Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

2024 Great Southern BioBlitz – 20-23 September

Posted on 10 September, 2024 by Anna

Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club is again hosting the Great Southern Bioblitz for the Castlemaine region. GSB24 runs from September 20 to 23 2024 with citizen scientists from across the Southern Hemisphere photographing and audio recording as many living species as possible within their regions.

Get involved and help showcase all the amazing forms of wildlife living in our own Castlemaine region and help build the scientific databases that increase knowledge and understanding of our bushlands. These annual Bioblitz surveys collect vast amounts of data on species and distribution that would otherwise be unavailable.

To join the fun take photographs or make sound recordings of flora, fauna and fungi between 20-23 September. You have until 7 October 2024 to upload them to iNaturalist from your phone app or computer. iNaturalist is a global databank for observations of biodiversity made by scientists, naturalists and citizen scientists. Then skilled naturalists, scientists and other citizen scientists will help you identify as many of your observations as possible.  If you’re unsure on how to use iNaturalist, the Field Nats will be running a Beginners Guide to iNaturalist on Wednesday 11th Sept at 7pm (bookings required at )

There are a series of events hosted by Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club, as part of the Bioblitz. See below for details.

Yellow-footed Antechinus. Photo: Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club

Friday 20th – Monday 23rd September – make your observations and attend the following special events.  Observations must be from the Mt Alexander Shire or the eastern half of Hepburn Shire including Daylesford and Trentham.

Friday 20th Sept from 7pm: Moth Night

Moths hold vital roles in ecosystem biodiversity. They are an important food source and great pollinators. The majority of species are nocturnal and most of these are attracted to light. Come along to watch these moths flying onto illuminated moth sheets and be amazed at the variation in sizes and colour of these beautiful creatures. A moth scientist will be on site to help with identification.

We will set up the lights and moth sheets at the southern end of the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens near the Walker St bridge (Opposite The Mill).

Sunday 22nd Sept.  1:30-3:30pm, followed by afternoon tea. Bioblitz Afternoon in the Bush.  All Welcome

As part of Bioblitz 2024, we are offering the opportunity to spend a very special afternoon in the bush with four of our highly regarded local wildlife experts. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the bush and record what you see and hear with photos or audio.

Bring your phone, camera, binoculars, magnifying glass and unbridled, childlike curiosity! And a cup for afternoon tea. If you wish, bring something for afternoon tea to share afterwards.

Meet at the Red White and Blue Picnic Area in Muckleford Forest – click here for directions.

Friday 20th Sept to Monday 7th October.  Load and Identify

During this time, load your observations made between 20th and 23rd Sept to the iNaturalist platform.  They will be automatically included in our GSB24 project. You can also help identify the observations that others have made.

Want a challenge?  Can you make and load more observations than our very own “Babblerboy” who in 2023 recorded 799 observations of 256 species – no. 17 globally!



Wild discoveries: an exhibition of nature photography at Newstead Arts Hub

Posted on 3 September, 2024 by Lori

Throughout September, Newstead Arts Hub is hosting an exhibition showcasing the fabulous work of four local photographers entranced by and enthused about nature.

Photographers Marte Newcombe, Daryl Fleay, Patrick Kavanagh and Bronwyn Silver will present some of their most striking discoveries of the wild – visual testaments to, and explorations of, the natural world.

Photo images by Marte Newcombe.


‘Nature embodies breathtaking complexity, subtle and intricate relationships and ineffable beauty. Much remains hidden to the casual eye, yet much can be revealed through the photographic lens. Minute details of a feather or moss, connections in colour and texture, colours and vast plenty in the night sky invisible to the unaided eye.’

The exhibition will be launched by Geoff Park on Saturday 7 September at 11am. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided.

The show will be open every weekend in September from 10am to 4pm.

For more information and to see the full Newstead Arts Hub program – click here


One week to go: Feathery Festival kicks off with film night Thursday 5th September

Posted on 28 August, 2024 by Anna

The Feathery Festival kicks off next week, Thursday 5th September, with a screening of multi-award-winning documentary, ‘The Message of the Lyrebird’ at Theatre Royal Castlemaine @ 7:30PM 

  • This is a special fundraising event also featuring live music by Joel Bloom and Hilary Blackshaw, artwork by Jane Rusden, and a conversation with local Landcarers and ecologists. 
  • All proceeds from ticket sales will go towards Connecting Country’s Conservation Program and Balangara Films Education Distribution Program. 

Tickets $25 or $20 concession.  Make sure to get your tickets here as they won’t be available at the door.

Doors open 6pm for pizza and drinks.

Superb Lyrebird, from ‘the Message of the Lyrebird’. Photo: Balangara Films


Bird Walk at Rise and Shine Nature Conservation Reserve in Newstead. 

Saturday 7th at 9am

Join us on a free guided bird walk in one of the regions bird watching hot spots!

This event is filling up so click here to reserve your place.


On Wednesday 11th at 7PM, the festival will wrap up with ‘Birds and Beers’,  a talk by local author, Tanya Loos at the Taproom, Shedshaker.   

Tanya will bring her wealth of experience living with wildlife,  providing practical tips on how to make sure our homes and backyards are a haven for birds. 

Come down earlier for dinner and beers. 


For more info visit our events page here


Feathery Festival – September 2024

Posted on 21 August, 2024 by Anna

Connecting Country, Birdlife Castlemaine District and Barkers Creek Landcare and Wildlife Group are excited to present:

Join us for a series of events in celebration of woodland birds
September 2024 on Djaara Country

The Message of the Lyrebird Film Fundraiser

Thursday 5 September 7:30pm (doors open at 6pm for dinner and music)

Theatre Royal Castlemaine

Tickets $25/$20 concession HERE (tickets not available from the Theatre)

This is a special fundraising event also featuring live music by Joel Bloom and Hilary Blackshaw and a conversation with local Landcarers and ecologists.

