Wheel Cactus hinders fire fighting
Posted on 14 March, 2023 by Ivan
Our friends and partners at the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group Inc. (TCCG) have recently published a media article highlighting the firefighting issues caused by infestations of the invasive plant wheel cactus (Opuntia robusta). Please find the article below which gives landholders yet another reason to control and remove infestations of this devastating noxious weed.
Patches of wheel cactus grow densely, forming an impenetrable barrier. In some instances the plant was used as hedging. Where established, the weed is most likely to restrict human access and have impacts on the environment and agriculture. The barbed bristles of the wheel cactus are sharp, readily penetrating human skin causing severe irritation and are difficult to remove.
Wheel Cactus hinders fire fighting
Many of us are familiar with the destructive environmental impact of wheel cactus in Mount Alexander Shire. Some have volunteered for years in controlling this weed and take responsibility on their own and other properties. However, there are still properties in our area with significant infestations of wheel cactus.
Possibly, some landowners may not have considered the problems created by wheel cactus in a fire situation.
In a recent fire emergency in Baringhup, CFA volunteers were confronted with a situation made difficult due to the rocky and hilly terrain. Equally confronting were the many large mature wheel cactus plants on one of the properties. This dense infestation of wheel cactus created a dangerous situation for the CFA volunteers. Combined with smoke affecting visibility and high-pressure hoses, the wheel cactus infected terrain became highly slippery and very challenging for the volunteers.
As CFA Captain Brendan McKnight commented “Wheel cactus is an OH&S issue for the CFA. It is another risk factor in a situation that is already full of risk; just ask the poor bloke who fell onto a large wheel cactus while we were dealing with the fire”.
This fire incident has highlighted yet another reason why landowners need to control infestations of wheel cactus of their property. We encourage all landowners to keep their property safe as well as environmentally healthy.
Tarrangower Cactus Control Group are available to provide advice and assistance to local land holders. Please contact us via our website https://cactuswarriors.org/
Tarrangower Cactus Control Group consists of Landcare volunteers dedicated to the eradication of Wheel Cactus (Opuntia robusta).
Apply now for the North Central CMA Board
Posted on 14 March, 2023 by Ivan
Our friends and project partners at the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) have an opportunity open to join their board and assist in achieving their vision of sustainably managed land, water and biodiversity resources in a changing climate. Each CMA board has a maximum of nine members including the Chairperson. The Board is responsible for the strategic planning of the authority and ensuring that the CMA fulfils its statutory functions consistently with its overall governance framework and is renumerated accordingly. Please find the details on how to apply below, courtesy of the NCCMA.
North Central Catchment Management Authority Board: Now Open
We are encouraging people from the North Central CMA region with diverse backgrounds and differing environmental perspectives to #GetonBoard. Applications for positions on the North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) Board have recently opened.
The Victorian Government is committed to increasing diversity on CMA Boards to encourage new ideas and reflect the rich diversity of the Victorian community.
Our Chair, Julie Miller Markoff, leads a well-established, dynamic, and knowledgeable Board that guides an energised and dedicated natural resource management team to achieve our vision of sustainably managed land, water and biodiversity resources supporting productive and prosperous communities in a changing climate.
Alongside the strategic and regional perspective that the Board brings to the diverse work of the North Central CMA, they also have a sharp focus on supporting Traditional Owner self-determination and tracking new opportunities in natural capital and environmental markets for the region.
More information Member, Victorian Catchment Management Authority Board | boards.vic.gov.au
Applications close at 11.59pm on Monday 27 March.
If you would like to discuss in more detail the role of the North Central CMA Board or have a question regarding the application process, please contact our Chair Julie Miller Markoff on 0407 819 066 or email julie.millermarkoff@nccma.vic.gov.au
Welcome Lori – our new director
Posted on 28 February, 2023 by Ivan
It is with much pleasure that the staff and committee of Connecting Country welcome our new director, Lori Arthur. Lori started at the Connecting Country offices earlier this month, in a handover with past director Frances Howe. Welcome Lori, we are thrilled to have you on board!
Frances has kindly given her time for a detailed handover and has passed on her experience and excellent attention to detail over a number of weeks. Thank you, Frances, and best wishes on your next adventure.
Lori comes to Connecting Country after working in conservation and land management roles with local governments in Melbourne, collaborating with a range of environmental stakeholders and community groups. She moved to Castlemaine with her family in late 2020 and is very excited to get involved with a grassroots conservation organisation doing great things in the local community.
Lori has a Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Horticulture) from the University of Melbourne. When she’s not working, she’s kept pretty busy with family life, often riding, bushwalking or swimming in and around the local environs with her two young boys and her kelpie, Dusty.
Lori works Monday to Thursday, overseeing Connecting Country’s projects, organisational management and administration. Be sure to hello to Lori at our next event!
Wetland Revival Trust discovers new Eltham Copper Butterfly population in the Wimmera
Posted on 28 February, 2023 by Ivan
Connecting Country has partnered with local ecologist Elaine Bayes (Wetland Revival Trust) over many years to help monitor and conserve the critically endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly. We have delivered education programs and coordinated monitoring events in central Victoria, with Elaine tirelessly leading the campaign to improve land management practices and promote the survival of this iconic and fascinating species.
Elaine and her team at the Wetland Revival Trust recently reported some great news: they discovered the largest population of Eltham CopperButterfly and the largest area of habitat ever found! The new population is at Gerang Gerung, in the Wimmera region of northwest Victoria.
