Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Missed the 2015 Landcare Forum? See It Here

Posted on 24 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

combinedThe Mount Alexander Landcare Forum took place back in June this year, but it’s not too late to benefit from hearing what the presenters had to say (and sing) on the day.

Local videographer Jim Coad (Starfish Video) filmed each presenter at the forum and these have now been made available online via ‘Vimeo’. There are four videos from the Forum, covering the topics:

Each video goes for 30 – 40 minutes so you might not want to sit and watch them through. I would suggest turning up the volume and having a listen while you do the ironing  – or something like that!

Click on the titles of the videos in the text above to view them on Vimeo.

A big thank you to Jim for his filming and editing, and to the North Central CMA for making the Forum possible.









Volunteer Grants 2015 are OPEN

Posted on 18 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

The Australian Government is inviting organisations to apply for Volunteer Grants through an open process under the Strengthening Communities – Volunteering sub-activity. Funding is expected to be offered to around 5,700 organisations as a result of this process, with grants to be paid by 30 June 2016.

Volunteer Grants enable community organisations to apply for grants of up to $5,000 to purchase small equipment items to assist their volunteers, assist with the reimbursement of fuel costs incurred by volunteers (and transport costs for volunteers with disability who are unable to drive), and contribute towards the cost of training courses and background screening checks for volunteers.

Click here for more information and to download an application form.

Applications close at 2:00pm, Wednesday 9 December 2015  


Party Like A Cactus Warrior

Posted on 16 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

IMG_63841-eIt’s 10 years since the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group was officially formed.

On Sunday 29th November, instead of the usual field day, they’re holding a party to thank all of those who have volunteered and supported the group during that time.

Committee member Lee Mead says:

“We would like to invite all previous and current volunteers to help us celebrate all our achievements over the past 10 years. We’re planning a gourmet BBQ, and there’ll be cakes, games and prizes, of course.

Please join us at The Butts Reserve, Mt. Tarrangower Rd, Maldon, from 11:30am.

All you need to bring is a chair and your cold drink of choice.”

In my experience, the Cactus Warriors are never short of three things – humor, creativity and sausages. Hopefully all three will be on display at their birthday party!

You can learn more about the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group and the impacts of Wheel Cactus at the group’s website –

Cactus warriors enjoying a fun moment in 2006-web




How to Create Frog Friendly Habitats

Posted on 16 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

Renowned local ecologists, Elaine Bayes and Damien Cook have produced two terrific youtube videos:’Frogs and their Calls’  and ‘Frogs and their Habitats’. The information is well presented and relevant to our local area. Each goes for about 30 minutes. Click on each image below to view:




Draft MASC Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2019 – Open for Feedback

Posted on 11 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

The Mount Alexander Shire Council has just released the first draft of their Climate Change Action Plan 2015-2019 for public comment.  The written public comment period runs for four weeks from Tuesday 10 November 2015 to Tuesday 8 December 2015.  Further details are available on their website (click here) and a copy of the draft plan can be downloaded here (click here).

During the written comment period, Council officers will be available for a series of half hour meetings on Monday 30 November to discuss the draft.  To book a meeting, the council has requested that people and groups contact Dallas Giles, Healthy Environments Administration Officer, on or call 03 5471 1700.

As stated on their website, once the community input has been considered, a more developed draft will be released for final consideration by the community in early 2016.


Swift Parrots in the news

Posted on 10 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

A few Connecting Country members alerted us to a recent segment on the ABC science program, Catalyst, about the plight of Swift Parrots.

Swift Parrots are one of the iconic species of the Box-Ironbark region.  The Mount Alexander shire and surrounds is one of its favoured mainland foraging locations, and its particularly well known from the forests of Muckleford.  Local naturalist Deb Worland has released a short documentary video about the species – The Swift Parrots of Muckleford – and its often a focus of Natural Newstead blogs (click here).  On the mainland, it’s a migratory visitor during the winter months for non-breeding activities only.

