid-Week Bird Walk – Wednesday 20th November 2024 – Garfield Water Wheel, Chewton

Posted on 28 October, 2024 by Anna

Our friends at BirdLife Castlemaine District are holding their next mid-week bird walk on Wednesday 20th November at the Garfield Mine Water Wheel site in the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park (Northern section), Chewton.


Recent species seen in the area include Painted Buttonquail, Olive-backed Oriole, Scarlet and Yellow Robin, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike, Fan-tailed, and Shining-Bronze Cuckoo, Rufous Whistler and in previous years at this time, Pacific Koel and Square-tailed Kite. Other species likely to be seen include a variety of Honeyeaters, Thornbills and Pardalotes. Your walk leader is Bob Dawson.

Shining Bronze-cuckoo Photo by Geoff Park













Where: We will meet at the Garfield Water Wheel car park, Chewton. From the Hargraves St roundabout Castlemaine, take the Pyrenees Hwy (B180) toward Chewton. Drive 3.8k and turn left at North St. Drive 800mtrs along North St and you will see the turn off to the Water Wheel. There is no street sign but there is a large sign saying “Garfield Wheel Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park”. Turn right and the carpark is about 300mtrs along this road. GPS: -37.07279, 144.25929.

When: Meet at the Garfield Water Wheel carpark at 9:00am.

Bring: Water, snacks, binoculars, sunscreen, hat, and we also strongly recommend that you wear long trousers and closed-in sturdy shoes.

More info: Bob Dawson, 0417 621 691. Note, there are toilets at the site.

Birdlife Castlemaine acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land where we are holding our walk, the Dja Dja Wurrung people and we pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We recognise and are grateful for the immense contribution of Indigenous people to the knowledge and conservation of Australia’s birds.

Please note that walks will be cancelled if severe weather warnings are in place, persistent rain is forecast, the temperature is forecast to be 35°C or above during the walk period, and/or a Total Fire Ban is declared. Please check the BirdLife Castlemaine Facebook page the day before the event in case there is a cancellation.


Seeding Our Future: Seed Collection Workshop

Posted on 23 October, 2024 by Hadley Cole

Connecting Country is pleased to announce an exciting new project; Seeding Our Future which is funded by the 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants. The Seeding Our Future project focuses on building the populations and connectivity of local flora species through community engagement and educational workshops. 

One of the key threats to local flora populations is seed security, particularly those species occurring in low numbers and fragmented populations that lack genetic diversity. Local plant populations are already highly fragmented and isolated. With this we are witnessing the reduction of genetic diversity across populations which will be exacerbated by severe weather patterns and could eventually lead to the extinction of rare indigenous plant species. This will have enormous repercussions for many local vertebrates and invertebrates who rely on specific plant species for habitat and food sources. 

To protect biodiversity from extinction, the Seeding Our Future project offers local community the opportunity to take direct action to increase flora populations across the region. Through the collection of seed and growing of indigenous plant species, particularly those that are rare, we can increase genetic diversity and population of local indigenous flora, creating resilient ecosystems and seed banks for our future.

To kick the project off we are hosting a Seed Collection workshop with Seeding Victoria, in Castlemaine on Saturday 9 November 2024. This workshop has also received funding support from Cassinia Environmental, Natural Resources Conservation Trust and the Victorian Government BushBank program.

The day will involve;

  • The nuts and bolts to seed collecting: You will learn species identification, what permits you need to obtain for collecting seed, OH&S, collection techniques, extraction and storage.
  • Field Trip: We will have a look at the OH&S components of seed collecting, observing what’s flowering and what will be ready to collect in the coming months.
  • There will be an opportunity to order seed-collecting equipment on the day.
  • Learn about how the NRCT Seed Bank Revolving Fund works and how to obtain a discount for seed-collecting equipment.
  • Introduction to the BushBank Program: How to get involved in collecting seed for the $30M Government program and access funding to undertake biodiversity planting on your property.

When: Saturday 9 November 2024, 9.30am – 3.30pm

Where: Castlemaine Botanical Gardens Tea Rooms, Downes Rd. Castlemaine

Cost: $30.

For more information and bookings – click here




The Seeding Our Future project is funded by the North Central Catchment Management Authority through the 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants.

The Seed Collection Workshop with Seeding Victoria has received further support from, Cassinia Environmental, Victorian State Government BushBank program and the Natural Resource Conservation Trust.  