We congratulate Elaine and the team on their perseverance and recent exciting discovery!
The full media release is provided below, courtesy of the Wetland Revival Trust.
Wetland Revival Trust discovers National treasure in the Wimmera with the largest population of the Eltham Copper Butterfly found at Gerang Gerung
Wetland Revival Trust’s (WRT) long term butterfly project in northern Victoria discovered the largest population of the nationally endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly (ECB) (Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida) in the Wimmera, at two Gerang Gerung nature reserves.
Elaine Bayes, an ecologist from Wetland Revival Trust, a not-for-profit environmental charity, has been involved in the protection of this tiny butterfly since 2009.
Elaine started a search and find mission in 2019 in north central Victoria, where there are several ECB populations. The search spread to the Wimmera which may be the prime location for this species. Elaine said, ‘ECB numbers at the two very small known populations in the Wimmera were at much higher densities than in the north central where we had been searching.’
‘This year, our team searched 1,600 hectares of public land for the butterflies, 1,400 ha of which was in the Wimmera. And we were certainly rewarded for the effort, with around 500 ECB seen between the two Gerang Gerung reserves. To give perspective, in north central Victoria last year, we searched 1000 ha and found a total of 43 ECB peppered across a large area. To see 500 ECBs in one season is exceptional, and so far, this is the largest number of ECB and the largest area of ECB habitat ever found.’
This search was funded thanks to the Victorian Government Biodiversity On-ground Action Program (Icon Species Projects) which supports actions to protect nationally endangered species like ECB. ECB were first found in the Wimmera in 1988 at Salisbury Bushland Reserve and in a small area of Kiata Flora Reserve. In 2011, another tiny population (6 hectares) was found on a Wail roadside by local entomologist Fabian Douglas. In the intervening years, the Salisbury population became extinct, believed to be caused by sheep grazing out the butterfly’s food plants. The two remaining populations at Kiata and Wail are separated by a sea of agriculture, with nowhere for their young to disperse to.
There is no way for the populations to move around as environmental conditions change, and no corridors of native vegetation for the butterflies to move along so they can share DNA to make them more resilient. Also being small the sites are under threat from pests, weeds and roadworks.
Elaine believes that part of the reason ECB is rarely seen is that they require very specific conditions. As well as being dependent on one plant species to feed their larvae, the Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa), they require one specific ant species (Notoncus ectatommoides) to act as a bouncer for their larvae, scaring off predators that would otherwise feast on their juicy bodies. Their other very specific needs are that these delicate little butterflies are solar powered and only fly when it is 20-30 degrees with no wind or rain. The adults only emerge when there is abundant nectar around November and December usually peaking at Christmas and New Year (with a smaller emergence in March and April). Finding field staff to search for ECB at Christmas and New year is as rare a thing as finding the ECB themselves!
To find this elusive species you first find the one and only plant species it relies on, Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa) which is much easier to map as it is large, stays still and is present all year round! Previous searches have shown that ECB only occur where Sweet Bursaria plants are dense (more than 30 plants in a ¼ hectare). So, the first part of the plan is to search for and map dense Bursaria patches. The second part is to search those dense patches for ECB during their flying period.
Given the cool start to summer this year the number of days that ECB were flying before it became too hot for them was less than fourteen. WRT had ten field staff and several volunteers out searching the 1400 hectares. Ten very dedicated people who put this conservation work before summertime at the beach. The team searched areas including Gerang Gerung Mallee Dam, Gerang Gerung South Reserve. Glenlee NCR, Barrett NCR, Lierschs NCR, Coker Dam Wildlife Reserve and Lil Lil Dam and at a few locations in Castlemaine.
This work builds on WRT searches between 2019 and 2021 and a similar search in 2011, when large areas were mapped and collectively thirteen new populations around Central Victoria and at one at Wail were found. The new populations were very localised with the butterfly only occurring in 3-25 per cent of suitable habitat (where the ant and the host plant are present). This is reflected in this year’s survey where, out of 1400 ha, ECB was only found on 36 hectares.
The butterfly is listed as critically endangered under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 and as endangered under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. This places considerable importance on managing the small number of known population sites and locating any potential new sites so they can be protected from threats.
The threats to this species in the Wimmera are numerous. Given the amount of historical land clearing in the Wimmera you can be confident that any quality remnant vegetation has a high likelihood of containing rare species, including insects, orchids and other plants and animals. Management and protection of these sites will bring benefits to multiple species as well as places of recreation and learning for future generations, impacts on local climate etc. Next year funding applications are in for weed and pest management, signage, translocations and more.
According to Elaine, it is undoubtable there will be ECB populations on private land where remnant vegetation occurs.
‘It is easy to check if you have any. First search your property or nearby bushland for dense patches Sweet Bursaria plants (easiest to see when flowering in December). Then look for the copper sparkle of flying adults in December on still days that are between 20-30 degrees. Tap each plant with a stick, which will cause them to fly and be more easily seen. Use the fact sheet and butterfly look alike sheet from the Eltham Copper Butterfly website (www.butterflies.net.au). Sightings can be reported on this site, the inaturalist app (www.inaturalist.org) or on the Butterfly Australia app (butterflies.org.au).’
Landholders can help protect this and other rare species by retaining and restoring native understorey plants on their properties.
Wetland Revival Trust
January 2023
Please enjoy the following photographs provided by the Wetland Revival Trust, showing the beauty and size of this national treasure.
