Mother nature – plant a tree for Mum this Mother’s Day
Posted on 7 May, 2019 by Asha
Along Forest Creek, Castlemaine, a transformation is taking place. Two years ago, the state government removed a large area of poplar trees, just down from Patterson Bridge on Duke Street, to make way for native species and encourage wildlife back to the area. Last year, Castlemaine Landcare Group, with help from many fantastic volunteers, planted 1,500 plants – trees, shrubs, grasses and sedges. Despite dry weather, their growth has been dramatic.
This Mother’s Day, they want to plant more! A mammoth planting event is planned for Sunday 12 May at 9.30 am at the former poplars site, where Duke Street crosses Forest Creek. Anyone and everyone is invited to come down to plant, celebrate Mother’s Day, and share a cup of tea or coffee.
Castlemaine Landcare would love to see this area restored for the community to use and to increase local biodiversity. Come and see the difference a year makes and how you can help – bring your Mum, kids, family and friends!
Please wear stout footwear and gardening gloves. The ground is rough and there are some hazards like old blackberry brambles, tree stumps and roots. Morning tea will be provided.
Where: Forest Creek at Patterson Bridge on Duke Street (near Happy Valley Road intersection) Castlemaine VIC
When: 9:30 am to 12 noon on Sunday 12 May 2019
Parking: Limited parking is available on Happy Valley Road, or park on Duke Street (near Best Motors) and walk 200 m to the planting area
More information: Please email Christine at

Frankie Cook is looking forward to planting a tree for mum along Forest Creek (photo from Castlemaine Landcare)
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