Loddon Mallee climate ready plan 2021 – last chance to have your say
Posted on 10 June, 2021 by Ivan
Adapt Loddon Mallee is keen to hear feedback from the community on their recently drafted Climate Ready Plan, which aims to ensure the Loddon Mallee region is climate-ready, thriving and prosperous. The ADAPT Loddon Mallee network brings together people from all walks of life across the region to learn, share knowledge, and build networks to support communities in becoming climate-ready.
There is no doubt climate change is one of the greatest challenges ever faced by society, natural landscapes, and our native plants and animals. Despite the efforts of governments, community groups and individuals, it is certain we will experience a trend of warmer and drier conditions here in central Victoria, with erratic and unstable weather patterns. Adapting to these changes and providing resilient landscapes and communities is a vital step in being climate-ready.
Adapt Loddon Mallee is inviting feedback on their draft Climate Ready Plan for our region. Please read on for details from Adapt Loddon Mallee about how to provide feedback on the draft plan.
Connecting Country has been regenerating the landscape, with the added benefit of carbon capture, for over a decade (photo by Connecting Country)
What is ADAPT Loddon Mallee?
Climate change impacts are already being felt in communities across the region. The pressure is being felt in sectors like local water, food production, and health and wellbeing.
While it is important that we all take steps to reduce our emissions to mitigate against further future climate impacts, such as embracing renewable energy, we also need to reduce our current and future vulnerability by taking adaptation action.
The ADAPT Loddon Mallee network brings together people from all walks of life across the region to learn, share knowledge, and build networks to support communities in becoming climate ready.
Adapting to climate change involves taking practical actions to manage current impacts and future risks to build resilient communities and systems across the region.
Successful adaptation is a shared responsibility. Individuals, communities, businesses and governments at all levels have a part to play. The challenge is too big to anyone to act alone – to ensure thriving communities in the future we need to work together.
ADAPT Loddon Mallee will focus on the following areas under three categories identified in the 2018 Regional Gap Analysis:
- People: Traditional Owners, youth, elderly, and volunteers.
- Places: Small townships, rural cities, places of natural and cultural significance.
- Sectors: Agriculture, biodiversity (flora and fauna), manufacturing, tourism, and health and human services.
Climate Ready Plan
ADAPT Loddon Mallee want to hear from you on what’s important in climate change adaptation in the Loddon Mallee region for the next five years.
To read the draft plan and provide comments, please – click here
Thanks kindly
ADAPT Loddon Mallee
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