Talking weeds in Taradale – Weed ID and Control Workshop

Posted on 17 October, 2024 by Lori

On Sunday 13 October, Connecting Country partnered with North Central Catchment Management Authority, to host a Weed ID and Control Workshop in Taradale.

Connecting Country’s Bonnie Humphreys teamed up with natural resource management expert, former Connecting Country staff and local farmer Jarrod Coote, to bring a suite of information on some of our local weeds. Specimens of noxious and environmental weeds were on display and participants were invited to delve into the biology of weeds in order to understand the best timeframe and course of action for management. When thinking about controlling a particular species, participants were encouraged to research:

  • When is the active growth cycle?
  • When does it seed?
  • How are the seeds distributed?
  • How does the plant reproduce (i.e. does it regrow from stems, does it have bulbs, or a tap root)?

An understanding of the biology of a weedy plant will help participants to undertake control methods more effectively and efficiently.

The workshop also covered legislation around noxious weeds, and responsibilities for landholders, weed control techniques and planning for weed control. Participants also had the opportunity to see a practical demonstration of an Eco Blade destroying gorse!

                 Photos by Carmen Bunting

“…I know I expressed my appreciation on the day, but this is just to reinforce how much the weeds day at Taradale was appreciated.  It was well organised.  The speakers were realistic, informed & practical in their presentations and contributions.  The field component was accessible and, again, very practical – thoroughly worthwhile day…” (David Cheal)

More information on local weed control is available in Connecting Country’s Healthy Landscape Guide which is available electronically on the website or in hard copy for $15 through the Connecting Country office or at Stall #625 at The Mill.

This workshop was the first in a series of events that is part of Connecting Country’s new Partnerships Against Pests project funded by Agriculture Victoria in 2024-25, and was also supported by the North Central Catchment Management Authority.


Partnering against pests in the Mount Alexander Region 

Posted on 18 September, 2024 by Hadley Cole

Connecting Country is excited to announce our new ‘Partnerships Against Pests’ project funded by Agriculture Victoria in 2024-25. Through this program, Connecting Country will work with a range of stakeholders to raise awareness of local pest plant and animal issues, and empower community with the skills to address these threats.   The project will involve a series of field days, market stalls, a weed control video and training events alongside a seasonal communication campaign around key pest issues in the region. 

The first event will be a ‘Weed Identification and Control Workshop’ on Sunday 13th October from 10 -1pm in Taradale.  We will be focusing on a range of local noxious and environmental weeds, covering identification tips and control techniques with practical demonstrations. We are hoping to provide an opportunity for you to meet with local contractors from your area. 

This event is FREE but places are limited so please book your tickets HERE.  This secures a showbag of goodies to get you started and catering on the day. 

We are also currently updating our ‘Mount Alexander Region Contractors List’.  This list is available on our website as a connection for landholders looking for a local environmental contractor. If you work within the Mount Alexander Region and would like to be included on this list or involved with the above mentioned field day, please get in touch via email: 

The Weed Identification and Control Workshop is funded by the Victorian State Government Partnership Against Pests Program and the North Central Catchment Management Authority.





2024 Great Southern BioBlitz – 20-23 September

Posted on 10 September, 2024 by Anna

Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club is again hosting the Great Southern Bioblitz for the Castlemaine region. GSB24 runs from September 20 to 23 2024 with citizen scientists from across the Southern Hemisphere photographing and audio recording as many living species as possible within their regions.

Get involved and help showcase all the amazing forms of wildlife living in our own Castlemaine region and help build the scientific databases that increase knowledge and understanding of our bushlands. These annual Bioblitz surveys collect vast amounts of data on species and distribution that would otherwise be unavailable.

To join the fun take photographs or make sound recordings of flora, fauna and fungi between 20-23 September. You have until 7 October 2024 to upload them to iNaturalist from your phone app or computer. iNaturalist is a global databank for observations of biodiversity made by scientists, naturalists and citizen scientists. Then skilled naturalists, scientists and other citizen scientists will help you identify as many of your observations as possible.  If you’re unsure on how to use iNaturalist, the Field Nats will be running a Beginners Guide to iNaturalist on Wednesday 11th Sept at 7pm (bookings required at )

There are a series of events hosted by Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club, as part of the Bioblitz. See below for details.

Yellow-footed Antechinus. Photo: Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club

Friday 20th – Monday 23rd September – make your observations and attend the following special events.  Observations must be from the Mt Alexander Shire or the eastern half of Hepburn Shire including Daylesford and Trentham.

