Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Soils workshop with Katie, Hugh and NCCMA

Posted on 1 December, 2016 by Connecting Country

On Wednesday the 30th November 2016, Connecting Country was proud to partner with the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) to provide an soils health workshop as a extension to our Farm Field Day held in August. Sixteen attendees were taken through the soils guide which was developed by the NCCMA to help people to conduct tests on their soil to survey for soil health. Katie and Hugh Finlay, from the Mount Alexander Fruit Gardens, kindly hosted the event on their orchard in Harcourt and shared their understanding and land management practices in relation to soil health.

Mandy Coulson (NCCMA) and Martin Hamilton (Department of Agriculture) lead participants through the guide which aims to give landholders a quick and easy group of soil tests they can do on their patch. It’s intended that these results become baseline information for soil health. Katie and Hugh grounded this exercise with the story of land management practice change on their orchard, current practice and resultant soil health.

Connecting Country has copies of the soil guide available from their office at the Hub – feel free to drop by and pick one up. Another great resource for people interested in soils is the The Brown Book website hosted by the Corangamite CMA.






Wildlife friendly garden workshop with Cassia Read

Posted on 28 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

Among exuberant flowers and darting pollinator insects, twenty people gathered in Cassia Read’s Castlemaine garden on Saturday the 19th November 2016 to learn about wildlife friendly gardening. Cassia’s mission for the workshop was to inspire and inform people about how to nudge their gardens in a wildlife friendly direction. Cassia suggested elements that could be added to any garden to make it more biodiverse, whatever the gardeners needs and values.


Cassia (left) talked about how we could all nudge our gardens in a wildlife friendly direction.

Cassia explained that she’s passionate about wildlife friendly gardens because life in the garden brings beauty and joy; it fosters a connection between people and nature; and, because gardens can provide a refuge for wildlife in a changing climate.

A garden is a community of plants and animals, living together and interacting with each other. Cassia introduced the concept of garden community ecology with a drawing of a food-web in her own garden. This illustrated how energy, harvested from the sun by plants, moves up the food chain; from pollinating and leaf eating insects and seed and nectar eating birds, through predatory insects, reptiles, frogs, small bush birds, bats and phascogales, to larger carnivores such as kookaburras and boobook owls.


Foodweb in Cassia’s garden, showing ‘who eat’s what’ and the movement of energy harvested by plants from the sun, up the food chain to larger predators (Illustration by Cassia Read).

Cassia drew attention to the importance of insects in bringing wildlife to the garden, because many of the larger vertebrates either eat insects directly or they eat the insect predators. Even small honey-eaters supplement much of their diet with insects living in the tree canopy.

Cassia invited participants to spend a moment quietly observing life in the garden in two different locations, using two different ways to observe: an unfocussed, dreamy gaze that allows you to see all the movement in the garden with your peripheral vision; and a focused gaze to see the detail of particular species and individuals going about their daily lives. Cassia commented that observation is the key to wildlife friendly gardening. The more you look, the more you learn and enjoy and are inspired to create a living landscape around you.

Cassia discussed the spectrum of garden styles that range between pavement and bushland, with biodiversity in the garden increasing as you moved from a low diversity, simplified landscape like a park, through to a garden with different vegetation layers, different micro-habitats and more indigenous species.


Spectrum of garden styles, from pavement to bushland, with garden biodiversity increasing with complexity of vegetation structure, micro-habitats and indigenous plantings (illustration by Cassia Read).

During the guided tour around her half acre block, Cassia discussed elements she has added to her garden to create shelter and food for wildlife. Standing around her small pond, participants discussed how the creation of even a small pond, planted with local water plants, brings frogs, dragonflies, aquatic invertebrates and a place for quiet reflection and observation. Other important elements included:


Cassia’s pond has Pobblebonk tadpoles but no mosquito larvae because she’s introduced native Murray Rainbow Fish that eat wrigglers but not frogs eggs.

  • Growing indigenous and exotic flowers for native pollinators such as native bees, wasps, hoverflies and butterflies. Through extending the flowering season with thoughtful planting you can extend the time nectar and pollen are available to pollinators;
  • Planting dense and prickly shrubs where small bush birds can hide from cats and aggressive or predatory birds;
  • Building leaf litter, mulch and woody debris for insect habitat, which in turn provide food for ground foraging birds, reptiles, frogs and phascogales;
  • Adding nest-boxes and artificial hollows to trees for birds and bats – but watch out they aren’t placed too high or you won’t be able to evict Indian Miners and other wanted pests;
  • Planting a drought-tolerant native lawn that provides food and shelter for moth and butterfly larvae, and seed for native pigeons and Diamond Firetails;
  • Creating varied rocky habitats for basking lizards, including rock on soil and rock on rock. Also, pupae from ant colonies that live under the rocks are an important food source for ground foraging predators.

The workshop concluded in the shade of a gum tree, with an exercise and conversation about nudging our own gardens for wildlife. What more could we do and what were our barriers? Cassia guided participants to think about their gardens in terms of management zones, from high maintenance and input zones such as the small orchard, to low maintenance and input zones such as areas of drought-hardy, native shrubs planted for screening at the front of a block.

Thanks to all attendees for coming along, and to Cassia and Melanie Marshall from the Mount Alexander Shire Council for their work presenting and bringing this event into fruition. Much was learned from Cassia’s unique perspective on how to build a garden and engage with nature.

For further information visit our Wildlife Friendly Garden webpage here.

This workshop has been supported by Connecting Country, through funding from the Australian Government and the Mount Alexander Shire Council through their Sustainable Living Workshop Series.



Fantails and Button-quails on the Metcalfe Bird Walk

Posted on 23 November, 2016 by Tanya Loos

On the 6th of November 2016, Connecting Country’s monthly bird walk was at Metcalfe Nature Conservation Reserve, or “the Common”. We met at the Metcalfe Hall, and some twenty of us were delighted to hear that locals, Brian and Kate Hamond, had something special they wished to share.

Safe and sound, photo by Maeve Boyle

Safe and sound, photo by secondary school student Maeve Boyle

A large roll of wire in the Hamond’s open shed proved an excellent nesting spot for a pair of Grey Fantails. As we all gathered around, binoculars in hand, we were delighted to observe the pair swap over egg brooding duties. They seemed unconcerned by our presence, and Brian said he has been able to go about his usual business in the shed without disturbing the fantails. Many thanks to Brian and Kate for this exciting start to the morning.

