Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

24 July 2016 – Muckleford Landcare History Project

Posted on 20 July, 2016 by Connecting Country

The Muckleford Landcare Group will host a pleasant Sunday afternoon at 2 pm on July 24 2016 at the Muckleford Community Centre for people interested in contributing to a local history project.

There will be two special guest speakers:


Author of Footprints Across the Loddon Plains: a shared history, Paul Haw.

Paul Haw grew up on a family farm fronting the Loddon River at Yando, near Boort. Paul served as a National Servicemen in Vietnam where he almost lost his life. This experience and other factors inspired him to look more closely at the place where he lived, its history and its environment.

The result is an impressive book, Footprints Across the Loddon Plains: a shared history, co-written with Margaret Munro.

Paul will relate how he went about his research and what he learned. It is a fascinating and inspiring story.

Robyn Ballinger is an historian who lives in Maldon. Robyn has published an environmental history of the Victorian northern plains entitled An Inch of Rain: A water history of northern Victoria. Robyn undertakes writing, historical research, teaching, facilitation of community consultation, and preparation of heritage studies and significance assessments.

Robyn will introduce the meeting to the ways in which local history can be pursued and the resources available to the local historian.

There will be an afternoon tea followed by a chat about the particular interests of those attending, how they can be assisted in their endeavours and ways in which their stories can be shared and archived.

Members from other groups are most welcome to join us.

If you wish to attend or know more about the event, text or email Paul Hampton:

One response to “24 July 2016 – Muckleford Landcare History Project”

  1. Deb. Shaw says:

    Hello Paul,

    I have just read the email from Connecting Country about this wonderful event. My partner, Deb Wardle and I would love to attend.


    Deb Shaw

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