Sunday 11th September 2016 – Three Landcare Open Day events
Posted on 7 September, 2016 by Connecting Country
Over the next few weekends in September, several local Landcare and Friends groups will be holding public events as part of Connecting Country’s Landcare Open Day. Here are the details of three events to be held this Sunday the 11th September 2016, in Sutton Grange, Chewton, and Maldon .
While everyone is always welcome to attend the regular working bees run by their local groups, these events will be specifically suitable for families and people new to Landcare. For further details on all events, including those to be held the following weekend, visit our landcare webpage. This page will be updated as new events are added. If you have any questions, contact Asha on 5472 1594 or
Sutton Grange Landcare
WHERE: 893 Coliban Park Road, Sutton Grange
WHEN: Sunday 11th September 2016, 10:30am – 3pm
DESCRIPTION: Tree planting in Sutton Grange
Sutton Grange Landcare Group in conjunction with Connecting Country are participating in the Federal Government 20 million trees program by planting approximately 200 trees at Mike Abramowski’s property. We would like to make this an enjoyable group/family get together and plant a few trees. A BBQ and refreshments will be provided. If you can provide an hour or more of your time on this day, please RSVP to as soon as possible. Further details will be provided once Sutton Grange Landcare has confirmed numbers.
This project is supported by the 20 Million Trees Programme, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme
Post Office Hill Action Group, Chewton Primary School, Chewton Landcare and, Golden Point Landcare
WHERE: Railway Street, Chewton (between Hunter Street and the railway line)
WHEN: Sunday 11th September 2016, 1.30 p.m.
DESCRIPTION: Discover the secrets of Chewton’s Post Office Hill
A free fun family orienteering event to celebrate the Landcare Open Day. Join Post Office Hill Action Group, Chewton Primary School, Chewton Landcare and Golden Point Landcare for this event followed by afternoon tea in the school grounds. Information about the groups and their activities, plant giveaways and prizes for the most interesting “discoveries”!! Register on the day at 1.30 p.m. at Chewton Primary School. For more details contact Jennifer Pryce; 0423 900 590 or
Maldon Urban Landcare Group (Mulga) and Nuggetty Landcare Group

Tanya leads a group of keen birdwatchers through the basics of how to watch and ID birds through behaviour, habitat and appearance
WHERE: Meet at the Maldon Cemetery, Maldon-Shelbourne Rd, Maldon
WHEN: Sunday 11th September 2016, 10am to 1pm
DESCRIPTION: Woodland birds and boneseed weed walk and talk
Join Tanya Loos, the Woodland Birds Project Coordinator at Connecting Country, in a walk along Back Cemetery Rd. and onto the area known as ‘The Commons’, observing the habitat for birds, and pulling out small bone seed plants along the way. BBQ lunch provided. For more details contact Bev Phillips; 0407 770 350 or
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