Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Wildlife friendly garden workshop with Cassia Read

Posted on 28 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

Among exuberant flowers and darting pollinator insects, twenty people gathered in Cassia Read’s Castlemaine garden on Saturday the 19th November 2016 to learn about wildlife friendly gardening. Cassia’s mission for the workshop was to inspire and inform people about how to nudge their gardens in a wildlife friendly direction. Cassia suggested elements that could be added to any garden to make it more biodiverse, whatever the gardeners needs and values.


Cassia (left) talked about how we could all nudge our gardens in a wildlife friendly direction.

Cassia explained that she’s passionate about wildlife friendly gardens because life in the garden brings beauty and joy; it fosters a connection between people and nature; and, because gardens can provide a refuge for wildlife in a changing climate.

A garden is a community of plants and animals, living together and interacting with each other. Cassia introduced the concept of garden community ecology with a drawing of a food-web in her own garden. This illustrated how energy, harvested from the sun by plants, moves up the food chain; from pollinating and leaf eating insects and seed and nectar eating birds, through predatory insects, reptiles, frogs, small bush birds, bats and phascogales, to larger carnivores such as kookaburras and boobook owls.


Foodweb in Cassia’s garden, showing ‘who eat’s what’ and the movement of energy harvested by plants from the sun, up the food chain to larger predators (Illustration by Cassia Read).

Cassia drew attention to the importance of insects in bringing wildlife to the garden, because many of the larger vertebrates either eat insects directly or they eat the insect predators. Even small honey-eaters supplement much of their diet with insects living in the tree canopy.

Cassia invited participants to spend a moment quietly observing life in the garden in two different locations, using two different ways to observe: an unfocussed, dreamy gaze that allows you to see all the movement in the garden with your peripheral vision; and a focused gaze to see the detail of particular species and individuals going about their daily lives. Cassia commented that observation is the key to wildlife friendly gardening. The more you look, the more you learn and enjoy and are inspired to create a living landscape around you.

Cassia discussed the spectrum of garden styles that range between pavement and bushland, with biodiversity in the garden increasing as you moved from a low diversity, simplified landscape like a park, through to a garden with different vegetation layers, different micro-habitats and more indigenous species.


Spectrum of garden styles, from pavement to bushland, with garden biodiversity increasing with complexity of vegetation structure, micro-habitats and indigenous plantings (illustration by Cassia Read).

During the guided tour around her half acre block, Cassia discussed elements she has added to her garden to create shelter and food for wildlife. Standing around her small pond, participants discussed how the creation of even a small pond, planted with local water plants, brings frogs, dragonflies, aquatic invertebrates and a place for quiet reflection and observation. Other important elements included:


Cassia’s pond has Pobblebonk tadpoles but no mosquito larvae because she’s introduced native Murray Rainbow Fish that eat wrigglers but not frogs eggs.

  • Growing indigenous and exotic flowers for native pollinators such as native bees, wasps, hoverflies and butterflies. Through extending the flowering season with thoughtful planting you can extend the time nectar and pollen are available to pollinators;
  • Planting dense and prickly shrubs where small bush birds can hide from cats and aggressive or predatory birds;
  • Building leaf litter, mulch and woody debris for insect habitat, which in turn provide food for ground foraging birds, reptiles, frogs and phascogales;
  • Adding nest-boxes and artificial hollows to trees for birds and bats – but watch out they aren’t placed too high or you won’t be able to evict Indian Miners and other wanted pests;
  • Planting a drought-tolerant native lawn that provides food and shelter for moth and butterfly larvae, and seed for native pigeons and Diamond Firetails;
  • Creating varied rocky habitats for basking lizards, including rock on soil and rock on rock. Also, pupae from ant colonies that live under the rocks are an important food source for ground foraging predators.

The workshop concluded in the shade of a gum tree, with an exercise and conversation about nudging our own gardens for wildlife. What more could we do and what were our barriers? Cassia guided participants to think about their gardens in terms of management zones, from high maintenance and input zones such as the small orchard, to low maintenance and input zones such as areas of drought-hardy, native shrubs planted for screening at the front of a block.

Thanks to all attendees for coming along, and to Cassia and Melanie Marshall from the Mount Alexander Shire Council for their work presenting and bringing this event into fruition. Much was learned from Cassia’s unique perspective on how to build a garden and engage with nature.

For further information visit our Wildlife Friendly Garden webpage here.

This workshop has been supported by Connecting Country, through funding from the Australian Government and the Mount Alexander Shire Council through their Sustainable Living Workshop Series.



2017 intake for CALM courses at Bendigo TAFE

Posted on 24 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

tafe-logoBendigo Tafe is again calling for expressions of interest in the 2017 intake for Certificate III, IV and Diploma of Conservation and Land Management. If you are reasonably fit, want to learn more about the environment and enjoy being outdoors this may be the course for you.

