Sunday 25 Sept 2016 – Cactus control working bee near Maldon
Posted on 21 September, 2016 by Connecting Country

Instruction on how to control wheel cactus will be followed up with practical experience on the ground.
Tony Kane from the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group has asked Connecting Country to spread the word that their next Cactus Field Day will be held on Sunday 25th September 2016. This event is also part of our Landcare Open Day program.
The location is opposite Chapel’s winery on Seers Road, Welshman’s Reef. Follow the signs from the Maldon-Newstead Road.
As per usual, the start is at 10.30 am, followed by a free community barbeque at 12.30pm.
Our Federal Member of Parliament, Lisa Chesters, has emailed to say that she will be coming along to help out. Lisa opened their 2014 cactus season and since then has taken a keen interest in the group.
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