Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Natural Newstead: A proper soaking and then woodland birds

Posted on 31 July, 2019 by Asha

If you love birds and our natural heritage, hopefully you’ve already discovered the Natural Newstead blog. The blog is a wealth of knowledge and expert observations of flora, fauna and landscape in central Victoria. With nearly 2,000 subscribers, it contains some of the best nature photography you will see anywhere. It is run by Newstead resident and local ecological identity Geoff Park, with contributions from other knowledgeable locals. Geoff Park has worked in various roles with the North Central Catchment Management Authority and in the private sector, and is very passionate about biodiversity conservation and on-ground biodiversity outcomes.

If you’re not familiar the blog, check it out here:

We particularly enjoyed Geoff’s recent post about woodland birds enjoying the wetter conditions this winter. To read this post on the Natural Newstead website, click here, or continue reading below.

A proper soaking and then woodland birds
Posted on 1 July 2019 by Geoff Park

We’re in the depths of winter and celebrating wonderful rainfall over the weekend.

Hopefully we move slowly now into a ‘typical’ spring that enables some recovery of woodland bird populations across the region. I was pretty chuffed to see some familiar faces at Muckleford Gorge, especially a pair of Hooded Robins. Along with the Crested Shrike-tit and Jacky Winter we encountered numerous Flame Robins, a Golden Whistler, Restless Flycatchers and Brown Treecreepers.

Crested Shrike-tit (adult male), Muckleford Gorge, 30th June 2019. Photo: Geoff Park
















Crested Shrike-tit (adult male), Muckleford Gorge, 30th June 2019. Photo: Geoff Park
















Hooded Robin (male). Photo: Geoff Park













Jacky Winter on a branch. Photo: Geoff Park




Future Landscapes symposium – presentations now available

Posted on 31 July, 2019 by Frances

In late 2018, the Research Centre for Future Landscapes at La Trobe University held an excellent symposium on ‘Future Landscapes for People and Nature’. Speakers included our very own Brendan Sydes (Connecting Country President).

It has taken a while, but videos of the presentations are now available on the university website – click here

Thanks to La Trobe University, all the speakers and Jim Radford (Principal Research Fellow at the Research Centre for Future) for providing this valuable resource.


Who will be our lucky 1,000th follower?

Posted on 25 July, 2019 by Ivan

Love it, or hate it, Facebook and the social media titans have changed the way many of us interact with the world and our community. Connecting Country has moved with the times and has an excellent website and a strong online presence through Facebook. It allows us to tell our story, and yours, through image, videos and words, as well as getting feedback from you!

We are sitting very close to 1,000 followers on Facebook, so its time to celebrate the milestone with a give-away prize for our 1,000th Facebook follower! We would like to offer a choice of three local books, to connect and educate our community with our natural heritage. The three books are listed below, all published by our local champions at Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (FOBIF).

Wattles of the Mount Alexander Region
by Bernard Slattery, Ern Perkins and Bronwyn Silver

This 112 page guide, Wattles of the Mount Alexander Region, helps the beginner to make a start. In plain language, and generously illustrated, it presents 21 species that flourish in the Mount Alexander region of central Victoria. A general introduction explains different features of wattles, helping in identification and appreciation of these tenacious and beautiful plants. The book is published by FOBIF in association with Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club and Connecting Country.


Eucalypts of the Mount Alexander Regioncover-single-page-euc-book
by Bernard Slattery, Ern Perkins and Bronwyn Silver

This 90 page guide aims to help the beginner train the eye to see the differences between eucalypts, and to appreciate how spectacular they are. It presents common species of the Mount Alexander Region, generously illustrated and clearly described in plain language. Though firmly based on forests and reserves around the town of Castlemaine, it describes species common to the whole Box-Ironbark region, and would be useful to any enthusiast in that region, from Ararat to Chiltern. Sections on major species include drawings of buds, fruit, juvenile leaves and adult leaves by Leon Costermans. The book is a community project of FOBIF with a generous grant from the Worrowing Fund through the Norman Wettenhall Foundation. Castlemaine Field Naturalists’ Club and Connecting Country also provided support.