We need your help! Mapping our old trees of central Victoria
Posted on 28 February, 2023 by Ivan
We are excited to announce the arrival of our new mapping portal, that aims to assist community citizen scientists to map the old, and often large, trees of central Victoria. The interactive mapping portal is part of Connecting Country’s larger project, ‘Regenerate before it’s too late‘ which aims to engage the community on the importance of old trees across the landscape and how to protect them. Within the mapping portal you will also find an updated species list that will assist with the identification process of the large old trees.
Over the next three years (2023 – 2025), we will continue to host community workshops and develop engagement resources such as the mapping portal and a video. We will also work with local landholders to implement practical on-ground actions to protect their large old trees and ensure the next generation of large old trees across the landscape.
The community, including landholders, Landcarers and land managers, will be vital in mapping their favourite old trees across our region. Anyone can access Connecting Country’s new online mapping portal. The portal uses BioCollect, an advanced but simple-to-use data collection tool developed by the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) and its collaborators. BioCollect helps users collect field biodiversity data for their own projects, while allowing the data to be easily copied into the ALA, where it can be publicly available for others to use in research, policy and management. This allows individual projects to collectively contribute to a larger science database.
We need your help!
The mapping portal is now open for any community member to record the old trees in your area. You will need to register with the Atlas of Living Australia (its easy and free), then upload a photo and enter the field details needed for the survey. The portal will ask you simple questions about the tree location, size, species, age (if known), health status and habitat value.
To record your large old tree, or view the field survey questions and required measurements – click here
By recording large old trees you will help build our understanding of the large old trees in our region, and contribute to the largest biodiversity database in our country. As the database grows, you can also access the portal to learn about other wonderful large old trees in our area and view the photos.
Trees can be tricky to identify, especially eucalypts. If you are unsure about the identification of the tree species, you can:
- Use the to iNaturalist app to assist with identification – click here
- Refer to a good guidebook, like those published by Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests – click here
- Visit the Castlemaine Flora website – click here
We are most grateful for our generous project support from the Ian & Shirley Norman Foundation. The foundation aims ‘To encourage and support organisations that are capable of responding to social and ecological opportunities and challenges.’ To learn more about Ian & Shirley Norman Foundation – click here
FOBIF exhibition opening this Saturday: Newstead Arts Hub
Posted on 21 February, 2023 by Ivan
Our friends and project partners at Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (FOBIF) are turning 25 and to celebrate are opening their photography exhibition this Saturday at the Newstead Arts Hub. The show will feature an incredible array of nature-based photographs from community members and FOBIF supporters. We would like to thank and congratulate FOBIF on 25 years of campaigning for better management of our natural assets and educating the community of their significance.
FOBIF photography exhibition opening: Saturday 25 February 2023
Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (FOBIF) is holding an exhibition at the Newstead Arts Hub (8A Tivey Street, Newstead, Vic) to mark 25 years of campaigning for a better future for our forests and promoting their value.
There will be 20 nature photos by members and supporters, historical material about FOBIF, drawings by Chewton Primary School students, and a geological display.
A seventy-page catalogue of the exhibition with extra historical material will be available for sale as well as FOBIF’s six published books and nature cards. All photos will be for sale with proceeds going to FOBIF.
The exhibition will be open over 3 weekends, (25 & 26 February, 4 & 5 March, 11 & 12 March 2023) and Labour Day (13 March 2023) between 10 am and 4 pm.
Alison Pouliot, well known fungi expert and engaging speaker, will open the exhibition at 10.30 on 25 February 2023. One of FOBIF’s founding members, Phil Ingamells, will also speak. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided.
You can find out more about the exhibition on the FOBIF website (www.fobif.org.au) or ring Bronwyn Silver 0448 751 111.
Jane Rusden. Crested Shrike-tit
Choughs. Patrick Kavanagh
Phil Ingamells. Bluebell
Barking Owls. Geoff Park
Reflections. Alex Panelli
Bird of the month: Gang Gang Cockatoo
Posted on 21 February, 2023 by Ivan
Welcome to Bird of the month, a partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District. Each month we’re taking a close look at one special local bird species. We’re excited to join forces to deliver you a different bird each month, seasonally adjusted, and welcome suggestions from the community. We are blessed to have the brilliant Jane Rusden and Damian Kelly from BirdLife Castlemaine District writing about our next bird of the month, accompanied by Janes’s stunning photos.
Gang Gang Cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum)
Unlike other members of the cockatoo family who stand out with their colour and raucous noise, the Gang Gang can be quite unobtrusive with its overall grey plumage. Males can be distinguished by their distinctive red head with its wispy crest. Taxonomically they are in a separate genus from the other cockatoos (Callocephalon). In spite of their colour, they are more closely related to Galahs than they are to the Black Cockatoos. There have been a few isolated examples of hybridisation with Galah and one with a Little Corella.
And as an inhabitant of the forests, it is often heard before it is seen. One of its distinctive calls is a creaking sound that identifies it easily. Although they often move about in groups, unlike the other more noisy cockatoos they are often fairly quiet. At times they just feed quietly on gum nuts in the upper foliage and you only notice them from the sound of the pattering of gum nut fragments as you walk underneath.
Gang Gangs are confined to southern Victoria and south-east New South Wales, usually in the highlands and adjacent moist coastal areas. There is some altitudinal movement from the higher areas to lower regions in autumn and then they can be seen in the drier, more open woodlands. At times they can be found in urban areas in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra wherever there are sufficient eucalypts. Like many of our native species, they have adapted to changes in habitat and food supplies.
