Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Save the date: Natural Capital Forum 13 June 2024

Posted on 27 February, 2024 by Ivan

Our friends and project partners at the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) are hosting an interesting forum in June 2024 on Natural Capital and how it might assist landowners balance biodiversity and potential income. Save the date for now, 13 June 2024, and if interested, please see the details below, including how to request an invite. We are excited to see how the Natural Capital space can assist landowners in our region manage their land with further incentive to restore the landscapes for ecological benefits.

Natural Capital Forum: Balancing the books between nature, productivity, and people

Join representatives from NCCMA on June 13, 2024, in Bendigo for the Natural Capital Forum and discover how you can harness the power of natural capital to drive success.

Learn about the wealth of natural assets like soil, air, and biodiversity that provide essential benefits to humans and see how you can make natural capital work for you.

Tailored for land managers, primary producers, farmers, and supporting organisations.

Stay tuned for more details or request an invite at

Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the potential of natural capital for your success at the North Central Natural Capital Forum.

The Capital Theatre, Bendigo
Request an invite at


Focus on trees: Tree photography workshop opportunity

Posted on 19 February, 2024 by Ivan

Our friends and project partners at Biolinks Alliance are hosting a large old trees photography workshop with the wonderful Alison Pouliot. Alison is a leading expert and holder of knowledge regarding nature photography, conservation, fungi and deep ecosystem understanding.

Connecting Country are requesting our community and supporters to map significant old trees in our region, through our project here.  Well captured photography can contribute greatly to recording and telling their story.

Please see details about the event below, including how to book tickets.

Focus on Trees – Tree Photography Workshop with Alison Pouliot

Large old trees are vital keystone structures in rural and urban landscapes. However, the value of these trees is often overlooked in planning such as road and fire management. Documenting these trees visually is important both as a scientific record and in drawing attention to their significance and conservation.

This workshop specifically focuses on assisting participants to improve both their technical and creative skills in photographing trees. Tree photography provides many challenges and each of these will be discussed and techniques for overcoming them demonstrated throughout the workshop. This is a very hands-on, interactive workshop combining theoretical, critique and practical sessions. It begins with a discussion of participants’ interest in photographing trees as well as any challenges or issues they may have experienced. This is followed by a session where participants’ pre-submitted images will be constructively critiqued by the group (during which participants are free to remain anonymous), followed by a field trip to put techniques into practice. Participants will be provided with supplementary printed notes to reinforce principles covered in the workshop.

Large old tree Photography workshop with Alison Pouliot

Participant Requirements

Participants are asked to wear appropriate clothing and sturdy footwear for the field trip, which will go ahead regardless of weather. They are reminded to bring their cameras/phones including additional batteries, battery charger and instruction manual. Participants are encouraged to submit two images (as per guidelines that will be provided to participants) prior to the workshop for constructive critique during the workshop.

Book here

This event is being held as part of Biolinks Alliance’s Large Old Trees project and is made possible through the generous support of the TAP fund, Lindy Shelmerdine, David Moffatt and Lady Marigold Southey. You can find out more about this project here:





New Phascogale brochure: hot off the press

Posted on 31 January, 2024 by Ivan

It’s been some time since Connecting Country developed a new brochure, but here we have it, hot off the press – and it is all about the mighty cute, and threatened, Brush-Tailed Phascogale!

The brochure is aimed at educating our community and raising awareness of the Brush-tailed Phascogale and their habitat needs. It is available for download immediately – Click Here, or you can pick it up from the Connecting Country office in Castlemaine VIC.

The brochure is part of our ‘Habitat trees for Phascogales’ project that aims to protect and enhance habitat stepping stones for the Brush-tailed Phascogale and other native fauna, by protecting existing large old trees on grazing land.

We know that much of central Victoria’s native woodland has been heavily disturbed by a long history of mining, clearing, woodcutting, grazing, and changes in fire and water regimes. The local Box-Ironbark landscape provides habitat for many threatened species, including the Brush-tailed Phascogale, but much of the remaining woodland lacks complexity and is missing hollow-bearing trees that are important for foraging and nesting sites and protection from predators.

Tuan in a nestbox at Welshmans Reef. Photo Jess Lawton

Scientific studies demonstrate an alarming acceleration in the decline of most species within this community over recent years, including the Brush-tailed Phascogale which has experienced localised extinctions in some regions and has undergone a substantial range contraction and decline in numbers overall.

The Mount Alexander region is a likely stronghold for the Brush-tailed Phascogale and is important for the species’ future survival (Lawton et al. 2021, Austral Ecology). However, our region’s woodlands are heavily degraded and large old trees with hollows are now scarce and not being replaced.

Our project aims to protect large old trees from early senescence and facilitate natural regeneration. Over time, other key elements of phascogale habitat, such as fallen logs and leaf litter, will return to these areas.

The new brochure looks amazing, thanks to the hard work and creative magic of the Connecting Country team. In the brochure, you’ll find gorgeous images from some wonderful local photographers, as well as a summary of our how we can help the Phascogale thrive in our region.

Click here to download your very own copy, or drop into the office to pick up a free hard copy. We’d love to hear feedback on our brochure and any other information you may require into the future.

The Habitat Trees for Phascogales project is supported by the Victorian Government through the Nature Fund as well as the Ian and Shirley Norman Foundation.