Mosses of dry forests in south eastern Australia
by Cassia Read and Bernard Slattery

A guide for students and absolute beginners – technically accurate, but free of technical language – this book presents a little-known part of the plant kingdom to a new audience. The guide contains an introduction explaining the life cycle of mosses and their importance in the ecosystem, tips on how to approach identification, detailed descriptions of common species, and appendices carefully distinguishing mosses from liverworts and lichens. This is a community project of FOBIF generously supported by The Norman Wettenhall Foundation.

So, who will be the lucky number 1,000th follower on Facebook? Click away for a chance to win, if you’re quick ……..


Weed Spotter: Camelthorn infestations identified in the Loddon Mallee Catchment

Posted on 25 July, 2019 by Jacqui

The Weed Spotter newsletter keeps weed spotters up to date on the latest news about Agriculture Victoria’s High Risk Invasive Plants program. This includes new discoveries of State prohibited weeds in Victoria, progress of eradication programs and species case studies.

For more information and to view their latest news – click here

The latest newsletter includes news about Camel thorn (Alhagi maurorum) management. This State prohibited weed is a perennial shrub found in northern agricultural areas of Victoria, often associated with drainage lines, irrigated pastures and neglected land. Camel thorn is a low shrub, typically 25 – 60 cm tall with val blue-green leaves and yellow tipped spines along the stems. Small pink, pea-like flowers occur between November to March. Roots can penetrate to greater than 5 m in depth and 8 m laterally, making chemical application and eradication efforts difficult. Mechanical control is not feasible as plants regenerate from root fragments that are readily spread via soil movement.


Wheel Cactus Community Field Day – Sunday 28 July 2019

Posted on 23 July, 2019 by Ivan

The next Wheel Cactus Community Field Day is on Sunday 28 July 2019 at a property located east of Cairn Curran Reservoir at Baringhup VIC (see map below).

The location will be well signposted from the corner of Cairn Curran and Baringhup Roads. The field day begins at 10:30 am and ends at approximately 12:30 pm with a delicious BBQ lunch and friendly chat. Join the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group Inc. (TCCG) to learn how best to destroy Wheel Cactus and enjoy a morning in the beautiful outdoors. TCCG will supply all equipment, but please be sure wear sturdy shoes, long pants and sleeves and a hat. Everyone is welcome, including children (who must be supervised by a parent at all times).

Location of Wheel Cactus Community Field Day on 28 July 2019 (marked with X)


The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group Inc. (TCCG) consists of Landcare volunteers dedicated to the eradication of Wheel Cactus (Opuntia robusta). TCCG, in conjunction with Parks Victoria, holds friendly and informal Wheel Cactus Control community field days to inform and demonstrate control techniques, on the last Sunday of the month from May to October. These field days always end with a free BBQ lunch, cuppa and cake and the opportunity to chat, exchange ideas and make contacts. It is a great opportunity to spend a rewarding morning outdoors, meeting neighbours and others who are concerned about preserving our unique environment. Everyone is welcome, no previous experience is required and all equipment is supplied. View the video below to catch the ‘cactus warriors’ in action.


People for nature: an online workshop – Thursday 25 July 2019

Posted on 23 July, 2019 by Ivan

Explore citizen science and challenges concerning climate change on species conservation

The State Wide Integrated Flora and Fauna Teams (SWIFFT) is a network and an initiative supported by Federation University Australia, the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust, Zoos Victoria, the Ballarat Environment Network and the Victorian Department of Environment Land Water and Planning.

SWIFFT comprises a wide diversity of interests such as Landcare, conservation and field naturalists groups together with members of the community, including farmers and landholders, who share an interest in nature conservation. SWIFFT also has involvement from environmental consultants, local government, tertiary institutions conservation agencies and organisations such as Trust for Nature, Greening Australia, Catchment Management Authorities, Parks Victoria and Connecting Country. All are welcome to join the conversation!

