Mount Alexander Shire Council budget 2021-22: open for submissions
Posted on 5 May, 2021 by Asha
Now is your chance to have a say on the proposed Mount Alexander Shire Council (MASC) budget for 2021-2022, with submissions closing on 19 May 2021. Connecting Country would love to see more resources to support a healthy local environment. We have collaborated with MASC on several successful projects, and would be excited to see more opportunities for community projects such as weed and invasive species control, environmental education and landscape restoration in our region. Read on for details from MASC on how to contribute.

MASC helps fund some important community projects, such as the Butterfly Celebration Day in 2019 (photo by Ivan Carter)
Mount Alexander Shire Council budget now open for submissions
Mount Alexander Shire Council has now released the draft of their 2021-22 budget and submissions are called for by 19 May 2021. See below for the link to the draft budget.
The budget is now open for public submissions. Printed copies are also available for public inspection during opening hours at the Civic Centre in Castlemaine and Castlemaine Library.
Submissions must be in writing and be lodged by 5.00 pm on Wednesday 19 May 2021.
Please forward your submission titled 2021/2022 Budget to the Chief Executive Officer, Mount Alexander Shire Council, PO Box 185, Castlemaine 3450 Victoria or email
All submissions will be considered in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020. They should indicate whether the person, or a person acting on their behalf, wishes to be heard before Council.
Submissions will be heard at a Special Meeting of Council at 5.30 pm on Tuesday 25 May 2021.
Council will consider the 2021/2022 Budget at an Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 15 June 2021, starting at 6.30 pm. Both meetings are open to the public.
For more information contact Carolyn Ross, Executive Manager Business Performance, on 5471 1700.
Link to the draft budget: click here
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