Working bees tackle blackberries and gorse
Posted on 18 February, 2011 by Connecting Country
Inspired by the recent Landcare Weed Identification Workshop, Chewton Bushlands Residents Association held a working bee for the removal of blackberries on GoldSpeck Gully Road /Rankins Road last Sunday. ‘The team of seven was soon working like clockwork and it was inspiring to see the huge bushes cut away from the road’ (Antoinette Birkenbeil).

Glen Harrison about to remove a feral pine and Steve Charman and Cate Freeman tackling the blackberries. Photos: Antoinette Birkenbeil, 13 February 2011
Another working bee tackled gorse during the week at Kalimna Park. There are regular working bees in the Park and at present they take place fortnightly. If you would like to participate ring Geoff Hannon from Friends of Kalimna Park on 5472 5343.

Enthusiastic gorse removers, Geoff Hannon and Bernard Slattery at Kalimna Park. Photos: Bernard Slattery and Bronwyn Silver, 18 February 2011