SWIFFT connects people with events, information and others interested in threatened species and biodiversity conservation. They are holding an online video conference on Thursday 25 July 2019 from 9:55 am – 12:15 pm AEST. You can connect from your home, or from a local state government office at Bendigo, Ballarat or further afield (click here for details)

The online event includes the following presentations:

  • Climate Watch: Informing climate change knowledge gaps through citizen science by Nadia Roslan (ClimateWatch Program Manager at the Earthwatch Institute).
  • A #BlueCarbonArmy counteracting climate change by Dr Maria Garcia-Rojas (Field Operations Manager, Blue Carbon Army).
  • Australian Museum’s citizen science project ‘frog id’ by Adam Woods (FrogID Science Communicator and Project Coordinator, Australian Museum).
  • Redmap by David Mossop (Redmap National Coordinator).

For more information and to register – click here.

SWIFFT requests those attending the video conference in person at an office location to please sign in at reception by 9:40 am. All are welcome to join other participants in the lunchtime conservation conversations following the presentations.


swifft area

SWIFFT is collating information on threatened species and nature conservation projects for all regions of Victoria.


A prickly reminder to watch the Wheel Cactus

Posted on 18 July, 2019 by Ivan

What is Wheel Cactus (Opuntia robusta)? A plant native to Mexico, this cactus is most commonly called Wheel Cactus in Australia, and believed to be introduced into our country as a ‘hardy’ garden plant. This cactus species has a distinct blue/green colour and large, flat, round pads with many short and long spines. The pads are circular like a wheel, different to the shape of Prickly Pear. The plant is erect and can grow to 3 metres tall. It has yellow flowers and dark red fruit in spring/summer, each containing approximately 500 seeds which are spread by animals and water. This weed has become widely established in central Victoria, western NSW and south-eastern and eastern SA. It particularly likes to grow on granite outcrops, but also infests woodlands and pastures.

The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group (TCCG) has been battling the prickly problem that is Wheel Cactus (Opuntia robusta) for many years now, ensuring the community and landowners are always on the look out for Wheel Cactus invading the landscape. Three excellent videos from TCCG (see below) have helped the community to easily access the library of information on Wheel Cactus and how to best remove this troublesome plant from the landscape, no matter the level of knowledge.

The three videos cover a variety of topics, such as what Wheel Cactus is and why it is an issue, who the Cactus Warriors are, management options for treating Wheel Cactus and some great footage of the warriors at work. We think the videos are an excellent resource for anyone wanting to know more about managing Wheel Cactus and how devastating it can be on agriculture and the environment alike.

TCCG consists of Landcare volunteers dedicated to the eradication of Wheel Cactus. The group holds friendly and informal community field days to inform and demonstrate control techniques, on the last Sunday of the month from May to October. These field days always end with a free BBQ lunch, cuppa and cake and the opportunity to chat, exchange ideas and make contacts. It is a great opportunity to spend a rewarding morning outdoors, meeting neighbours and others who are concerned about preserving our unique environment. Everyone is welcome, no previous experience is required and all equipment is supplied.

Please contact the TCCG via their website at if you have any queries.  Click on the videos below to watch each video and learn about the incredible success the TCCG have achieved and how to remove plants correctly.






Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program Review: Survey

Posted on 18 July, 2019 by Asha

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is reviewing the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program (VLFP). This program has aimed to build on the strengths of Victorian Landcare by funding Landcare Facilitators who are employed across the state. While the program has been operating since 2011, this review is focused on the last four years of the program, as a part of normal government processes.

The key focus of the review is to assess the program’s impact and effectiveness, and looking for opportunities to improve future iterations. The focus is solely on the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program as a specific funding initiative, not on the broader Victorian Landcare Program. This survey is an important part of the review.

All members of the Victorian community with an interest in Landcare or in similar community environment programs are invited to complete the survey here:

Closing date/time for survey: 11:59pm on Tuesday 23 July 2019.

RM Consulting Group has been engaged to act as the independent reviewer of the program and has developed the survey. If you need assistance to complete the survey, please contact Mel Ludeman (or Claire Feniuk) at RM Consulting Group on 5441 4821.

