Woodland Bird Brochure launch next Monday (8 Dec)
Posted on 2 December, 2014 by Tanya Loos
It has been a couple of years in the making…
Connecting Country are thrilled to announce that the “Woodland Birds of Central Victoria” brochure is printed and ready to be released into the world.
When: Monday, December 8th 2014 from 5.30pm until about 6.30pm
Where: In the Hub garden, on corner of Barker St and Templeton St (enter via gate on Templeton St)
RSVPs are preferred as we will be supplying drinks and nibbles. RSVP to me, Tanya Loos, on 5472 1594 or tanya@connectingcountry.org.au
The brochure was initially developed by past Connecting Country Woodland Bird Coordinator Kerryn Herman and a team of local naturalists and photographers. As part of my role of Habitat for Bush Birds Coordinator – I re-ignited the project and added in information on our focal woodland bird species, the feathered five; Diamond Firetail, Hooded Robin, Painted Button-quail, Jacky Winter and Brown Treecreeper. The subtitle of the brochure is “An identification and habitat management guide” because the birds are ordered into the particular kind of woodland bird habitat we might expect to see them in.
Geoff Park – well known for numerous local biodiversity activities, including his popular Natural Newstead website – is one who has generously contributed photographs to the brochure. He has also kindly agreed to speak at the launch about the brochure and its value – and of course, about our woodland birds!
We hope that landowners, landcare groups, schools and budding bird enthusiasts enjoy the Woodland Birds of Central Victoria brochure. One free copy of the brochure will be available on the day for each attendee, with a gold coin donation for any additional copies. All funds raised will go towards future reprints of the brochure. And for those of you looking for nature-orientated Christmas gifts, copies of Friends of Box-Ironbark’s Mosses of dry forests of south eastern Australia and Tanya’s book Daylesford Nature Diary will be available for purchase.
Photographs and guidance for the brochure were provided by Nigel Harland, Damian Kelly, Greg and Jeanette License, Geoff Park, Chris Tzaros, Debbie Worland, Beth Mellick, Brendan Sydes and Ern Perkins. Support for the brochure project came from the Victorian Government’s Communities for Nature program and from generous private donations to Connecting Country.

This photograph of a Weebill, a species often found within regenerating woodland habitat, was taken by Chris Tzaros.
I am not immediate local but am interested in acquiring a copy. Can they be purchased and mailed and at what cost. Thanks.
Hi John.
Thanks for your interest. We’ve had quite a few requests similar to yours, and we are in the process of working out the best way to do this. we’ll get back to you soon.
Please advise where and how Woodland Birds of Central Victoria will be available.
Thank you
Hi Peter, As you are one of the landholders that have allowed us to undertake our regular bird surveys on their properties, we will be posting you a copy of the brochure soon (along with the latest survey results). The bird brochures will also be available from the CC office in Castlemaine, and hopefully for sale soon at the Castlemaine and Maldon Information Centres.