Current graduates are employed by places such as Connecting Country, DELWP, NCCMA, Local Contractors, Councils and Conservation Volunteers Australia. There are no pre-requisites for any levels.

Certificate III – gain skill sets – pathways to further study or employment

  • Farm Chemical Users Certificate
  • Chainsaws
  • Fencing
  • Revegetation
  • Water quality, macro-invertebrate survey and animal identification skills
  • Introduction to Native Flora
  • Weed and Pest management
  • Multiple field trips
  • Camps where applicable

Certificate IV – gain knowledge – pathways to further study or employment

  • Native Flora and Fauna ID
  • Survey methodology
  • Farm Chemicals Users Certificate
  • Revegetation
  • Mapping
  • Pest Management
  • OHS
  • Project Costing
  • Environmental Policies and Legislation
  • Multiple camps and field trips

Diploma – It is advised that students have completed the Certificate IV or have extensive environmental background – pathway to further study or employment

  • Research
  • Planning River restoration
  • Whole Farm Planning
  • Conduct Biological Surveys
  • Advanced Flora ID
  • Creating Management Plans
  • Environmental Legislation
  • Creating Funding Bids
  • Management of Weed and Pest Planning
  • Management of Alpine, Woodland and Coastal Parks
  • Multiple camps and field trips

For more information you can go to the Bendigo Tafe website and put in an enquiry/online application or contact Terri Williams, Coordinator of Conservation and Land Management, (03) 5434 1743.


Talking Fire – Igniting a Spark

Posted on 24 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

There’s a triangle involved in fire; which involves conditions, substrate and spark.  The “Talking Fire” weekend on 12-13th  November 2016 lit a spark, but it certainly wasn’t damaging. The triangle of local, Indigenous and technical expertise, field and forest visits, and space to talk about what people in the Newstead-Maldon community have heard and seen, all created another sort of ignition.

Part of the field trip convoy through the Muckleford Forest looking at ecological values, burning and fire recovery

People are concerned about the places they love, including home and the local landscape more generally. Talking Fire was a great start to a new kind of conversation: about learning, reducing fear, building understanding, caring for our towns, settlements and the whole landscape together.

Thanks to everyone who participated and contributed. Especially Maldon Urban Landcare Group (MULGA). And for funding – thanks to Mount Alexander Shire Community Grants, Maldon and District Community Bank (Bendigo Bank), Norman Wettenhall Foundation. For catering – Newstead Primary School, Newstead Mens’ Shed; for gifts – Goughs Range Olives and Newstead Natives; in-kind support – Newstead Landcare, Connecting Country, Newstead Fire Brigade, Newstead Auxiliary, Friends of Box Ironbark Forests, Bendigo TAFE, DELWP. And our recorders – Julie Hough, Julie Millowick, Christine Sayer, Marion Williams, Simon Beckett, Andrew Skeoch, Sarah Koschak, Gordon Dowell. And three cheers for the planning group too.

Andrew Bennett (wildlife and landscape ecologist, La Trobe University and Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research), Sam Strong (pHD candidate at Charles Sturt University), Joan Sartori (Newstead CFA Auxiliary), Mick Burke and Trent Nelson (Dja Dja Wurrung Clans)

Andrew Bennett (wildlife and landscape ecologist, La Trobe University and Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research), Sam Strong (pHD candidate at Charles Sturt University), Joan Sartori (Newstead CFA Auxiliary), Mick Burke and Trent Nelson (Dja Dja Wurrung Clans)

And mostly, to everyone who came to any of it, or all, and joined the chat. Talking Fire think there were around 40 – 50 on each day, and not the same attendees, or speakers. It made for more conversations.

Because many people couldn’t attend the event, or only came to parts of it, Talking Fire are curating the audio, visual and audio-visual of the weekend at their website You will be able to get a gist of the conversations there. But please be a bit patient for it all to arrive.

Talking Fire are also interested in collecting ‘fire histories’ around the CFA auxiliary, and other fire experiences – to share and learn from. Contact Gordon 0467 586 881 or Janet 0439 003 469.

More info: or Chris 54762457.


South African Weed Orchid – ID first, then dig out!

Posted on 23 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

South African Weed Orchid, Disa bracteata, is flowering now and if you’re quick  you can help stop the spread of this emerging and highly invasive weed in our area. Tanya recently found them at Barkers Creek Reservoir in Harcourt and we have some photos to help you identify them. And, if you do find them, practice good bush hygiene so that you don’t spread the infestation.

South African Weed Orchid is a  perennial terrestrial orchid with underground tubers. Dormant for much of the year, it sprouts in early spring with a rosette of leaves, followed by flower spikes developing into seeds as the weather drys out during summer.