We set off to the Common and the excitement continued – for the moment Greg Waddell opened the car door, we were stunned to get very good views of a small quail-like species as it walked and then flew away into the woodland. A rather technical discussion of Button-quail identification followed using a couple of bird books. We decided that the Pizzey and Knight field guide is most useful in these situations, as it has the key identifying feature in italics.  It was agreed that the bird was a Little Button-quail, rather than the more common Painted Button-quail. Little Button-quails are being seen increasingly in Eastern Australia after these record-breaking rains and – although rarely seen – they are on our local bird-checklist-for-the-mount-alexander-region.

The highlight birds seen along the Ridge Track were probably the Rufous Whistlers, calling incessantly from the canopy. A quiet spot that morning, we saw just 13 species along the track. The wildflowers were stunning however – thick masses of flowering Chocolate Lilies and Yam Daisies.

We traveled around the Goldfields Rd to the more lush areas on the lower slopes of the Reserve, and did a Twenty Minute 2 Hectare count as we walked up the slope and we saw 9 species. The birds were a bit hard to see due to the lush and abundant growth on the Yellow Box and Grey Box. Again, the wildflowers were a treat- with Chocolate Lilies and Bulbine Lilies in huge drifts. Thanks to Maeve for being our scribe.

wet-wet-spring-639We also saw a white form of Chocolate lily! This is not an albino – just a colour variation. You may have noticed some white forms yourself – such as Wax-lip Orchids, and also more recently, Bluebells (Wahlenbergia).

Our Bird Walks usually finish up at about 11:30am, but this time we travelled back to the Metcalfe Hall and I gave a short Powerpoint presentation on the birds of the Metcalfe area.

It was a very enjoyable morning, and I would like to thank Debbie Farmer, Secretary of Metcalfe Landcare, for organising the Hall and publicising the event locally. It was fantastic to have some beginner birdwatchers there!

Smiles in the woodland, pic by Tanya Loos

Smiles in the woodland, photo by Tanya Loos


Wednesday 30th November – Soils workshop with Katie Finlay and NCCMA

Posted on 14 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

soils-guideFollowing on from our Farm Field Day in August, Connecting Country is working with North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) to run a short workshop about soils in Harcourt.

During this workshop participants will hear from Katie Finlay from Mt Alexander Fruit Gardens about their property and the role soil  health plays in their farming system. Practical instruction from Mandy Coulson (NCCMA) and soil scientist Rebecca Mitchell will take participants through a series of soil tests in the recently launched Soil Health Guide to measure health on your land.

If you’d like to come along, the free workshop will run from 10 – 11.30am on Wednesday November 30th 2016.


To reserve your place at this event, please follow this link:

For more information contact Naomi on 5472 1594 or email


Nature News November – Eltham Copper Butterflies, a summer highlight

Posted on 3 November, 2016 by Connecting Country

For this month’s Nature News, found on page 31 in this week’s Midland Express (2nd November 2016), local ecologist Elaine Bayes shares her interest and knowledge of the incredible life cycle and local community efforts to protect one of our special endangered species, the Eltham Copper Butterfly. 

The very pretty Eltham Copper Butterfly. Photo by Elaine Bayes

The very pretty Eltham Copper Butterfly. Photo by Elaine Bayes

As the weather starts to warm up, from November to March each year, Eltham Copper Butterflies will emerge from underground caterpillars. This small and endangered butterfly is endemic to Victoria where it was once widely distributed.  Eltham Copper numbers have declined due to land clearing and inappropriate fire regimes, to a point where they were believed to be extinct in the 1950’s.  They were rediscovered in Eltham in 1986.  These butterflies are currently listed as endangered in Victoria and nationally.

The reason I am fascinated with Eltham Coppers is they have a weird and wonderful and totally dependent three-way relationship with Notoncus ant species and Sweet Bursaria plants. Notoncus ants are nocturnal ants which live underground including at the base of Sweet Bursaria plants.  Eltham Coppers lay their eggs at the base of a Sweet Bursaria plant and once hatched the larvae is guided into the ant nest and protected.  The larvae over-winters in the nest and ants lead them out to graze at night exclusively on the leaves of Sweet Bursaria.  In return, the ants feed on sugars which are excreted by the larvae’s honeydew gland.

The Eltham Copper Butterfly and it’s attendant ants in the Sweet Bursaria. Photo by Damien Cook

The Eltham Copper Butterfly and it’s attendant ants in the Sweet Bursaria. Photo by Damien Cook

How does that happen?  How can they train ants to carry them to bed and take them out to dinner and keep them safe?  Its quite complex and includes production of a range of chemicals and pheromones which makes the ant think they are one of their brood and need looking after and protection.  It doesn’t end there, as pupae and larvae also make a range of noises which trick the ants into not recognising them as a threat and even protecting them.

The four known Eltham Copper populations across Victoria are now totally separate. This means that butterflies are no longer able to move between populations to exchange genetic material and make them more resilient to disease.  The Castlemaine population is centred in four main areas in our local parks. Ensuring that these areas are protected from prescribed burning, inappropriate development or invasion by weeds is critical for their long term survival.  As is finding and protecting new populations.  The Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club and Friends of Kalimna Park have protected local populations for decades by removing woody weeds, monitoring populations and negotiating with the state government on fire regimes.

Thanks to this community effort we have the largest stronghold of Castlemaine Copper Butterflies in Victoria – well that’s what I think they should be called!


Nature News October 2016 – Make it and wildlife will come

Posted on 4 October, 2016 by Connecting Country

For this month’s Nature News, on page 26 in this week’s Midland Express (4th October 2016) local ecologist and garden designer, Cassia Read shares come of her insights from creating a wildlife friendly garden. While Connecting Country encourages you to use locally native plants where possible, Cassia has found that all sorts of flowering plants can provide useful habitat. 


Cassia’s garden plays host to a range of local wildlife and plant species.

Striding around the corner of a friend’s Newstead house today my eyes suddenly met the steady gaze of a Grey Shrike-thrush sitting on her eggs. She’d made her home in a basket nailed to the wall, within arms-reach from where I stood. She wasn’t bothered by comings and goings of her human neighbours.

Thrush’ sing exquisite songs in my own Castlemaine garden. I was instantly inspired to hang baskets around my house to encourage more of these birds.

