28 June 2012 – Barkers Creek Cleanup
Posted on 15 June, 2012 by Connecting Country
Barkers Creek Project Officer, Michael Luke, is developing a ‘Local Action Plan’ for the creek. The Plan is being developed on behalf of the Barkers Creek Landcare and Wildlife Group, Harcourt Valley Landcare and North Harcourt/Sedgwick Landcare groups.
Michael says “The Local Action Plan is a big part of the Barkers Creek Cleanup Project. It is being written in conjunction with the Barkers Creek Landcare Network and local landholders who live along the length of the creek. If you live in Barkers Creek, Harcourt or North Harcourt we especially would like to hear from you. We would like to get your ideas about what your vision is for the future of Barkers Creek.”
The Landcare network is hosting a community workshop on the evening of Thursday 28th June at the Harcourt ANA Hall. The evening commences at 6.00pm with a light supper, followed by a short presentation about the creek. Participants will then have the opportunity to contribute their ideas about the future management of this significant local waterway.
This important community feedback session shall form the basis of the Local Action Plan which will help to guide the three local Landcare groups’ activities into the future.
For catering purposes, please indicate your attendance and any special dietary requirements by emailing michael@connectingcountry.org.au or call 5472 1594 by the 25th of June.
Funding for the Barkers Creek Cleanup Project has been provided by the Victorian Government’s 2011-12 Landcare grants, the North Central Catchment Management Authority and the Victorian Blackberry and Gorse Taskforces.

A Blackberry-infested portion of Barkers Creek. The project aims to reduce the extent and spread of woody weeks along the creek.
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