30 Aug 2015 – Wheel Cactus Injecting Day
Posted on 25 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
Tony Kane from the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group has let us know that they are holding their monthly working bee on Sunday 30th August at a property on the extension of Tarrengower School Road off Watersons Road. Follow the signs from the corner of the Maldon-Bridgewater Road and Watersons Road, on the north-western side of Maldon. CLICK HERE for more information from their flyer.
It starts at 10.30 am, and finishes with a BBQ and drinks at lunchtime. Everyone is welcome to join in the control of this noxious pest. Instructions and equipment provided on the day.
Celebrating a 10th Anniversary in the grasslands of northern Victoria
Posted on 17 August, 2015 by Connecting Country
The good people of the Northern Plains Conservation Management Network are celebrating their 10th anniversary. With guest speakers, a visit to a specially protected Grassy Ecosystem on private property and a catered morning tea and lunch, they’ve invited us all to join the milestone festivities.
The Northern Plains CMN is located in the central part of the north of Victoria. It was established in 2005 with the aim to bring together all those involved with and interested in the management and conservation of grasslands and grassy woodlands in the north central area.
Their special event is being held on Friday 4th September 2015, from 10.30am to 3.30pm, in Terrick Terrick East. Further information is available in this flyer (click here).
To attend the event, an RSVP to the North Central CMA is essential (by 5 pm Tuesday 1 September on 03 5448 7124 or email info@nccma.vic.gov.au).
The ‘Landcare Trailer’ is back in business
Posted on 9 April, 2015 by Connecting Country
The Landcare trailer has been in a ‘transition phase’ since October last year when the Mount Alexander Shire Council decided that they could no longer house it and Connecting Country said that they would take it on.
And now, like a strangely patterned reptile emerging from hibernation, the trailer is ready to go out into the world again.
It has had a going over by a mechanic; it’s been hosed out; it’s got a shiny new number plate and a new adapter. The only thing still missing is a coat of paint!
The Landcare trailer can be used by Landcare and Friends groups in the Mount Alexander region who would like to use it on a group project. It can also be used by landholders who are undertaking a project that is supported by Connecting Country. In the past the trailer has found most use at planting days where its 400 litre water tank, buckets, mattocks, mallets and other tools come in very handy.
The full list of equipment that the trailer contains can be found on the ‘Landcare Trailer’ page of the Connecting Country website. While you’re there take a look at the other resources that are available for loan to groups such as wildlife cameras, binoculars and bird guides, GPS units, market stall tent and more.
If your group would like to borrow the trailer contact Max at max@connectingcountry.org.au or 5472 1594. Its new home is the Connecting Country depot on Campbell Street, Castlemaine – only a block or two from it’s previous address.
28 March 2015 – Mysterious, Mosquito-munching Micro-bats!
Posted on 16 March, 2015 by Connecting Country
Newstead Landcare’s first presentation for the year will be on Saturday 28th March at 3pm by Dr Lindy Lumsden, a wildlife ecologist at Arthur Rylah Institute. The talk will be at the Newstead Community Centre and everyone is welcome to attend (gold coin donation appreciated to help cover our costs). Connecting Country is supporting this educational event.
Lindy has been conducting ecological research on bats for over 30 years. Although based in Victoria, her research has also taken her to remote areas of Australia, such as Christmas Island, and to many countries overseas such as Central and South America, Krakatau, Taiwan, New Zealand, Europe, South Africa and Swaziland.
Bats play an important role in controlling insect numbers, including a range of pest species, by eating up to half their body weight in insects in a night. However, due to their small size, nocturnal behaviour and cryptic roosting habits, these valuable animals are rarely seen and are often portrayed negatively in the media.
Lindy is passionate about trying to reverse these negative perceptions and conducts a wide range of extension activities to educate and enthuse people about the bats. In her talks she describes fascinating and little known aspects of the natural history of these nocturnal creatures. As most people do not have the opportunity to see bats close up, she brings along a live bat to show at the end of her talk.
