The value of small patches of remnant vegetation: 14 May 2020 webinar
Posted on 7 May, 2020 by Ivan
One of the biggest challenges for restoration projects across the region is habitat fragmentation and how to manage isolated patches of remnant vegetation. Connecting Country has been working for over a decade to restore our fragmented landscape through strategic planning, and working with local landowners to help protect and restore wildlife habitat and connect areas of remnant vegetation.
Although traditionally, conserving large patches of intact habitat is considered a priority, the value of smaller patches is less clear. Connecting Countries biodiversity monitoring programs have highlighted the value of the small patches of remnant vegetation for woodland birds and the Brush-tailed Phascogale, among other species.
We discovered a useful upcoming webinar that explores the value of small patches of remnant vegetation. It is hosted by Ben Zeeman, a vegetation ecologist working at the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority. Ben will discuss recent research examining the relevance of habitat fragmentation theory when conserving critically endangered ecosystems in highly modified landscapes. The results of this work challenge some long-held conservation principles, identifying that small habitat patches often have high ecological value.
This talk will be delivered online with time for questions and conversation at the end. Please register for the session and you will be emailed a link before the event.
Topic: The value of small patches of remnant vegetation
Date: 14 May 2020 at 6.45 pm
Venue: online
Host: Ben Zeeman
To register: click here
- 6.45 pm – Livestream starts – allowing for the resolution of technical issues
- 7.00 pm – Ben to speak about remnant vegetation
- 7.45 pm – Ben to take questions

Small patches of remnant vegetation are vital in connecting larger tracts (photo: Connecting Country)
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