I am fascinated by the possibilities of gardens that meet both needs of the people and the local birds, lizards and butterflies. In these days of a changing climate, urban gardeners can support a host of local wildlife with food, shelter and water. It just takes some thought and a little time spent pottering in the garden.

In my own garden, I’m not aiming to restore bushland or even to create a picturesque bush garden. I grow fruit, veggies and some nostalgic flowers from my childhood. I welcome cool summer shade from deciduous trees. How do I balance my needs with those of wildlife?

I find comfort and direction in considering the spectrum of home garden styles in Castlemaine, ranging between easy-care concrete and bushland gardens that meld with local Box Ironbark Forest. Wherever a garden is positioned on this pavement-to-bushland spectrum, it can be nudged in a more wildlife friendly direction.

For instance, some grass provides a place for magpies to fossick where a pavement is void of life; old style flowers provide nectar for butterflies while ornamental cultivars bred for show are nectarless; a corner planting of dense shrubs is better for Blue Wrens and Thornbills than a park-like lawn that stretches from house to fence; a dry stone wall provides shelter for hibernating Marble Geckos where cemented walls are pure architecture.

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink…. Make it and wildlife will come.

Gardens with wildlife hum with energy and interest. Spotted Pardalotes dipping in a bird bath and Blue Banded Bees darting amongst the Rosemary flowers bring spontaneous joy. Today I’m planting colourful salvias for my girls to pick and Eastern Spinebills to feed on. Tomorrow I’ll scatter basking rocks for lizards. Not big steps, but nudges in a wildlife direction.

Cassia will be showcasing her garden as part of Connecting Country’s Education Program and the Mount Alexander Sustainable Living Workshop Series on Saturday the 22nd of October at 10.30am (Please note this as a correction to starting time information published in the Midland Express on October 4th).

For more information about attracting wildlife to your garden visit the “Wildlife Friendly Gardens” page of our resources section (click here).


Mount Alexander Schools Landcare Days 2016

Posted on 28 September, 2016 by Asha

There were students as far as the eye could see; sorting through macro invertebrates, feeling the soil, looking for birds and building nests. Over three Tuesdays in September 2016, close to 380 Grade 5/6 students from 15 primary schools in the Mount Alexander region attended Connecting Country’s Schools Landcare Days. The idea developed at a Landcare Link-up last year, as a way to engage kids and their families with the environment around them. As all the locals know, we’ve had an amazing amount of wet weather lately, which meant that two out of three of our Schools Landcare Days were held at the Harcourt Leisure Centre, and one at Vaughan Springs on a rare sunny day.


Students learning about different soil types with Brendan Smith

The activities each day were designed to teach students about natural processes and cultural heritage, and to encourage them to think of ways they can apply this knowledge to look after their local area. The wonderful Patrick Wilson from Doxa Youth Camp in Malmsbury came to all of the days, and maintained an infectious energy for aquatic ecosystems and macro invertebrates. Brendan Smith from Parks Victora had students laughing and getting their hands dirty while he talked about the importance of soil structure and health. They also transferred some young grasses into trays for planting out later, which for some students meant ducking out of the warm Leisure Centre and braving the icy wind outside!

On August 30th Jida Gulbil kindly came along and discussed Dja Dja Wurrung culture with students, helped by his beautiful didgeridoo (or, as Jida joked, his “telescope to see the stars”). That day we were also treated to an activity run by students from Chewton Primary School. Supported by Naomi Raftery, Marie Jones, and Julie Holden; Jet, Scout, Max, Amara and Emma ran an activity looking at food webs and thinking about what happens if you take elements out of a food web.


Looking for aquatic macro invertebrates with Patrick Wilson

Our second Schools Landcare Day was held at Vaughan Springs, so Krista Patterson-Majoor was able to take students for a walk in the bush to learn about our local ecosystems and what has influenced the landscape we see today. Colin Lyons from Parks Victoria joined Krista to give his insights into the heritage aspects of the area. Meanwhile, Cathy McCallum and Graeme Harris from Baringhup Landcare were helping students to find and identify some mysterious bird cut-outs that were hidden in some very tricky places. In a quiet spot down the track, Asha Bannon and students were talking about Landcare and drawing soundscapes of what could be heard around them, which included lots of birds, lots of water, and lots of people!

On the last day, we had Aunty Julie and her students from Castlemaine Secondary College: Shakira, Grace, Cohen, Zeppelin, and Bailey. With help from the secondary students, the Grade 5/6s tried to match cards with seasonal events (e.g. “Wedge-tailed Eagles are breeding”) to the correct Dja Dja Wurrung season. This proved to be quite a challenge, but a great way to get everyone thinking. At the end of the day, all of the students had a nest to take home built at Nicole Howie’s birds nest activity. As Nicole said, it’s hard enough to make a nest with your hands, imagine how difficult it must be to make one with your beak while on the look out for predators.

A huge thank you to all of the amazing presenters who came along and gave it their all. The feedback from schools on the activities has all been extremely positive, and it was easy to see how engaged the students were with what they were learning. Thank you also to the teachers for being so supportive, the students for your patience and interest, and the Landcare members who came along to chat with schools and join in. Finally, we thank Nicole Howie for her hard work putting the days together.

The Mount Alexander School Landcare Days were made possible with funding from the North Central Catchment Management Authority Community Grants Program.


Nature News September 2016 – The pleasures of crawling around in the damp

Posted on 6 September, 2016 by Connecting Country

On page 12 in this week’s Midland Express (6 September 2016) there is a great Nature News piece by local naturalist and co-author of the soon to be released local Eucalyptus guide, Bernard Slattery, about the wonder of those tiny and important life-forms – the mosses.

mount alexander 26 7 12 020 (1)

Moss on Mount Alexander… a world you can get lost in. Photo by Bernard Slattery

This year we can celebrate a goodish winter: cold, grey, and—most importantly—wet.

And, apart from replenished dams, this wet winter is good because it gives us a reason to go out into the bush, get down on our knees, and become completely absorbed in looking at the micro universe of…MOSS.

Moss isn’t just a green monotonous smudge. It’s beautiful and very variable. To appreciate this fully, you have to get right down close with a hand lens, or a camera with macro lens. You do risk embarrassment by doing this. A few times I’ve been lying flat on my stomach checking out the moss, and concerned passers-by have stopped to ask after my health so it does help if you can wave a camera or a hand lens to reassure people you’re OK.

The wet winter has created great beds of moss in our forests. Moss has repopulated crevices in walls and appeared in patches in lawns and corners of garden beds.