Feel free to call Asha (Connecting Country’s Landcare Facilitator) on (03) 5472 1594 if you have any questions or would like to chat.




National Tree Day – 28 July 2019

Posted on 18 July, 2019 by Asha

Planting along Baringhup Landcare’s Loddon River site in 2016 (photo by Asha Bannon)

National Tree Day is coming up on Sunday 28 July 2019, with Schools Tree Day a couple of days before on Friday 26 July 2019. National Tree Day is a call to action for all Australians to put their hands in the earth and give back to their community. Each year, about 300,000 people across the country volunteer their time to engage in environmental activities that educate individuals about the world around them. It’s a day to venture outdoors and get to know your community, and most importantly, to have fun!

See below for details about a couple of local plantings happening on the Sunday. If you’re not based in the Mount Alexander region, you can find your nearest National Tree Day working bee on the website here: If you’re busy that day, get in touch with your local Landcare group anyway, as there will be more planting days to come this year! Contact details for all our local Landcare groups can be found on our website by clicking here.

Castlemaine Landcare Group

When: Sunday 28 July 2019, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Where: Corner of Colles Road and Fallan Street, Castlemaine VIC 3450

What: This National Tree Day, Castlemaine Landcare Group are keen to plant 600 seedlings along Forest Creek. They’d love your help! Please come down to plant one seedling or many, as every plant in the ground will create more habitat for our native wildlife. The plants put in will provide shade along the creek and create areas for people to picnic as well as for insects, birds and aquatic life to thrive. But they can’t do it without your help.

Other information: Do some planting, and then afterwards join them for a free lunch at 12.30 pm of sausages and soup from the Castlemaine Lions Club. Please wear stout footwear and bring gardening gloves, water and a hat. Look forward to seeing you!


Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare

When: Sunday 28 July 2019, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Where: Meet on the trail alongside Central Carpets, Castlemaine. If arriving in car, it’s probably best to park at the south end of Camp Crescent, then walk over the footbridge and southwards towards the highway for another 120 m.

What: For the National Tree Day, Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare will be planting understorey species at ‘Carpetland’—one of the really high profile sites along the creek. They’re hoping to turn this long neglected site, that once had good tree cover, into a welcoming showpiece by attempting to plant over 300 seedlings.

Other information: They’ll finish with a late morning tea at noon. Bring a hat, water, and a friend if you like. All welcome.



Eucalypt photo competition closes 22 July 2019

Posted on 18 July, 2019 by Ivan

A reminder for those interested in entering the The Threatened Species Recovery Hub’s Eucalypt photo competition to submit your entries as the competition closes on Monday 22 July 2019. Further information direct from the TSR Hub website below. 

Spotlight on Eucalypts
Eucalypts are the iconic tree of the Australian continent. They are the foundation of many Australian ecosystems and also underpin important industries. Since European settlement many Eucalypt species have declined dramatically. The Threatened Species Recovery Hub is undertaking a nation-wide assessment of the conservation status of Australian eucalypt, which includes the genera Eucalyptus, Corymbia and Angophora. The assessment will help conservation managers to understand which species are at risk and will also underpin a national conservation action plan for Australian eucalypts. The project is being led by Associate Professor Rod Fensham at the University of Queensland.

Call for photos
To mark this significant milestone in eucalypt conservation the hub is holding a photo competition to celebrate the beauty and diversity of Australia’s eucalypts. We are looking for submissions in three categories:
1. Trees
2. Flowers and nuts
3. Features (bark, foliage or anything else of artistic merit)
The best photos will be included in the National Action Plan for Australian Eucalypts, an online photo exhibition and in other materials that promote the findings of the assessment and the national action plan. This could include stories on the hub website and social media, in presentations, factsheets, reports and media coverage related to this conservation research project.

The winner of each category will also receive a prize pack of the following books:
• Eucalyptus, the award winning novel by Murray Bail
• Eucalyptus: An Illustrated Guide to Identification by Ian Brooker and David Kleinig.