All proceeds from ticket sales will go towards – Connecting Country’s Conservation Program and Balangara Films Education Distribution Program. 


Guided Birdwalk

Saturday 7 September 9am 

Rise and Shine Nature Conservation Reserve, Newstead 

Join expert bird watchers from Birdlife Castlemaine District on a free guided walk in one of the region’s bird watching hotspots, including a ‘how to identify birds’ session, followed by a delicious brunch in the outdoors with entertainment from the Chat Warblers. Kids welcome.

Reserve your spot HERE


Birds and Beers

Wednesday 11 September

Talk starts at 7pm (come down earlier for dinner)

Shedshaker, Castlemaine 

Enjoy a beer and some delicious grub, and Join Tanya Loos, author of forthcoming book Living with Wildlife: a guide for our homes and backyards, while she delves into the delights of our local bird fauna. As well as describing commonly seen birds of the Castlemaine region, Tanya will provide tips on how to make sure our homes and backyards are havens for birds.  

Practical advice will also include addressing some of the more maddening aspects of our feathery friends such as birds attacking windows and cockatoos destroying houses!




Bird of the Month: Blue-faced Honeyeater

Posted on 20 August, 2024 by Anna

Welcome to Bird of the Month, a partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District. Each month we’re taking a close look at one special local bird species. We’re excited to join forces to deliver you a different bird each month, seasonally adjusted, and welcome suggestions from the community. We are blessed to have the brilliant Damian Kelly from BirdLife Castlemaine District writing about our next bird of the month, accompanied by his stunning photos.

Adult Blue-faced Honeyeater. Photo by Damian Kelly


When we first moved to Castlemaine about 14 years ago, the Blue-faced Honeyeater was almost unknown in the local area. Fast-forward to the present day and now it is not unusual to hear and see these birds around town. They range from northern Australia along the east coast to South Australia. They can be found in a wide range of habitats from open forests to orchards, banana plantations, parks, golf courses and home gardens.  To me they are a bit of a ratbag of a bird – often in groups and always noisy, diving in and out of foliage in the quest for food, even right in the centre of town.

In the breeding season they rarely build their own nest, preferring to take over the abandoned nests of a variety of species ranging from Red Wattlebirds to Noisy Miners, Magpies and Magpie-Larks. In some areas Babbler and Friarbird nests are also used. Often they don’t bother modifying these nests but may re-line them if needed. Occasionally they will build their own nests. In this case it is a neat cup-shaped construction of bark and grass. Usually 2-3 eggs are laid.

Like several other Australian species the Blue-faced Honeyeater is a co-operative breeder and immature birds may help at the nest to feed the young.

In feeding they are quite adaptable, consuming insects and invertebrates along with nectar and fruit when available. This may be sourced from native and introduced species – as an adaptable species they get food wherever it is available. Occasionally they are known to be orchard pests and are not popular in this regard.

Identification of adults is easy with their distinctive blue face. Immature birds, however, lack the blue and instead have green around the eyes.

Immature Blue-faced Honeyeater with green around the eye, as it matures it will turn vibrant blue. Photo by Damian Kelly





Feathery Festival – September 2024

Posted on 14 August, 2024 by Anna

Connecting Country, Birdlife Castlemaine District and Barkers Creek Landcare and Wildlife Group are excited to present:

Join us for a series of events in celebration of woodland birds
September 2024 on Djaara Country

The Message of the Lyrebird Film Fundraiser

Thursday 5 September 7:30pm (doors open at 6pm for dinner and music)

Theatre Royal Castlemaine

Tickets $25/$20 concession HERE

This is a special fundraising event also featuring live music by Joel Bloom and Hilary Blackshaw and a conversation with local Landcarers and ecologists.

All proceeds from ticket sales will go towards – Connecting Country’s Conservation Program and Balangara Films Education Distribution Program. 


Guided Birdwalk

Saturday 7 September 9am 

Rise and Shine Nature Conservation Reserve, Newstead 

Join expert bird watchers from Birdlife Castlemaine District on a free guided walk in one of the region’s bird watching hotspots, including a ‘how to identify birds’ session, followed by a delicious brunch in the outdoors with entertainment from the Chat Warblers. Kids welcome.

Reserve your spot HERE


Birds and Beers

Wednesday 11 September

Talk starts at 7pm (come down earlier for dinner)

Shedshaker, Castlemaine 

Enjoy a beer and some delicious grub, and Join Tanya Loos, author of forthcoming book Living with Wildlife: a guide for our homes and backyards, while she delves into the delights of our local bird fauna. As well as describing commonly seen birds of the Castlemaine region, Tanya will provide tips on how to make sure our homes and backyards are havens for birds.  

Practical advice will include preventing window collision, owl friendly rodent control, how to stop birds attacking windows and why bird baths are a better option than feeding birds. 




2024 National Tree Day Community Planting

Posted on 13 August, 2024 by Hadley Cole

This year Connecting Country teamed up with McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group and  Mount Alexander Shire Council to host a community planting to celebrate 2024 National Tree Day. The event was funded by community donors, businesses and Mount Alexander Shire Council, which is a wonderful credit to our local community! We clearly value biodiversity restoration and providing community members with opportunities to contribute to healing Country.

The day was a huge success with approximately 60 people in attendance. McKenzie Hill Action and Landcare Group (MHALG) worked tirelessly in their planning of the event and made sure there was a hot free lunch at the end of the planting for all participants care of Rotary Castlemaine.