South African Weed Orchid – whole plant, roots and bulbs. Photo: Bonnie Humphreys

Stems – erect and fleshy usually 30–50 cm tall. Leaves – a rosette of green leaves with purple undersides, tapering from a broad base to an pointy tip, 5–15 cm long.  These weeds are distinct from indigenous Onion Orchids (Microtis spp.) as they have a rosette of leaves, while the native Onion Orchids have one round leaf, often extending above the flower spike.

Flowers – from late October through to December in Victoria. 15– 30 flowers grow on a thick cylindrical spike 5–20 cm long, which resembles a greenish-brown asparagus spear. Flowers very dense and are mostly reddish-brown and yellow with a leafy bract.

Seeds – black, minute and dust-like, contained within the capsular fruit. The species is autogamous (self-pollinating) and thus produces


Treatment by digging out and carefully bagging plant matter is useful in containing the spread of this invasive weed. Photo: Bonnie Humphreys

a large amount of seed per plant. The main form of dispersal is wind, but seed can also be spread on shoes, clothing and vehicles, as well as in water and through animal and soil movement. The seeds can remain viable for years. (This means that one seeding plant this year means many weeds for many, many years to come.) Seed set and dispersal starts at the end of November or as the weather drys out. The seeds continue to mature even if the flower head is picked.
Tubers – generally thought to have 1–3 tubers, similar  in appearance to a small potato, about 20 mm in size. The plant also has a mass of fleshy  roots and there is no main tap root.


The weed orchid has 1–3 tubers about 20 mm in size also has a mass of fleshy roots and there is no main tap root. Photo: Bonnie Humphreys

Treatment – Manual removal requires digging up and removing all parts of the plant, including the tuber, leaves and flowers. The plant material must be bagged securely (e.g., in a snap-lock bag) to prevent the fine dust-like seed from spreading further.

Currently this weed has been recorded in relatively small numbers in Chewton, Redesdale, Elphinstone, Taradale, Walmer, Barkers Creek, Sutton Grange, Ravenswood and Harcourt.

For further reading see this link for more information and reading references see page 6 of this 2009 edition of Weedscene magazine.


Fantails and Button-quails on the Metcalfe Bird Walk

Posted on 23 November, 2016 by Tanya Loos

On the 6th of November 2016, Connecting Country’s monthly bird walk was at Metcalfe Nature Conservation Reserve, or “the Common”. We met at the Metcalfe Hall, and some twenty of us were delighted to hear that locals, Brian and Kate Hamond, had something special they wished to share.

Safe and sound, photo by Maeve Boyle

Safe and sound, photo by secondary school student Maeve Boyle

A large roll of wire in the Hamond’s open shed proved an excellent nesting spot for a pair of Grey Fantails. As we all gathered around, binoculars in hand, we were delighted to observe the pair swap over egg brooding duties. They seemed unconcerned by our presence, and Brian said he has been able to go about his usual business in the shed without disturbing the fantails. Many thanks to Brian and Kate for this exciting start to the morning.

We set off to the Common and the excitement continued – for the moment Greg Waddell opened the car door, we were stunned to get very good views of a small quail-like species as it walked and then flew away into the woodland. A rather technical discussion of Button-quail identification followed using a couple of bird books. We decided that the Pizzey and Knight field guide is most useful in these situations, as it has the key identifying feature in italics.  It was agreed that the bird was a Little Button-quail, rather than the more common Painted Button-quail. Little Button-quails are being seen increasingly in Eastern Australia after these record-breaking rains and – although rarely seen – they are on our local bird-checklist-for-the-mount-alexander-region.

The highlight birds seen along the Ridge Track were probably the Rufous Whistlers, calling incessantly from the canopy. A quiet spot that morning, we saw just 13 species along the track. The wildflowers were stunning however – thick masses of flowering Chocolate Lilies and Yam Daisies.

We traveled around the Goldfields Rd to the more lush areas on the lower slopes of the Reserve, and did a Twenty Minute 2 Hectare count as we walked up the slope and we saw 9 species. The birds were a bit hard to see due to the lush and abundant growth on the Yellow Box and Grey Box. Again, the wildflowers were a treat- with Chocolate Lilies and Bulbine Lilies in huge drifts. Thanks to Maeve for being our scribe.

wet-wet-spring-639We also saw a white form of Chocolate lily! This is not an albino – just a colour variation. You may have noticed some white forms yourself – such as Wax-lip Orchids, and also more recently, Bluebells (Wahlenbergia).

Our Bird Walks usually finish up at about 11:30am, but this time we travelled back to the Metcalfe Hall and I gave a short Powerpoint presentation on the birds of the Metcalfe area.

It was a very enjoyable morning, and I would like to thank Debbie Farmer, Secretary of Metcalfe Landcare, for organising the Hall and publicising the event locally. It was fantastic to have some beginner birdwatchers there!

