Tackling Weeds in Three Ways
Posted on 17 August, 2011 by Connecting Country
Cactus Killers Wanted!
The Tarrangower Cactus Control Committee and Parks Victoria will hold their next community field day on Sunday 28 August starting at 10.30 pm. The field day will be held at a property on the Baringhup Road near its intersection with the Hayes Road. The route to the site will be well signposted.
The field day is an opportunity to enjoy some time outdoors while helping to eradicate Wheel Cactus from our district. No experience is necessary and everyone concerned with the natural environment is most welcome. Dress for the occasion in warm clothes and sturdy footwear. The day will conclude at about 1 pm with a free sausage sizzle and cuppa.

Wheel Cactus from the Tarrengower area (Photo from DPI).
Managing Weeds on Your Small Property
A free workshop (and BBQ) on managing weeds will be held on 12 September at Woodvale Public Hall, Woodvale, between 6.00 and 8.30pm. For more information, click here.
Mapping of Wheel Cactus and other weeds
Connecting Country are also still promoting the mapping of weeds, particularly Wheel Cactus, on the community interactive mapper website. All data will make an important contribution to the understanding and control of these weeds in the local area. For information on how to participate in Connecting Country’s mapping of Wheel Cactus, click here.