Mount Alexander Shire Council worked with MHALG volunteers to coordinate a kids activity area which included badge making, seed ball making and colouring, all of which had a pollinator theme providing opportunities to learn about the regions local insect pollinators.

Participants enjoying the kids activity area. Photo by Connecting Country.


Amelia and Olive from McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group and Sally from Mount Alexander Shire Council coordinating kids activities.

Participants of all ages came along, from young toddlers to grandparents and everyone in between, including fury canine friends! Everyone was keen to get their hands dirty. The species chosen for the planting included a variety of lifeforms (grasses, shrubs, trees, ground covers etc,) including species such as, Matted Bush-pea (Pultenaea pedunculata), Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra), Tree Violet (Melicytus dentatus) and Bushy Needlewood (Hakea decurrens).

The planting was held at the Langslow Street Old School Site, a long standing site MHALG have been working on for over ten years. The focus of the planting is to increase the number of pollinator attracting plants to the area and is part of Connecting Country’s Bee Line project, a pollinator corridor project carried out in partnership with local Landcare Groups funded through the 2023 Victorian Landcare Grants.

MHALG have big plans for the Langslow Street Old School Site, including promoting the plantings across the site as educational resources to encourage biodiverse plantings of indigenous species in our region. The community planting day resulted in 400 pollinator attracting plants going in the ground, which will add enormous value to the groups’ long term plans and bring a diversity of pollinators to the local area.

If you would like to learn move about McKenzie Hill Action & Landcare Group you can contact them via Facebook – click here

If you wish to learn more about attracting native insect pollinators to your garden, check out Connecting Country’s guide to pollinator attracting plants of the Mount Alexander region – click here


Lori, Bonnie and Hadley from Connecting Country. Photo by Connecting Country.


The Connecting Country team send a big Thank You to all the collaborators involved in this event and to all the wonderful participants who helped to get plants in the ground!

Thank you also to the local event sponsors including, The Good Op Shop, Shed Shaker Brewing and Mount Alexander Shire Council.

We look forward to watching these plants grow!







Rethinking Planned Burns presentation with Philip Zylstra – 20 August 2024

Posted on 6 August, 2024 by Anna

Our friends at Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (FOBIF)  are partnering with Kinglake Friends of the Forests, Friends of the Whipstick and the Whroo Goldfields Conservation Network to present an interesting evening with fire behaviour scientist Dr Philip Zylstra from Curtin University on Tuesday 20 August at 7.00pm in Castlemaine.

Please see more details below provided by FOBIF.

Rethinking Planned Burns’ by Dr Philip Zylstra

Dr Philip Zylstra is a fire behaviour scientist and Adjunct Associate Professor from Curtin University. In his former work as a remote area fire fighter, he realised that planned burns for fire mitigation were not only causing immediate environmental harm, but could increase fire risk to communities in subsequent years. As many others noted, the bush responded to these burns with a dense flush of understorey growth. As a result, Dr Zylstra undertook Australia’s first detailed and systematic attempt to link the mechanisms that drive fire behaviour in forest environments, developing the only peer-reviewed model to show how forest structure and composition drives fire behaviour in Australian forests.

Dr Philip Zylstra in the field. Photo provided by Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests.


Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMV) plan to burn 10,000 Ha of forest in the Murray -Goldfields districts in the next 2 years. This is despite acknowledgement by the Victorian state Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (DEECA) that “Box-Ironbark forests are considered not prone to recurrent fires, making them possibly atypical of dry, sclerophyllous vegetation in Australia” as outlined in a governmental report published in 2007, to read full report – click here.

With climate change creating more extreme fires and a longer fire season, governments have ramped up “hazard-reduction” burning. New research however shows the practice can actually make forests more flammable. Over time, some forests tend to thin out and become less likely to burn – hazard reduction burning disrupts this process.

According to Dr Zylstra;

“The open understorey and historical rarity of bushfires in the Box-ironbark near Whroo are a reminder that some forests are natural advantages for controlling fire. Disturbances such as burning and logging can break down these valuable defences, causing regrowth that drives a pulse of elevated fire risk which can last for decades. The fires in the Pyrenees are a tragic example of this, as the average annual area of bushfires has nearly tripled since widespread logging began in that area. Certainly climate change is a major influence, but it doesn’t let us off the hook. The old modelling which drives the push to disturb forest does not account for the natural controls that undisturbed forests have placed on fire since the days of Gondwana.”

Join FOBIF and partners for this most interesting presentation.

When: Tuesday 20 August 2024 at 7pm

Where: Castlemaine Senior Citizens Centre, Mechanics Lane, Castlemaine 

Cost: Free

All welcome!

A light supper will be provided.


Bird of the Month: Grey Currawong

Posted on 27 July, 2024 by Ivan

Welcome to Bird of the Month, a partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District. Each month we’re taking a close look at one special local bird species. We’re excited to join forces to deliver you a different bird each month, seasonally adjusted, and welcome suggestions from the community. We are blessed to have the brilliant Jane Rusden and Damian Kelly from BirdLife Castlemaine District writing about our next bird of the month, accompanied by Damian’s stunning photos.

Grey Currawong (Strepera versicolor)

At my home in Campbells Creek, I regularly see the imposing Grey Currawong. The individuals I see are likely to be the same pair I’ve been watching for years. The small birds are a bit scared of the Grey Currawong, with good reason as you’ll read below, but they are an important part of the forest ecosystem despite their small vertebrate munching habits. If you are lucky enough to see one up close, you’ll notice the bright yellow eye, so beautiful against the grey plumage and probably summing you up in a way that feels both intelligent and slightly intimidating.