Seeds of many forest eucalypts and acacias make up most of their diet, but they will also eat other plant material and insects. Like many species, they have also adapted to eating the fruits of a variety of introduced species such as the berries of the hawthorn bush as well as fruit trees and flocks will congregate in suitable areas. Apple orchards in particular can attract them and damage may be caused at times.

The male is grey with a bright red head whilst the female could be mistaken for a galah. Photo: Jane Rusden
Breeding usually takes place between October and January. Nests are in tree hollows, usually high up. Females, with their string beaks, will often excavate a deeper hollow. Normally 2-3 eggs are laid and both parents do the incubation and feeding.
They are uncommon in the drier areas closer to Castlemaine, but they are recorded occasionally with recent records at Guildford, Yandoit and Mount Alexander. You are more likely to see them in the wetter forests such as around Daylesford and Trentham.
To listen to the call of the Gang Gang Cockatoo – click here
Jane Rusden
Damian Kelly
AusChem Chemical users subsidised course 20 and 21 March 2023
Posted on 16 February, 2023 by Hadley Cole
The North Central Catchment Management Authority is offering the AusChem Chemical users course at a subsidised rate of $107 per person in Maryborough over Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 March 2023. The course is open to Landcare groups, small and large landholders, farmers, new users or existing chemical users requiring a refresher. This course is the industry standard for training in chemical use, storage and handling.
Upon completion of the two-day course, participants will receive an AusChem Certificate which may be used to comply with Industry Quality Assurance Programs. This certificate is required to apply for the Victorian Agricultural Chemical Users Permit (ACUP), and may also be used to pursue further training, such as Minimising risks in the use of 1080 and PAPP bait products for Vertebrate Pest Control.
All participants will receive the latest copy of the AusChem Manual.
The course will cover:
- Pest identification
- Modes of action
- Label interpretation
- Issues associated with chemical use
- Formulation types
- Weed and pest control application
- Animal health
- Chemical handling storage
- Transport and disposal
- Preparation, application and clean up
- Recording and other procedures
For more information or to register – click here
Our own Christine awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia
Posted on 2 February, 2023 by Ivan
Connecting Country is excited to learn that one of our committee of management members, Christine Brooke, has been formally recognised for her outstanding dedication and volunteering for the environment and local landscape restoration.
Christine was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia – a great acknowledgement for her decades of far-reaching volunteering and commitment to the environment. We are very lucky to have Christine’s commitment to Connecting Country, and benefit from her expertise and experience. The medal was granted on 26 January 2023 for her ‘service to the environment, and to the community’.
Christine has a long history of service, including representation on the North Central Catchment Management Authority, Loddon Plains Landcare Network (formerly Loddon Vale Landcare Network), Sutton-Grange Landcare Group, Australian Landcare International, Natural Resource Management Committee, North Central Goldfields Regional Library Corporation, Loddon Shire Council, Faraday Community Association and of course, Connecting Country. She has also won a number of awards during volunteering, remains an active Landcare volunteer, and deserves a big pat on the back!
The humble Christine told us ‘I am a bit overwhelmed by this because, as you all know, it is not one individual that gets things happening but everyone … as part of a team, of which I’m privileged to be a part’.

Christine has shared her expertise and knowledge across many volunteer organisations over her long career (photo courtesy of Bendigo Advertiser)
The mighty Chewton Chat community newspaper has published a terrific story about Christine, which we have included below. Great work Christine and thank you for your huge contribution!
Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) awarded for service to the environment and the community
When local volunteer Christine Brooke and her husband John moved to Faraday ten years ago, Christine already had a strong interest in working for the environment and the community.
Before long she had become involved with local groups Sutton Grange Landcare and the Faraday Community Association. Her roles in Loddon Shire as a councillor and mayor along with her time on the board and community group of the North Central Catchment Management Authority gave her an overview of how the community and the government agencies can work together successfully. She has been involved at national, state and local levels of Landcare.
This led to her being elected to the Committee of Management of the local landscape restoration organisation and Landcare Network, Connecting Country, working across the Mount Alexander region. And this is where all her skills of governance and accountability, her knowledge of natural resource management along with her understanding of how communities can work together are all used so effectively.
As Christine explained to the Chat, ‘Our communities are vibrant places to live, because of the tremendous amount of time and effort given by volunteers to make them so, from the environment, the arts, sport organisations and all the work of parents within our education systems. I believe we can all play a part to keep them that way.’
Chewton Chat
February 2023
Director reflections
Posted on 2 February, 2023 by Frances
The time has come for me to hand over my role as Connecting Country’s Director. I will miss many aspects of the work, but am delighted to transition the role to an excellent new Director – Lorene (Lori) Arthur. I’m sure Lori will bring a fresh perspective and energy, while I focus on my property and other personal projects.
A huge thank you to the Connecting Country staff and committee for your friendship and help, and to our volunteers and donors for your support these last five years. Our community is blessed with some remarkably generous, dedicated and knowledgeable people. I am incredibly grateful for the chance to be part of Connecting Country, all I’ve learnt and the people I’ve met.
I’ve loved collaborating with a great team on meaningful projects, while constantly learning. Although difficult times (given declining funding and a global pandemic), it’s been extremely fulfilling and always interesting. Our team has delivered some brilliant projects, while becoming a more streamlined and adaptable organisation. Connecting Country’s ongoing funding remains uncertain, but I am confident about its capacity to keep navigating the challenges.