Walking Together – Nalderun overview

Posted on 31 January, 2024 by Ivan

Please enjoy this wonderful article from our friends and project partners at Nalderun. The article was written by Floria Maschek, an ally and member of Friends of Nalderun (FoN). Nalderun is a Dja Dja Wurrung word meaning “all together”.

Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation- An overview

Nalderun (Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation), meaning ‘all together’, is a local Aboriginal run and led organisation and registered charity that predominantly focuses on providing opportunities for young, local First Nations People, whilst also supporting their families. The organisation also provides historical and cultural learning opportunities to the extended community, instilling the values of Country, truth telling and Indigenous world views, having many partnerships in government, community, education and health. Connection to Country, Community and Culture is at the core of Nalderun’s work – walking together for a thriving future for all. 

Nalderun supports young First Peoples to navigate the education system into meaningful employment, growing strong, proud leaders. Employment within the organisation involves an innovative cyclic mentorship approach. While Elders have a key place as directors on the board, young First Nations people hold a strong voice in decision making about Nalderun’s programs. 

The organisation relies heavily on grants and donations every year. Funding provides 20 part-time positions – 80% being Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. As an ally and volunteer, it is incredible to witness the impact of the work, the breadth of community support and engagement, and how much the broader community also benefits when Nalderun is supported.

Nalderun’s work involves personalised student support, from tutoring to travel, and several programs including the following: 

School Based Apprenticeship Program (SBAT) and wrap around service.

Developing skills and connection in many areas including land management, conservation, agriculture, horticulture, education, business management and machinery operations. 

Warrarrak business

Connecting and engaging First Nations women and gender diverse students from local high schools (predominantly CSC) in a range of activities which include day trips, camps and cultural days. 

Kuli Business

A collaboration between Nalderun and Castlemaine Secondary College, guided by Uncle Rick Nelson, this program is for young Indigenous men. It involves trips on Country, and cultural engagement that includes hands-on activities and skill building. It helps them build strong connections to their Indigenous peers, a positive growth mindset and supports ongoing engagement with education. 

Youth Mentor Leadership Program 

This program is led by First Nations Youth Mentors who regularly visit, build relationships with and support local First Nations high school students. They have hosted Cultural Days on Djaara Country as well as a two day camp on Djab Wurrung Country.

The Meeting Place 

Held fortnightly during school terms, based in Yapeen, this program is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children within the Mount Alexander Shire and Maryborough Education Center and sometimes beyond. Students come together to learn the curriculum through Culture and Country. All who attend are honoured in the spirit of community learning. 


Nalderun delivered food to 13 families fortnightly through Foodshare last year in partnership with Bendigo Foodshare. A lot of meals!

Me- Mandook Galk

The community supported acquisition of land has allowed a strong connection with Country and shared community vision. This is the home of Nalderun’s new Bush Tucker Place, which is part of Nalderun’s long term vision to care for Country and Community.  Nalderun has been strengthening the partnership with the mob at the Middleton prison, and community mentorship, being on a wonderful learning journey about native plants that the farm is starting to produce and hoping to propagate over the year. The dream is to establish a sound revenue stream going into the future.

Education Network Group 

The group meets with local schools four times a year to support and help teachers with Indigenous pedagogy and worldviews, and to incorporate Indigenous content into the curriculum through Aboriginal and Torres Islander protocols. Nalderun also run tailored Indigenous worldview and pedagogy training for schools and local organisations.


Nalderun is breaking cycles of intergenerational trauma and disadvantage, which occur through ongoing colonisation. It is building pride, resilience and wellbeing.

Find out more about survival day:

Nalderun website:

Floria Maschek is an ally and member of Friends of Nalderun (FoN). FoN members are guided by Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation and are diverse individuals and representatives of many local community networks, supporting Nalderuns visions and work. Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation supports the Aboriginal Community and is led by Aboriginal people while providing many learning and cultural opportunities to the broader community. Nalderun is a Dja Dja Wurrung word meaning “all together”. 


Our next digital journey: Instagram and photo competition

Posted on 30 January, 2024 by Ivan

We’re thrilled to announce a new chapter in our digital journey – Connecting Country is officially on Instagram! As we continue to grow and evolve, we’re excited to connect with you in new and dynamic ways through this vibrant platform.

Instagram might be a global stage, but it’s also a powerful way of connecting to our community in a more visual sense.  From engaging content to exciting collaborations, we can’t wait to connect with each and every one of you, no matter where you are!

Follow us on Instagram and get a glimpse of our current projects and activities around the region and the incredible people who make everything possible, click here or find us on Instagram:

Photo competition

To celebrate our Instagram debut and celebrate our latest project – Habitat Trees for Phascogales – we’re hosting an exciting giveaway for one of our Instagram followers via a photo competition. We will be giving away a phascogale nestbox* for the best large old tree photograph taken in the Mount Alexander region during February 2024. To enter, simply upload your favorite photo to Instagram and tag @connectingcountrycastlemaine.

We would love to hear from you, so please share your thoughts in the comments, and join the conversation using our official hashtag, [#connectingcountrycastlemaine]. Your feedback will help shape the content you want to see!

Thank you for joining us on this exciting new venture. Together, let’s make our Instagram journey as memorable as the incredible milestones that brought us here.

See you on Instagram!

*Winner must be able to pick up the nestbox from our Castlemaine offices during March 2024.  Installation not included.