After the talk Lindy will take a group of 35 lucky people to Green Gully to demonstrate how she goes about discovering what bats are in an area. She will be setting up bat traps and using a bat detector and then we will have a picnic meal (bring your own picnic) while waiting for dusk when the bats start getting active. It’s free for Newstead Landcare members, otherwise $15 a head, children free. There are still a few places left so if you are interested contact Frances Cincotta phone 5476 2691 or email <natives@newstead.vicmail.net>
Back from the Brink
Posted on 14 October, 2014 by Connecting Country
Participants at our sixth workshop session on October 5th 2014 reeled off a lengthy list. The most despaired over were spiny rush, gorse, blackberry, bridal veil creeper, bent grass, crack and basket willows, quaking grass, wheel cactus, capeweed, and all manner of thistles. The list may have lengthened as the day progressed, but at the end of the session we certainly had a greater understanding of their ecology, control and management, if not an overall view of the place of weeds in the restoration story.
Whilst the noisy hot rods and ‘chopped’ vehicles did laps of the nearby Newstead racecourse, our group visited three local sites to look at “before” and “after” weed control sites and heard some of the challenges of working with riparian zones and creek-lines. These sites are usually the most compromised sites, but also the most potential value for biodiversity. Farmer Adrian Sartori and Landcare stalwart Maurie Dynon (Guildford-Upper Loddon Landcare), Pat Radi-Mansbridge (Bushco Land Management), Patrick Kavanagh (Newstead Landcare) and Botanist David Cameron (Arthur Rylah Institute, DEPI) shared their experiences and practical knowledge of weed ecology and management with us.
Thanks to all our presenters, the Sartori family for hosting us at the Strangways site and to Newstead Landcare Group’s Patrick Kavanagh for introducing us to two significant Newstead sites. Also thanks to the Newstead Mens’ Shed who manned the Rotunda park BBQ for us.
To find out more about the session, including a view of the day from participant Deb Wardle, go to the corresponding page in the Education Program, where you will also find resources and images from the day. For more information, contact janet@connectingcountry.org.au or 5472 1594.
This was the last session of the 2014 series. Thanks to all who contributed, either in planning, participating, presenting, assisting and hosting. We will be running the program, in a similar format, again next year.
28 Sept 2014 – Landcare Golf Day
Posted on 4 September, 2014 by Connecting Country
Members of all Landcare and Friends groups across the Shire are invited to a Landcare Golf Day on 28 September to celebrate Landcare. The day has been organised by Muckleford Catchment Landcare Group, and is being held at the Castlemaine Golf Club in Muckleford.
The 9 hole game will be followed by a light lunch and drinks in the clubhouse. There will also be activities for children, talks from bird experts during the game and weeding activities along Bassett Creek after lunch.
You can find further details by clicking on the flyer to the left. Bookings are essential.
Talking Landcare in the Midland Express
Posted on 3 September, 2014 by Connecting Country
Have you read the Midland Express this week?
Mount Alexander Region Landcare groups got a big boost this week with the publication of a full 2-page spread in the Midland Express newspaper called ‘Talking Landcare’ (see pages 32 and 33 in the 2 Sept 2014 edition).
The articles demonstrate the vibrancy of the local Landcare movement, and will hopefully generate some more interest and new members. Thank you to all of the groups that contributed ideas and content at the July 2014 Landcare Link-up event.
And a big thank you to Newstead Natives, Regional Vic Farm Services, Rewells Mower Service, Maine Environmental Services, Pyrenees Quarries and SureGro for their advertising support which made the Landcare feature possible.
Make sure you get your hands on a copy of Express this week to check it out!
Shire’s Community Grants Scheme Open Now
Posted on 13 September, 2013 by Connecting Country
The Mount Alexander Shire Council recently announced the opening of its 2013 Community Grants Scheme. The round closes on Friday 11 October 2013.
Grants of $500 to $3,000 are available in the category of Sustainability and Natural Environment.
The stated aim of the Sustainability and Natural Environment community grant component is to assist the community to implement the Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Environment Strategy 2010-2014 (available HERE) – so it is well worth taking a look at this document before you apply.
These grants are particularly well suited to Landcare and Friends groups working in the Mount Alexander Shire, whose projects normally align directly with the ‘Land & Biodiversity’ objectives of the Shire’s Environment Strategy (Pages 12 & 22).
Application forms and guidelines for the grants can be found at the Shire’s website – Click Here. Public information sessions about the grants will be held in Castlemaine and Maldon on the 11th and 12th September – see the Council’s website for times and locations.
