Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Connecting Country 5-year Planning – Further Feedback Sought

Posted on 14 July, 2011 by Connecting Country

On the 27 June 2011, 20 enthusiastic community members from all across the shire braved the cold conditions to join Connecting Country at our quarterly Reference Group meeting.  After receiving an update on the progress of the current project, the attendees split into small groups to talk about possible answers to six important questions.  Each question centred on the themes of how Connecting Country is going at the moment, and what we should be aiming to achieve over the next 2-5 years.  Geoff Park and Krista Patterson-Majoor, our facilitators for the evening, helped keep the discussions focussed with a strictly enforced 6 minutes and 30 seconds per question!  Conversations continued afterwards at a more leisurely pace over coffee, sandwiches, cakes and other goodies.

A summary of the responses to each question can be viewed by clicking here.  The responses were insightful, wide-ranging and challenging.  Importantly, there was a consensus that Connecting Country does have a valuable ongoing role in the local area.  This meeting was an important first step in clarifying what that future role may be.

However, we are also very aware that the attendees represented a relatively small proportion of the overall community who has an interest in Connecting Country.  Therefore, we’re opening up the discussion to other thoughts, ideas and suggestions.  Or perhaps you may wish to elaborate, modify or challenge one or more of the responses already raised.  We would welcome your feedback either directly through email: or by filling out the form attached .  This form can then either be emailed or posted back to us here.  If you could have your responses back by 31 July, this would be greatly appreciated.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Expedition Pass

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