Smiles in the woodland, pic by Tanya Loos

Smiles in the woodland, photo by Tanya Loos


Vale Ern Perkins

Posted on 21 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

The Connecting Country community is deeply saddened to learn of the recent passing of Ern Perkins.  Along with wife Lesley, Ern’s efforts to discover and document the flora and fauna of Castlemaine and surrounds over a period of more than 40 years are legendary.  The findings of this research have formed the basis for so much of our knowledge about the local environment.  He was passionate about making this information available to the general public.  Ern mentored many local ecologists, and was a great believer in using rigorous scientific survey methods.  He was a great supporter of Connecting Country, and regularly provided advice on plant species identification and occurrence.  He was also involved in many other local groups including Friends of Kaweka, Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club, FOBIF and Castlemaine Landcare.

It would be a monumental task to list all that he has achieved, but some of the highlights include:

  • Co-authorship of the ‘Eucalypts of the Mount Alexander Region’, launched by FOBIF only a couple of months ago (click here for more info)
  • Development of the comprehensive ‘Wild Plants of Castlemaine’ interactive guide, and subsequent free distribution to the local community and Landcare groups (again, only in the past couple of months was this released)
  • Long-term maintenance of the list of plants of Castlemaine district, which has been the most valuable document on the shelves of many local botanists
  • Monthly 20-minute, 2-hectare bird surveys at more than 15 locations for a period of more than 10 years
  • Coordinating hundreds of repeated plant surveys at burnt and unburnt woodland plots within local bushlands
  • Development of the Grass Identification Guide CD for the local area
  • Maintenance of the Photopoint Project for the local area
  • Development and maintenance of many brochures on the identification of plants and animals of the local area, as well as brochures on local sites to visit.  Many of these brochures are available at the Market Building and Goldfields Library.
  • Dozens (if not hundreds) of articles published in the Castlemaine Naturalist newsletter.

He was awarded an OAM in 2000 for Services to Conservation.  In 2008, Ern was awarded the Australian Natural History Medallion, which is awarded annually to the person judged to have made the most meritorious contribution to the understanding of Australian Natural History.  In late 2015, his local contribution was recognised with life membership of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club.  He is an inspiration to the staff of Connecting Country.

We send our condolences to Lesley and family.  He has established a legacy that everyone with an interest in the local environment will need to work together to continue.  (Follow these links to read messages from the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club and Castlemaine Landcare – as published in the Castlemaine Mail newspaper on 11 Nov 2016).

Vale Ern Perkins.

Ern (on right) at the launch of his Grass Identification CD in 2012.

Ern (on right) at the launch of his Grass Identification CD in 2012.



Lions? We don’t have lions, but we do have Antlions!

Posted on 17 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

dscn0408Connecting Country’s field botanist, Bonnie Humphreys, came across an interesting creature this week while out in the field conducting vegetation surveys and finding her way around her new camera. Upon return to the office, Bonnie did some hunting around to see what it was that she had captured with her camera. Turns out it is an antlion, but the species remains unknown. Perhaps one of our readers could help us identify it?

The antlions are a group of about 2,000 species of insect in the family Myrmeleontidae, known for the fiercely predatory habits of their larvae, which in many species dig pits to trap passing ants or other prey.


Antlion cone shaped trap.

The sand traps are about 40mm diameter. The Antlion sit at the middle of the trap, covered by loose sands. When an ant or other small insects walks inside the trap, some sand falls into the centre to alert the Antlion. It flicks more sand to the ant and cause the ‘land sliding’. The ant then falls towards the centre and the Antlion attacks the ant by its long jaws.  Some other species larva burrow freely in sand or live on trees as predators. They pupate in soil with cocoon covered with sand. Eggs are laid singly and scattered in dry soil. You can watch another species of antlion in action here.


If you do recognise the species we’d love to hear from you, please leave a comment below.


Wednesday 30th November – Soils workshop with Katie Finlay and NCCMA

Posted on 14 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

soils-guideFollowing on from our Farm Field Day in August, Connecting Country is working with North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) to run a short workshop about soils in Harcourt.

During this workshop participants will hear from Katie Finlay from Mt Alexander Fruit Gardens about their property and the role soil  health plays in their farming system. Practical instruction from Mandy Coulson (NCCMA) and soil scientist Rebecca Mitchell will take participants through a series of soil tests in the recently launched Soil Health Guide to measure health on your land.

If you’d like to come along, the free workshop will run from 10 – 11.30am on Wednesday November 30th 2016.


To reserve your place at this event, please follow this link:

For more information contact Naomi on 5472 1594 or email


Tarrangower Cactus Control Group nominated for Parks Vic award – vote for them!