The misunderstood magical mistletoes: ABC online article

Posted on 25 January, 2024 by Ivan

Connecting Country has a long history of raising awareness about the often misunderstood native mistletoe in our region and the benefits it provides to a large array of birds, insects and marsupials. Our bird walk for beginners along Forest Creek, Castlemaine VIC, highlights various patches of healthy eucalypt and acacia species that host the semi-parasitic mistletoe plant and provide a healthy ecosystem function for many of our woodland birds.

We recently came across a great article published on the ABC website, where Dr David Watson, a plant biologist from Charles Sturt University, is interviewed regarding the many benefits and misunderstandings regarding mistletoe and its importance for healthy ecosystems. Please enjoy the article below, courtesy of ABC Online.

Mistletoe plays a vital role in Australia’s ecosystem

Mention mistletoe and people think of the magical plant that inspires many on-screen kisses. Others might say it’s a parasitic weed that kills its host tree. Mistletoes are indeed parasites, but this humble little plant might be an unsung hero when it comes to attracting wildlife.

This is why ecologist Lee Harrison persuaded Melbourne City Council to plant 800 mistletoe seeds in perfectly healthy street trees around the inner city and CBD. “They punch well above their weight in the biodiversity stakes,” says David Watson, a plant biologist from Charles Sturt University. “They flower and fruit when most other stuff doesn’t, so they are often the only source of tucker for insects and animals during hard times. “Mistletoes are a bird beacon but they also provide for sugar gliders, koalas, possums and butterflies.”

There are around 1,500 different species of mistletoe in the world, and all 92 in Australia are endemic — found nowhere else in the world.”Most people don’t realise that the mistletoe we see in our trees here is native,” Dr Watson  says. “Because we have that association with Christmas, people assume it’s an import, like blackberries and holly.”

Nuytsia floribunda, the Australian mistletoe, in bloom in Western Australia.

Nuytsia floribunda, or WA Christmas tree, is actually a mistletoe. (Photo: Graeme Churchard).

Dr Watson is about halfway through a 25-year study based in native woodland around Albury, NSW. “Essentially, we removed naturally occurring mistletoe from every tree across half of our study sites and left them at the other half.”

Preliminary results were quite startling: the areas without mistletoe lost a third of their previous bird diversity. “It is one of the strongest described effects of what’s called a keystone species — one that has a disproportionate influence on the ecosystem,” Dr Watson says. Dr Watson believes mistletoe has the potential to turn “virtually useless” street tree species and cities into wildlife sanctuaries. And no, they rarely kill host trees but, if they do, it’s generally because the broader environment is out of whack. “They kill trees as often as fleas kill dogs,” Dr Watson says.

“Generally it’s only isolated paddock trees that succumb, and they are a symptom of a broader malaise — there are not enough trees in the area.” Mistletoes are semi-parasitic canopy-dwellers; they photosynthesise to produce their own food but rely upon their host for water and support. Dr Watson says the word “parasite” gives them a bad rap.

“Like any predator, they have a role to play in a healthy ecosystem.” Fire also plays a role in “cleansing” mistletoes to stop them taking over — many trees regenerate after fire but mistletoes don’t. Changes to burning regimes upsets this balance. Dr Watson is also researching the fact that mistletoes drop their leaves more than gum trees and those leaves contain more nutrients, so mistletoes feed the soil under the host tree and keep it moist. Importantly for wildlife, this leaf litter drives more microbes in the soil, more insects, and hence more food for birds.

Mistletoe are found in almost every type of Australian environment, except Tasmania.

Mistletoe fun facts

A small bird with black on its head and back and red and white on its front, sitting on a branch

Mistletoe provides food and shelter for all sorts of bugs, animals and birds like the mistletoe bird.(Photo: Wikimedia Commons: Duncan McCaskill (CC by 3.0))

  • Mistletoe are over 30 million years old and fossil records suggest they originate from the part of Australia that was attached to Gondwana.
  • The Western Australian Christmas tree (Nuytsia floribunda), known for its stunning bright orange flowers, is possibly the largest parasite in the world. However, it’s suffered a 90 per cent decline over recent years.
  • The WA Christmas tree has blades on its roots sharp enough to break skin and slice through underground cables! It uses these to tap into roots of any plant within 100 metres.
  • Mistletoe can become vulnerable if their preferred host plant become more widely spaced. If there’s not be enough fruit to attract mistletoe birds, even a healthy plant cannot reproduce.
  • The leaves of nearly every Victorian mistletoe are the preferred food of caterpillars of at least one type of butterfly within the Azures (Ogyrisspp) and the Jezebels (Deliasspp).
  • Golden Mistletoe (Notothixossubaureus) grows only on another mistletoe, Dendropthoe vittelina, which in turn is parasitic on the relatively uncommon tree rough-barked apple (Angophora floribunda).
  • As mistletoe seed germinates, it puts out a tendril that secretes a cocktail of enzymes onto the branch, making a hole the tendril grows into.


Help support us!: Container recycling deposit scheme:

Posted on 23 January, 2024 by Ivan

In a world full of bad news, we’ve got some good news! How would you like to recycle your cans, cartons and bottles and support Connecting Country at the same time?  On 1 November 2023 Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme, CDS Vic, commenced. The scheme rewards Victorians with a 10-cent refund for every eligible can, carton and bottle they return. The recycling scheme also has the option to donate to a local community group or organisation, which is a valuable fundraising opportunity, simply by recycling your drinking containers. The scheme is part of important work that is transforming Victoria’s waste and recycling system.