All Swift Parrot breeding activity occurs in Tasmania during the spring-summer months, and this is where the Catalyst story focuses.  There is concern that the species could disappear entirely within 16 or so years without dramatic intervention.  While habitat loss, fragmentation and a scarcity of suitable hollow trees for nesting have long been known as threatening processes for the Swift Parrot, this program introduces a new threat.  I won’t give away the unexpected twist here, but I encourage you to watch the story online (click here for the Catalyst website).  (NB: However, it is worth noting that this is new threat is not relevant to the mainland foraging grounds of the Swift Parrot).


2015 Sustainable Agriculture Grants Open

Posted on 10 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

The Federal Government has announced a grant program to increase agricultural industry capacity and support the adoption of productive and sustainable practices.  Grants available from the National Landcare Programme Sustainable Agriculture Small Grants Round 2015-16 range between $5500 and $55,000 (GST inclusive)A range of activities may be eligible, including:

  • field days workshops, conferences
  • demonstration events or workshops
  • training or skill development sessions
  • community information or education sessions
  • development of decision-making tools
  • development of new information channels within the current knowledge system
  • conducting surveys.

 This small grants round supports the implementation of the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper.  Applications are invited from a range of entities, including farming systems groups, community groups and individuals to undertake projects across a variety of agricultural industries, across a variety of agricultural industries, including cropping, livestock, dairy, horticulture, pastoral, aquaculture and fisheries.  The application process closes at 2.00pm (AEDT) on Monday 7 December 2015.  Further information is available on their website (



Thank You to the Green Army Team Members

Posted on 9 November, 2015 by Connecting Country


The team, from L to R: Kate Tellefson, Lucas Teasdale, Mark Woods, Kieran Douglas, Luke Archer, Chris Kelly.  Absent: Julian Gatt-Menting, Ethan Hamilton-Keane, Kelsey Walsh, Aaron Dole, Ryan Gentle.

The Green Army team that has been working on Landcare projects in the Mount Alexander Shire and elsewhere across the North Central region over past six months finished up with a farewell BBQ on the 5th November 2015.

The BBQ was attended by Glen Terry from Manpower, who were the service providers for the project. Glen handed out certificates to each of the participants and congratulated everyone involved on the success of the project.

Under the supervision of Mark Woods, the team worked on a range of Landcare projects which included building fences, protecting heritage sites, wheel cactus injecting, drilling pines on Mount Alexander, tackling weeds on Barkers Creek and much more . Their help has been greatly appreciated.

Mark was such an excellent team leader that he has already been asked to lead another team further south, but being a Bendigonian we’re hoping he will return to our part of the world soon.

A big thank you must go to Anthony Gallacher from the Loddon Plains Landcare Network who coordinated the sixth month project.

Connecting Country is waiting to hear the outcome of our joint application to have two more teams working on Landcare projects in the Mount Alexander Shire throughout 2016.



Upcoming biodiversity events in November

Posted on 6 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

Here’s a selection of opportunities to learn and get involved in various biodiversity activities over the next few weeks.

Great Victorian Koala Count on Saturday 7 November 2015
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is hosting the Great Victorian Koala Count, and they’d love the community to get involved.  They are after citizen scientists (aka Koala counters) to contribute to this project, improving our knowledge of Koalas and where they are located in Victoria.  All you need to do is undertake a walk with family or friends and tell DELWP where you did and didn’t see Koalas.   To take part in the count, register online (click here) and then download the Great Victorian Koala Count smartphone app to record your findings on the day.

Butterfly Conservation talk on Friday 13 November 2015, and field day on Sat 14 Nov
The guest speaker for November’s Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club meeting is local ecologist Julie Whitfield.  The presentation commences from 7.30pm (13 Nov) in the chapel behind the Uniting Church on Lyttleton St.   Julie says, “I will discuss with the group the rare and threatened butterfly species of the region, with a particular focus on the Eltham Copper Butterfly conservation works of the past, I will also discuss briefly my travels overseas to learn about butterfly conservation programs.”.  All are welcome to attend, and there is no cost for entry.

Julie Whitfield - Presenting at Connecting Country's Fire and Biodiversity workshop earlier in 2015.

Julie Whitfield – Presenting at Connecting Country’s Fire and Biodiversity workshop earlier in 2015.

