Stinkwort: Act now or be forever stinky!
Posted on 2 February, 2017 by Connecting Country
Bonnie came in from the field this week with something for us all to get our noses around. After a quick wiff, we thought we’d share what we learnt. Stinkwort or Dittrichia graveolens is an annual herb which grows to around 50cm high and is listed as a restricted weed in the North Central Catchment. It is easy to distinguish from other plants due to its stinky odour when touched. Most importantly, now is the perfect time to act if you have Stinkwort on your property.
This plant is a coloniser or pioneer which means that it grows quickly in areas with little competition such as around dams or along roadsides. It can sometimes be seen after a road has been graded or in areas where disturbance has occurred. Apart from the distinctive smell it also has a sticky almost greasy feel which makes it a last resort for browsing animals. This species is from the daisy family and produces large amounts of wind dispersed seed.
If you have found this plant now is the perfect time for controlling it as the plants are healthy and actively growing but most haven’t started producing flowers yet. The best ways to control Stinkwort include manual removal where individual plants occur, or with an appropriate registered herbicide. It is also possible to chip out plants in larger infestations and, as there are no flowers, leave them in situ rather than having to remove the whole plant.
While it is not known exactly how long the seeds of this species last it is guessed that they are short lived (up to 3 years) so it is possible to eradicate it and lessen the stink in your part of the world!
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