If you would like to donate some, or all of your money from the recycling scheme to Connecting Country, quote partner ID: C2000009164 at the return centre.

How to make a return: click here

It’s as easy as 1, 2 3:

CDS Vic provides a 10-cent refund for every eligible drink container returned at refund points across Victoria. Every bottle, can and carton you return helps divert valuable containers from landfill. 

     1. Collect eligible drink containers:

Most aluminum, glass, plastic, steel, and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3 litres are eligible. Look for the 10c mark on the back of pack. Some drinks are not eligible, including plain milk containers, wine and spirit bottles.  Tip: Keep lids on and don’t crush your containers.

    2. Return your eligible drink containers

The interactive map makes it easy to discover refund points near you. Click here to search. The nearest refund point in our region is:

Chewton Service Station
37 Pyreness Highway, Chewton, VIC 3451

Over the Counter (OTC)

    3. Earn a refund or donate

All eligible drink containers are worth a 10-cent refund that you can either keep or donate to a community donation partner.

To donate to us, simply quote the Connecting Country partner ID: C2000009164



Exciting news: Emerging Pardalotes

Posted on 19 December, 2023 by Ivan

We are blessed to have some of the most wonderful volunteers and supporters we could ever hope for, who help keep our restoration and monitoring programs ticking along across the central Victorian region. We love to celebrate and engage with our dedicated volunteers and were excited to receive a nice story and photos from one such volunteer, Lou Citroën. Lou is a keen bird watcher, citizen scientist and photographer, and has been observing a family of Spotted Pardalote birds in his backyard in Castlemaine. These birds have the unusual habit of nesting in burrows, and Lou was lucky enough to have them do this next to his veggie patch in spring.

Please find Lou’s observations and photos below, of a very sweet take of the young Pardalotes leaving the nest for the first time. Great capture Lou, keep up the great work and passion!

Emerging Pardalotes, by Lou Citroën

I have some exciting news.

I was over the moon to have actually witnessed (AND photographed) the two young pardalotes emerging and leaving their burrow (with some encouragement from Mum and Dad) this morning (after about 7 weeks of incubation and feeding)!

Thinking that I would not stand a chance to be able to capture this special moment in time, I was very lucky to do so and share it with you with the photos.


For further information about Spotted Pardalotes, courtesy of Birdlife Australia, please click here.

If you’re interested in volunteer opportunities with Connecting Country please send a brief email to detailing your relevant experience and availability.

Connecting Country (Mount Alexander Region) Inc is an incorporated, not-for-profit community organisation restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander region. Donations help us continue this vital work. If you are in a position to contribute, please click here for more information on how to donate.


Connecting Country featuring on award winning Saltgrass Podcast

Posted on 13 December, 2023 by Ivan

We are super excited to present our debut on the much-celebrated Saltgrass Podcast, which is now available for your listening pleasure. Saltgrass is a fortnightly MainFM radio show and podcast highlighting and celebrating what people are doing about the climate crisis in their communities. The Saltgrass podcast is created on Djaara country in Castlemaine by the very talented Allie Hanly, who has won numerous awards for the podcast including the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia Best Talk award in November this year.   Well done Allie and thanks for your support.

Connecting Country’s Bonnie Humphries and Hadley Cole feature on the episode discussing community involvement in landscape restoration and why genetic diversity is important to plant resilience in a time of climate change. This episode also features excerpts from our event called ‘Revegetation Success in a Changing Climate’ featuring Sasha Jellinek from the University of Melbourne and Melbourne Water, Oli Moraes from DJAARA and Tess Greives from the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA).

S5 E18 Connecting Country


Bonnie Humphries – Connecting Country – Landscape Restoration Specialist

Hadley Cole – Connecting Country – Landcare Facilitator

Sasha Jellinek – the University of Melbourne and Melbourne Water

Oli Moraes – DJAARA

Tess Greives – North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA)


00:00 Introduction

02:28 Acknowledgement of Country

03:22 Hadley Cole and Bonnie Humphries in conversation about Connecting Country and Landcare

17:30 Excerpts from event: ‘Revegetation Success in a Changing Climate

17:53 Sascha Jellinik – climate impact and importance of genetic diversity

21:14 Oli Moraes – The Role of Djaara in landscape restoration and climate strategies

25:36 Tess Greives – Climate ready Reveg projects

28:07 Bonnie and Hadley on the Importance of Genetic Diversity in Ecosystems

31:35 The Role of Climate Future Plots in Ecosystem Restoration

43:09 The Importance of Community Involvement in Ecosystem Restoration

46:03 Conclusion and Final Remarks


Attracting native pollinators to your garden: new indigenous plant guide

Posted on 7 December, 2023 by Ivan

Ever wondered how you can attract more native pollinators to your garden, and which plants would be the most suitable for our region’s climate? Well, hot off the press is our latest brochure, ‘Attracting Pollinators to your Garden in the Mount Alexander region‘, which is now ready for download or print and it looks fabulous. 

Pollinators can range from bees, butterflies, flies, wasps, moths, birds and even bats and are crucial to the successful reproduction and conservation of many of Australia’s native plant species. With reports of decline of pollinators across the globe due to land clearing and climate change, now is the time to plant, create and nurture habitat for our local native pollinators.  