Grey Currawong in full glory and piercing yellow eyes. Photo by Damian Kelly

Often heard before you see them with their distinctive “clink clink” call, Grey Currawongs are widespread throughout our area. They can be found in a wide variety of habitats ranging from home gardens in town to open forests and in treed areas on farms. They are very adaptable thanks to their omnivorous diet that includes invertebrates, small birds, lizards and small rodents as well as fruit when available. They are opportunistic and can be found foraging mainly on the ground as well as in foliage, often in small groups ranging from 3-11 individuals.

They build large and untidy open cup-shaped nests. Usually, 2-3 eggs are laid although more are sometimes recorded. Most of the brooding is done by the female but both parents feed the young. Occasionally Channel-billed Cuckoos have been recorded being fed by Currawongs.

In wide areas of southern Victoria including our local area, Grey Currawongs overlap with Pied Currawongs. They can be easily distinguished as the Pied Currawong is generally a much darker bird with a lot more white on the tail and wings. Calls are also quite distinct.

Grey Currawong attempting to drink from two bird baths at once. Photo by Damian Kelly

Banding studies have demonstrated that the Grey Currawong is largely sedentary with only limited movements based on food availability. Some studies have shown 99% of birds have moved less than 10km. They are quite long-lived birds with some banded birds that have been known to live 16-19 years.

To find out more about Grey Currawongs and listen to its call, click here.

To find out more about Pied Currawong and listen to its call, click here.




Community champions: Top honours to Marie and Tavish at Landcare Awards

Posted on 24 July, 2024 by Ivan

Local community champions Marie Jones and Tavish Bloom were awarded top honours at the recent Victorian Landcare Awards, highlighting the amazing passion and dedication in the central Victorian Landcare movement. We are very proud of both Marie and Tavish, who have shown countless hours of commitment and hard work in restoring our ‘upside down’ landscapes of the Mount Alexander region. Please raise a glass to toast our well-deserved awardees!

Marie Jones: Joan Kirner Landcare Award

Marie was a founding member of Golden Point Landcare Group and has clocked up 30 years with the local group, as well as stints on the North Central Catchment Management Board and Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forest (FOBIF). She is currently the president of FOBIF, which runs monthly walks, organises photographic exhibitions, and develops educational materials to promote and advocate for the Box-Ironbark Forests of the region.  Marie was a founding member of Connecting Country over 25 years ago and continues strong involvement as Secretary on the Committee of Management.

Marie Jones collecting seed. Photo by John Ellis.


Marie has worked tirelessly to ensure that Connecting Country is successful, serving for many years as secretary or president and being involved in multiple sub-committees. Under Marie’s guidance, the network has successfully protected, restored, and enhanced over 15,000 hectares of the region’s landscape.

Director of Connecting Country, Lori Arthur, said ‘We love the gentle way Marie brings our community together and raises awareness of the issues facing our biodiversity and wildlife. I enjoy working with Marie, learning from her wisdom, compassion and kindness through the Landcare movement’.

Marie features on Connecting Country’s Landcare promotion video below, where she is quoted as saying ‘Landcare is everybody’s, and it is our responsibility to look after our local landscapes.  It is an honour to volunteer in our community and contribute towards these things’. Well done Marie, very much deserved!

Tavish Bloom: Woolworths Junior Landcare Award

Tavish is an inspiration to the next generation of Landcarers in our region, and at the ripe age of 13 years old, has an enviable track record and passion for our landscape and wildlife. He lives next to the Post Office Hill Reserve at Chewton and has been part of a project installing and monitoring 28 nesting boxes in the Central Victorian reserve as a member of the Post Office Hill Action Group. This project has given Tavish a terrific platform to learn more about our marsupials and birds that call the nest boxes home and has inspired him to tell his story to other young Landcarers and school friends.

Tavish interviewed by Dr Ann Jones at Resource Smart Awards 2023. Photo by Castlemaine Steiner School.


The nest boxes have housed several occupants, including a female Brush-tailed Phascogale using one of the boxes to successfully raise eight joeys last summer. Nest boxes are vital for providing refuge for threatened species in the absence of their usual habitat, such as hollows in large old trees. Tavish has enjoyed the interactions and sharing of the reserve with the Brush-tailed Phascogale, which has enabled him to learn more about the threatened species and ensure they have the habitat to thrive in the future.

As a young child, he spent countless hours observing and recording flora and fauna in the reserve and two years ago joined the Post Office Hill Action Group (POHAG), which cares for the reserve. This reserve was turned upside down during the gold rush in the mid-1800s and then was later used as a rubbish dump and tip for the region. Tavish is inspired to continue restoring the degraded landscape with mid-storey shrubs and nest boxes, which will enable woodland birds and marsupials to thrive in their once-denuded landscape.


Tavish with Costa Georgiadis at the Victorian Landcare Awards. Photo by Joel Bloom.


Well done Tavish, we hope you continue the journey with your inquisitive nature and passion for the wildlife and biodiversity, that is often forgotten about in our busy lives. Landcare Facilitator at Connecting Country, Hadley Cole, said ‘Tavish is such an awesome inspiration for the future of Landcare in our region and has shown that younger members of our community are keen to be involved in land management for a better future. ‘I have seen Tavish educate and inspire others around him, which is such an important role to play in ensuring Landcare continues into the future.’

Tavish now goes on to represent Victoria in the National Landcare Awards later this year. Best of luck Tavish, we’re all cheering for you!

Connecting Country would like to congratulate and thank everyone who contributes to Landcare in our region, and in particular, give a big high five to Marie and Tavish for their extraordinary contributions.

