Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Grants to Voluntary Environment, Sustainability and Heritage Organisations

Posted on 13 July, 2011 by Connecting Country

Sustainability Victoria is currently providing grants under its program, Grants to Voluntary Environment, Sustainability and Heritage Organisations (GVESHO). Grants may be used to assist with salaries and salary on-costs for executive and administrative staff; office accommodation rental; electricity, gas, phone and other similar charges; essential office supplies and equipment; staff and volunteer training; photocopying and printing costs; and travel costs incurred on behalf of the organisation.

Grants are only for administration and equipment, not for specific programs, can be multi year (up to 3) and require a 50% cash or in kind contribution. More information can be found by clicking here or you can contact Janet Phillips from Sustainability Victoria on 0400 050 399 (mobile); (03) 5470 6525 (phone) or

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