Connecting Country’s achievements rely on its small but passionate and hardworking staff team. During my five years as Director, we’ve developed and obtained funding for 36 new projects, spanning on-ground landscape restoration, Landcare, monitoring and community engagement. In addition to all the work of delivering the projects, that represents an awful lot of grant applications and reporting! During my time we’ve completed 26 projects, with 14 current projects ongoing for 2023.
Connecting Country is now ready to embrace some compelling new opportunities. I am keen to stay involved, where appropriate, and look forward to continuing the journey as an active volunteer and supporter.
Connecting Country’s new Director (Lori) starts on 13 February 2023. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post introducing Lori.

Frances will still be involved with Connecting Country, including volunteering as a nest box team leader! (photo by Jess Lawton)
Promoting native pollinators from property to landscape – 24 February 2023
Posted on 31 January, 2023 by Hadley Cole
In 2023 Connecting Country is hosting a series of events celebrating the pollinators of our region as part of The Buzz Project: promoting pollinators of central Victoria. We launch the project with a presentation with Dr Mark Hall (Senior Biodiversity Officer at City of Greater Bendigo) in Campbells Creek VIC on Wednesday 15 February 2023. Following the launch, we will host a field trip in Harcourt VIC with Mark on Friday 24 February 2023. Mark completed his PhD on how the composition of wooded habitat in modified landscapes affects bird and pollinator assemblages and has also investigated pollinator diversity, health, management and contribution to crop production. To learn more about Mark – click here
We will spend a morning out in the field with Mark to meet local pollinators, explore their habitat, and learn to identify some of the local pollinator heroes. This event will be at a private property in Harcourt VIC.
Join us for a fascinating morning out where will explore both a garden and bush setting in search for pollinators and their homes.
Field trip: Promoting native pollinators from property to landscape
When: Friday 24 February 2023, 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
Where: Dja Dja Wurrung Country, Harcourt VIC (details will be provided on booking)
Bookings are essential as spaces are limited. To book your free ticket – click here
BYO morning tea and drinking water. We will be outside for the whole two hours so please wear sturdy shoes, hat, sunscreen and insect repellent.
If you haven’t yet booked your free ticket for the presentation with Dr Mark Hall on ‘Native pollinators on your property: who, where and what they do’, there are still spaces available. To learn more and book – click here
The Buzz project is funded by the North Central CMA through the 2022 Victorian Landcare grants.
Do you give your time to protect nature?
Posted on 31 January, 2023 by Frances
Volunteers are vital to Connecting Country, as well as the many Landcare and environmental groups that work across the Mount Alexander region. We could not achieve what we do without our skilled and enthusiastic volunteers.
At Connecting Country we love our volunteers and work hard to keep them trained, safe and engaged. We aim to create an environment where both our organisation and volunteers mutually benefit from the volunteering experience, and are always looking for ways to improve.
Researchers at the University of Queensland are studying the benefits of volunteering, and what types of experiences and feedback help strengthen the capacity and motivation of volunteers, enabling them to continue making such a valuable contribution. As part of that project, they seek to survey environmental stewardship volunteers to explore their perceptions of volunteering and stewardship.
For more information about this research project – click here
Given Connecting Country’s role, we are happy to promote this interesting work and ask people to complete their survey. If you are an environmental volunteer and give your time to protect nature, please read on for details.
You are invited to participate in an online study to identify what motivates volunteers to participate in environmental stewardship programs, and what factors support the valuable contribution of people like you. The study is completely anonymous and takes approximately 10-12 minutes to complete. Everyone that completes the survey will be offered the chance to win one of two vouchers worth $300. The survey is being run by researchers from the University of Queensland with support from the NSW Environmental Trust.
The complete the survey or to find out more information – click here
Native pollinators on your property: who, where and what they do?
Posted on 25 January, 2023 by Hadley Cole
In 2023 Connecting Country is excited to present ‘The Buzz project: promoting pollinators of central Victoria‘. This project celebrates the pollinators of our ecosystems and encourage us all to learn more about our local pollinator heroes. Globally we have seen a serious decrease in pollinators, which has implications for ecosystems, agriculture and in turn the food we eat. There is still much to learn about the pollination services insects and other pollinators provide for food crops and the natural environment. However, we understand that fragmentation of habitat leads to a decline in pollinator activity.
To launch the Buzz project, Connecting Country is pleased to present ‘Native pollinators on your property: who, where and what they do‘, a presentation by Dr Mark Hall, Senior Biodiversity Officer at City of Greater Bendigo.
Dr Mark Hall completed his PhD in 2018 on how the composition of wooded habitat in modified landscapes affects bird and pollinator assemblages, under the supervision of Andrew Bennett (La Trobe University) and Dale Nimmo (Charles Sturt University). He has since investigated pollinator diversity, health, management and contribution to crop production. Since 2020 Mark has partnered with the Upper Campapse Landcare Network to identify habitat and floral preferences of pollinators (bees, flies, wasps, butterflies and beetles), and guide effective restoration across the Upper Campaspe region in central Victoria. He is currently the Senior Biodiversity Officer with the City of Greater Bendigo.
Join us for an evening to learn about this fascinating topic, and find out which pollinators you might see across our region and the many ecosystem services they provide for our natural landscape.
When: Wednesday 15 February 2023, 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm
Where: Dja Dja Wurrung Country, Campbells Creek Community Centre, 60 Elizabeth St, Campbells Creek VIC
Bookings are essential. To book please – click here
Supper will be provided and you will also receive a free copy of the ‘Insects of central Victoria’ booklet thanks to the Mount Alexander Shire Council.
The Buzz project is funded by the North Central CMA through the 2022 Victorian Landcare grants.