To learn more about Marie and Tavish’s accomplishments head over to the Landcare Magazine’s website to read full articles dedicated to Marie and Tavish – click here

To find out more about Landcare in our region, or to get involved – click here.




Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests AGM 12 August: Geoff Park presentation

Posted on 15 July, 2024 by Ivan

Our friends and project partners at Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (FOBIF) are having their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 12 August 2024, with local ecologist Geoff Park as a guest speaker. Geoff will speak about locally extinct or rare woodland bird species and discuss what we think we know about the current situation and consider options and possibilities for future conservation efforts. It will be sure to be a great event. Please find the details below, supplied by FOBIF.

Woodland birds in central Victoria – historical observations, current status and future prospects

Woodland birds are an iconic and special element of the box-ironbark forests and woodlands of central Victoria. The impacts of European settlement, from gold-mining to agricultural intensification, have contributed to a steady decline in species diversity and populations. This decline is now being exacerbated by the clear and present effects of climate change.

Geoff’s talk will span some historical perspectives on what are now locally extinct or rare woodland bird species, discuss what we think we know about the current situation and consider options and possibilities for future conservation efforts.

When: Monday 12 August 2024 at 7.30pm

Where: Castlemaine Senior Citizens Centre, Mechanics Lane, Castlemaine VIC

Flame Robin (adult male), Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve, 26 June 2024 (Geoff Park,  Natural Newstead)

FOBIF AGM items will also be covered on the evening. There are several vacancies on the FOBIF committee, interested people are encouraged to consider joining. There is a link for nomination forms and more information here.


Midweek Bird Walk – Wednesday 17 July 2024, Forest Creek Trail Castlemaine

Posted on 4 July, 2024 by Ivan

Our friends and project partners at Birdlife Castlemaine District are holding another mid-week bird walk along Forest Creek to observe and discuss the range of birds that make the creek valley their home. It will be a great chance for a casual stroll along an accessible trail with knowledgeable and passionate bird watchers, and an opportunity to learn more about restoring our local landscapes.  All welcome and no prior birding experience necessary.

July Midweek Bird Walk

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Forest Creek Trail, Happy Valley, Castlemaine

Following the successful May midweek walk, we have decided to try another in July. This time we will walk along the Forest Creek Trail, Happy Valley. This track is a section of the Leanganook Track which is also known variously as the Happy Valley Walking Trail and the Goldfields Track, depending on the information source. The track is mostly flat providing easy walking.

Habitat is varied with much regeneration work also having been done by the Castlemaine Landcare Group and others. Possible sightings include various Thornbills and Honeyeaters, Pardalotes, Pied Currawong, Musk Lorikeet, Silvereye, Grey Fantail, etc. We may also come across some waterbirds in the creek.

Our walk leader will be Bob Dawson.

Where: The Trail starts at Happy Valley Rd. From the Hargraves and Forest Sts. roundabout, Happy Valley Rd is approx. 800 metres east toward Melbourne off the Pyrenees Hwy (B180). (Note: the beginning of Happy Valley Rd is marked as Burke St on Google Maps, etc., but the street sign says Happy Valley Rd). Turn left into Happy Valley Rd, then the start of the Trail is about 250 metres on the right.

GPS – 37.06874, 144.22776.

When: Meet at the Forest Creek Trail at 9:00 am.

BirdLife Castlemaine District Branch eNews November 2023 - BirdLife Australia


2024 National Tree Day community planting – Sunday July 28

Posted on 2 July, 2024 by Ivan

Planet Ark’s National Tree Day is coming up on Sunday 28 July 2024. National Tree Day is a call to action for all Australians to get their hands dirty and give back to the environment, by planting 1 million trees across Australia.  To celebrate, Connecting Country is co-hosting a community planting day with Mount Alexander Shire Council and McKenzie Hill Action and Landcare Group (MHALG).

The day offers an opportunity for the Mount Alexander/ Leanganook community to come together and take direct on-ground conservation action to restore and enhance our local biodiversity.

A big THANK YOU to Shedshaker Brewery (through their Keg for Good program), The Good Opp Shop, North Central Catchment Management Authority, Mount Alexander Shire Council in addition to private donors, who have generously funded and supported this event.

The day is answering a call from the younger generations of our community who, in a previous Council survey, asked for more opportunities to plant trees, make homes for wildlife and to undertake practical actions to address climate change. We’ve been working with our partners to shape a nature celebration event which caters for all ages including planting indigenous plants to restore habitat and interactive activities to learn about our local landscape and the wonderful critters that live amongst us.

Join us for a wonderful morning at the Old School Site on Langslow Street, McKenzie Hill VIC

When: Sunday 28 July 2024 10am-12pm

Where: Old School Site on Langslow Street, McKenzie Hill VIC. For google maps location please – click here

What to bring: All ages are welcome, with a supervising adult. Bring water, suitable clothes for cold weather and the desire to regenerate our bushland. We will provide a light lunch following the planting day, thanks to Rotary Castlemaine.

All plants have been sourced be from local nurseries that specialise in indigenous plants to this region. This is vital to ensure plants are adapted to local conditions, support local wildlife whilst supporting local businesses. Experienced volunteers from Landcare will be supporting the planting, making this an effective and highly efficient project.

The community planting day is a wonderful example of local organisations and community members coming together to take direct on ground conservation action to build resilient habitats across the region and promote local natural landscapes.

We look forward to seeing you there for the fun!