Mosses are tiny and simple. Unlike more familiar plants like grasses, they don’t have roots: they absorb water and nutrients directly into their leaves. They also reproduce via fine, dust-like spores, not seeds.

They’re ancient plants, maybe the first to have colonised the land. There’s a theory that early mosses, over 400 million years ago, played a big part in boosting oxygen in the atmosphere, laying the foundations for all sorts of future evolutions.

Mosses are useful. They’re amazingly hardy and can colonize bare land so they’re good at helping the recovery of eroded landscapes. They can tolerate long dry periods:  seemingly dead crusts spring to life at the first shower of rain.

Seen up close, mosses are intricate, colourful and enormously various. Although some are so tiny as to be hard to make out without a microscope, there are plenty of species noticeable to the naked eye. Some leaves are rounded, some are thin as wisps; colours are every shade of green; and spore head stalks can be red, orange, green or yellow.

A great resource for finding out more is Bernard Slattery and Cassia Read’s Mosses of dry forests in south eastern Australia. To purchase a copy visit the Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests webpage


Sustainable and Biodiverse Farm Field Day makes a splash

Posted on 25 August, 2016 by Connecting Country

Friday the 19th August 2016 was forecast to be wet in Sutton Grange, and it really was! However, around sixty local people braved the weather to attend the morning session at our recent Field Day at the Holy Goat Cheese farm.

Sutton Grange Field Day 017

Participants see sustainable dairying in action at the Holy Goat Cheese farm.


Participants listening to Ian Higgins explaining biodiversity values at the Holy Goat Cheese farm in Sutton Grange

Whilst on the farm, these hardy souls learnt about sustainable property management, goat farming and cheese production with Carla Meurs and Ann-Marie Monda. They also explored the values of biodiversity, birds and cultural heritage with Ian Higgins from Campbells Creek Landcare group, Tanya Loos from Connecting Country, and Gerry Gill from La Trobe University.

People were revived at lunch time in the warm and dry Sutton Grange Hall with hot drinks and delicious food from Growing Abundance.

The morning group were joined by an extra crowd of around thirty people who enjoyed the afternoon session listening to six local producers –  Katie Finlay  (Mount Alexander Fruit Gardens), Mandy Jean (Guildford Winery), John Cable (JCBee Honey), Ben Boxshall (Farm Forest Growers of Victoria), Sam White (Sidonia Road Organics), and Clare de Kok (Pig in a Box) – talk about viability, sustainability and biodiversity on their farms.

To quote one participant: “Thanks for putting together such a great and inspiring day. It was really beyond expectation and I got a lot out of it.

A huge thanks to all the presenters and participants for their good will and endurance in attending this event. It is amazing how much can be gained from other farmers and producers sharing their experiences and knowledge.

Thanks also to Mandy Coulson and the North Central Catchment Management Authority for their support in  planning and running the day. This event was part our Connecting Landscapes Education Program with funding from the Australian Government.


Tarrengower Cactus Control Group thanks local landholders

Posted on 23 August, 2016 by Connecting Country

The Tarrengower Cactus Control Group have asked Connecting Country to share a hearty thanks to local landholders who are working to control cactus on their properties and to promote their next community field day.

Tarrangower Cactus Control Commitee and volunteers, April 2011 (Photo from TCCC)

Tarrangower Cactus Control Committee and volunteers at a community field day in April 2011 (Photo from TCCC)

“Tarrangower Cactus Control Group (TCCG) would like to say thanks very much to all our local landowners who continue to control Wheel Cactus plants on their property. Very importantly, this also helps to stop the spread of seeds to their neighbours and other properties and parks nearby.

Have you noticed some Wheel cactus on your property but don’t know what to do with it? Tarrangower Cactus Control Group can show you how to kill it, and can even loan you the equipment to do it.

Local property owners Robyn and David McPhee contacted us for help and are now well on their way to controlling their wheel cactus infestation. “The Cactus Warriors came out to our property for a field day, brought all the equipment needed, and taught us all we need to know about killing this terrible weed” said David. “And they killed lots of plants which really gave us a boost to get into it” added Robyn. “The group has lots of experience and knowledge, we’re really glad we contacted them”, David commented, “plus they even fed us all”.

Wheel Cactus from the Tarrengower area (Photo from DPI).

Wheel Cactus from the Tarrengower area (Photo from DELWP).

TCCG, with Parks Victoria, have regular Community Field Days when we’re happy to bring our team of ‘cactus warriors’ volunteers to give you a hand to get started with treating Wheel Cactus. Contact us via our website at

Our next Community Field Day will be on Sunday 28th August 2016 in our Historic Park, along Mount Back Road. Follow the signs along South Parkin’s Reef Road. The morning’s activities will begin at 10:30 am and end with an enjoyable BBQ and friendly chat.”  CLICK HERE for a flyer.


Nature News – July 2016: Nature Recovering in the Muckleford Valley

Posted on 22 August, 2016 by Connecting Country

In July’s installment of the Nature News in the Midland Express (pg 26, 2 July 2016 edition), renowned local ecologist, Paul Foreman shared his insights from getting to know his new property in the Muckleford valley – encouraging us to think about how the landscape works in both space and time.

In January this year our family moved from Castlemaine to a 46 ha property on the margins of the Muckleford Creek valley, Walmer. Though our initial focus has been settling into the house and establishing a garden, it has been interesting starting to get know the land we now own and its surrounds.

I automatically think about landscape in terms of how it all works in both space and time. One the earliest records for this area is found in Major Mitchell’s 1836 journal. Between Newstead and Castlemaine, on September 28 he fleetingly notes: “we passed alternately through strips of forest and over open flats well watered, the streams flowing southward; the country….. at least as fine as that we had left”. Although Mitchell tended to ‘gild the lily’, one of Australia’s first travel writers, William Howitt, who sailed from England to the Victorian goldfields in 1852, had a similar opinion of Muckleford valley: “[the township of Muckleford] lies in a splendid expanse of the richest meadow land imaginable, on the banks of a good creek.” Given these descriptions, it isn’t hard to image Aboriginal people long occupied and exerted an influence over this area.

Aerial photography from 1946 (above) and today (below) shows a landscape in recovery.

