Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Volunteer Action Training

Posted on 16 October, 2009 by Connecting Country

Where: DPI/DSE, 89 Sydney Road, Room 2, Benalla

The Department of Sustainability and Environments’ Landcare Volunteer Recruitment Initiative (VRI) is sponsoring training across the state in October and November. The training is intended to provide Landcare members and support staff with some new tips and a better understanding of attracting and retaining volunteers in the current environment.

Morning Session     Generations and Change

·         Characteristics of the Generations

·         Attracting different generations to volunteering

Middle Session        4 Rs of Volunteering

·         Key aspects of volunteering

·         Recruitment

·         Recognition

·         Reward

·         Renewal

Afternoon Session Applying for Volunteering Grants

·         Overview of Volunteer Recruitment Initiative

·         Strategies for recruiting Volunteers

·         Developing a proposal workshop

Training is free and lunch will be provided. Numbers at some sessions may be limited.

To register your interest, please contact Grant Godden, Project Officer Victorian Landcare program by telephone (03 9637 8190) or email ( Please advise of any dietary requirements, and the session you wish to attend.

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