Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

National Tree Day – 28 July 2019

Posted on 18 July, 2019 by Asha

Planting along Baringhup Landcare’s Loddon River site in 2016 (photo by Asha Bannon)

National Tree Day is coming up on Sunday 28 July 2019, with Schools Tree Day a couple of days before on Friday 26 July 2019. National Tree Day is a call to action for all Australians to put their hands in the earth and give back to their community. Each year, about 300,000 people across the country volunteer their time to engage in environmental activities that educate individuals about the world around them. It’s a day to venture outdoors and get to know your community, and most importantly, to have fun!

See below for details about a couple of local plantings happening on the Sunday. If you’re not based in the Mount Alexander region, you can find your nearest National Tree Day working bee on the website here: If you’re busy that day, get in touch with your local Landcare group anyway, as there will be more planting days to come this year! Contact details for all our local Landcare groups can be found on our website by clicking here.

Castlemaine Landcare Group

When: Sunday 28 July 2019, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Where: Corner of Colles Road and Fallan Street, Castlemaine VIC 3450

What: This National Tree Day, Castlemaine Landcare Group are keen to plant 600 seedlings along Forest Creek. They’d love your help! Please come down to plant one seedling or many, as every plant in the ground will create more habitat for our native wildlife. The plants put in will provide shade along the creek and create areas for people to picnic as well as for insects, birds and aquatic life to thrive. But they can’t do it without your help.

Other information: Do some planting, and then afterwards join them for a free lunch at 12.30 pm of sausages and soup from the Castlemaine Lions Club. Please wear stout footwear and bring gardening gloves, water and a hat. Look forward to seeing you!


Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare

When: Sunday 28 July 2019, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Where: Meet on the trail alongside Central Carpets, Castlemaine. If arriving in car, it’s probably best to park at the south end of Camp Crescent, then walk over the footbridge and southwards towards the highway for another 120 m.

What: For the National Tree Day, Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare will be planting understorey species at ‘Carpetland’—one of the really high profile sites along the creek. They’re hoping to turn this long neglected site, that once had good tree cover, into a welcoming showpiece by attempting to plant over 300 seedlings.

Other information: They’ll finish with a late morning tea at noon. Bring a hat, water, and a friend if you like. All welcome.


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