On the following day (14 Nov), Julie will also lead a field excursion, focusing on how to conduct a survey for Eltham Copper Butterflies and areas to target within Kalimna park.  She will provide data sheets and maps for future surveys.  Again, everyone is welcome.  Meet at the car-park for the Kalimna Park rotunda at 1.40pm (at the southern end of park, along Kalimna Tourist Rd).

Contact Max for further details (

Waterbug Workshop on Friday 20 November 2015
The North Central CMA is running a workshop for people with a particular interest in becoming a Community Volunteer Waterbug Monitors.  This a long-running program to monitor waterway health.  If this is something you would be interested in then this workshop is for you!  It is being held at Baringhup, along the Loddon River.  Further info is available in the flyer attached (click here), or fill in the Expression of Interest form (click here) and send it back to the North Central CMA or call 035448 7124 to register before Thursday 12 November 2015.

Eucalypt Symposium on Friday March 18, 2016
The Bjarne K Dahl Trust and the Royal Society of Victoria are presenting a one day symposium, ‘Conserving Eucalypts – The How and the Why’, highlighting eucalypt diversity and conservation. It aims to provide scientific insights to the future of Australian forests, woodlands and biota and to engage scientists, forest managers and anyone interested in the response of eucalypt forests and woodlands to environmental threats.  For more details, and to register, see the symposium website (Click here).

And some of the others….
Plus, there are the multitude of other events coming up that we’ve highlighted previously, including the rabbit control field day in Metcalfe on 22 November (click here), the Future Directions Conference: Food and Fibre Production and Environment being held in Bendigo on the 18th November (click here), and Andrew Skeoch’s Nature Sound Recording Workshop for Beginners being held in Newstead on 28-29 November (click here).


Position Vacant – Mount Alexander Landcare Facilitator

Posted on 4 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

landcareMany of you will have heard that the Mount Alexander Landcare Facilitator, Max Schlachter, has decided to resign to pursue other opportunities.   As Max said in his recent Landcare newsletter “It was a very difficult decision to make, but I think that now is the right time for me to hand over the keyboard to a new person. It’s been a wonderful job to do and I’m very grateful for the time that I’ve had in the position.”.  Max will finish in the role at the end of 2015.  Connecting Country thank him for his valued contributions to the role over the past 3-4 years.

We are sad to see Max go, but also it’s an exciting time for a new person to take on this important and full-filling role.  Connecting Country has a contract from DELWP to host this part-time role (0.6 FTE) through until 30 June 2016, and there is a good probability that this contract will be extended.

If you are interested in applying for this role, or know someone else who might be, a copy of the Position Description can be downloaded (CLICK HERE).  This contains more information about Connecting Country, the Landcare Facilitator role and its requirements.

Applications are due by 8pm Sunday 22 November 2015, and should include a brief cover letter, a resume and a short response to the Selection Criteria.  Applications are to be sent to or by post to Connecting Country, Landcare Facilitator Position – Confidential, PO Box 437, Castlemaine, VIC 3450.

If you have any questions about the role, contact Chris Timewell at the email address above, or call 03 5472 1594 during business hours.


Know your weeds and what to do with them!

Posted on 2 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

David Cameron stresses that proper identification of weeds is essential

David Cameron stresses that proper identification of weeds is essential

Did you know that there are at least 3 distinct species of Blackberry found in our area? Each of these have a different physiology and hence may require a different type of control. The importance of proper identification of weeds when deciding on appropriate management actions was stressed by DELWP Senior Botanist, David Cameron, at our “Back from the Brink” weeds workshop on Sunday 25 October 2015.

Alongside David, local contractor Matt McEachran, and Landcarers Frances Cincotta and Maurie Dynon shared their considerable wisdom and practical experience to help participants learn to identify weeds and the most appropriate techniques to managing them, from herbicide use to re-vegetation with native plants.

To find out more about the workshop session or to access some of the useful resources that were provided, please click here.

This workshop concludes our 2015 education program. If you missed out, summaries and resources from all sessions are provided in our education pages. Planning for the 2016 program is now underway – feel free to contact Krista on 5472 1594 or to offer your suggestions or to find out more.

