Restoring landscapes across the Mount Alexander Region

Intrepid Landcare Leadership and Macedon Biodiversity Strategy

Posted on 3 October, 2018 by Tanya Loos

Krista Patterson-Majoor (former Connecting Country director) is now busy helping the beautiful natural environment and communities of our neighbours at the Macedon Ranges. Krista has notified us of two exciting opportunities:

Intrepid Landcare Leadership Course for young people

The Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network still have a number of places available for the Intrepid Landcare Leadership Retreat, to be held in Riddells Creek from Friday 26 October to Sunday 28 October 2018. This is a really great capacity building program for young people with an interest in the natural environment.

The retreat is open to 18 to 35 year olds. For further information, click here for the flier.

Applications close on 14 October 2018.

Have your say on the Draft Macedon Ranges Biodiversity Strategy

Krista and I hiked Mount Macedon earlier in the year -a top spot! Pic by Tanya Loos

Been hiking at Hanging Rock? Or enjoyed the cool montane forests of Mount Macedon? Here is your opportunity to read and review the Draft Macedon Ranges Biodiversity Strategy, prepared by Krista.

The strategy establishes a shared vision between Macedon Ranges Shire Council, the community and other stakeholders for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity values across the shire. It identifies some policy and planning initiatives, as well as priorities for community engagement, on ground action and monitoring change.

The draft strategy is available at:

Hard copies are available to view at all Macedon Ranges Shire Council administration centres. A summary document is available here.

Macedon Ranges Shire Council would like to know:

  • Is the strategy guiding our activities in the right direction?
  • Is the strategy feasible to implement and supported by our community and stakeholders?

You can have your say by sending a written submission to Macedon Ranges Shire Council, PO Box 151, Kyneton VIC 3444 or email

Submissions close on Sunday 21 October 2018.

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