Fine country indeed! A landscape that has fared relatively well since the arrival of Europeans; avoiding the worst of the rapacious diggers with a terrain mostly suited to pastoralism. In view of both Mt Alexander and Tarrengower, our place has a mix of habitats: box-ironbark forest on the low sedimentary rises and a strip of what was once open grassy woodland on the margins of an unnamed side valley. (Perhaps being a ‘blow in’ I could be forgiven if I referred to said valley as Ottrey’s Creek, on account of the nearby ‘scrub’ from which it substantially drains. But I digress.) Although the hill country is entirely regrowth and the lower slopes only support fragments of the original bush, the last few decades has seen rapid ecological recovery, documented by aerial photography.

The constrained land use history has bequeathed us a surprisingly resilient landscape. The drainage lines are intact and there is little sheet erosion; the ground layer in the regrowth is diverse and abundant; and we are surrounded by a large expanse of remnant bushland. There is even widespread Buloke (Allocasuarina luehmannii) regrowth (literally thousands of them) and a few Blue Devils (Eryngium ovinum) coming back!  Along the roadsides and scattered across paddocks throughout the catchment there are still quite a lot of large habitat trees. I’ve already heard of numerous Tuan sightings since arriving and I’m told Swift Parrots can be ‘twitched’ at Muckleford Station most years. And on top of all that, amazingly, we are also blessed with no rabbits (our neighbour reckons the paddocks literally moved with them before calicivirus).

It is a privilege to be part of nature recovering, but not in a passive way. There is much we can do to make sure the environmental healing process endures. Connecting Country’s resources pages offer ideas on how you can better understand your land and take action to help its recovery: visit


Nature News – August 2016: Brown Treecreeper Super-Group

Posted on 2 August, 2016 by Connecting Country

For this month’s Nature News, Connecting Country’s Woodland Birds Coordinator, Tanya Loos, celebrates the cooperative spirit of the Brown Treecreeper. You can read it in print on page 34 in the August 2nd 2016 edition of the Midland Express.

Some birds are so rare and hard to find that it is a delight to catch a glimpse of them, such as the Painted Button-quail or Powerful Owl. Other birds are classified as rare, but where they occur they are noisy and noticeable, and present in good numbers. A good example of this is the locally abundant, but threatened, Brown Treecreeper.

The social Brown Treecreeper can be spotted in the forests around Castlemaine. Photo by Geoff Park

Brown Treecreepers may be seen in most patches of forest and woodland in the Castlemaine region, especially in Muckleford and Newstead. They are tubby brown birds which hop along the ground, scamper along fallen logs, and creep up trees in the manner of treecreepers. Their call is a strident ‘spink spink’ and as the treecreepers are very social, you may hear lots of calls and see wing-fluttering as the birds sort out who is who in the flock.

Brown Treecreepers are particularly frisky at the moment, as the year’s breeding has begun! This species breeds cooperatively, that is, the young from previous years help the parents raise the young. These family groups usually number from three to eight birds. And then, in a totally cool twist – these family groups will team up with neighbouring family groups to form a super-group! A super-group or clan is a large group where most males from any group will help at any of the nests of the super-group.

If you are lucky enough to have a super-group on your bush block, you might wonder why these birds are considered rare! Brown Treecreepers are widespread across our region, but in neighbouring areas such as the Ballarat region, they have become locally extinct. Their habitat needs are quite specific, and if the changes in the landscape are too great, they simply disappear from that area.

Brown Treecreeper families have home ranges that may be as large as twelve hectares, and they need this patch to be continuous, good quality habitat. Even a gap of one kilometre is too far for them to cross!  Their patch needs to have plenty of large old trees, logs on the ground, an abundance of fallen timber and leaf litter, and grass tussocks.  Heavily burnt public land or very sparse cleared private land does not have the habitat complexity these birds need to find food and raise their young.

To find out more about Brown Treecreepers and the other members of the Feathered Five, see Connecting Country’s woodland birds section on our website (CLICK HERE).


19 August 2016 – Sustainable and Biodiverse Farms Field Day

Posted on 21 July, 2016 by Connecting Country

Holy Goat

Enjoy an informative tour of the Sutton Grange Organic Farm with Holy Goat Cheese owners Anna-Marie Monda and Carla Meurs.

Making a dream of a sustainable and biodiverse farm a reality is hard work, but some of the region’s most successful producers are here to help. Connecting Country and the North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) are bringing successful farmers together for a Farm Field Day on 19 August.

North Central CMA regional Landcare Facilitator Mandy Coulson said the field day is about learning from others and fully understanding the journey from idea to marketplace.

“It will be an opportunity to learn about local produce and the various journeys people are experiencing as they work towards achieving integrated sustainable land systems in the southern part of the region,” she said.

Carla Meurs and Anna-Marie Monda (Holy Goat Cheese), Katie Finlay  (Mount Alexander Fruit Gardens), Mandy Jean (Guildford Winery), John Cable (JCBee Honey), Ben Boxshall (Farm Forest Growers of Victoria), Sam White (Sidonia Road Organics), and Clare de Kok (Pig in a Box) will tell their stories of innovation, diversification and value adding.

farm field day flyer“Over 200 landholders in the Mount Alexander Region have worked with Connecting Country to improve the sustainability and biodiversity of their properties,” Connecting Country’s Krista Patterson-Majoor said.  “We are thrilled to provide this opportunity to see one of these inspiring farms in action and to learn from other local producers.”

The field day will be held at the Sutton Grange Community Hall and nearby Sutton Grange Organic Farm, the home of Holy Goat Cheese. The event is free and supported through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme and by Connecting Country, through funding from the Australian Government.

Click here to download a flyer and agenda for the day.

RSVP is essential by 8 August on or 03 5448 7124.

farm field day agenda


Sticky Beak Tour 2016

Posted on 8 July, 2016 by Connecting Country

On Sunday 26th June 2016, 30 enthusiastic participants joined our ‘Sticky Beak Tour’ of restoration projects on four local private properties.  Connecting Country had assisted all four landholders to undertake on-ground works projects on these properties over recent years.  All 30 participants on the tour have also been undertaking on-ground works projects with Connecting Country’s support.  As such, it was a chance for everyone to gather and share their experiences in landscape restoration. Despite it being a chilly day, we were warmed by the stories from these four landholders, and by the very tasty soup served up at the Guildford Winery. To quote one participant;

The tour has really helped us to crystallize our plans for future plantings on (our) property. Discussion during the tour really helped us to weigh up the pros and cons of different approaches and being able to see things “in the flesh” really assists with the visualisation process. We now have a clear idea of what we want to do next and more confidence that the work can deliver the results we are looking for.