The 2015 workshop program was supported by Connecting Country through funding from the Australian and Victorian governments.


Rabbit Control Field Day in Metcalfe – Sunday 22nd November

Posted on 30 October, 2015 by Connecting Country

222672-4cb64394-b7f6-11e3-9942-d7dbb3111cd3The Metcalfe Landcare Group and the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources (DEDJTR) are holding a field day to provide land owners with information and practical demonstrations on rabbit control methods.

The field day will include a talk by a rabbit control expert and demonstration of control techniques.

A flyer for the event can be downloaded HERE.

Please contact Debbie Farmer, Secretary at for further information.

IRabbit-guide-frontf you or your Landcare group would like resources on controlling rabbits, Connecting Country still has copies of the ‘Ute Guide to Rabbit Control’ that it produced in 2013.

It’s a nice easy-to-use guide that explains the different methods of rabbit control available, and what might be most suitable for your situation.

Contact Connecting Country at or 5472 1594 to arrange collection.


Why every kid needs a swamp. And why every swamp needs a kid.

Posted on 24 October, 2015 by Connecting Country

Sean Dooley, Editor of Australian Birdlife magazine and author of The Big Twitch, will talk about how important local wild spaces are for developing a sense of connection with nature. Growing up next to a suburban swamp may not be some people’s idea of an idyllic childhood but for Sean, the window into the wonders of the natural world that it opened up to him was to profoundly affect the rest of his life in some unexpected and sometimes amusing ways.

Which way did they fly?

What can you see in the reeds?

All are welcome to attend this free evening presentation hosted by Connecting Country on the evening of Tuesday 27 October 2015 at the Castlemaine Golf Course clubhouse (on Rilens Rd, Muckleford).  Sean’s talk will commence from 7.30pm, with locally-made vegie soup served with bread from 7pm.   RSVPs are preferred for catering purposes (contact

For Connecting Country members and other interested supporters, our AGM will be held beforehand from 6.30pm to 7pm.  A copy of the agenda is attached (click here).


Connecting Country’s 2015 Annual Report – Out Now

Posted on 22 October, 2015 by Connecting Country

Spring in central Victoria is a time of the year when plants are flowering and growing, woodland birds and other native fauna are busily raising the next generation, and – hopefully – the rain is falling and the creeks are flowing.Annual Report cover 2015

It’s also the time when Connecting Country looks back over the past 12 months and brings together some of the best stories and achievements.  This year’s Annual Report includes an original drawing on the cover from award-winning local author Trace Bella, a story from Muckleford landholders who have worked with the CC Works Crew to incorporate habitat restoration into their working farm, and well as updates and photos from all of our staff about other projects and programs – plus our aims for the year ahead.

A copy of the Annual Report is available for downloading (click here).  We hope you enjoy reading all that you have helped support!  We couldn’t have done it without you.

A small number of hard copies of the Annual Report will be available on the evening of the AGM.  Don’t forget to come along to this special evening, even if just to hear our guest speaker Sean Dooley.  As well as being chief editor of ‘Australian Birdlife’ magazine, a comedy writer and a regular bird-expert radio guest, Sean is also the author of The Big Twitch, Cooking with Baz and Anoraks to Zitting Cisticolas (an A to Z of Australian birds and birdwatching).  This celebratory evening event is being held on Tues 27 October at the Castlemaine Golf Course clubhouse (Rilens Rd, Muckleford).  The AGM commences from 6.30pm, yummy vegie soup is served after the AGM from 7pm, and with Sean speaking from 7.30pm.  Friends, family and other ‘non-members’ are welcome.  For more details, see our earlier blog (click here).


Camp Out 2015 – This is What it Looked Like

Posted on 20 October, 2015 by Connecting Country

The 2015 Landcare Camp Out on The Mount was held on Saturday 17th October. Below are a few snaps from the ‘pine purge” working bee, which is the essential part of the Camp Out.

A very impressive total of 300 Radiata Pine trees were cut down by the volunteers.

