Make Your Passion Your Day Job
Posted on 30 November, 2015 by Connecting Country
Bendigo TAFE is currently recruiting for 2016 students in their Conservation and Land Management courses.
The Certificate III Conservation and Land Management provides students with the opportunity to obtain various certificates used in gaining employment or furthering job positions. You will be able to complete your Farm Chemical Users Certificate (first step in the ACUP process), Operate and Maintain Chainsaws certification. You will gain skills in fencing, operate machinery, provide information on plants and their culture, survey pest animals, conduct site inspections, implement vegetation works and maintain natural areas. We also have sample soils and interpret results, sampling and testing water and recognise fauna. By completing the course or just gaining your certificates students are in a good position for employment with places like Project Fire Fighter (DELWP, Parks Victoria), Councils Parks and Gardens or with Pest Contractors.
Certificate IV Conservation and Land Management provides students with industry experience gained on field trips, and camps. Students are taken in to the field to conduct real life surveys and monitoring with industry partnerships such as Birdlife Australia, North Central Catchment Authority, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and local Landcare Groups and Conservation Management Networks. You will get your Farm Chemical Users Certificate as well as practical experience in revegetation, fencing and pest control. Students learn to monitor biodiversity both Flora and Fauna. Producing maps and using GPS units is used in many different projects throughout the year. Other units that are taught are Develop Interpretive Activities, Support Group and Community Changes in Resource Management as well as Report on a place of potential cultural heritage. With the completion of Certificate IV CLM you will have automatic entry in to the Environmental Education courses at La Trobe University. There are various employment opportunities as well.
The Diploma in Conservation and Land Management provides students with the opportunity to undertake a blend of class room based study with participation in a range of industry projects and field trips as part of their training.
If considering the Diploma does any of the following apply to you? If so you can apply directly, vet–fee help is available (Diploma only).
- Completed previous studies, or
- Relevant industry skills and experience, or
- Just about to finish your undergraduate degree.
There is also an option for part time study (completion over 2 years) or complete the course in 7 months (Full Cert III) to 1 year (Cert IV and Diploma). There is also the Advanced Diploma (new in 2016).
Please phone Terri Williams at Bendigo TAFE on 54341743 to discuss these opportunities further.
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