Friday 20th Sept from 7pm: Moth Night

Moths hold vital roles in ecosystem biodiversity. They are an important food source and great pollinators. The majority of species are nocturnal and most of these are attracted to light. Come along to watch these moths flying onto illuminated moth sheets and be amazed at the variation in sizes and colour of these beautiful creatures. A moth scientist will be on site to help with identification.

We will set up the lights and moth sheets at the southern end of the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens near the Walker St bridge (Opposite The Mill).

Sunday 22nd Sept.  1:30-3:30pm, followed by afternoon tea. Bioblitz Afternoon in the Bush.  All Welcome

As part of Bioblitz 2024, we are offering the opportunity to spend a very special afternoon in the bush with four of our highly regarded local wildlife experts. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the bush and record what you see and hear with photos or audio.

Bring your phone, camera, binoculars, magnifying glass and unbridled, childlike curiosity! And a cup for afternoon tea. If you wish, bring something for afternoon tea to share afterwards.

Meet at the Red White and Blue Picnic Area in Muckleford Forest – click here for directions.

Friday 20th Sept to Monday 7th October.  Load and Identify

During this time, load your observations made between 20th and 23rd Sept to the iNaturalist platform.  They will be automatically included in our GSB24 project. You can also help identify the observations that others have made.

Want a challenge?  Can you make and load more observations than our very own “Babblerboy” who in 2023 recorded 799 observations of 256 species – no. 17 globally!



Wild discoveries: an exhibition of nature photography at Newstead Arts Hub

Posted on 3 September, 2024 by Lori

Throughout September, Newstead Arts Hub is hosting an exhibition showcasing the fabulous work of four local photographers entranced by and enthused about nature.

Photographers Marte Newcombe, Daryl Fleay, Patrick Kavanagh and Bronwyn Silver will present some of their most striking discoveries of the wild – visual testaments to, and explorations of, the natural world.

Photo images by Marte Newcombe.


‘Nature embodies breathtaking complexity, subtle and intricate relationships and ineffable beauty. Much remains hidden to the casual eye, yet much can be revealed through the photographic lens. Minute details of a feather or moss, connections in colour and texture, colours and vast plenty in the night sky invisible to the unaided eye.’

The exhibition will be launched by Geoff Park on Saturday 7 September at 11am. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided.

The show will be open every weekend in September from 10am to 4pm.

For more information and to see the full Newstead Arts Hub program – click here


One week to go: Feathery Festival kicks off with film night Thursday 5th September

Posted on 28 August, 2024 by Anna

The Feathery Festival kicks off next week, Thursday 5th September, with a screening of multi-award-winning documentary, ‘The Message of the Lyrebird’ at Theatre Royal Castlemaine @ 7:30PM 

  • This is a special fundraising event also featuring live music by Joel Bloom and Hilary Blackshaw, artwork by Jane Rusden, and a conversation with local Landcarers and ecologists. 
  • All proceeds from ticket sales will go towards Connecting Country’s Conservation Program and Balangara Films Education Distribution Program. 

Tickets $25 or $20 concession.  Make sure to get your tickets here as they won’t be available at the door.

Doors open 6pm for pizza and drinks.

Superb Lyrebird, from ‘the Message of the Lyrebird’. Photo: Balangara Films


Bird Walk at Rise and Shine Nature Conservation Reserve in Newstead. 

Saturday 7th at 9am

Join us on a free guided bird walk in one of the regions bird watching hot spots!

This event is filling up so click here to reserve your place.


On Wednesday 11th at 7PM, the festival will wrap up with ‘Birds and Beers’,  a talk by local author, Tanya Loos at the Taproom, Shedshaker.   

Tanya will bring her wealth of experience living with wildlife,  providing practical tips on how to make sure our homes and backyards are a haven for birds. 

Come down earlier for dinner and beers. 


For more info visit our events page here


Feathery Festival – September 2024

Posted on 21 August, 2024 by Anna

Connecting Country, Birdlife Castlemaine District and Barkers Creek Landcare and Wildlife Group are excited to present:

Join us for a series of events in celebration of woodland birds
September 2024 on Djaara Country

The Message of the Lyrebird Film Fundraiser

Thursday 5 September 7:30pm (doors open at 6pm for dinner and music)

Theatre Royal Castlemaine

Tickets $25/$20 concession HERE (tickets not available from the Theatre)

This is a special fundraising event also featuring live music by Joel Bloom and Hilary Blackshaw and a conversation with local Landcarers and ecologists.

