Tarrangower Cactus Warriors August 2017 Field Day
Posted on 22 August, 2017 by Connecting Country
Tony Kane from the Tarrengower Cactus Control Group has let us know that their next Community Field Day will be held on Sunday 27th August, starting at 10:30am. They’ll be meeting at a property on Tarrengower School Road, south of South Parkins Reef Road to inject an infestation of Wheel Cactus. From Maldon the way will be signposted from Parkins Reef Road. Tony notes that ‘our events are family friendly, but we ask that all children be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.’
Further information is provided in the attached flyer (click here).
Along with this cactus, there is another horror weed that has devestated The You Yangs. African Bone Seed. Mt Tarrengower has it now. Its lovely yellow flowers produce lots of seeds and the cycle carries on. I hope that Mt Tarrengower does not suffer the environmental obliteration of vegitation and wildlife that You Yangs is currently suffering.