“The importance of invisible things” local event featuring Patrick Kavanagh

Posted on 1 July, 2024 by Ivan

Our friends and project partners at Newstead Landcare Group are delivering an exciting event featuring the wonderfully talented Patrick Kavanagh on Tuesday evening 16 July 2024 at Newstead Community Centre. The presentation will feature Patrick’s adventures into the secret works of invertebrates, tiny plants and fungi. It will surely be a wonderful evening from one of our region’s most talented photographers. Please find the details below, supplied by Newstead Landcare. 

Newstead Landcare July 2024 Presentation – “The importance of invisible things” by Patrick Kavanagh

Every day, we walk through another world hidden from our naked eye. A tiny world, on a scale of millimetres, best seen through a macrophotographer’s lens.

Join Newstead Landcare for a glimpse into this secret world, in the capable hands of our very own Patrick Kavanagh. Many will know Patrick from his blog posts on Natural Newstead, where he shares close-up photos of invertebrates, tiny plants and fungi, and breathtaking images of the starry night sky.

Mantis Fly in full colour and glory. Photo Patrick Kavanagh

Patrick’s talks are known as a journey of storytelling, getting to know the critters and moments in time captured through each photo. Understanding more about the intriguing lives of invertebrates and their interactions is a joyful, comedic, and yes sometimes horrifying experience akin to the drama of a soap opera!

Peeking into this micro-world underlines the importance of these tiny forms of life most of us know nothing about, some of which are completely unknown to modern science. They are the foundation food for many of our more visible wildlife that we know and love, such as birds and mammals. Their importance to our ecosystems is sometimes forgotten, due to a lack of knowledge and opportunities to connect. Here is your chance to learn just how charismatic they can be when aided by a macro lens.

Patrick has lived near Newstead in Strangways for over two decades and has been Newstead Landcare’s invaluable secretary for the same duration. Many of his photos are taken right at home on his bush block, showing how much biodiversity can be found in one well cared for patch.

 Tuesday 16 July at 7.30 pm

Newstead Community Centre

All are welcome to attend and gold coin donations would be appreciated

For more details on Newstead Landcare Group, please click here


Help us protect Large Old Trees: EOFY donation drive

Posted on 25 June, 2024 by Ivan

Looking for a great local cause to donate to at the end of this financial year? Over the next 12 months, we will be working to protect and enhance large old trees in our landscape, through our key project “Regenergeate before it’s too late“. Now is a great time to make a financial contribution to Connecting Country’s works as the end of the financial year approaches. Donating is easy – use our secure online service (click here), with all donations to Connecting Country being tax-deductible.

Thanks also to all our supporters for being part of the Connecting Country community in 2024, joining our shared vision for landscape restoration across the Mount Alexander region. The valuable work we do couldn’t happen without people like you – volunteering time to help with wildlife monitoring, joining our education events, participating in our on-ground projects, giving financial help or just being a member.

Funding for conservation is a constantly moving beast but we are determined to continue and maintain our core capacity and current projects until new project funding arrives. However, we need help to maintain the strong foundations essential to our success as a community-driven organisation and keep us focused on long-term plans. With enough support, the coming year will see us continue to help landholders with on-ground actions, prepare for climate change, maintain our long-term monitoring, and deliver events that inform, educate and inspire.

You can be assured that any financial support from you will be well spent, with 100% invested into our core work of supporting and implementing landscape restoration in our local area. We run a very lean operation and our small team of part-time staff attracts voluntary support that ensures every dollar goes a long way. We have produced a video below, which highlights the importance of caring for large on trees on farms, and why these landowners value their large old trees. 

As a Connecting Country supporter, you’ve already contributed to some amazing successes. Since beginning in 2007 we have:

  • Helped protect and restore 15,000 ha of habitat across the Mount Alexander region, which equates to around 8.1% of the shire.
  • Delivered more than 245 successful community education events.
  • Installed more than 450 nestboxes for the threatened Brush-tailed Phascogale.
  • Maintained a network of 50 long-term bird monitoring sites.
  • Secured funding to deliver more than 65 landscape restoration projects.
  • Supported an incredible network of over 30 Landcare and Friends groups.


2024 Landcare Link-up: Caring for Significant Old Trees

Posted on 19 June, 2024 by Hadley Cole

As part of Connecting Country’s ongoing support for Landcare groups in the Mount Alexander region, we coordinate an annual Landcare Link-up to provide groups with an opportunity to get together, learn, share and connect. It’s also a great opportunity for anyone not yet a part of Landcare to learn more about what’s involved and hear about the amazing success stories in our region.

On Sunday 19 May 2024, Landcare volunteers and significant old tree enthusiasts attended the Annual 2024 Landcare Link-up in Maldon VIC. The event was co-hosted by Maldon Urban Landcare Group (MULGA). Bev Phillips from MULGA provided enormous support in coordinating the event as well as taking participants for a walk around the Maldon township to view significant indigenous eucalypts of the area that have been growing since before European settlement, which in Maldon was 1852.

Bev’s walk was most engaging with participants forming a greater understanding of how many of our indigenous eucalypts may not appear enormously wide in trunk size, however, their canopy can tell us a different story. Medium-sized indigenous eucalypts can pre-date European settlement and be 200 or more years in age. MULGA have been recording indigenous eucalypts that are estimated to pre-date European settlement since 2017. The group has surveyed 340 trees on public and private land. Five of the eucalypts are estimated to be over 500 years old, and one of these, a Grey Box, is estimated to be 650 years old. Many large eucalypts were destroyed during the gold rush era in the Mount Alexander Shire, which leaves those still standing as ‘Living Treasures’, as they were lucky to escape obliteration.

Participants admiring a beautiful Yellow Box (Eucalyptus Melliodora) estimated to be 540 years old. Photo by Connecting Country.