Bird of the month: Black Swan
Posted on 25 January, 2023 by Ivan
Welcome to Bird of the month, a partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District. Each month we’re taking a close look at one special local bird species. We’re excited to join forces to deliver you a different bird each month, seasonally adjusted, and welcome suggestions from the community. We are blessed to have the brilliant Jane Rusden and Damian Kelly from BirdLife Castlemaine District writing about our next bird of the month, accompanied by Damian’s stunning photos.
Black Swan (Cygnus atratus)
Driving between Newlyn and Creswick in central Victoria during spring 2022, I was excited to spot a pair of black swans who’d built a nest in one of the many ephemeral wetlands that formed this last winter. On a subsequent drive along the same route a few weeks later, there were tiny cygnets being shepherded and protected by their parents.
Before the discovery of Australia by Europeans, they knew as fact that all swans were white. Karl Popper, the Austrian philosopher, used this lack of knowledge in his famous parable of the black swan. That is, all swans are white, until you find a black one. This is important to science because it illustrates the testability and potential fallibility of scientific hypothesis. In other words, a scientific fact is so until proven otherwise, and importantly, it is testable. This is what differentiates science from pseudo-science and belief systems.

Within Australia, the black swan is nomadic, with erratic migration patterns dependent upon climatic conditions (photo by Damian Kelly)
Of course, Australians have always known that not all swans are white. Back to the big, black and beautiful bird – maybe more amusing than beautiful, when feeding bum up in estuaries – but you get my drift.
Although Australia has only one swan species, the Black Swan, across the world there are 24 species of swans ranging from the arctic to South America. They are a large bird, with males weighing 6 kg and females 5 kg, and a wingspan of 160-200 cm. They take flight with feet running across the surface of the water and need 40-50 m to get airborne.
The bills of swans (and the related geese) are adapted for grazing. They are largely vegetarian and feed in shallow water and on land eating grasses, aquatic and marsh plants. They can be found in fresh, brackish and saline waters. They are able to clear the salt absorbed from feeding and drinking salt water from their systems by spending a few days in freshwater, where the salt is collected in special glands above their eyes, and then shed through the nostrils or nares.

One of only three swan species that inhabit the southern hemisphere, the large Black swan is an unmistakable water bird (photo by Damian Kelly)
Breeding may occur at any time of the year if conditions are favourable. The nest is usually a large, buoyant heap of vegetation up to 1.5 m across and 1.2 m thick. Clutch size ranges form 4-10 young, depending on conditions. Adults are generally sedentary in suitable habitat but young will move to new areas after breeding.
They are distributed widely across Australia wherever there is suitable water. The Black Swan has been introduced into New Zealand and there are vagrants in Papua New Guinea. They can be common in parks and gardens where there is water and will readily take food offered by people.
To read more on Swans and Karl Popper – click here
To listen to the call of the Black Swan – click here
Jane Rusden
Damian Kelly
Critically endangered butterfly appears right on cue
Posted on 24 January, 2023 by Ivan
Our recent Eltham Copper Butterfly workshop received a surprise visit from three flirty Eltham Copper Butterflies, with the enthusiastic crowd delighted to see the special butterfly ‘in-person’ at the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens (Castlemaine VIC) on Saturday 14 January 2023. It was the first occasion most participants had seen an actual real-life Eltham Copper Butterfly, and was a tribute to the advocacy and management practices progressed by local ecologists to protect this iconic species.
The education workshop was delivered by the wonderful and passionate Elaine Bayes from the Wetland Revival Trust, and included a guided walk exploring the native woodland north of the botanicial gardens. Elaine delivered an informative and engaging presentation on the fascinating biology of the threatened Eltham Copper Butterfly and its symbiotic relationship with Notoncus ant species. It was warming to hear Elaine’s enthusiasm about the mating cycles of this butterfly and her excitement that more populations may exist around our region, and could be discovered if we continue monitoring.
It was a very hot day, and Elaine warned us we were unlikely to see any butterflies on our short walk. However, within minutes of us entering their habitat, three Eltham Copper Butterflies miraculously appeared! They appeared unfazed by our presence, providing excellent photo opportunities.
The Eltham Copper Butterfly (Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida) is only found in Victoria, Australia and is restricted to only a handful of locations. Until recently it was only found at several sites around Castlemaine, Bendigo, Kiata (near Nhill) and Eltham. It is a small and attractive butterfly with bright copper colouring on the tops of its wings visible during the summer flight season.
It is one of the rare good news stories within the extinction crisis in Australia. The Eltham Copper Butterfly was considered extinct in the 1950s until rediscovered at Eltham in 1986. This butterfly has a fascinating ecological relationship with Sweet Bursaria plants and Notoncus ants, and lives in bushland at several locations around the township of Castlemaine.
Historically, survey efforts and management actions have focused on public land. However, we know there is potential Eltham Copper Butterfly habitat on adjoining private land around Castlemaine. This habitat is under threat from urbanisation, weeds, rabbits, changed fire regimes and grazing. Connecting Country is currently working with local landholders around local butterfly populations to help protect remnant vegetation, control weeds and rabbits, and revegetate with Sweet Bursaria and other plants used by the butterfly.
Some interesting Eltham Copper Butterfly facts:
- This unusual species due has a close symbiotic association with a group of ants from the genus Notoncus and the shrub Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa).