Throughout 2023, Connecting Country has been rolling out The Buzz project: promoting pollinators of central Victoria. The project is a Connecting Country project funded by the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) through the 2022 Victorian Landcare grants, that aims to celebrate and expand community knowledge on the smaller heroes of our local ecosystems, the insect pollinators.

In the brochure, you’ll find gorgeous images from some wonderful local photographers, as well as a summary of why it is important to create habitat for our native pollinators. You will also find a table containing our favourite twenty indigenous plants that will be sure to attract some native pollinator heroes to your garden.

Click here to download your very own copy, or drop into the office and we can print you a hardcopy. We’d love to hear feedback on our brochure and any other information you may require into the future.

Special thanks to our generous volunteer photographers – Geoff Park and Bonnies Humphreys – who freely donated their images. Without your help and generous donations, such a professional product would not be possible.

The Buzz Project is funded by the 2022 Victorian Landcare Grants through the North Central Catchment Management Authority.



Walking Together – Human Rights and UNDRIP

Posted on 7 December, 2023 by Ivan

Please enjoy this wonderful article from our friends and project partners at Nalderun. The article was written by Floria Maschek, an ally and member of Friends of Nalderun (FoN). Nalderun is a Dja Dja Wurrung word meaning “all together”. 

Walking Together – Human Rights and UNDRIP

Djaara history is embedded in the landscape here and embedded in ‘Country’ as a broader concept. This year I had the privilege of being guided by senior Djaara Elder Uncle Rick Nelson – winding through streets, through coppiced forest, along rocky slopes, and along remnant wetland. Locally this place is sometimes referred to as ‘upside down country’, a reference to the aftermath of mining, but First Peoples history pre colonisation, is still told through the earth, rock, trees and other life and by First Peoples who have survived settler colonialism. Ancient and more recent knowledge is shared and culture is continued.

Djaara are here caring for people and Country, having never ceded sovereignty. I walk with respect for Elders past and present, their efforts towards self determination and the love they put into the young people and future generations.

Human Rights Day, on December 10th, honours the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption and proclamation, in 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The day’s theme this year is:

‘Consolidating and Sustaining Human Rights Culture into the Future’

Learning about Australian history over my years growing on this continent, it has long been made clear that Australia, land of the ‘fair go’ as has been so often asserted, did often not reflect the realities of ongoing colonialism. I’ve lived for most of my life in a settler colonial state. Makarrata and conciliation requires that settler colonialists unlearn persistently dominant false narratives, and listen not only stories of survival, but also of culture; what once was, and what still is. Truth Telling requires listening to First Peoples as they continue the culture and resistance of their ancestors, strengthen communities, and share their deep connections to Country.

The UN has long marked the failure of Australia’s national agreement to Close The Gap – gaps which have broadened in many areas since that agreement was made.

While human rights are universal rights, the UN adopted the Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in 2007, having acknowledged that there are specific areas of need affecting the fulfilment of indigenous peoples rights. The very substantial negotiations towards the declaration included voices of indigenous peoples from around the world. UNDRIP was endorsed by the Australian government in 2009 but there is much to be done for Australia to live up to this declaration.

The central themes of UNDRIP include:

  • the right to self determination
  • the right to be recognized as distinct peoples
  • the right to free, prior and informed consent
  • the right to be free from discrimination

There is a marked need to include UNDRIP in our legal and political systems. The path towards Voice (constitutionally enshrined or not), Treaty and Truth complements the principles embedded in UNDRIP. So far, five Australian states and territories have committed to Treaty processes since the release of the Uluru Statement.

At a state level, the Victoria Voice is marked by the First People’s Assembly, formed in 2019. The need for truth-telling then saw the establishment of the Yoorook Justice Commission in 2021. Processes towards a statewide Treaty and more localised Treaties are also underway.

Djaara (Dja Dja Wurrung People) achieved Registered Aboriginal Party status through self-determination in 2013 when the historic Recognition and the Settlement Agreement with the state government was signed. Through Djaara, many great things have since been accomplished. In November, Djaara celebrated the ten year anniversary of that agreement.

‘Yapenya’ (Dja Dja Wurrung) – to sing, to dance, to gather, to reflect, to celebrate’

‘We are creating positive outcomes for our community, in our local community. When Dja Dja Wurrung People are empowered, great things happen – not just for our own communities, but for all. As we come together in November to celebrate, we do so in honour of our Ancestors, with gratitude for the wisdom of our Elders, and with a profound commitment to creating a brighter path for the next generation.’




Australian Human Rights Commission

(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice)


First Peoples Assembly


Yoorook Justice Commission


Djaara – Settlement Agreement


Floria Maschek is an ally and member of Friends of Nalderun (FoN). FoN members are guided by Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation and are diverse individuals and representatives of many local community networks, supporting Nalderuns visions and work. Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation supports the Aboriginal Community and is led by Aboriginal people while providing many learning and cultural opportunities to the broader community. Nalderun is a Dja Dja Wurrung word meaning “all together”.


More information can be found at



Pollinator heroes of Central Victoria: Resin Bee

Posted on 29 November, 2023 by Ivan

Spring is here which means the bees are buzzing, butterflies are fluttering, beetles are looking for mates and wasps are making nests. There is plenty to see and hear across all habitats in central Victoria if you stop and pay attention to the little things. These wonderful pollinating creatures are the heroes of the bush, grasslands, our gardens and waterways.

