Saturday 24 Sept 2016 – Launch of identification guide to local eucalypts
Posted on 14 September, 2016 by Connecting Country
Have you ever had trouble seeing the forest for the trees? That is probably because there has never before been an easy-to-use guide to identify the local tree species. But all this is about change. On Saturday 24 September, the Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forest (FOBIF) are launching their latest publication, Eucalypts of the Mount Alexander Region. Guest speaker, and the official launcher, will be Geoff Park, a well known local environmentalist and author of the Natural Newstead blog.
This 90 page guide by FOBIF members’ Bernard Slattery, Ern Perkins and Bronwyn Silver aims to help the beginner train the eye to see the differences between eucalypts – and to appreciate how spectacular they sometimes are. It presents the commonest species of the Mount Alexander Region, generously illustrated, and clearly described in plain language. Though firmly based on one local area (the forests and reserves around the town of Castlemaine – within the shire of Mount Alexander and immediate surrounds), it describes species common to the whole Box-Ironbark region of central Victoria, and would be useful to any enthusiast in that region, from Ararat to Chiltern.
For those that all ready have a copy of FOBIFs guide to mosses and lichens, this new publication is of the same high standard and with a broadly similar layout.
The publication of this book has been made possible by a generous grant from the Worrowing Fund through the Norman Wettenhall Foundation. Connecting Country has been a supporter of this publication from near its earliest days of development, and is thrilled with the final product. Other supporters have included the Castlemaine Field Naturalists’ Club.
The book’s cost is $10 and people buying it at the launch will receive a selection of free tree-related bookmarks and a FOBIF fungi poster. Proceedings will start at 10.30am in the Castlemaine library foyer. Refreshments will be served. No RSVPs required, and everyone is welcome.
Hi Folks,
I am really excited about this new book and hope it will not be ‘sold out’ by the time I arrive to take up my new rental unit in Castlemaine. I don’t arrive until 28th Sept and really want a copy as these trees will all be ‘new’ for me coming from WA.
Perhaps Connecting Country will have them for sale at the offices on Barker St?
Regards, Ruth (Currently in Esperance, WA)
Hi Ruth, Thanks for your message – we’re excited too! My understanding is that FOBIF have a relatively high print run for the books, and are unlikely to sell out immediately. And, if they did, I’m sure there would be a second print run soon after. Their moss book was able to be purchased through their website, and I suspect that you’ll be able to do the same with the eucalypt book. Cheers,