Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club AGM plus excursion – 12 & 13 March 2021
Posted on 10 March, 2021 by Asha
As a monthly tradition, Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club hold a meeting with a guest speaker on the second Friday of the month, followed by a group excursion or field trip the following day.
Castlemaine Field Nats provided the following details about thier March 2021 excursion. For more information visit their website – click here
Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club
2021 Annual General Meeting and Guest Speaker
Our meeting on Friday 12 March 2021, 7.30 pm will again be online using Zoom (if you wish to attend, please email Peter Turner at
Following our AGM, the guest speaker will be Reiner Richter, one of the most prolific contributors to citizen science databases in Australia with many specialties including dragonflies and orchids. Reiner will tell us about the recent field guide he has produced together with Ian Endersby: ‘Dragonflies and Damselflies of Victoria and Tasmania‘. Reiner will explain what lead him to produce the book and the work required to get better photos of many of the species. He will also discuss the photo processing that was required in order to show the required detail for the publication.
Our guest speaker will follow the usual ‘observations’ session when members can share recent interesting sightings with an option to show a photo or two. If you have photos to be shown please email JPEG file(s) to Euan Moore at by noon on the day of the meeting.
Our February excursion to Tullaroop Reservoir had to be postponed due to the sudden COVID lockdown, so we will try again on Saturday 13 March 2021. Meet at the car park opposite the Castle Motel, Duke Street (Castlemaine VIC) at 1.30 pm sharp or at the Tullaroop Reservoir picnic ground at the dam wall at 2:00 pm.
Watch out for raptors as you drive across the Moolort Plains to the reservoir!
After gathering at the picnic ground, we will take a short drive to where we will park and then walk along the shore of the lake and in nearby bushland. Afterwards we will drive back to the picnic ground for afternoon tea. There is a toilet block at the picnic ground.
Bring binoculars, sunhat, block-out, hand sanitiser, water and snacks and wear stout walking shoes.
Please comply with current Government COVID-safe requirements.
The Field Trip will be cancelled in extreme weather conditions.
There are NO excursions on total fire ban days.
Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club
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