Brandie Strickland, who is undertaking a student placement at Connecting Country, has recorded the stories of the four landholder’s we visited.

Site 1- Cullen Gunn, Walmer

Cullen is an engaging gentleman from Hamilton. He and his family enjoy their delightful 280ha property in Walmer as often as they can (though not as often as Cullen would like). The property was originally grazed heavily; a practice Cullen hasn’t continued unless you count the 600 or so kangaroos. It is Cullen’s dream to make the property carbon neutral and very biodiverse. He has established several areas dedicated to farm forestry. And, in 2008, decided to try direct seeding to add some diversity around his forestry operation. Four rounds of direct seeding later – including the help of Connecting Country – what looked like a potential failure is now as “thick as hair” in parts. As a result, Cullen and his family has watched over 100 species of birds return to the property and sugar gliders inhabit his nest boxes.

3_chris johnsonSite 2- Chris Johnston, Green Gully

Chris’s property used to be grazed by cattle and was heavily cleared for firewood and other uses. Originally Chris worried that maybe there were more problems on the land than she could manage. However, given the history of the property over the past 10 years it “wasn’t really that bad”. With the help of Connecting Country, Chris is trialing an exclusion plot to see what grows naturally without grazing by kangaroos, rabbits and other animals. She is also revegetating the cleared gully areas, however has found kangaroos and cockatoos to be an issue as they shred the tree guards. She has been lucky enough to replace most tree guards second hand and is trialing protecting seedlings with smaller fenced areas using other gathered resources, like star pickets, at little to no cost.  Chris is passionate about restoring the land and hopes to one day see it returned to the traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung, for better land management.

Site 3- Mark and Helen Wakeham, Yapeen

Mark and Helen moved to their property 14 years ago. Despite Helen’s sometimes lengthy commute to Melbourne for work, both Helen and Mark are extremely happy with their little slice of the country. Like many of the surrounding properties, their property is currently grazed by cattle. However, over the years, the number of cattle has lessened as management costs have increased and the property has become more recreational: ‘not a farm, just fun’. The use of cattle on the property is now more of a management tool. Both Mark and Helen are very open to increasing biodiversity on their property and over the years have allowed a lot of conservation and revegetation work to be done. The North Central Catchment Management Authority fenced and direct seeded at the rear of the property to protect remnant Box Ironbark Woodland. More recently, Connecting Country has created a buffer zone along the roadside and gully with direct seeding which will provide a excellent link across the landscape.

Site 4- Mandy Jean, Guildford

Mandy and Brian own the Guildford vineyard. They acquired the property in 2004 and today, along with wonderful chef Zack Grumont, run a very successful business. If you walk around the vineyard you can see all the hard work that has gone into creating such a productive site. Mandy sees increasing biodiversity as critical to the vineyard’s success. The vineyard hosts up to 80 kangaroos over a year, hundreds of birds, bats and microbats and more insects than you can count. Kangaroos and birds, in particular, are very welcome as each benefits the vineyard in their own natural way. The birds reduce bug, disease and pest populations on the vines while the kangaroos provide a manure rich with nitrogen. With the help of Connecting Country, the vineyard is becoming more biodiverse with tubestock  planted on the surrounding hills to enhance both beauty and environmental benefit. Mandy’s next project is a indigenous ‘insectarium’ to increase natural pest control.


Our Sticky Beak Tour highlighted just a fraction of the work that landholders and community groups from across the Mount Alexander region have completed with Connecting Country over the past 8 years. We would like to thank all of them for their involvement – each project is a inspiring story of landscape restoration in this area. We would also like to thank:

  • Cullen, Chris, Mandy and Mark and Helen for being such excellent and inspiring hosts,
  • Geoff Park for his expert facilitation and photos,
  • Bonnie Humphries for sharing her project and botanical knowledge,
  • Zack Grumont and the Guildford Winery for a delicious lunch,
  • Brandie Strickland for the photos and write-up, and
  • the Australian Government for the funding as part of our Connecting Landscapes program.


Nature News – June 2016: Is there anybody home?

Posted on 5 July, 2016 by Connecting Country

On page 26 in this week’s Midland Express (5 July 2016) there is a great Nature News article by Paul Foreman about his property in Walmer.

In case you missed out on last month’s Nature News, Max Schlachter reported that the trick to monitoring nest boxes is having an eye for the décor. You can find the article on page 17 of the 7 June 2016 edition, or read it here:

A Connecting Country nest box in the field

A Connecting Country nest box in the field

Have you ever been out in the bush and noticed a mysterious green box hanging from the side of a tree? It might have had a cryptic code on the bottom like ‘CC10-206’?

If so, what you stumbled across is not a modern art installation or a military experiment, it’s a nesting box for one of Central Victoria’s lesser known marsupials – the Tuan (also known as the Brush-tailed Phascogale). Sometimes described as a cross between a possum and a rat, Tuans are carnivorous marsupials that live in trees.

In 2010/11 Connecting Country installed more than 400 specially designed Tuan nest boxes on properties across the Mount Alexander Shire. The boxes are monitored every two years and the 2016 surveys are just about complete.

Phascogale in nest

We’re all familiar with bird nests, but did you know that native marsupials also build a nest? Unlike most birds that only build a nest during the breeding season, marsupials such as Sugar Gliders, Ringtail Possums and Tuans live in a nest all the time, usually placed in the hollows of old trees.

The trick to monitoring nest boxes is to know which nest belongs to which animal, even when nobody’s at home.

Tuan’s are not the neat and tidy type – their nest is generally a complete mess. But they are prolific decorators and will use a variety of material to fill up their box. Bark is a favourite, as are feathers. Sheep’s wool and baling twine are also popular. In one box, a snake skin was even part of the décor – a bit gaudy for my taste.


Sugar gliders in nest

Sugar Gliders also make use of the boxes and display a complete lack of imagination when it comes to nesting material. Leaves are the only thing they’ll consider, and almost always from Eucalypts. But can they make a nest! The leaves are arranged in a spirally woven bowl, and sometime they’ll even create a complete sphere, with themselves inside it. How do they do it?

The results of this year’s survey will be collated soon and made available on the Connecting Country website  The site also has information on building and installing your own nest boxes.

Connecting Country would like to say a huge thank you to the 117 landholders whose properties we visited to survey their Tuan nest boxes this autumn. And also to the 20 volunteers who gave up their time to help take notes and carry a ladder through the bush. We couldn’t have got it done without you!


