An ode to Landcare volunteers – Transforming local landscapes
Posted on 16 May, 2023 by Ivan
This week is National Volunteer Week (15 – 21 May 2023) and Connecting Country would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our many Landcare volunteers actively working to protect and restore the natural environment across the Mount Alexander/ Leanganook region. We could not achieve what we do without you!
At its heart, Landcare is about caring for land so that it will support our society and maintain our natural resources for generations to come. Depending on where you live that might mean looking after a farm, nature strip, local bush reserve or waterway – all kinds of land. Through Landcare, individuals and communities get the support, knowledge and resources necessary to do this work. In the Mount Alexander/ Leanganook region, we are lucky to have over 30 community groups working with hundreds of volunteers, many who have been contributing for multiple decades.
In particular this year, we pay tribute to local Landcare legend, Maurie Dynon, who passed away in March 2023. Maurie was a well-respected and loved member of Guildford Upper Loddon Landcare Group for almost 30 years. He also contributed many volunteer hours to Connecting County, as a member of the founding committee and to the Landcare Steering Group. He swore by the power of a cuppa in connecting community and through his determination and many cups of tea, he recruited many Guildford and Yapeen landholders to get on board local restoration projects, helping to transform the local landscape to benefit both farmland and habitat in the local area.
Joining Landcare is a great way to meet your neighbours and get involved in grassroots environmental action that helps to build resilient landscapes. As Maurie has been quoted as saying; “Landcare is great fun! You’re meeting new people all the time with different outlooks, from different walks of life and you learn something from all of them.”
To find a group near you or find out how you could get involved, visit the Landcare page on the Connecting Country website – click here or contact the office at or ph: 0434 362 394.

Maurie Dynon and his wife Lois (both dec.) with Maurie’s beloved Landcare Ute. Photo from the Connecting Country archives.

Post Office Hill Action Group member Andrew with Chewton Primary School student Orlo, working together to revegetate Post Office Hill Reserve in Chewton VIC. Photo by John Ellis.
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