Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Future Management of Barkers Creek

Posted on 10 July, 2012 by Connecting Country

Over 40 members of the Barkers Creek, Harcourt and North Harcourt communities met in the Harcourt ANA Hall on June 28.  The purpose of the meeting was to find out what is important to the local community about Barkers Creek and discuss the future management of the creek.

The evening started with delicious soup, bread and muffins provided by CAKE (Castlemaine Abundance Kitchen Enterprise).  A short presentation about Barkers Creek outlined some of the assets and the threats impacting on the creek, and then attendees were split into three groups to identify what they thought was important along their stretch of the creek

Barkers Creek Project Officer Michael Luke says “We were thrilled at the big turnout for the community workshop.  It was a fantastic evening and we ended up with around 25 ideas which will be used in the development of the Barkers Creek Local Action Plan”.

The Local Action Plan will help to plan the three local Landcare groups’ activities into the future, and also to assist in applying for grants and future funding opportunities.

For more information about the project, email or call 5472 1594.  If you are a landholder along the creek and have not contacted us – please get in touch.

One response to “Future Management of Barkers Creek”

  1. Neil Webster says:

    A suggestion for the Barkers Creek ideas meeting.
    Consider the building of a flood retarding basin on Barkers Creek to assist in preventing/reducing the flash flooding that has occurred in Castlemaine in the last two years.
    Neil Webster.

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