Local Climate Change Action: 1 new webpage and 2 upcoming events

Posted on 3 June, 2016 by Connecting Country

If you are interested in learning more about the impact of climate change in central Victoria then it you should head to Bendigo on Wednesday June the 15th. There are two events of interest – in the morning, the North Central Catchment Management Authority’s Climate Change Forum, and in the evening, a public forum on the future of Bendigo in a warming environment. More information on the these forums is below. Or, if you are enjoying the comfort of home, you can check out Connecting Country’s new Biodiversity and Climate Change resource pages.

Climate change will put pressure on the biodiversity of the Mount Alexander region. Photo: Shane Carey

Climate change and biodiversity in the Mount Alexander Shire

By working with people in our community to address the direct and indirect impacts of climate change, we hope to create a robust and healthy local landscape that remains livable for future generations of humans and other species.

Connecting Country’s activities – such as remnant protection, construction of wildlife corridors, control of pest plants and animals, and biodiversity monitoring – all contribute to climate change adaptation, mitigation and a better understanding of its effects. However, there is always more that can be done locally and at larger scales.

Our new climate change and biodiversity resource pages contains links to local information looking at climate patterns, the impact on biodiversity and what you can do to help. As with all of our resource pages, these references are continually evolving and your suggestions for new information is always welcome (email

CLICK HERE to view the pages.

North Central 2016 Climate Change Forum

This forum offers you an opportunity to share the latest knowledge of climate change science and agency activity with the North Central CMA. CLICK HERE to view the flyer.

When: 9 am – 1pm Wednesday 15 June 2016
Where: Bendigo Jockey Club, Heinz St, White Hills VIC 3550
RSVP: Attendance is limited.
RSVP to the North Central CMA by Friday 10 June
Telephone:  (03) 5448 7124

Public Forum: The Future of Bendigo in a Warming Climate

bendigo climate change forum


Feathered Five Inspire Art, Song and Research

Posted on 10 March, 2016 by Connecting Country

hannah birds

Hooded Robins by Hannah Vellacott

The Feathered Five inspire many people – and our Feathered Five Festival showcases some of the resulting work ranging from artists, singing groups and scientists.

For local artist Hannah Vellacott, they have inspired a series of paintings titled ‘Diamond In The Woods”. These paintings will be on show during the Feathered Five Festival at the Corner Store Merchants (220 Barker St Castlemaine) from the 12 March until 9 April 2016.

Hannah describes her work: “In these paintings I aim to capture the beauty and fragility of the feathered five, through detail and the gentle wash of colour that is unique to watercolour painting. The use of white space is inspired by traditional Japanese ink paintings. I like the way the objects appear to float on the paper and your eye is drawn to the details in the bird or flowers.

For local singing group, the Chat Warblers, they have inspired a new song! Written by Judith Tregear and mixed by Jane Thompson, the song will debut at our evening forum on Saturday the 19th of March. We cannot wait to hear it!

For world renowned ecologist, Andrew Bennett,  woodland birds have inspired his long-standing research interests in landscape ecology and conservation biology, with a particular focus on understanding how human land-use and landscape change affect native wildlife and ecological processes. At the evening forum, Andrew will share the results from his recent research into woodland birds in Central Victoria and lead a topical discussion about “Drought then flooding rains: how do woodland birds respond to climatic change?”

Spots are still available for the evening forum, but are filling fast. CLICK HERE for more information and to make a booking. Bookings close on the 17th of March 2016.


Nature News: Dry times for the Diamond Firetail

Posted on 25 February, 2016 by Connecting Country

Connecting Country, in partnership with the Midland Express, has launched its new monthly ‘Nature News’ feature.  Look out for these these articles by local naturalists appearing in the Midland Express on the first Tuesday of the month (or thereabouts). For the February edition, Tanya Loos shared her experiences about one of our local feathered friends; the Diamond Firetail. This article is reprinted below.  Keep an eye out in the next one or two editions of the Midland Express for an article on local snakes by Bernard Slattery.

Of relevance to the article below, at the Saturday evening forum of our feathered five festival (19-20 March 2016), Andrew Bennett will be discussing his research on how woodland birds are responding to climatic change and Phil Ingamells will share some tips from the experts on how we all can help. Click here for more information on the festival and to secure your spot for the talks.


A Diamond Firetail in the bird bath. Photo by Geoff Park

Dry Times for the Diamond Firetail.  By Tanya Loos.

As our gardens and paddocks wilt in the ongoing dry, access to water for fauna becomes ever more important. One visitor to the bird bath that is sure to delight the senses is the Diamond Firetail.

A small bird of great beauty, the Diamond Firetail sports a neat black and grey suit with white spots, set off by a dashing crimson rump and a coral-coloured bill and eye ring. Here in the Mount Alexander region we are fortunate to have small numbers of this rare bird in the local bushlands.

Diamond Firetails feed on seeds of both grasses and native trees such as she-oak. One day at the Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve south of Newstead, I chanced upon a lone Diamond Firetail foraging with a distinctive series of moves. He trundled along the ground, then leapt up to a grass seed head, grabbed it firmly in his bill, then stood on the grass head to eat the seeds. The process was repeated at the next grass tussock.

Living on seeds alone is thirsty work, and Diamond Firetails need a safe source of water in their bushland or woodland habitat. In dry times, one way to help firetails and other birds is through the provision of a bird bath or two. Bird baths are a wonderful way to enjoy your local birds, but do bear in mind they require daily maintenance to ensure the water is clean, and always topped up.

It is too hot and dry for breeding at the moment, but after the rains return and seeding grasses are available, nesting will occur anytime from August. To attract the female, the male Diamond Firetail selects a long piece of grass with a seed head, and holds it tightly in his bill. He then fluffs his spotted flank feathers and sings as he bobs up and down on the perch.

If the female approves, they will mate in the privacy of the nest. The nest is a domed affair, of grasses, seed heads and roots, and may be found in a mistletoe clump or a thick shrub such as Hedge Wattle. A few years ago, I observed a Diamond Firetail nest built amongst the large sticks of the base of a Wedge-tailed Eagle nest!

The Diamond Firetail is less common than it once was, largely due to the removal of suitable habitat. Happily small populations are still being reported in areas such as Muckleford, Guildford, Fryerstown and Sedgwick. If you have Diamond Firetails visiting your garden, or you see some out in the bush, we would love to hear from you!