All proceeds from ticket sales will go towards – Connecting Country’s Conservation Program and Balangara Films Education Distribution Program. 


Guided Birdwalk

Saturday 7 September 9am 

Rise and Shine Nature Conservation Reserve, Newstead 

Join expert bird watchers from Birdlife Castlemaine District on a free guided walk in one of the region’s bird watching hotspots, including a ‘how to identify birds’ session, followed by a delicious brunch in the outdoors with entertainment from the Chat Warblers. Kids welcome.

Reserve your spot HERE


Birds and Beers

Wednesday 11 September

Talk starts at 7pm (come down earlier for dinner)

Shedshaker, Castlemaine 

Enjoy a beer and some delicious grub, and Join Tanya Loos, author of forthcoming book Living with Wildlife: a guide for our homes and backyards, while she delves into the delights of our local bird fauna. As well as describing commonly seen birds of the Castlemaine region, Tanya will provide tips on how to make sure our homes and backyards are havens for birds.  

Practical advice will also include addressing some of the more maddening aspects of our feathery friends such as birds attacking windows and cockatoos destroying houses!




Feathery Festival – September 2024

Posted on 14 August, 2024 by Anna

Connecting Country, Birdlife Castlemaine District and Barkers Creek Landcare and Wildlife Group are excited to present:

Join us for a series of events in celebration of woodland birds
September 2024 on Djaara Country

The Message of the Lyrebird Film Fundraiser

Thursday 5 September 7:30pm (doors open at 6pm for dinner and music)

Theatre Royal Castlemaine

Tickets $25/$20 concession HERE

This is a special fundraising event also featuring live music by Joel Bloom and Hilary Blackshaw and a conversation with local Landcarers and ecologists.

All proceeds from ticket sales will go towards – Connecting Country’s Conservation Program and Balangara Films Education Distribution Program. 


Guided Birdwalk

Saturday 7 September 9am 

Rise and Shine Nature Conservation Reserve, Newstead 

Join expert bird watchers from Birdlife Castlemaine District on a free guided walk in one of the region’s bird watching hotspots, including a ‘how to identify birds’ session, followed by a delicious brunch in the outdoors with entertainment from the Chat Warblers. Kids welcome.

Reserve your spot HERE


Birds and Beers

Wednesday 11 September

Talk starts at 7pm (come down earlier for dinner)

Shedshaker, Castlemaine 

Enjoy a beer and some delicious grub, and Join Tanya Loos, author of forthcoming book Living with Wildlife: a guide for our homes and backyards, while she delves into the delights of our local bird fauna. As well as describing commonly seen birds of the Castlemaine region, Tanya will provide tips on how to make sure our homes and backyards are havens for birds.  

Practical advice will include preventing window collision, owl friendly rodent control, how to stop birds attacking windows and why bird baths are a better option than feeding birds. 




2024 National Tree Day Community Planting

Posted on 13 August, 2024 by Hadley Cole

This year Connecting Country teamed up with McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group and  Mount Alexander Shire Council to host a community planting to celebrate 2024 National Tree Day. The event was funded by community donors, businesses and Mount Alexander Shire Council, which is a wonderful credit to our local community! We clearly value biodiversity restoration and providing community members with opportunities to contribute to healing Country.

The day was a huge success with approximately 60 people in attendance. McKenzie Hill Action and Landcare Group (MHALG) worked tirelessly in their planning of the event and made sure there was a hot free lunch at the end of the planting for all participants care of Rotary Castlemaine.

Mount Alexander Shire Council worked with MHALG volunteers to coordinate a kids activity area which included badge making, seed ball making and colouring, all of which had a pollinator theme providing opportunities to learn about the regions local insect pollinators.

Participants enjoying the kids activity area. Photo by Connecting Country.


Amelia and Olive from McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group and Sally from Mount Alexander Shire Council coordinating kids activities.

Participants of all ages came along, from young toddlers to grandparents and everyone in between, including fury canine friends! Everyone was keen to get their hands dirty. The species chosen for the planting included a variety of lifeforms (grasses, shrubs, trees, ground covers etc,) including species such as, Matted Bush-pea (Pultenaea pedunculata), Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra), Tree Violet (Melicytus dentatus) and Bushy Needlewood (Hakea decurrens).