How to enter
The competition will be open until Monday 22 July 2019. Winners will be notified in late July.
Please click here for details on how to enter.

A river red gum (eucalyptus camaldulensis) at Simpsons Gap, Northern Territory. Photo: Jaana Dielenberg


Victorian Landcare Awards: Extension for nominations

Posted on 9 July, 2019 by Ivan

The closing date for entries to the 2019 Victorian Landcare Awards has been extended until Thursday 11 July 2019 at 11:59pm.

More information: on criteria and how to nominate for the 2019 Victorian Landcare Awards go to

The 2019 Victorian Landcare Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of the individuals, groups, networks and organisations who make significant contributions to protect, conserve and restore Victoria’s environment.

There are nine National Landcare Award categories and six Victorian (only) Award categories, see below:

National Landcare Award categories:  

  • Landcare Farming Award
  • Innovation in Agriculture Land Management Award
  • Individual Landcarer Award
  • Partnerships for Landcare Award
  • Coastcare Award
  • Junior Landcare Team Award
  • Young Landcare Leadership Award
  • Indigenous Land Management Award
  • Landcare Community Group Award

All Victorian winners of the National Landcare Awards categories will proceed as finalists (representing Victoria) at the 2020 National Landcare Awards.

Victorian Landcare Award categories:

  • Joan Kirner Landcare Award
  • Landcare Network Award
  • Dr Sidney Plowman Travel & Study Award
  • Heather Mitchell Memorial Fellowship
  • Urban Landcare Award
  • Environmental Volunteer Award

Nominations are encouraged from groups, networks and individuals involved in protecting and enhancing their local environment and improving agricultural productivity. They include:

  • Sustainable farmers & professional farming systems groups
  • Indigenous Landcare groups & individuals
  • Urban Landcare groups including ‘Friends of’ groups
  • Landcare groups
  • Coastcare groups
  • Individuals
  • Environmental volunteer groups
  • Junior Landcare groups (including day care centres, primary and secondary schools, youth groups)
  • Youth groups including Scouts & Girls Guides
  • Young Landcare leaders
  • Natural resource management agencies
  • Local government
  • Research agencies
  • Agricultural co-operatives, industry associations, suppliers or individual primary producers.

Landcare members assessing a Needle-Grass infestation with John Walter. Photo: Connecting Country archive


Wetland Plant Identification Course

Posted on 9 July, 2019 by Ivan

For anyone interested in wetland plant identification and ecology, below is a great opportunity to register for a 3-day course held by Rakali Consulting in northern Victoria. 

Observe the changing seasons and water depths of the stunning Reedy Lagoon, near Cohuna in Victoria over a 6 month period.   Each of the 3 days will focus on a different wetland habitat (wetting and drying) and associated plant community.

The course runs over 3 separate days:
31 October 2019, 9.00am – 4.30pm
5 December 2019, 9.00am – 4.30pm
19 March 2020, 9.00am – 4.30pm

Damien Cook is one of Victoria’s leading wetland experts and SERA Restoration Excellence Award winner November 2016. Damien provides wetland expertise in the form of plant surveys, wetland condition assessments and wetland management planning for state government agencies across Victoria. Damien has been instrumental in planning and delivering some of the largest and most complex ecological restoration projects to date in Australia.

Elaine Bayes has been working as an environmental researcher, scientist and educator since 1994.

Course structure
Each day includes a field trip using the coloured field guide to identify wetland plants and class time for presentations, discussion and practice using floral keys.

Lunch, morning and afternoon tea provided.

$800 plus GST ($880)
$600 Student/Landcare plus GST ($660) (places strictly limited)

Course Location
Treetops, Spencer’s Bridge Road (off Cohuna-Koondrook Rd), Cohuna, Victoria.
Field work will be conducted at Reedy Lagoon or a nearby wetland and timed to follow environmental water delivery to ensure wetland plants are at their peak.

