Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

BirdLife Castlemaine AGM – 4 May 2019

Posted on 18 April, 2019 by Ivan

BirdLife Castlemaine District Branch is holding their 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM). The meeting will follow the bird walk scheduled for Saturday 4 May at Muckleford Forest. Morning tea will be available from 11.00 am.

Owlet Nightjar at Moonlight Flat (photo by Frances Howe)

Birdlife Castlemaine District 2019 AGM
When: Saturday 4 May 2019 at 11.30 am
Where: 2356 Pyrenees Highway, Muckleford South VIC

Birdlife Castlemaine are keen for nominations for the committee. A nomination form for committee positions is can be obtained by emailing The positions vacant are Convenor, Secretary, Treasurer and general committee members. A proxy voting form is also available via email or print.

Nomination forms and proxy voting forms should be emailed to, or posted to:
Secretary, BirdLife Castlemaine District Branch, 9 Tingay Drive, Campbells Creek, VIC 3451

Nominations will also be accepted on the day of the AGM.

4 responses to “BirdLife Castlemaine AGM – 4 May 2019”

  1. Chris Hooper says:

    Can anyone who’s a member of Connecting Country go on the bird walk? Not sure that I’m a current member as maybe I haven’t heard about renewal???? If I can go on the bird walk, what time does that start?

    • Ivan says:

      Hello Chris, thanks for contacting us! You are most welcome to attend the bird walk prior to the AGM, and you don’t need to be a member to attend the walk. Best to email to see what time the birds walk starts, as I can’t find that information at the moment sorry. I’ll followup on your renewal also. Cheers

  2. Lisa says:

    Hi there. Where can I find out about the bird walk? I’m not a Castlemaine local or member of Bird Life, but I’d love to hear about how things are going, so can I attended the AGM too? Thanks.

    • Ivan says:

      Hello Lisa, thanks for the comment. It would be best to email for more information on the bird walk, or look them up on facebook. They post most information on facebook, or you can become a member and get their newsletter. thanks kindly

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