Special thanks go to Xavier and Stu from Mount Alexander Quality Tree Care who came to the working bee to provide some arboreal entertainment for the volunteers by felling two large old pine trees. The trees were about 40 metres tall – far too big for the volunteers to tackle with hand saws. They came down with a satisfying crash!

The Camp Out is a collaboration between Harcourt Valley Landcare Group, Parks Victoria and Connecting Country. It is organised by a group of volunteers from Harcourt and surrounding areas. This year’s Camp Out was generously supported by a donation form the Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests.



25 Oct 2015 – Cactus control day in Maldon area

Posted on 20 October, 2015 by Connecting Country

The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group will hold their next Community Field Day on Sunday 25th October.  They’ve invited people to join them if they’re a landholder and need to learn how to destroy this weed.  (And, of course, non-landholders are welcome as well).  The location is on the corner of Goughs Range Rd and Tarrangower School Rd, just a few kms southwest of Maldon. To get there go down Newstead Road and turn right at Goughs Range Road. The morning’s activities will begin at 10:30 am followed by a BBQ and friendly chat. If you have any queries please contact Ian on 0412 015 807 or check out their website (click here).


18 Nov 2015 – Future Directions Conference in Bendigo

Posted on 20 October, 2015 by Connecting Country

Bendigo TAFE have extended an invitation for locals to join as audience members in their upcoming Future Directions Conference: Food and Fibre Production and Environment.  The day will include leading industry speakers, covering topics such as the importance of innovation; energy saving in the future; using GPS technology and machine control and the link between fertiliser and Green House Gases (GHG).  A full agenda is to be released soon.

They have identified this as your opportunity to network and join the conversation about new and emerging developments in the food and fibre industries.

RSVPs are needed by the organisers at Bendigo TAFE by 11th November, with the actual event being held from 9.30am until 4pm on the 18th November.  It is being held at Restaurant 18eightyseven Bendigo TAFE, City Campus, Bendigo, and the cost of attendance is $85 (with lunch and refreshments provided).  To register, follow this link (click here).

Bendigo TAFE


Farewell to a comrade on Muckleford Creek

Posted on 19 October, 2015 by Connecting Country

Connecting Country Works Crew Member, Ned Brook, shares a moment from out on the job on the Muckleford Creek…

The Connecting Country Works Crew are out fencing along Muckleford Creek. The nearby cows are restless, they’ve been restless all morning. They’re young cows, perhaps they are just a little jittery. But these cows have been on this property for a while now, something is up.

Ned's cows

Ned’s cows

“Do you know what’s wrong?”

We say to one another.

“No, but they seem really uneasy.”

“I know, they’ve been like this all morning.”

“Yeah, I think something’s wrong, I just don’t know what.”

I continue with my work, fencing off these very cows from the creek bank that they use. Cows are lovely creatures but they are not selective; they will eat anything that’s green. The grass on the creek banks is usually greener, and stays greener for longer. So the cows will continuously graze until the grass, using all its energy to grow and stay alive, has had enough.

All of a sudden, the cows move through a gap in the fence where they can cross the creek. Their hard hooves and immense weight pass over the now bare soil on the creek bank. They push it further down, compacting it, and at times collapsing whole sections. If the situation persists the soil will slowly degrade and become weak and vulnerable.

The cows pass through the unhappy creek. You can tell it is unhappy because it hasn’t seen water for a long time, aside from the floods that carve whole sections off the vulnerable bank. Now the trees seem upset too with their gnarled roots exposed. This is why we are fencing this creek off, to give it a chance to rehabilitate and be happy again.

The cows move further away into the property, then take a sweeping left turn and move back toward the creek and stop. They all stop at once. I also stop, and stare.

In groups of two or three the cows move slowly forward, stare a long time at something on the ground, sniff some, then return to the group. It takes a while for me to realise what they are doing. One of their friends, their comrades, has fallen, passing away in the night due to some ailment. The cows have come to farewell a friend.