The Buzz project: promoting pollinators of central Victoria, is a Connecting Country project funded by the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) through the 2022 Victorian Landcare grants, that aims to celebrate and expand community knowledge on the smaller heroes of our local ecosystems, the insect pollinators.  As part of this project, we will explore the lives of some of our most loved native pollinators from across the local region through a series of blog posts throughout November.

Dr Mark Hall, local entomologist, has kindly shared his extensive knowledge on some of the local pollinator heroes that are so important to the health of our ecosystems. 


Resin Bee (Megachile ferox)

Words by Dr. Mark Hall

One of at least 169 bee species in the family Megachilidae, which include the leaf-cutter and resin bees, Megachile ferox can be found across southern Australia.

It has a very hairy head, body, legs and abdomen that are perfect for pollen-carrying. It also has large mandibles (jaws) for chewing nest holes in wood. The bright red tip on its abdomen may be what you see first though.

Resin Bees get their name because they build their residences out of resin. Photo by John Walter


The Resin Bee is most active during spring and summer, particularly from November to February, visiting a range of important flowering plant species, including Eucalypts, Dillwynia and Bursaria. It nests in woody structures, such as trees and shrubs and can make a home in insect hotels in gardens if they are designed and placed correctly.

With extensive and prolonged habitat clearing occurring through much of central Victoria, this and other wood-nesting species have become less common. However, where woody nests and good floral diversity are available, this species will provide an excellent pollination service.





Pollinator heroes of Central Victoria: Elegant Hairy-Cellophane Bee

Posted on 23 November, 2023 by Hadley Cole

With spring upon us, now is the perfect time to take a closer look at the smaller pollinator heroes of our region! There is plenty to see and hear across all habitats across central Victoria if you stop and pay attention to the little things. These are the heroes of the bush, grasslands, our gardens and waterways.

The Buzz project: promoting pollinators of central Victoria, is a Connecting Country project funded by the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) through the 2022 Victorian Landcare grants, that aims to celebrate and expand community knowledge on the smaller heroes of our local ecosystems, the insect pollinators.  As part of this project, we will explore the lives of some of our most loved native pollinators from across the local region through a series of blogposts throughout November.

Dr Mark Hall, local entomologist, has kindly shared his extensive knowledge on some of the local pollinator heroes that are so important to the health of our ecosystems. 


Elegant Hairy-Cellophane Bee (Trichocolletes venustus)

Words by Dr. Mark Hall

Perhaps the most striking thing about this larger bee is the vivid gold bands on its abdomen that glint in the sunlight as it flies between Hardenbergia flowers. Along with the golden orange hairs across the rest of its body and head, this is a far more attractive bee than the European Honeybee, which it may be mistaken for. And this species is native! It also sounds quite different once you learn to recognise its buzz. That hairy body is perfect for carrying the pollen of many native pea species, such as Daviesia ulicifolia and Gompholobium huegelii, and the orchid Diuris maculata among others.


Elegant Hairy-Cellophane Bee pollinating a native pea. Photo by Karen Retra.

The Elegant Hairy-Cellophane Bee is one of 40 species of Trichocolletes, an endemic bee genus, occurring nowhere else except the southeast of Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia. It is active from July to January, so can be one of the earlier bees seen visiting flowers in early spring. It nests in the ground, often in groups but with each bee having a separate nest entrance and looking after its own eggs. Perhaps there is simply safety in numbers, or good real estate is hard to come by? And as its name suggests, it produces a cellophane-like substance which it uses to seal its nest to protect its precious cargo from pests and parasites.

Why not slow down and take a look in your local bushland or garden and see what pollinator heroes you can find?




Pollinator heroes of Central Victoria: Imperial Jezebel

Posted on 21 November, 2023 by Ivan

It’s springtime and the flowers are blooming, the bees are buzzing, butterflies are fluttering, beetles are looking for mates and wasps are making nests. There is plenty to see and hear across all habitats across central Victoria if you stop and pay attention to the little things. These are the heroes of the bush, grasslands, our gardens and waterways.

The Buzz project: promoting pollinators of central Victoria, is a Connecting Country project funded by the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) through the 2022 Victorian Landcare grants, that aims to celebrate and expand community knowledge on the smaller heroes of our local ecosystems, the insect pollinators.

The project has been running throughout 2023 and has included a presentation with local entomologist Dr Mark Hall covering ‘Native pollinators on your property: who, where and what they do?’ followed by a field trip that took a further look into ‘promoting native pollinators from property to landscape.’

During November, we will explore the lives of our most loved native pollinators from across the local region. Dr Mark Hall, local entomologist, has kindly shared his extensive knowledge on some of our local pollinator heroes that are so important to the health of our ecosystems. 

Imperial Jezebel (Delias harpalyce)

Words by Dr. Mark Hall

With Christmas approaching, you may hear the familiar tune of “I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus, underneath the mistletoe…”. And while that particular type of mistletoe is not native to Australia (and in fact is an environmental weed), there are a number of plants we call mistletoe in Australia that are native and have another species “kissing” underneath them at this time of year. The mistletoes in question are a group of semi-parasitic shrubs, often associated with Eucalypts – Amyema, Muellerina and Dendrophthoe species. The faunal species in question is the Imperial Jezebel butterfly (among others).