Posted on 10 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

Cactus Warriors partying and celebrating at the recent Maldon Easter Fair

Cactus Warriors partying and celebrating at the recent Maldon Easter Fair

The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group has let Connecting Country know that they have been nominated for Parks Victoria’s Kookaburra Public Choice Award. You, your family and friends can support the Cactus Warriors by voting for them.

You can go direct to the voting form through this link:

If you would like to read more about the award and those who have been nominated before you vote please use this link:

Voting closes on 30 November 2016. Let them know you care!





Call for photos from Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests

Posted on 9 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

The theme of the next FOBIF photo exhibition is “Mountains and Waterways”.

Mount Tarrengower from Chewton Hills. Bernard Slattery, 23 June 2010

Mount Tarrengower from Chewton Hills. Bernard Slattery, 23 June 2010

Togs Cafe in Castlemaine will host the next FOBIF photo exhibition in November 2017. FOBIF are now calling for your favourite photo/s of;

  • Mount Alexander, Mount Tarrengower or other mountain in Mount Alexander region (you can include photos of the mountains and flora and fauna on the mountains); and/or
  • Waterways such as creeks, rivers, dams, Expedition Pass, Bells Swamp, Cairn Curran or the Moorlort Wetlands.

There is also plenty of time to take new photos; the closing date for the submission of photos is not till 1 October 2017. FOBIF are telling people well in advance of the exhibition as this years heavy winter and spring rains means now is a perfect time now to take waterways photos.

They will place all photos they receive in a designated album on the FOBIF Flickr site as long as they fall within the guidelines. A FOBIF sub-committee will then select approximately 18 photos to be printed and framed for the exhibition. If your photo is selected, as well as being included in the exhibition, you will receive a free framed copy of your photo.


  1. Photo to include Mountains or Waterways within the Mount Alexander region and including Moolort Plains.
  2. Email photos to – at this stage only send files under 1 mg. A small file size is fine for Flickr but the photo will need to be at least 3 mg to be printed and included in the exhibitions.
  3. Include the photo’s location, date, plus identification of flora and fauna.
  4. Photos can be closeups, landscapes as well as photos where flora and fauna associated with mountains and waterways are the main feature.

They have already set up the Mountains and Waterways album so you can get an idea of the range of photos that fall within the guidelines.

Contact Bronwyn Silver at or 5475 1089 for further information.


Stilts, tuans and Swifty make for a great Connecting Country float!

Posted on 9 November, 2016 by Connecting Country


An enthusiastic mob of kids and adults turned out to show their support for Connecting Country last Friday night at the Castlemaine Show Parade

Twenty people volunteered to walk the main street of Castlemaine proudly showing their support for Connecting Country on the evening of Friday 28th October. We were lucky to have an appearance by Swifty the parrot and a resident tuan along for the float as well as Ella with her amazing stilt walking ability for all to see.

This fun event aimed to promote the work that Connecting Country does in our local area to the broader community of Castlemaine. Volunteers in high-vis also gave out hedge wattle seeds, caramello koalas and eucalyptus lollies to the happy and supportive crowd.

A big thank-you to Bonnie for donating the wattle seed, Jarrod for driving the red ute, Beth, Ella and Micah for dressing up and everyone else for volunteering their time and enthusiasm for Connecting Country.


Our resident tuan and Theo enjoy the afternoon sunshine on the direct seeder before they head down the street.


Little Habitat Heroes campaign reaches $2000!

Posted on 7 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

Version 5Connecting Country is proud to be supporting the Little Habitat Heroes in their campaign to raise funds for landscape restoration at the former silkworm farm site on Mount Alexander. They have raised just over $2,000 already and are keen to raise at least $3,000 to cover the costs of plants, guards, and a community planting day in 2017.

This project was born by a group of new mums who met at a Mothers Group in Castlemaine in early 2016. They shared a dream to create something unique for their babies’ first birthdays and wanted to contribute to the restoration of the local environment and give their children the gift of a personal connection with nature.

For more information about this project see our previous blog post.

Visit:, or their facebook page or donate via Give Now. A huge thanks to all of those who have already donated.



11 Nov 2016 – Presentation about Native Victorian Moths

Posted on 5 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

Moth study in Victoria is at about the same stage as bird study was at in the late 1800s. There are currently few moth addicts and our knowledge is limited and patchy. Anyone committed to the cause can find new species for the state or even species new to science. Even the simple and basic question, “Which moth belongs to which caterpillar” is a mystery for many species. At the November meeting of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club, Marilyn Hewish will talk about her moth-hunting travels around the state, show photos of some of our most gorgeous and bizarre species and describe how her work at the museum fits into exciting new discoveries and developments in the study of Victorian moths, including the book series Moths of Victoria.


Spectacular Emerald (Chlorocoma cadmaria). Photo by Marilyn Hewish

As per usual, the talk is being held on the evening of the 2nd Friday of the month (11 November 2016), from 7.30pm.  It will be in the Fellowship Room, behind the Uniting Church on Lyttleton St (next to the Museum-Art Gallery).  There is no cost for entry, and members and visitors are encouraged to attend.