Bookings and further information
Book quickly as there are only 25 places available.
To register and pay click here.
For alternative payment methods, or for any more information on course content or other training needs, contact Elaine Bayes


Nature Hotspot: Mega-Sign launched at Castlemaine Information Centre

Posted on 9 July, 2019 by Ivan

The Honorable State Government member for West Bendigo, Maree Edwards MP, launched our wonderful ‘Key Biodiversity Areas: Nature Hotspots’ sign at the Castlemaine Market Building Information Center, Castlemaine, Victoria, on Tuesday 25 June 2019, in front of a solid crowd of dedicated volunteers and members.

The sign aims to educate the community and visitors to the region about the internationally significant nature hotspots to the west of Castlemaine, which are part of the greater Box-Ironbark Key Biodiversity Area (KBA). The sign has some stunning pictures of five bird species that you might see in the KBA area and aims to encourage people to explore and connect with these important landscapes, which include the forests and woodlands around: 

1. Clydesdale-Strangways
2. Sandon/Strathlea
3. Muckleford-Newstead

The five bird species highlighted in the sign are the Swift Parrot, Powerful Owl, Painted Button Quail, Hooded Robin and the local darling, the Diamond Firetail, all of which rely on the KBA area to provide habitat, biodiversity and ecosystem function to ensure their survival in our region. The photographs featured in the sign were generously donated by local photographers Geoff Park, Chris Tzaros and Alison Pouliot, with the incredible graphic design donated by the talented Jane Satchell.

The sign design for “Caring for our Key Biodiversity Areas”. Photo: Jane Satchell

The sign was funded through the ‘Caring for Key Biodiversity Areas in Central Victoria’ project, which included working with seven volunteer landholders within the KBA to restore and protect habitat on their properties.  The participating landholders will play a vital part in ensuring the habitat remains viable and in good health for all species that are present throughout the seasons.  The project also included education events to raise the awareness of KBAs through community-run Easter Health Checks of these habitats.

Connecting Country held a series of workshops in partnership with BirdLife Australia, to recruit bird survey volunteers known as ‘KBA guardians’ and provided training in how to complete the annual ‘Easter Heath Check’ form. You can read about those workshops here. The Easter Health checks will continue to occur in our KBA landscape, despite the project finishing up shortly, with the community keen to monitor these areas. This will inform Birdlife Australia of the threats and management actions required to keep these precious woodlands and forests in good health.

Diamond Firetails are declining in our region and feature prominently on the signage. Photo by Geoff Park

We would like to thank all of those who have been involved in development of information, design, and proofing of the sign, there are so many of you and your help has made such a beautiful and lasting sign possible.

For further information about Key Biodiversity Areas, please click here. If you would like to be involved in the Easter Health check for these landscapes, please contact the KBA coordinator at Birdlife australia:


Remix: Connecting Country’s short film just got shorter

Posted on 3 July, 2019 by Ivan

Connecting Country has been fortunate to receive a shorter remaster of the wonderful five minute ‘Safeguarding Woodland Birds‘ film made by Remember the Wild. This is one of ten films forming the Community Conservationists series made by the talented Remember the Wild team, and funded by the Wettenhall Environment Trust.

The second version of this film is under 60 seconds, making it perfect for promotion on the Connecting Country website and social media channels. The film is well worth watching, especially if you are new to Connecting Country and wondering what we are all about. Its focus is our work on woodland birds, but could easily have been on many aspects of our work, like our amazing nestbox program for brush-tailed phascogale and sugar gliders.

We are delighted to be a part of this series, and feel we’re in very good company with our fellow Community Conservationists.

To see our longer film and the other Community Conservationists: click here

Below is the brand new 60 second video for your enjoyment, what do you think?



Bird walk at Tipperary Springs, Daylesford – Saturday 6 July 2019

Posted on 3 July, 2019 by Ivan

Here are details from BirdLife Castlemaine about their special bird walk this weekend at Tipperary Springs, Daylesford VIC

Join us at Tipperary Springs, Daylesford for a winter bird walk, led by Daylesford local, Tanya Loos. The walk will go for about three hours. Please be aware there are narrow paths along the creek with some hilly/rocky sections. We will also celebrate our one year birthday! Bring a thermos and snacks to share. Beginners very welcome.

