Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Know your weeds and what to do with them!

Posted on 2 November, 2015 by Connecting Country

David Cameron stresses that proper identification of weeds is essential

David Cameron stresses that proper identification of weeds is essential

Did you know that there are at least 3 distinct species of Blackberry found in our area? Each of these have a different physiology and hence may require a different type of control. The importance of proper identification of weeds when deciding on appropriate management actions was stressed by DELWP Senior Botanist, David Cameron, at our “Back from the Brink” weeds workshop on Sunday 25 October 2015.

Alongside David, local contractor Matt McEachran, and Landcarers Frances Cincotta and Maurie Dynon shared their considerable wisdom and practical experience to help participants learn to identify weeds and the most appropriate techniques to managing them, from herbicide use to re-vegetation with native plants.

To find out more about the workshop session or to access some of the useful resources that were provided, please click here.

This workshop concludes our 2015 education program. If you missed out, summaries and resources from all sessions are provided in our education pages. Planning for the 2016 program is now underway – feel free to contact Krista on 5472 1594 or to offer your suggestions or to find out more.

The 2015 workshop program was supported by Connecting Country through funding from the Australian and Victorian governments.

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