More Events in October and November

Posted on 14 October, 2015 by Connecting Country

2015-11_NatRecWs_ASIt’s a busy time of the year.  In addition to the other events noted for October 2015 in a previous blog (click here), Connecting Country’s upcoming AGM (click here for details!) and the Landcare Campout on the Mount (click here), we’ve also been made aware of other upcoming events and activities occurring in the region which are related to landscape restoration and habitat management.  A selection of these are summarised below.

Nature Sound Recording for Beginners
Andrew Skeoch is running a Nature Sound Recording for Beginners workshop 28 and 29 November 2015 in Newstead. A great skill to learn for Landcarers and nature studies.  Follow this link for further details (click here).

Native Fish Recovery Scientific Forum
The North Central CMA is hosting the Native Fish Recovery Scientific Forum, to be held at the Cohuna Bowling Club on the Thursday 22nd October 5:30 pm -9:00 pm.  The event will be facilitated by Siwan Lovett from the Australian Rivers Restoration Centre , with presentations from social researcher Alan Curtis from Charles Sturt University, research scientist Craig Boys from NSW Fisheries, and Les Perkins from the Farmers Conservation Alliance in Oregon, USA.  For more info, including RSVP details, see the attached flyer (click here).

Bee Keeping
Daniel BeeShepherd is a local who has recently been helping Connecting Country with advice and suggestions about management options for bees that have taken over natural tree hollows and nest boxes.  As an alternative to poisoning, Daniel promotes the re-homing of feral bee colonies into managed hives within urban gardens.  If you are interested in learning more about keeping bees in your garden, he is running a workshop series at the Kyneton Community Centre starting from Monday 19 October.  The attached flyer has more information about this education workshop series (click here), and you can also visit Daniel’s website (click here).  The October issue of the Chewton Chat newspaper has an article about Daniel’s removal of bees from a recently fallen tree near Golden Point Rd (see page 24).

Bird Week in the Macedon Ranges
The Macedon Ranges Shire Council have a number of events planned as part of Aussie Bird Week, including a talk on Sat 17 October about Birds of Prey and another presentation on the 22 October about the local birds are most at risk of extinction and those have already been lost.  Follow this link for further information (click here).



27 Oct 2015 – Connecting Country’s AGM

Posted on 13 October, 2015 by Connecting Country

Connecting Country members and supporters are invited to join us on the evening of Tuesday 27 October 2015.   We have our Annual General Meeting (AGM), a special guest speaker and a light meal.  It’s also a chance to catch up with CC staff, committee and other friends.  It’s being held at the clubhouse of the Castlemaine Golf Club on Rilens Rd (just off the Pyrenees Hwy, between Castlemaine and Newstead).

The formalities of our AGM are being held first, from 6.30pm until 7pm.  A copy of the agenda is attached (CLICK HERE).

If you are a Connecting Country member, then:

  • You are entitled to vote on any and all relevant agenda items.  If you are unable to make it to the AGM, but still wish to vote, then proxy forms are available.
  • You are also able to nominate to join the Connecting Country committee.  If you are interested in applying to join the committee, you are encouraged to contact the current president – Brendan Sydes – to talk more about what is involved in being on the committee, and the opportunities that are available (

From about 7pm until 7.30pm, a light meal will be provided.  Locally made vegetarian soups and bread will be provided, along with tea, coffee and other drinks.

AGM guest speaker Sean Dooley

AGM guest speaker Sean Dooley, with a feathered friend

From 7.30pm, we will launch the new component of our woodland birds program, followed by a presentation by Sean Dooley from Birdlife Australia.  Many of you will know of Sean either through his editorship of the Australian Birdlife magazine, as a regular contributor to ABC and community radio programs on all things ‘bird’ or as the author of ‘The Big Twitch’ (click here), which is one of my favourite books. His is also a very entertaining raconteur, being involved in comedy for many years as a contributing writer to TV shows such as Spicks and Specks.

To ensure sufficient catering and seating, it is preferred if you could send your RSVP to me if you’re planning to come along (  Also send an email or call me if you are unsure if you are a member; if you’d like a committee nomination form or a proxy form; or if you’d like a copy of the 2014 AGM Minutes or 2014-15 Financial Statements to read before the meeting.

Chris Timewell, Director.