Location and directions: Meet at Tipperary Springs in Daylesford VIC (follow Tipperary Springs Road). Follow this link for a map: click here

Time: Meet at Tipperary Springs at 9:00 am, or to carpool from Castlemaine meet at 8:30 am outside Castlemaine Community House (former Continuing Ed building), 30 Templeton St, Castlemaine VIC.

Important information about walks: Bring water, snacks, binoculars, hat, sunscreen, sturdy shoes, long pants during snake season, and other weather-appropriate gear.

Walks will be cancelled if the temperature is forecast to be 35 degrees or more during the walk period, severe weather warnings are forecast, and/or if the day has been declared a Total Fire Ban.

Questions? If you have questions about BirdLife Castlemaine’s walk program, you can email them at, or call Judy Hopley (0425 768 559) or Asha Bannon (0418 428 721).

Diamond Firetail (photo by Bridget Farmer)


FrogID App’s first year: what the data tells us

Posted on 2 July, 2019 by Ivan

Have you tried the FrogID app? FrogID is Australia’s first national citizen science frog identification initiative – a project led by the Australian Museum in partnership with Australia’s leading natural history museums and IBM. You can use the App to create a profile, record frog calls and match your calls to the frog calls on the app, then upload your records to the Australian Museum frog experts for species verification.

The findings from the first 12 months of the FrogID App are in!

In just one year, FrogID has generated the equivalent of 13% of all frog records collected in Australia over the last 240 years. The submitted recordings have resulted in over 66,000 validated calls and detected 175 of Australia’s 240 known native frogs.

The data has provided information about:

  • Impacts of climate change and pollution on Australia’s frogs including the first evidence of the decline in Sydney of the Australian Green Tree Frog.
  • Spread of the invasive Cane Toad.
  • Breeding populations of 28 globally threatened and 13 nationally threatened frog species.


Location of all frog records for the first year of FrogID in Australia


‘Due to FrogID and the thousands of people recording the calls of frogs across Sydney, we have enough data for the first compelling evidence of the disappearance of the Green Tree Frog from most of Sydney,’ Dr Jodi Rowley (Australian Museum Curator of Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Biology) said.

Evidence of the decline of the iconic Australian Green Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea) in Sydney is integral to conservation efforts.  They can now provide up to date information to land managers to better understand where they are located, and ensure the habitat that supports them is protected.

Another surprising result from the first year of the project has been the number of records of native frog species detected calling from well outside their known range, including the Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog (Litoria fallax) found up to 400 km from the known edge of the native range near the NSW -Victoria border. (To learn more about hitchhiking frogs – click here.)

This is all thanks to the efforts of the amazing citizen scientists driving this data collection. Check out the top frogger, Matt from the Northern Territory, featured recently in the media – click here.

To download the FrogID App – click here.

Happy frogging!

Green Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea) (photo by Nick Langley)


A creepy bride

Posted on 2 July, 2019 by Jacqui

It has a pretty name, and a pretty flower—after all, it was introduced into this country as a garden plant. Now it’s one of the worst invasive weeds in the country, a menace to the environment and agriculture. You guessed it: it’s Bridal Creeper.

Harmless looking plant, which can be a suffocating nuisance: dig it up! And make sure you get it all… (photo by John Ellis)

This invasive climbing herb with a very extensive tuberous root system can cause huge problems as it climbs on and chokes understorey species: it’s capable of completely blanketing out all other plants.

And it’s starting to emerge in the bush now.  If you come across a small isolated plant the best method of removal is to dig it up – though you have to make sure you dig deep enough to get all the tubers: if you don’t, the plant is tenacious at coming back.  Hang the offending weed in another bush or branch so that the tuber dries out and so that other people walking in the area know that it is an unwanted plant. They might be encouraged to use the same method of removal if they come across one.

We owe a thanks to all those generous people who have been digging this pest plant up over the years through our local bushland (especially Kalimna). What would the bush look like if it had been allowed to run rampant?