As well as talking us through how to estimate the age of significant trees, Bev shared some great tips on how to identify Indigenous eucalypts of the region, including Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa), Yellow Box (Eucalyptus melliodora), Long Leaf Box (Eucalyptus goniocalyx) and Red Box (Eucalyptus polyanthemos). Bev brought along sample bags and photocopies of species leaves and fruit (or gum nuts) which provided wonderful resources for explaining the various parts of the tree used for identification. Participants thoroughly enjoyed the walk with Bev through Maldon, with many gaining further knowledge in the identification of indigenous eucalypts.

The photos above show participants getting hands-on experience in identifying eucalypts by examining leaves and fruit.

Following the walk and talk with Bev, we returned to the Maldon Community Centre to warm up with afternoon tea and settle in for presentations from Connecting Country’s Ivan Carter, Engagement Coordinator, who spoke about the mapping of large and/or significant old trees in the region and from La Trobe University’s Dr Steve Griffiths who gave us an overview of his research into artificial or carved tree hollows.

Ivan spoke about Connecting Country’s mapping portal that allows our local community to upload and record significant or special trees on public or private land across the region. The mapping portal is part of Connecting Country’s three-year project, Regenerate before it’s too late! funded by the Ian and Shirley Norman Foundation. As well as mapping the spectacular trees of our region, the project also includes on-ground works and community engagement events to help raise the profile of our marvellous significant old trees. The 2024 Landcare Link-up was one of these events. For more information on how to upload images and record details of local old trees of the region to the mapping portal – click here.

Participants enjoyed the presentation by Dr Steve Griffiths on artificial tree hollows. Photo by Connecting Country.

We then heard from Dr Steve Griffiths, who offered some fascinating information about his research on artificial or carved tree hollows. Steve explained that carved hollows are not a new concept and have been used overseas in places such as North America and Europe since the 1990’s but little has been recorded about their effectiveness. Creation of these hollows involves carving out hollows with a chainsaw, or specialised tools, to specific dimensions depending on the species you wish to create a home for. One of Steve’s studies looked into the insulative quality of carved hollows versus nest boxes. As the carved hollows have the benefits of the insulation mass of the tree, they performed better than nest boxes in both cool and hot weather.

Steve presented some interesting research into the dimensions of the carved hollows and the species using them. Overall studies indicated that small arboreal mammals such as Brush-Tailed Phascogales and Krefft (or Sugar) Gliders will comfortably take up residence in a carved hollow. Native birds, such as a variety of parrots secies, will also set up homes in these hollows. Microbats however were not found in the carved hollows, so the question remains how a comfy insulated hollow is created for these little guys, which Steve seems committed to finding out!

To read Dr Steve Griffiths’s full research paper, click here.

Although it was a jam-packed day, it was a great success with lots of positive feedback provided by participants.

The canopy of a 540-year-old Yellow Box (Eucalyptus Melliodora). Photo by Connecting Country.

A big thank you to Bev Phillips and Marie Bell from MULGA for their help coordinating the day and volunteering their time and Dr. Steve Griffiths for travelling up to Maldon to share his learnings.

This event was funded through the Regenerate before it’s too late! project supported by the Ian & Shirley Normal Foundation.




Bird of the Month: Australasian Grebe

Posted on 19 June, 2024 by Ivan

Welcome to Bird of the Month, a partnership between Connecting Country and BirdLife Castlemaine District. Each month we’re taking a close look at one special local bird species. We’re excited to join forces to deliver you a different bird each month, seasonally adjusted, and welcome suggestions from the community. We are blessed to have the brilliant Jane Rusden and Damian Kelly from BirdLife Castlemaine District writing about our next bird of the month, accompanied by Damian’s stunning photos.

Australasian Grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae)

Australasian Grebes hold a special place in my heart, simply because they have such cute fluffy bums and can often be seen on dams. They are seemingly half fish, spending their lives on or under water. They nest on rafts and can spend long periods under the water foraging. On land they are quite ungainly and walk very awkwardly. And then there’s the chicks, the cutest striped balls of fluff riding on a parent’s back, tucked safely away in a bed of living feathers.

The Australasian Grebe is too cute for words.  Photo Damian Kelly

Appearance can vary quite a bit. In the breeding season, both males and females have a glossy-black head with a chestnut stripe on the face extending from behind the eye through to the base of the neck and a distinctive yellow patch below the eye. In contrast, the non-breeding plumage of both sexes is dark grey-brown above with silver-grey below and lacks the distinctive yellow patch. Juveniles are quite different again, with camouflage-type black stripes on grey plumage.

Juveniles are quite different again, with camouflage-type black stripes on grey plumage. Photo: Damian Kelly

They are adaptable and can be found in varying habitats from small farm dams to larger bodies of water. Food includes fish, snails and aquatic arthropods usually collected by diving. Grebes are also known to eat their downy feathers and feed feathers to their young. Various reasons have been suggested for this behaviour ranging from aiding digestion to assisting the formation of pellets to help eject fish bones, but definitive reasons are yet to be determined.

Grebes are known to be quite mobile and will fly to new areas as water levels change. Flight is generally undertaken at night. They have also colonized New Zealand in recent times.

The Australasian grebe is common on freshwater lakes and rivers in greater Australia, New Zealand and on nearby Pacific islands. Photo: Damian Kelly

Nests are a floating mound of vegetation that is usually attached to a submerged branch or other fixed object. Over a season, two or three clutches of 3-5 eggs are laid. At times two females may lay in the same nest.  Young can swim from birth and are fed by both parents. However, if a second clutch is laid the young of the previous brood are driven away.

