Landcarers Link-up in The Creek
Posted on 17 April, 2013 by Connecting Country
Representatives from 15 Landcare groups got together for a ‘Landcare Link-up’ at the Campbells Creek Community Hall on Thursday last week. The absence of these kinds of meetings over the past few years meant that many people met each other for the first time and there were plenty of fresh ideas brought forward.
As a result of three open-ended questions that were the focus of the night, many topics arose for discussion including weed management techniques, the number of active members in groups, the challenge of engaging farmers and the pros and cons of having regular meetings. A constant theme on the night was ‘variety’ and the range of ways in which each group organises their working bees and meetings was a case in point.

Participants at the Link-up arrange themselves into order of how long they’ve been involved in Landcare. There was a wide range of experience amongst the group, from those that had been involved in Landcare for just a few months to veterans of over 20 years.
There was plenty of good feeling around the room, so it wasn’t surprising that the question of whether to have another Link-up later in the year was met with a resounding “Yes”. Look out for Link-up number two later this year.
Thank you to all those that attended and made it such an enjoyable night.
How great to have so many exchange ideas. I liked the photo presentation of people standing in order of service. Good shot Marie.