For more information about the Diamond Firetail and other woodland birds, visit Connecting Country’s website: or contact Tanya on


Feathered Five Festival March 2016: Diamonds in the hills

Posted on 15 February, 2016 by Tanya Loos

There’s diamonds in those hills – Diamond Firetails, that is. This jewel of a bird is one of the ‘feathered five’, our very special woodland bird species that are a focus for Connecting Country. Over the years, we have supported a number of on-ground projects that strive to ensure these five species and other woodland birds are flourishing in the Mount Alexander region of central Victoria now and in the future.

Our inaugural Feathered Five Festival is a celebration of woodland birds and their habitat with two days of birdwatching, activities and talks over the weekend of 19-20 March 2016. However, you don’t need to be a budding birdwatcher to attend the free Saturday Evening Forum on the 19th of March in Campbells Creek.

From 5pm until 6pm, Connecting Country staff members will be on hand to answer your land management concerns; Bonnie Humphreys can help you identify any plant, Jarrod Coote will consider whole farm planning and funding opportunities, Tanya Loos knows lots about birds and other fauna,  Alex Schipperen is great with practical things such as fencing and the control of weeds and rabbits, and Asha Bannon will help you link-up with your local Landcare Group. You can bring along any plant samples you’d like identified and you can contact us beforehand if you’d like a detailed aerial photo of your property to discuss. Meanwhile, Judy Laycock will be running some exciting nature art activities with the kids.

Following a tasty dinner from Growing Abundance and music by Castlemaine’s Chat Warblers, we are thrilled to have Professor Andrew Bennett, from Latrobe University and the Arthur Rylah Institute, and Phil Ingamells, from the VNPA, share their thoughts on the future of biodiversity in the area. Andrew has been a scientific advisor to Connecting Country since 2010 and will discuss “Drought then flooding rains; how do woodland birds respond to climatic change?”. Phil Ingamells is sure to inspire us with his talk “Collaborating on ten things we can all do to help nature adapt to a new climate”. A short panel discussion will take place after the talks.

Photo by Geoff Park

This Diamond Firetail is damp and covered in dew from the recent much needed rainfalls that have graced the Castlemaine region in recent weeks. Photo by Geoff Park (Natural Newstead)

On both mornings of the Feathered Five Festival, bird walks in search of the feathered five will occur in various locations around the Mount Alexander region. Connecting Country’s Woodland Bird Coordinator, Tanya Loos, explains; “in the last year or two, through walks and workshops, we have been encouraging a cohort of budding birdwatchers to get out there and improve their birdwatching skills. This weekend is their time to shine as a number of community led walks will be carried out simultaneously on the Saturday morning – the feathered five drive!”

On the Sunday morning, we’re pleased take part in a guided nature walk with a special focus on woodland birds and their habitat. The walk will take place at a private property in Strangways which is a woodland wonderland, with a lovely grassy understory and grand old eucalypts. This joint Connecting Country and the Friends of Box Ironbark Forest (FOBIF) event will be led by Tanya Loos (Connecting Country) and Andrew Skeoch from Listening Earth.

You can come to one event –or all three! Bookings are essential – by the 17th March 2016. Click here for more information and to book, or call Connecting Country on 5472 1594.

This festival has been made possible with funding from the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust and the Australian Government.

Feathered Five Festival Poster 2016


Bush birds with Chris Tzaros – a memorable morning monitoring!

Posted on 11 December, 2015 by Tanya Loos

Last Saturday, 5 December 2015, over 25 of us were treated to a morning workshop with author and photographer, Chris Tzaros.  Chris is a wonderful presenter and ecologist, and his talk was a fantastic overview of the bush birds of the ‘Connecting Country landscape’. Chris likes to call them bush birds rather than woodland birds, because as he rightly pointed out, many of our so-called woodland birds are found in the area’s extensive Box Ironbark Forests.

I was also really amazed by Chris’s ability to mimic bird calls – no need to play the smartphone bird call app at all!

In a comprehensive presentation,  Chris pointed out that we have a particularly rich bird fauna in this area on account of being at the intersection of many different landscapes. There is the Loddon River and the surrounding plains, Cairn Curran and the open country, the dry forests of Sandon and Muckleford, Mount Alexander and the River Red gum plains of Sutton Grange and surrounds.  We also have quite good patches of bush left, which means that our declining woodland birds are faring a bit better here than in other more degraded areas. Chris gave us a great overview of the birds of this area, including a special focus on the feathered five – the five species selected as ambassadors for woodland birds in the region.

Chris has provided training for many bird monitoring programs around Victoria across a diverse range of landscapes and communities. The bird monitoring method is kept consistent by training each area across the state to use the standard 2 hectare 20 minute bird survey.  This is the methodology recommended by BirdLife Australia, and also the method we use to monitor birds for our seasonal surveys.

As Connecting Country’s woodland bird coordinator, I also introduced everyone to the eleven zones identified as priority habitat areas in the region for declining woodland birds, and directed participants to the Group Sites which are the starting point for our community monitoring program.  The link below takes you to the bird monitoring page which has both the Group Site maps and a birdwatchers kit (in PDF format) – with instructions on how to survey, how to submit data and so on:  all of which are available for download (click here).

After the presentations, we visited the Rise and Shine Reserve and carried out a 2 hectare 20 minute survey at the Rise and Shine Group survey site. We were delighted to see one of the feathered five – a Jacky Winter – nesting at the entrance to the reserve!

Chris was very impressed with everyone’s enthusiasm and the willingness  to start counting birds, both on their properties and in the surrounding areas.  We will be building on this energy in 2016, with monthly bird outings, a Feathered Five Festival (19-20 March) and a new program called Stewards for Woodland Birds. Watch this space!

For more information or to get involved, please telephone me (Tanya Loos) at the Connecting Country office on 5472 1594, or email


It was well over thirty degrees at the Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve - but we did see a few birds on our two hectare twenty minute survey.

It was well over thirty degrees Celsius at the Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve – but we did see a few birds on our two hectare twenty minute survey. Pic by Kerrie Jennings.

Here a Jacky Winter stands above the nest, with feathers sleeked down and wings outstretched in an effort to stay cool. Thanks for the pic Kerrie!

Here a Jacky Winter stands above the nest, with feathers sleeked down and wings outstretched in an effort to stay cool. Thanks for the pic Kerrie!