Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Launch of our Reptile and Frog Monitoring Program

Posted on 6 April, 2016 by Asha

Connecting Country is thrilled to announce that we are commencing a new program to monitor native reptiles and frogs in the Mount Alexander region.  We aim to use these monitoring sites to assist the community in gaining some insight into the lives of our local reptile and frog populations, and understand which habitats different species prefer.

Garden Skink, Lampropholis guichenoti © Alison Pouliot

Garden Skink, Lampropholis guichenoti © Alison Pouliot Photography

During the next couple of months, we are seeking landholders who are interested in having me come out to their property to establish a small grid of artificial shelters (roof tiles), which are the main monitoring tool.  Landcare groups can also request a shelter grid on their project sites.  You will have input into where the shelters are placed. Each grid involves 10-20 roof tiles spread across an area of less than 50 metres by 50 metres.

A huge part of this project is involvement of local people, and we hope that you’ll be as excited about this as we are.  There will be opportunities for volunteers and landholders to be involved throughout.  After the shelters have been in place for 4-6 months, I’ll come back out to check them.  The shelters will then remain on the property as long as the landholders want them.  In the long run, we’ll provide support for volunteers, landholders and Landcare groups to continue monitor these sites themselves.

Another part of this program will be the development of a local guide to the identification of reptiles and frogs. This will focus on the species and habitats found in the Mount Alexander region.   More info to follow soon….

Expressions of Interest

If you’re potentially interested in having a reptile and frog monitoring site set up on your property, please fill out the form (CLICK HERE) and send it to If you have any questions, feel free to call me on 03 5472 1594 or email me at the address above.

If you are interested in getting involved in volunteering with the surveys, you can also fill out and return this form.

Asha Bannon
Reptile/Frog Monitoring Program Coordinator (and still also the Mount Alexander Region Landcare Facilitator!).

Connecting Country’s Reptile and Frog Monitoring Program is being undertaken with the support of the Ian Potter Foundation.

4 responses to “Launch of our Reptile and Frog Monitoring Program”

  1. Jill says:

    Hi Asha,

    This sounds like a fantastic project, best of luck! Hoping I can come and help out at some point.

  2. Karl says:

    Sounds like an exciting project Asha! Castlemaine Landcare recently began a monitoring and management program for a colony of Bibron’s Toadlet in Happy Valley. I put down some roofing tiles at the site a few months ago and have found Bibron’s beneath two of them, one of which has created a breeding burrow beneath the tile. I could send you the pics if you are interested.

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