Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Landcare video updates – Tarrangower Cactus Control Group

Posted on 11 February, 2021 by Asha

To complement the February 2021 Landcare Link-up, each Landcare/Friends group in the Mount Alexander region was invited to film a short video update to share their achievements with the community. As usual, Landcarers rose to the occasion! We will be sharing these videos through a series of blog posts, as well as screening them at the Landcare Link-up and uploading them to our Landcare page.

Our second video update is from the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group (aka Cactus Warriors!). Click here or scroll down to view their video, which tells us about their group and captures the fun and hard work of a typical cactus control field day. It certainly is inspiring and well put together.

The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group (TCCG) consists of Landcare volunteers dedicated to the eradication of Wheel Cactus (Opuntia robusta). TCCG, in conjunction with Parks Victoria, holds friendly and informal Wheel Cactus Control community field days to inform and demonstrate control techniques. These field days always end with a free BBQ lunch, cuppa and cake, as well as the opportunity to chat, exchange ideas and make contacts. It is a great opportunity to spend a rewarding morning outdoors, meeting neighbours and others who are concerned about preserving and improving our unique environment. Everyone is welcome, no previous experience is required and all equipment is supplied.

TCCG volunteers also provide advice and practical assistance to landholders, conduct trials of control methods and network with other Landcare and weed control groups, locally and nationally. TCCG raises awareness of the extent of the Wheel Cactus problem and its status as a Weed of National Significance through networking, regular articles in local newspapers and other media, pamphlets and participation in local community events.

If you would like to learn more about the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group or to get involved, visit their website at or email

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