A moth-attracting light will also be set up outside. After the talk, a variety of moths in many sizes, shapes and colours will be on display to enjoy. Please bring a camera and/or hand lens if you can, a torch, and warm clothing if you want to linger.

Marilyn Hewish was awarded the Australian Natural History Medallion in 2013 for her contributions over many decades to studies of Australian birds and more recently of Victorian moths.  She was editor of the annual Geelong Bird Report for 18 years, and author of ‘Birds of the Long Forest’, and co-author of several of the series Moths of Victoria.

Beautiful Leaf Moth (Gastrophora henricaria). Photo by Marilyn Hewish

Beautiful Leaf Moth (Gastrophora henricaria). Photo by Marilyn Hewish




16 & 17 November 2016 – Parks Victoria led walks around Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park

Posted on 3 November, 2016 by Connecting Country


Join in the conversation about how best to manage heritage values in the diggings park.

Parks Victoria are currently reviewing the Heritage Action Plan for the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park. As a part of this review, they are inviting the community to take part in three half-day walks at specific locations within the park. The aim of the “walkovers” is to share concerns and values of these areas to help inform their future management. See the itinerary below for an outline of each of the half day walks.

They might touch upon indigenous, natural, social or community values, as well as the significant gold-mining heritage, which together will help Parks Victoria present a holistic approach to the management and presentation of the Park’s landscape.

The walks will be led by Chris Johnston and John Dyke of Context Pty Ltd., who are helping Parks Victoria review and update the Heritage Action Plan.


The Garfield-wheel in Chewton


Walkover 1: Garfield
Date: Wednesday 16th November 2016
Time: 10am to 1pm
Meet at: Garfield Wheel car park at 9.30am

Sites on walkover 1 include:

  • Welsh Village
  • Scotchman’s Gully
  • Quartz Hill
  • Garfield Wheel and environs

NB: this is a one-way walk with the idea of sharing a number of vehicles to drive to the start of the walk near Welsh village.

Walkover 2: Spring Gully
Date: Wednesday 16th November 2016
Time: 2.30pm to 5.30pm
Meet at: Spring Gully car park at 2pm

 Sites on walkover 2 include:

  • Eureka/Poverty Gully
  • The Monk
  • Old Coach Road/Goldfields Track
  • Spring Gully No. 1 mine and battery site

NB: this is a one-way walk with the idea of sharing a number of vehicles to drive to the start of the walk at the Eureka Reef site.

Walkover 3: Vaughan Springs
Date: Thursday 17th November 2016
Time: 10am to 1pm
Meet at: Vaughan Springs car park at 9.30am

Sites on walkover 3 include:

  • Vaughan Springs
  • River Loddon
  • Tubal Cain Mine
  • Helge/Italian Hill Track
  • Chinese cemetery
  • Irishtown (optional)

The walks will take approximately 3 hours with regular stops to enable Parks Victoria to record conversations and there will be an opportunity to fill in a record/comments sheet as we go or at the end of the walk. Strong footwear is advised and bring water and refreshments as appropriate, and are water-proof just in case!

If you are interested in attending or need any further information about this invitation, please contact Jade Harris on any of the contacts found below.


Please make sure that you RSVP by no later than the Wednesday 9th November to allow for appropriate planning of the walk overs.


Nature News November – Eltham Copper Butterflies, a summer highlight

Posted on 3 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

For this month’s Nature News, found on page 31 in this week’s Midland Express (2nd November 2016), local ecologist Elaine Bayes shares her interest and knowledge of the incredible life cycle and local community efforts to protect one of our special endangered species, the Eltham Copper Butterfly. 

The very pretty Eltham Copper Butterfly. Photo by Elaine Bayes

The very pretty Eltham Copper Butterfly. Photo by Elaine Bayes

As the weather starts to warm up, from November to March each year, Eltham Copper Butterflies will emerge from underground caterpillars. This small and endangered butterfly is endemic to Victoria where it was once widely distributed.  Eltham Copper numbers have declined due to land clearing and inappropriate fire regimes, to a point where they were believed to be extinct in the 1950’s.  They were rediscovered in Eltham in 1986.  These butterflies are currently listed as endangered in Victoria and nationally.

The reason I am fascinated with Eltham Coppers is they have a weird and wonderful and totally dependent three-way relationship with Notoncus ant species and Sweet Bursaria plants. Notoncus ants are nocturnal ants which live underground including at the base of Sweet Bursaria plants.  Eltham Coppers lay their eggs at the base of a Sweet Bursaria plant and once hatched the larvae is guided into the ant nest and protected.  The larvae over-winters in the nest and ants lead them out to graze at night exclusively on the leaves of Sweet Bursaria.  In return, the ants feed on sugars which are excreted by the larvae’s honeydew gland.