- Adult butterflies lay their eggs on the roots and stems of Sweet Bursaria. Once the eggs hatch, the ants guard the caterpillars (providing protection from predators), ushering the larvae to and from the ant nest at the base of the shrub, to feed on the Sweet Bursaria leaves at night. In return, the ants feed on the sugar secretions exuded from the body of the caterpillar.
- The butterfly prefers open flight paths and receiving direct sunlight. It likes vegetation with an open middle and understorey.
The workshop was funded by the Australian Department of Industry, Science and Resources as part of the Environment Restoration Fund and Threatened Species Strategy Action Plan.
It was exciting to have the opportunity to learn about the latest monitoring results from Elaine and see some Eltham Copper Butterflies in the field. We have received some terrific photos of the exciting sightings from Jo Douglas and Malcolm Mars, which we have included below. Thank you Jo and Malcolm, and well done to everyone who attended.
Contractor wanted: Seeking landscape restoration contractor for 2023
Posted on 23 January, 2023 by Ivan
Connecting Country is seeking expressions of interest for contractors to deliver on-ground actions for our 2023 projects on private land across the Mount Alexander region and surrounds.
We are looking for someone with skills to:
- Plant tubestock and install coreflute guards and stakes.
- Conduct plant maintenance watering.
- Control weeds, with a focus on woody weeds such as gorse and blackberry.
- Control rabbits.
- Install fencing and exclusion fencing.
We currently have funding for around 50 days of contract work for planting, weed and rabbit control, plus 2 km of fencing, during 2023. There is also scope for more work subject to contractual arrangements.
Key requirements
Our ideal contractor(s) will have:
- An Australian Business Number (ABN).
- Demonstrated interest in landscape restoration in central Victoria.
- Clear communication skills and ability to cultivate positive working relationships with staff and landholders.
- Attention to detail and ability to follow instructions.
- Good time management skills and understanding of project schedules.
- Experience in revegetation planting with tubestock and guards.
- Basic weed and plant identification skills.
- Experience in weed control methods, including herbicide use, with appropriate training.
- Experience in rabbit control methods such as baiting and warren fumigation.
- Experience in farm fencing.
- Solid understanding of health and safety systems and requirements.
- Access to a suitable reliable vehicle and equipment.
- Good availability throughout the 2023 planting season (April to July).
Plants and guards will be provided by Connecting Country. The contractor will be responsible for sourcing other materials such as herbicides and fencing materials.
We are keen to hear from both established businesses and keen individuals with relevant interests and skills. We may be able to provide some training and equipment to the right candidate.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us via email (info@connectingcountry.org.au) by COB Friday 3 February 2023.
Please provide us with the following information in your email:
- Your interest in working with Connecting Country.
- A brief outline of your relevant experience and qualifications.
- Your schedule of rates (cost per day) for planting, weed control, rabbit control and/or fencing. A quote for specific tasks will be agreed before starting work.
- Your availability during 2023.
- Your contact details.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Bird walk for beginners – try the interactive walk now!
Posted on 12 January, 2023 by Ivan
Thank you for the positive feedback we’ve received since our recent launch of the ‘Bird walk for beginners’ along Forest Creek, Castlemaine VIC. We can report that over 100 people have accessed the new bird walk for beginners since our 2022 launch, but we want to see the numbers grow into 2023! If you haven’t tried the new interactive walk yet, now is a great time for a casual stroll along some great bird habitats. Mornings and evenings are a perfect time to see birds and avoid the heat on hotter days.
We are pleased to announce the printed birdwalk brochure is now available from Castlemaine Visitor Information Centre (44 Mostyn St, Castlemaine VIC).
You can also download a copy – click here
Our ‘Bird walk for beginners’ brochure allows the community to access an easy, self-guided bird walk. The walk starts on Forest Creek in Wesley Hill and follows a gently-graded, maintained walking path for around 1.5 km. There are eight stops along the bird walk, providing excellent opportunities to visit some great bird-watching spots, with QR codes in the brochure help you learn about the sites, identify birds and link to further information.
Here is some of the lovely comments so far:
- Congratulations on a very successful launch of the bird walk! A wonderful project, well executed. – Jenny
- Well done to Connecting Country for creating this great idea and delivering it. You certainly showed the value of partnerships in the Shire … I hope the brochure takes off and that Landcare work can continue to help build up areas of interest for the community to enjoy. Thanks for all the work and liaising. It melts the borders between organisations. – Christine
- This is a wonderful project – we downloaded and printed the brochure in b&w. We used our mobile phone to read the QR code and were delighted with the information and photos we saw. We look forward to doing the walk soon. Thanks to all involved. – Judy
- A wonderful project, professionally executed as usual and a great launch. I know what I’m doing with the grandchildren over Easter. – Chris
Creation of the bird walk was a collaboration between Castlemaine Landcare Group, BirdLife Castlemaine District, Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club and Connecting Country, with support from Parks Victoria and Mount Alexander Shire Council.
Our ‘Birding for beginners’ project was funded by the Victorian Government through Parks Victoria’s Volunteering Innovation Fund.
Seeking landscape restoration contractor for 2023
Posted on 22 December, 2022 by Ivan
Connecting Country is seeking expressions of interest for contractors to collaborate with us to deliver on-ground actions for our 2023 projects on private land across the Mount Alexander region and surrounds.
We are looking for someone with skills to:
- Plant tubestock and install coreflute guards and stakes.
- Conduct plant maintenance watering.
- Control weeds, with a focus on woody weeds such as gorse and blackberry.
- Control rabbits.
- Install fencing and exclusion fencing.
