Weed management after fire – resources from WESI
Posted on 18 February, 2021 by Jacqui
After wildfire, our ecosystems are extremely vulnerable to weed invasion. The blank canvas created by wildfire is often a perfect platform for invasive species, with little competition to prevent a blanket of weeds from returning to the landscape, at the expense of many vulnerable native species.
The Weeds at the Early Stage of Invasion (WESI) team recently uploaded four webinars from their recent online forum on weed management after fire. This forum featured four separate webinars with a variety of topics and guest speakers from all over the state, and was very popular with the community and stakeholders. The list of guest speakers and presenters is staggering and the events were very well put together.
Invasive species management, including weed management, is an integral component of any landscape or reserve scale conservation program. The benefits of a preventative and early intervention approach has been adopted in many parts of the world with great success. The WESI Project was created to promote these benefits and enable Victoria to adopt this approach, with a focus on high-risk invasive weeds that are in the early stage of invasion and threaten biodiversity. They work with public land and biodiversity managers all over Victoria. The WESI Project, and several other weed management projects, are funded by the Victorian Government through the Weeds and Pests on Public Land program.
Whether you are managing weeds in fire impacted areas or other areas, we are sure much of the content will be relevant. We highly recommend having a look.
To view the webinar recordings, please click on the following links:
- Webinar 1 – Overview weed management after fire
- Webinar 2 – Prioritisation of weeds after fire
- Webinar 3 – Collaborative projects in weed management after fire
- Webinar 4 – Weed identification and recording after fire
To view the complete webinar series directly on YouTube series – click here
Alternatively, to access the recordings of the four webinars, along with the links posted in the online chat function during each event – click here

Cape Conran regeneration after a devastating fire in 2020 (photo by Andrew Geschke)
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