Eucalypt photo competition closes 22 July 2019
Posted on 18 July, 2019 by Ivan
A reminder for those interested in entering the The Threatened Species Recovery Hub’s Eucalypt photo competition to submit your entries as the competition closes on Monday 22 July 2019. Further information direct from the TSR Hub website below.
Spotlight on Eucalypts
Eucalypts are the iconic tree of the Australian continent. They are the foundation of many Australian ecosystems and also underpin important industries. Since European settlement many Eucalypt species have declined dramatically. The Threatened Species Recovery Hub is undertaking a nation-wide assessment of the conservation status of Australian eucalypt, which includes the genera Eucalyptus, Corymbia and Angophora. The assessment will help conservation managers to understand which species are at risk and will also underpin a national conservation action plan for Australian eucalypts. The project is being led by Associate Professor Rod Fensham at the University of Queensland.
Call for photos
To mark this significant milestone in eucalypt conservation the hub is holding a photo competition to celebrate the beauty and diversity of Australia’s eucalypts. We are looking for submissions in three categories:
1. Trees
2. Flowers and nuts
3. Features (bark, foliage or anything else of artistic merit)
The best photos will be included in the National Action Plan for Australian Eucalypts, an online photo exhibition and in other materials that promote the findings of the assessment and the national action plan. This could include stories on the hub website and social media, in presentations, factsheets, reports and media coverage related to this conservation research project.
The winner of each category will also receive a prize pack of the following books:
• Eucalyptus, the award winning novel by Murray Bail
• Eucalyptus: An Illustrated Guide to Identification by Ian Brooker and David Kleinig.
How to enter
The competition will be open until Monday 22 July 2019. Winners will be notified in late July.
Please click here for details on how to enter.

A river red gum (eucalyptus camaldulensis) at Simpsons Gap, Northern Territory. Photo: Jaana Dielenberg
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