The Imperial Jezebel, is a gorgeous Delias butterfly. Photo: John Walter

This spectacular butterfly species can be found across the south-east of Australia in all sorts of habitats where there are mature trees with mistletoe hanging and flowers to feed from. It is an early spring emerger and most active between August and November, where it mates and lays its eggs on the mistletoes, but can be active across all warmer months. The hairy black larvae (caterpillar) then feed on the mistletoe leaves, which not only help them grow, but also makes them taste pretty bad to predators – a win-win!

The large adult butterfly is almost entirely white (or greyish in some regions) on top of its wings, with some black edging and white spots on the outer wings. But it is the underside that is really captivating. In flight or when at rest with wings folded up, the black and grey wings, punctuated with bright red and yellow bands, are clearly visible. At this time you may also notice the hairy body and long clubbed antennae. The Imperial Jezebel is a great pollinator and certainly a hero of our gardens and bushland.





Container recycling deposit scheme: help support us!

Posted on 21 November, 2023 by Ivan

We’ve got some good news! How would you like to recycle your cans, cartons and bottles and support Connecting Country at the same time?  On 1 November 2023 Victoria’s container deposit scheme, CDS Vic, commenced. The scheme rewards Victorians with a 10-cent refund for every eligible can, carton and bottle they return. The recycling scheme also has the option to donate to a local community group or organisation, which is a valuable fundraising opportunity, simply by recycling your drinking containers. The scheme is part of important work that is transforming Victoria’s waste and recycling system.

If you would like to donate some, or all of your money from the recycling scheme to Connecting Country, quote partner ID: C2000009164 at the return centre.

How to make a return: click here

It’s as easy as 1, 2 3:

CDS Vic provides a 10-cent refund for every eligible drink container returned at refund points across Victoria. Every bottle, can and carton you return helps divert valuable containers from landfill. 

     1. Collect eligible drink containers:

Most aluminum, glass, plastic, steel, and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3 litres are eligible. Look for the 10c mark on the back of pack. Some drinks are not eligible, including plain milk containers, wine and spirit bottles.  Tip: Keep lids on and don’t crush your containers.

    2. Return your eligible drink containers

The interactive map makes it easy to discover refund points near you. Click here to search. The nearest refund point in our region is:

Chewton Service Station
37 Pyreness Highway, Chewton, VIC 3451

Over the Counter (OTC)

    3. Earn a refund or donate

All eligible drink containers are worth a 10-cent refund that you can either keep or donate to a community donation partner.

To donate to us, simply quote the Connecting Country partner ID: C2000009164



Last chance! Connecting Country AGM this Saturday 18 November 2023

Posted on 16 November, 2023 by Ivan

We still have 25 tickets available for our AGM this Saturday 18 November 2023 and require a few more members to come along to make a quorum for our AGM formalities. 

Please join us for this special free event on Saturday 18 November 2023 at 11.00 am for brief AGM formalities, our special guest presenter and a yummy lunch. We are thrilled to have Dr Jess Lawton, former Connecting Country superstar, present the findings from her recent PhD study into Phascogales and how we can take action to help them thrive once again.


The presentation event is part of a larger project, ‘Habitat trees for Phascogales’, which aims to provide habitat stepping stones for the Brush-tailed Phascogale and other native fauna by protecting and enhancing large old trees in the landscape, particularly in grazing land.

For catering and logistical purposes, please register your attendance – click here

Dr Jess Lawton is an ecologist with a passion for understanding the threats facing native fauna and ecosystems, and how we can take action to address these issues. Jess was the Connecting Country Monitoring Coordinator for the past five years and is one of the leading knowledge brokers on citizen science and monitoring our landscapes and wildlife. Jess has recently submitted her PhD thesis at LaTrobe University, where she studied our wonderful Brush-Tailed Phascogale. She relishes collaborative ecological work and is passionate about empowering communities to conserve and recover local biodiversity. Jess loves exploring the outdoors, playing music and camping.

When: Saturday 18 November 2022 at 11.00 am

Where: Guildford Community Hall, 30 Fryers St Guildford

Everyone is welcome!


For catering and logistical purposes, please register your attendance – click here

AGM formalities

The following Connecting Country AGM 2023 documents are available for download:

Please note only current Connecting Country members can vote in the AGM. To become a member or renew your membership – click here

If you have any questions, please email

Thank you to the State Government of Victoria for their funding support and ‘Habitat Trees for Phascogales’ project.


Book now! Connecting Country AGM this Saturday 18 November 2023

Posted on 13 November, 2023 by Ivan

Please join us for this special free event on Saturday 18 November 2023 at 11.00 am for brief AGM formalities, our special guest presenter and a yummy lunch. We are thrilled to have Dr Jess Lawton, former Connecting Country superstar, present the findings from her recent PhD study into Phascogales and how we can take action to help them thrive once again.


The presentation event is part of a larger project, ‘Habitat trees for Phascogales’, which aims to provide habitat stepping stones for the Brush-tailed Phascogale and other native fauna by protecting and enhancing large old trees in the landscape, particularly in grazing land.