We currently have funding for around 50 days of contract work for planting, weed and rabbit control, plus 2 km of fencing, during 2023. There is also scope for more work subject to contract arrangements.
Key requirements
Our ideal contractor(s) will have:
- An Australian Business Number (ABN).
- Demonstrated interest in landscape restoration in central Victoria.
- Clear communication skills and ability to cultivate positive working relationships with staff and landholders.
- Attention to detail and ability to follow instructions.
- Good time management skills and understanding of project schedules.
- Experience in revegetation planting with tubestock and guards.
- Basic weed and plant identification skills.
- Experience in weed control methods, including herbicide use, with appropriate training.
- Experience in rabbit control methods such as baiting and warren fumigation.
- Experience in farm fencing.
- Solid understanding of health and safety systems and requirements.
- Access to a suitable reliable vehicle and equipment.
- Good availability throughout the 2023 planting season (April to July).
Plants and guards will be provided by Connecting Country. The contractor will be responsible for sourcing other materials such as herbicides and fencing materials.
We are keen to hear from both established businesses and keen individuals with relevant interest and skills. We may be able to provide some training and equipment to the right candidate.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us via email (info@connectingcountry.org.au) by Monday 29 January 2023.
Please provide us with the following information in your email:
- Your interest in working with Connecting Country.
- A brief outline of your relevant experience and qualifications.
- Your schedule of rates (cost per day) for planting, weed control, rabbit control and/or fencing. A quote for specific tasks will be agreed before starting work.
- Your availability during 2023.
- Your contact details.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Mapping our old trees of central Victoria: we need your help!
Posted on 20 December, 2022 by Ivan
We are excited to announce the arrival of our new mapping portal, aimed at helping community citizen scientists to map the old, and often large, trees of central Victoria. The interactive mapping portal is part of Connecting Country’s larger project, ‘Regenerate before it’s too late‘ that engages the community about the importance of old trees and how to protect them.
Over the next three years (2023-25), we will continue to host community workshops and develop engagement resources such as the mapping portal and a video. We will also help local landholders with practical on-ground actions to protect their large old trees and ensure the next generation of large old trees across the landscape.
The community, including landholders, Landcarers and land managers, will be vital in mapping their favourite old trees of across our region. Anyone can access Connecting Country’s new online mapping portal. The portal uses BioCollect, an advanced but simple-to-use data collection tool developed by the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) and its collaborators. BioCollect helps users collect field biodiversity data for their own projects while allowing the data to be easily copied into the ALA, where it can be publicly available for others to use in research, policy and management. This allows individual projects to collectively contribute to ‘big science’.
We need your help!
The mapping portal is now open for any community member to record the old trees in your area. You will need to register with the Atlas of Living Australia (its easy and free), then upload a photo and enter the field details needed for the survey (click here for survey fields). The portal will ask you simple questions about the tree location, size, species, age (if known), health status and habitat value.
Trees can be tricky to identify, especially eucalypts. If you are unsure about the identification of the tree species, you can:
- Use the to iNaturalist app assist with identification – click here
- Refer to a good guidebook, like those published by Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests – click here
- Visit the Castlemaine Flora website – click here
To record your large old tree – click here
By recording large old trees you will help build our understanding of the large old trees in our region, and contribute to the largest biodiversity database in our country. As the database grows, you can also access the portal to learn about other wonderful large old trees in our area and view the photos.
We are most grateful for our generous project support from the Ian & Shirley Norman Foundation. The foundation aims ‘To encourage and support organisations that are capable of responding to social and ecological opportunities and challenges.’ To learn more about Ian & Shirley Norman Foundation – click here
Happy holiday ideas from Connecting Country 2022
Posted on 20 December, 2022 by Frances
On behalf of the Connecting Country team, we warmly wish all our subscribers a safe and festive holiday season. Once again, a huge thank you to our marvellous volunteers, members, landholders, donors and other supporters for your invaluable contributions during 2022.
The Connecting Country office will be closed for a short break from 5 pm on Thursday 22 December 2022 until Tuesday 3 January 2023, although some staff will be on leave until 16 January.
As we approach the end of 2022, we hope you enjoy a chance to celebrate and to connect with our special local environment. With this unseasonably cool and wet summer, there’s sure to be lots to see out in the bush.
If you’re looking for some time out or an activity to do over the holiday season, here is some inspiration:
- Grab our ‘Birdwalk for beginners’ brochure and take a leisurely morning or evening bird walk along Forest Creek in Castlemaine – click here
- Book in for our Eltham Copper Butterfly workshop on 14 January 2023 – only four places remaining! – click here
- Get a copy of our ‘Landcare stickybeak tour 2022’ map and take yourself on an exploration of local Landcare work sites – click here
- Catch up on Connecting Country’s recent achievements with our 2022 annual report – click here
- Select a walk from Damian Kelly’s excellent book on ‘Castlemaine Bird Walks: A guide to walks and birds in the Castlemaine district’ – click here
- Go exploring with Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forest’s ‘Twenty Bushwalks in the Mount Alexander Region’ book – click here
- Take photos of the bush in our region and submit your favourite to the ‘FOBIF turns 25’ exhibition by 1 February 2023 – click here
- Download the INaturalist app and start recording, sharing and identifying the plants, animals and fungi in your local bushland – click here
- Use the FrogID app to record frog calls and identify the many frogs enjoying our recent wet weather – click here
- Stay tuned for Connecting Country’s new large tree mapping project.

Connecting Country staff team – past and present – celebrating the end of 2022 (photo by Frances Howe)