The Eltham Copper Butterfly and it’s attendant ants in the Sweet Bursaria. Photo by Damien Cook

The Eltham Copper Butterfly and it’s attendant ants in the Sweet Bursaria. Photo by Damien Cook

How does that happen?  How can they train ants to carry them to bed and take them out to dinner and keep them safe?  Its quite complex and includes production of a range of chemicals and pheromones which makes the ant think they are one of their brood and need looking after and protection.  It doesn’t end there, as pupae and larvae also make a range of noises which trick the ants into not recognising them as a threat and even protecting them.

The four known Eltham Copper populations across Victoria are now totally separate. This means that butterflies are no longer able to move between populations to exchange genetic material and make them more resilient to disease.  The Castlemaine population is centred in four main areas in our local parks. Ensuring that these areas are protected from prescribed burning, inappropriate development or invasion by weeds is critical for their long term survival.  As is finding and protecting new populations.  The Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club and Friends of Kalimna Park have protected local populations for decades by removing woody weeds, monitoring populations and negotiating with the state government on fire regimes.

Thanks to this community effort we have the largest stronghold of Castlemaine Copper Butterflies in Victoria – well that’s what I think they should be called!


Gazanias from our 2012 weed watch post

Posted on 2 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

The following information was originally published in 2012 by Geraldine Harris in the Castlemaine Naturalist newsletter, and has been kindly re-written by her for the Connecting Country website. we have decided to re-post it as a the Gazanias are currently in full bloom.

Some plants become environmental weeds when they escape from our gardens into the surrounding countryside and start competing with local native indigenous species. I want to look at how some of these infestations can be controlled and which native plants can be used in their place.

Our native plants cannot be expected to perform as vigorously as pest plants that have been selectively bred for survival over hundreds of years. However, getting rid of pest plants and replacing them with native species will help preserve the integrity of our local habitats, attracting and providing resources for more native birds and other animals.

Gazania linearis
Gazanias are the large daisy-type yellow flowers that are escaping from private gardens and appearing more and more abundantly along our local roadsides and in bushland throughout Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and New South Wales.

These very showy plants originated in South Africa and are being promoted in many plant nurseries as a tough drought resistant species. Many hybrids have been developed in cultivation between Gazania linearis and a closely related environmental weed species Gazania rigens. These plants produce abundant wind-blown seeds that can be dispersed many kilometres from the source, producing ever-increasing patches of gazania that compete with locally indigenous species. Gazanias also have the ability to re-grow from their bare roots, which enables them to spread into our bushland by the dumping of garden waste containing the tuberous root systems of these plants. Native animals tend not to eat them as they are low in nutritional value.

Control methods include pulling out by hand if the infestation is small (making sure the roots are removed so it doesn’t re-grow) or spraying with a registered systemic herbicide into the heart of the rosette. If you have a large outbreak amongst grasses or in a lawn, a broadleaf-selective herbicide maybe a much better option. At very least, remove and then bag the flower heads. The ‘bagging’ prior to disposal is important because even when the gazania flower heads are detached, most still have the ability to develop as mature flower heads with masses of viable seed.

As substitutes you could plant native daisies such as Sticky Everlasting (Xerochrysum viscosum), Common Everlasting (Chrysocephalum apiculatum) and Clustered Everlasting (Chrysocephalum semipapposum).  Pigface (Carpobrotus modestus) would also be a useful substitute requiring no water and producing large pink-mauve flowers all summer.

Rayner C. 2012, ‘Weed of the Month’, Angair Newsletter. No 1, p6.
Marriot N.2011, ‘Plant ‘Aussies’ – not weeds’, Growing Australian, Vol 54.3, No 216, p12-13.


Connecting Country’s monthly bird walks – Metcalfe, Sunday 6 November 2016

Posted on 2 November, 2016 by Connecting Country


Hedge wattle (acacia paradoxa), perfect habitat for Thornbills. Photo by Geoff Park

Connecting Country’s Habitat for Bush Birds Project OfficerTanya Loos is running free monthly bird walks.  These walks are for those folk interested in practicing and improving their birding skills, regardless of skill level. The next walk is at Metcalfe Nature Conservation Reserve “The Common” on Sunday 6th November 2016

Local landcarer Debbie Farmer will be on hand to co-lead. Debbie is the secretary of Metcalfe Landcare. Beginner birdwatchers are most welcome!

This bird walk will conclude at the Metcalfe Shire hall with a presentation on the birds of the Metcalfe area. Bring your lunch and have a bite to eat while Tanya takes you through the local birds, their habitat use and calls. The presentation will take an hour including questions.