For catering and logistical purposes, please register your attendance – click here

Dr Jess Lawton is an ecologist with a passion for understanding the threats facing native fauna and ecosystems, and how we can take action to address these issues. Jess was the Connecting Country Monitoring Coordinator for the past five years and is one of the leading knowledge brokers on citizen science and monitoring our landscapes and wildlife. Jess has recently submitted her PhD thesis at LaTrobe University, where she studied our wonderful Brush-Tailed Phascogale. She relishes collaborative ecological work and is passionate about empowering communities to conserve and recover local biodiversity. Jess loves exploring the outdoors, playing music and camping.

When: Saturday 18 November 2022 at 11.00 am

Where: Guildford Community Hall, 30 Fryers St Guildford

Everyone is welcome!


For catering and logistical purposes, please register your attendance – click here

AGM formalities

The following Connecting Country AGM 2023 documents are available for download:

Please note only current Connecting Country members can vote in the AGM. To become a member or renew your membership – click here

If you have any questions, please email

Thank you to the State Government of Victoria for their funding support and ‘Habitat Trees for Phascogales’ project.


2023 Great Southern BioBlitz November 24-27

Posted on 9 November, 2023 by Hadley Cole

The Great Southern BioBlitz, is an international event held in Spring each year that aims to record biodiversity across the Southern Hemisphere through citizen science. This year the event will run over four days in late November.

Nature lovers can upload observations to the iNaturalist app and contribute to biodiversity data across the globe! Castlemaine Field Naturalist Club host a project on iNaturalist that users can contribute to over the four days of surveying. The Great Southern Bioblitz Castlemaine region iNaturalist project covers the Mount Alexander Shire and parts of the Hepburn Shire, and offers a wonderful snap shot into local biodiversity across the region. You can record all living species from plants, to insects, fungi, reptiles, mammals, birds and more! For more information on how to get involved please see the below flyer courtesy of Castlemaine Field Naturalist Club.

To celebrate the 2023 Great Southern BioBlitz, our friends at Castlemaine Field Naturalist Club and Castlemaine Landcare Group are hosting two separate events over the weekend of the 25 and 26 November. Please see the flyer below for more details.



The Buzz project: iNaturalist workshop success

Posted on 6 November, 2023 by Hadley Cole

The Buzz project: promoting pollinators of central Victoria, is a Connecting Country project funded by the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) through the 2022 Victorian Landcare grants, that aims to celebrate and expand community knowledge on the smaller heroes of our local ecosystems, the insect pollinators.

The project has been running throughout 2023 and has included a presentation with local entomologist Dr Mark Hall covering ‘Native pollinators on your property: who, where and what they do?’ followed by a field trip that took a further look into ‘promoting native pollinators from property to landscape.’

Eager participants focussed on Euan’s presentation. Photo by Connecting Country.

The final event for the year was held in early October 2023 and was an iNaturalist workshop with local naturalist Euan Moore. This was the perfect opportunity for pollinator enthusiasts to learn how to record their data on the online iNaturalist platform.

Fifteen eager participants came along to the workshop armed with cameras and laptops for a four-hour workshop. Euan talked us through the basics of the iNaturalist platform such as how to create an account, how to upload an observation, and how to have your observations verified by experts from across the globe. We then investigated how to join iNaturalist projects where users have the opportunity to contribute to local projects such as the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club project or the 2023 Great Southern Bioblitz: Castlemaine region, or nationwide projects such as Wild Pollinator Count Australia.

We took some time to wander around the Castlemaine Community House garden and gather images of pollinators to upload onto our iNaturalist accounts. Euan talked us through the important aspects to include in our photos to provide ample visual information for iNaturalists users to identify the species in question.

Participants searching for pollinators to photograph. Photo by Connecting Country.


Participants Frances and Bev chat with Euan the workshop presenter. Photo by Connecting Country.

Participants reported that they enjoyed a lovely day of learning and some were very eager to get out there and record their local sightings!

Connecting Country would like to give a huge thank you to Euan Moore for his time and dedication in teaching community members these wonderful iNaturalist skills.

This event was made possible due to funding through the 2022 Victorian Landcare Grants. We are grateful to our funders for making this interesting event possible.



Wilderhoods: rewilding urban neighbourhoods presentation

Posted on 2 November, 2023 by Hadley Cole

Our friends at Maldon Urban Landcare Group (MULGA) are hosting a presentation by Dr. Cassia Read which will delve into a project she has been delivering across the Mount Alexander Shire on rewilding urban neighbourhoods. The event will follow the groups Annual General Meeting (AGM) and is on Saturday 11 November 2023, 10am at the Maldon Community Centre.

Dr. Cassia Read, plant ecologist, writer, educator and garden designer.

Cassia will be talking about Wilderhoods, an urban greening initiative of the Castlemaine Institute that empowers neighbours to work together to create thriving neighbourhoods for people and wildlife in a changing climate. Cassia will provide an overview of the Wilderhoods Process for neighbourhood engagement in habitat creation, and learnings from their pilots that ran in the West End and South Side neighbourhoods of Castlemaine in 2022 and 2023 respectively. Cassia Read is an ecologist, educator and garden designer, and is the Principal Ecologist and Co-Founder of the Castlemaine Institute. Wilderhoods has been developed with her colleague and fellow ecologist, Ada Nano. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear from Cassia on the actions that neighbourhoods can take to provide wildlife habitat in an urban environment.

When: Saturday 11 November 2023, 10.00am

Where: Maldon Community Centre, Francis St. Maldon VIC

Cost: Free

Contact: Bev Phillips, ph. 0407 770 350 or email for information.

No bookings required.