To hear the call of the Australasian Grebe, please click here


Help us thrive in 2024/2025: EOFY donation drive

Posted on 17 June, 2024 by Ivan

Looking for a great local cause to donate to at the end of this financial year? Now is a great time to make a financial contribution to Connecting Country’s work, if you can afford to, as the end of the financial year approaches. Donating is easy – use our secure online service (click here), with all donations to Connecting Country being tax-deductible.

We appreciate all your financial support, whether large or small, one-off or regular.

Thanks also to all our supporters for being part of the Connecting Country community in 2024, joining our shared vision for landscape restoration across the Mount Alexander region. The valuable work we do couldn’t happen without people like you – volunteering time to help with wildlife monitoring, joining our education events, participating in our on-ground projects, giving financial help or just being a member.

We have a demonstrated track record of fifteen years of successful landscape restoration and strategic landscape planning for the future. However, in the current situation, it’s extremely difficult to secure funding for on-ground environmental projects. The post-COVID-19 pandemic has caused our government and many philanthropic organisations to freeze or delay grant opportunities.

We are determined to survive and maintain our core capacity and current projects until new project funding arrives. However, we need help to maintain the strong foundations essential to our success as a community-driven organisation and keep us focused on long-term plans. With enough support, the coming year will see us continue to help landholders with on-ground actions, prepare for climate change, maintain our long-term monitoring, and deliver events that inform, educate and inspire.

You can be assured that any financial support from you will be well spent, with 100% invested into our core work of supporting and implementing landscape restoration in our local area. We run a very lean operation and our small team of part-time staff attracts voluntary support that ensures every dollar goes a long way.

As a Connecting Country supporter, you’ve already contributed to some amazing successes. Since beginning in 2007 we have:

  • Helped protect and restore 15,000 ha of habitat across the Mount Alexander region, which equates to around 8.1% of the shire.
  • Delivered more than 245 successful community education events.
  • Installed more than 450 nestboxes for the threatened Brush-tailed Phascogale.
  • Maintained a network of 50 long-term bird monitoring sites.
  • Secured funding to deliver more than 65 landscape restoration projects.
  • Supported an incredible network of over 30 Landcare and Friends groups.

Thanks again for your support for Connecting Country. Making our vision a reality is only possible with strong community support. Please enjoy this gallery snapshot of some of our 2023-24 activities.


Central Victoria Community Deer Forum: Sunday June 30 Malmsbury

Posted on 4 June, 2024 by Ivan

Are deep impacting your property, project site or local reserve?  This Community Deer Forum coming up in Malmsbury VIC, on Sunday 30 June 2024 might be of interest to you. 

Central Victoria Community Deer Forum

The Victorian Deer Control Community Network, Biolinks Alliance and Malmsbury District Landcare invite you to a forum about tackling the emerging impacts of deer around your home, farm or nature reserve.

Sunday, June 30 · 10:30am – 3:30pm AEST

The forum aims to raise the awareness of private landowners and other community members to the emerging impacts of deer in Central Victoria and what options people have for control.

You will hear from experts and landowners, and have the chance to ask your questions, about:

  • Deer species in your area
  • Emerging impacts of deer in Central Victoria
  • The law around deer
  • Deer control plans and programs
  • Deer control options for landowners
  • Working together
  • Meet people that can help
  • Where to find out more

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Click Here for a flyer with registration details. 

For more information contact Peter Jacobs


Confirm your support for Connecting Country’s work: EOFY

Posted on 4 June, 2024 by Ivan

A huge thank you to our many amazing supporters who have been generously donating via our online service over the past year. Now is a great time to make a financial contribution to Connecting Country’s work, if you can afford to, as the end of the financial year approaches. Donating is easy – use our secure online service (click here), with all donations to Connecting Country being tax-deductible.

We appreciate all your financial support, whether large or small, one-off or regular.

Thanks also to all our supporters for being part of the Connecting Country community in 2024, joining our shared vision for landscape restoration across the Mount Alexander region. The valuable work we do couldn’t happen without people like you – volunteering time to help with wildlife monitoring, joining our education events, participating in our on-ground projects, giving financial help or just being a member.

We have a demonstrated track record of fifteen years of successful landscape restoration and strategic landscape planing for the future. However, in the current situation, it’s extremely difficult to secure funding for on-ground environmental projects. The post-COVID-19 pandemic has caused our government and many philanthropic organisations to freeze or delay grant opportunities.

We are determined to survive, and maintain our core capacity and current projects until new project funding arrives. However, we need help to maintain the strong foundations essential to our success as a community-driven organisation and keep us focused on long-term plans. With enough support, the coming year will see us continue to help landholders with on-ground actions, prepare for climate change, maintain our long-term monitoring, and deliver events that inform, educate and inspire.

You can be assured that any financial support from you will be well spent, with 100% invested into our core work of supporting and implementing landscape restoration in our local area. We run a very lean operation and our small team of part-time staff attracts voluntary support that ensures every dollar goes a long way.

As a Connecting Country supporter, you’ve already contributed to some amazing successes. Since beginning in 2007 we have:

    • Helped protect and restore 15,000 ha of habitat across the Mount Alexander region, which equates to around 8.1% of the shire.
    • Delivered more than 245 successful community education events.
    • Installed more than 450 nestboxes for the threatened Brush-tailed Phascogale
    • Maintained a network of 50 long-term bird monitoring sites
    • Secured funding to deliver more than 65 landscape restoration projects.
    • Supported an incredible network of over 30 Landcare and Friends groups.

Thanks again for your support for Connecting Country. Making our vision a reality is only possible with strong community support. Please enjoy this gallery snapshot of some of our 2023-24 activities.