Need help with Weed Removal?
Posted on 8 January, 2014 by Connecting Country
An important part of the work of the Connecting Landscapes crew during 2013 was removing weeds from properties in the Mount Alexander region. An example has been the removal of patches of Serrated Tussock Grass and Chilean Needle-Grass found by the crew in the Sutton Grange area.
Whilst there are similar species of native spear grass, these two exotic grasses crowd out native plants and damage stock by burrowing their way into hides and even into the meat!
Connecting Landscapes has just employed a new work crew and is seeking expressions of interest from private landowners and Landcare groups who would like help with weed removal. Assistance is also available for tubestock planting and direct seeding of indigenous flora, the implementation of pest animal control and environmental fencing. Assistance can be in the form of labour from the works crew on properties and/or materials, for example posts and fencing wire.

Connecting Landscapes Work Crew: From left, Alex Schipperen, Kim Peric, Dianna Manser, Matt Stahl, and missing Matthew Sundblom.
This is all part of the Connecting Landscape project which is a ten year program designed to work with private landholders and Landcare Groups to create and enhance wildlife habitat connections between the large blocks of crown land forest that occur through the Mount Alexander Shire and immediate surrounds. There are 8 target zones: around parts of Sutton Grange, Harcourt, Muckleford, Guildford, Franklinford, Sandon, Elphinstone and Taradale. You can find out more about Connecting Landscapes here.
If this opportunity sounds like it might suit you, or to find out more, please contact Jarrod Coote or Bonnie Humphreys at Connecting Country on 5472 1594 or email:
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