The planting was held at the Langslow Street Old School Site, a long standing site MHALG have been working on for over ten years. The focus of the planting is to increase the number of pollinator attracting plants to the area and is part of Connecting Country’s Bee Line project, a pollinator corridor project carried out in partnership with local Landcare Groups funded through the 2023 Victorian Landcare Grants.

MHALG have big plans for the Langslow Street Old School Site, including promoting the plantings across the site as educational resources to encourage biodiverse plantings of indigenous species in our region. The community planting day resulted in 400 pollinator attracting plants going in the ground, which will add enormous value to the groups’ long term plans and bring a diversity of pollinators to the local area.

If you would like to learn move about McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group you can contact them via Facebook – click here

If you wish to learn more about attracting native insect pollinators to your garden, check out Connecting Country’s guide to pollinator attracting plants of the Mount Alexander region – click here


Lori, Bonnie and Hadley from Connecting Country. Photo by Connecting Country.


The Connecting Country team send a big Thank You to all the collaborators involved in this event and to all the wonderful participants who helped to get plants in the ground!

Thank you also to the local event sponsors including, The Good Op Shop, Shed Shaker Brewing and Mount Alexander Shire Council.

We look forward to watching these plants grow!







Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests AGM 12 August: Geoff Park presentation

Posted on 15 July, 2024 by Ivan

Our friends and project partners at Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (FOBIF) are having their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 12 August 2024, with local ecologist Geoff Park as a guest speaker. Geoff will speak about locally extinct or rare woodland bird species and discuss what we think we know about the current situation and consider options and possibilities for future conservation efforts. It will be sure to be a great event. Please find the details below, supplied by FOBIF.

Woodland birds in central Victoria – historical observations, current status and future prospects

Woodland birds are an iconic and special element of the box-ironbark forests and woodlands of central Victoria. The impacts of European settlement, from gold-mining to agricultural intensification, have contributed to a steady decline in species diversity and populations. This decline is now being exacerbated by the clear and present effects of climate change.

Geoff’s talk will span some historical perspectives on what are now locally extinct or rare woodland bird species, discuss what we think we know about the current situation and consider options and possibilities for future conservation efforts.

When: Monday 12 August 2024 at 7.30pm

Where: Castlemaine Senior Citizens Centre, Mechanics Lane, Castlemaine VIC

Flame Robin (adult male), Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve, 26 June 2024 (Geoff Park,  Natural Newstead)

FOBIF AGM items will also be covered on the evening. There are several vacancies on the FOBIF committee, interested people are encouraged to consider joining. There is a link for nomination forms and more information here.


Midweek Bird Walk – Wednesday 17 July 2024, Forest Creek Trail Castlemaine

Posted on 4 July, 2024 by Ivan

Our friends and project partners at Birdlife Castlemaine District are holding another mid-week bird walk along Forest Creek to observe and discuss the range of birds that make the creek valley their home. It will be a great chance for a casual stroll along an accessible trail with knowledgeable and passionate bird watchers, and an opportunity to learn more about restoring our local landscapes.  All welcome and no prior birding experience necessary.

July Midweek Bird Walk

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Forest Creek Trail, Happy Valley, Castlemaine

Following the successful May midweek walk, we have decided to try another in July. This time we will walk along the Forest Creek Trail, Happy Valley. This track is a section of the Leanganook Track which is also known variously as the Happy Valley Walking Trail and the Goldfields Track, depending on the information source. The track is mostly flat providing easy walking.

Habitat is varied with much regeneration work also having been done by the Castlemaine Landcare Group and others. Possible sightings include various Thornbills and Honeyeaters, Pardalotes, Pied Currawong, Musk Lorikeet, Silvereye, Grey Fantail, etc. We may also come across some waterbirds in the creek.

Our walk leader will be Bob Dawson.

Where: The Trail starts at Happy Valley Rd. From the Hargraves and Forest Sts. roundabout, Happy Valley Rd is approx. 800 metres east toward Melbourne off the Pyrenees Hwy (B180). (Note: the beginning of Happy Valley Rd is marked as Burke St on Google Maps, etc., but the street sign says Happy Valley Rd). Turn left into Happy Valley Rd, then the start of the Trail is about 250 metres on the right.

GPS – 37.06874, 144.22776.

When: Meet at the Forest Creek Trail at 9:00 am.

BirdLife Castlemaine District Branch eNews November 2023 - BirdLife Australia