For more information contact Glenn Menner, Manager Community Development on 5471 1818
Rural Property Theft Awareness and Prevention Signage
Posted on 6 February, 2013 by Connecting Country
Nuggetty Land Protection Group will launch their Rural Property Theft Awareness and Prevention signage at a community morning tea in the Maldon Community Centre, 3 Francis Street, Maldon on Saturday 23rd February commencing at 9am. The launch will see the unveiling of signs developed in response to issues raised at a Livestock & farm theft meeting held by the group in Maldon in July 2012 and attended by community members from across the local area and surrounds. Continue Reading »
Community Landcare Grants Now Open
Posted on 4 February, 2013 by Connecting Country
Community Landcare Grants ranging between $5,000 and $50,000 are available to support local sustainable agriculture and community engagement projects, as part of the Australian Government’s $2.2 billion Caring for our Country initiative.
Community Landcare Grants aim to help:
- build a skilled and capable Landcare community
- encourage community participation and engagement in Landcare
- share information and learning’s in sustainable agricultural techniques
- reduce the spread of pest species
- encourage the adoption of improved sustainable land management practices
Organisations involved with Landcare, professional farming systems or Indigenous groups are encouraged to apply.
Applications close at 5pm (AEDT) on 20 March 2013. More information including application forms can be found here.
Farm Tree and Landcare Association Newsletter
Posted on 6 December, 2012 by Connecting Country
The latest edition of the Farm Tree & Landcare Association newsletter is now available. It includes information on a wide range of Victorian grants, events and environmental items including how to recycle your mobile phone in order to save African gorillas.
21 Oct 2012 – Free Campbells Creek Event
Posted on 17 October, 2012 by Connecting Country
Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare Group has organised a Free Community Event for Saturday 21 October.
This is a family day for people to relax and enjoy themselves with a variety of activities and a chance to see hidden parts of the creek and celebrate the progress that has been made.
For more information click here.
Victorian Landcare Program – Draft Strategic Plan
Posted on 12 June, 2012 by Connecting Country
The Victorian Government is in the process of deciding how best it will support Landcare in the future. As such they’ve developed a draft strategic plan for the Victorian Landcare Project and would like community feedback on the plan. The excerpt below is from the Victorian Landcare Gateway website:
The Victorian Landcare Program (VLP) is the title of the program of support provided to Landcare by the Victorian Government and managed by the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE). Given the current action plan for Landcare is due to finish this year, it’s a good time to develop a new direction for the Government’s program of support for Landcare into the future. Once finalised, the VLP will be refreshed to align with the new Strategic Plan.
If you would like view the draft plan and/or contribute your thoughts, click here. Submissions will be accepted until 30 June 2012.
New Landcare Facilitator for Mount Alexander
Posted on 27 February, 2012 by Connecting Country
Connecting Country has received a $204,600 share of the Victorian Government’s
$12 million Victorian Local Landcare Facilitator Initiative grant to provide local Landcare support up to June 2015. And, following a rigorous interview process, Connecting Country is happy to announce that Max Schlachter has commenced as the Landcare Facilitator for the Mount Alexander region. Max comes to the position with a background in environmental science and forest ecosystem science. Over many weeks in 2011 and 2012, Max also volunteered with Connecting Country to produce the recently launched local action plan for Forest Creek.
There are more than 30 Landcare and ‘Friends’ groups active in the Mount Alexander Shire and immediate surrounds. They undertake projects across the landscape which improve degraded farmland, create habitat for native animals and plants, improve soil and river health, and educating the community about their local environment.
Max’s role will be to assist Landcare and Friends groups in the Shire to achieve their goals. This may include helping to gain funding from government and non-government sources, produce strategic local area plans and action plans and also to link groups with each other and with useful information. For some groups, this may be a great opportunity to re-invigorate their efforts with the extra bit of assistance available. For others, it might be an opportunity to expand their network and enhance their existing projects.
If you would like to know more about what Landcare does, or to find out what is happening in your area, contact Max by email at max@connectingcountry.org.au or by phone on 5472 1594 or visit the Connecting Country website (http://connectingcountry.org.au/landcare/).