How to get there:

  • If you are from Castlemaine and surrounds – meet at 8:20 am outside the Continuing Ed building, Templeton Street, to car pool to the site. If the event needs to be cancelled, someone will be there at 8:20am to let you know.
  • Metcalfe and Taradale locals – meet at the Metcalfe Shire Hall at 8.50 and then car pool to the Reserve.

There is no need to book for these walks, but let Tanya know if you would like to borrow some Connecting Country binoculars. If you would like to subscribe to Tanya’s email list for these walks please contact her


Talking Fire – Maldon, Newstead and places in between

Posted on 2 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

talking fire draft 2 flyer.pagesJoin in on a conversation to better understand fire in our landscape at the Newstead Community Centre over the weekend of 12-13 November 2016.

‘Talking Fire’ will discuss what fire means for our local communities and the environment. The aim is to bring local expertise and knowledge together with outside experts in the field of fire behaviour and fire ecology, so that the community can talk about and better understand, plan, and live with fire.

Some of the questions driving our conversation are:

– What is the history of fire in the Newstead/Maldon area?

– How have the landscape, community & fire policies changed?

– How can we protect what we value?

– How can we respond to fire risk, now & in the future?

We are also seeking local knowledge and stories. Do you have a “fire experience”, direct or indirect, to share? As a part of the weekend Gordon Dowell will be recording the stories and histories of locals.

We hope that from the weekend our local landscape can be seen anew, through the eyes of scientists, fire experts and long lived locals alike, and through a wider, “landscape lens”, not just from a household or property viewpoint.

Whether you live in Newstead or Maldon, or the bush and farmland surrounds, you’re invited along to ‘talk fire’. Come to any or all sessions. The event is free, but we need bookings to help our caterers, the Newstead Preschool and Mens’ Shed, provide enough for all. To book your places for the Talking Fire weekend please click here.

Thanks to Mount Alexander Shire, Maldon & District Community Bank (Bendigo Bank) and the Norman Wettenhall Foundation for supporting the event. Many more supporters are contributing in non-financial ways. See our website for the program, for updates and to book. Or follow Talking Fire on Facebook.


3 Waterbug Events with Waterwatch

Posted on 27 October, 2016 by Connecting Country

Connecting Country’s friends at the North Central Waterwatch program are excited to be hosting three events in November, and there is a theme – Waterbugs!

What’s on offer in November:

you-me-bioYou, Me Biodiversity Talk – John Gooderham, The Waterbug Company will be presenting

When: Saturday 5th November 2016

Time: 2.30 – 4.30 pm

Where: Trentham Community Hall

Click here for more details.


trainingALT Training Workshop – John Gooderham, The Waterbug Company – YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR THIS – LIMITED PLACES

When: Sunday 6th November 2016

Time: 9.30 – 3.30 pm

Where: Baringhup, Loddon River


nature-blitz-weekNative Fish Recovery Program’s – NatureBlitz event 2016 – YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR THIS – LIMITED PLACES 

When: 7-11 November 2016

Time: All day over 5 days

Where: We will be staying at Tree Tops and will be taking participants to a range of sites along Box-Pyramid Creek and the Loddon River.




Waterwatch are also looking for enthusiastic community members to become volunteers and help monitor the response of native fish, waterbugs and water quality across the region. Being a citizen scientist isn’t just a great opportunity to contribute to the community and the environment, it’s a chance to get out in nature, explore and discover what else lives where you do.

If you are interested in volunteering to help collect vital information about the health of our waterways please feel contact Cass Davis, our Regional Waterwatch Coordinator via email


Sat 29 Oct 2016 – Singing from Country launch at the Maldon Folk Festival

Posted on 25 October, 2016 by Connecting Country

sfc-logoCommunity Music Victoria, in conjunction with a range of other organisations, are launching their ‘Singing from Country’ project at the 2016 Maldon Folk Festival this Saturday 29th October. Their launch includes a Workshop and Concert and promises to be an inspiring and uplifting experience, particularly for those with an interest in our local landscapes.

From their website, this ‘festival-within-a-festival’ features two connected events that will change the way you think, feel and express stories about our great land.’

Presenters for the workshop will include Rebecca Phillips from the Dja Dja Wurrung Association Revival Group with support from a project partner, the Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages.  Andrew Skeoch will play recordings of regional birdsong, tuning your ear to the plethora of natural soundscapes, and Geoff Park will open your eyes and inspire you to look again, at the country on which you live.

Singing from Country is described as a unique eco-cultural-arts collaboration between traditional landowners, holders of ecological wisdom, and songwriters.  It aims to inspire songwriters, choirs and other community members to learn about, appreciate and celebrate Country, reclaiming our love of land.

The final stage of the project will see local choir-leaders arrange and rehearse Singing from Country songs with their singing groups and perform them in the Castlemaine State Festival in March 2017.

For more information about this weekend’s events and to purchase tickets, CLICK HERE.