For more information on this Bridal Creeper and its control check this Weed Management Control Guide

And if you want to see what Bridal Creeper can do when it gets out of control, grit your teeth and have a look here.

Visit the Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests website – click here

For more weed information and resources see Connecting Country’s Weeds page – click here


Restoring woodland bird habitat in central Victoria – project update

Posted on 27 June, 2019 by Jacqui


In recent years, Connecting Country’s landscape restoration projects have focused on protecting and enhancing habitat for woodland birds. As many of you know, habitat loss is the single greatest threat to woodland birds, and is exacerbated by other threats including invasive pest plants and animals, and climate change.

That’s where Remnant Rescue: restoring woodland bird habitat in central Victoria comes in. As the title suggests, the project aims to restore habitat for woodland birds across the Mount Alexander region on public and private land. We are working with volunteer landholders across the region to support restoration of priority habitat on their properties.

The main focus of this three-year project is weed and rabbit control to promote natural regeneration of native species. Connecting Country has met with selected landholders to assess their properties and develop management actions tailored to their needs. Now, with our project partners Dja Dja Wurrung, we’re preparing for weed and rabbit control, fencing to exclude stock from priority habitat and strategic revegetation of key missing understorey plants. Plants have arrived at our depot in the last couple of weeks ready for planting.

Tree Violet (Melicytus dentatus), a hardy species that provides dense cover for small woodland birds (photo by Jacqui Slingo)

The project will cover more than 60 hectares of private land with complementary works across 40 hectares of public land managed by Parks Victoria.

Connecting Country is proud to oversee the project in collaboration with our project partners: local landholders, Dja Dja Wurrung, Trust for Nature, Parks Victoria, and the Victorian government’s Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

This project has been funded by the Victorian Government’s Biodiversity Response Planning program and is helping to ensure that Victoria’s natural environment is healthy, valued and actively cared for.


From left to right: Hopbush (Dodonea viscosa), Hedge Wattle (Acacia paradoxa) and Spreading Wattle (Acacia genistifolia), just a few of the locally indigenous species arriving at our depot this week (photo by Jacqui Slingo)










Wetland Plant Identification Course 2019

Posted on 26 June, 2019 by Frances

Local ecologists Damien Cook and Elaine Bayes are once again running their well-respected Wetland Plant Identification Course for anyone interested in wetland ecology.

Registrations are now open for the Wetland Plant Identification Course 2019 commencing on 31 October 2019.

To find out more about the course see the poster below or click here

To register: click here




2019 Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants: update

Posted on 24 June, 2019 by Ivan

The closing date for the 2019 Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants has been extended for one week until Friday 28 June 2019 at 3.00 pm.

To applyclick here

Victorian schools, kindergartens, childcare centres, Scouts, Girl Guides and youth groups that are interested in working on a Junior Landcare biodiversity project in 2019-2020 can apply for the 2019 Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants.

The Victorian Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning (DELWP), in partnership with Landcare Australia, is giving school and youth groups the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $5,000 through the 2019 Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants. These grants offer funding for projects that seek to involve and educate young Victorians in valuing and actively caring for our natural environment. The Victorian Government is providing funding up to $410,000 for these grants in 2019.

Who can apply: schools, kindergartens, childcare centres, Scouts, Girl Guides and youth groups.

Grant funding: up to $5,000 is available for projects. The grants are for either direct action (i.e., projects with an on-ground component) or in direct action (i.e., projects with an environmental education component), or a mixture of both.

Type of projects supported by this program:

  • On-ground projects that restore, protect, enhance, or develop habitat for native flora and fauna, and/or address threats to biodiversity, e.g., weed invasion, habitat loss etc.
  • Projects that increase opportunities for children to connect with their natural environment, e.g., a school excursion to Healesville Sanctuary.
  • Projects that educate and raise awareness, among young people, of the benefits and importance of biodiversity and a healthy environment, and/or how they can contribute to environmental improvement.

Grant guidelines: click here

Nature play at Kalimna Park (photo by Connecting Country)