Inquiry into ecosystems decline in Victoria
Posted on 11 June, 2020 by Frances
The Mount Alexander region of central Victoria has a long history of disturbance. Since the 1800s our local ecosystems have experienced gold mining, timber cutting, clearing, contamination, weeds, pest animals, changes in fire and water regimes, and a changing climate. As observant people we are all too aware of examples of ongoing decline of our local ecosystems. Here is an opportunity to contribute to a new public inquiry into ecosystems decline in Victoria.
The Environment and Planning Committee of the Victorian Parliament is conducting an Inquiry into ecosystems decline in Victoria. The inquiry will look at measures to restore habitats and populations of threatened and endangered species.
The Inquiry’s Terms of Reference include:
- the extent of the decline of Victoria’s biodiversity and the likely impact on people and ecosystems
- the adequacy of the legislative framework protecting Victoria’s environment and ecosystems, particularly in the context of climate change impacts
- the adequacy and effectiveness of government programs
- opportunities to restore the environment while upholding First Peoples’ connection to Country.
Submissions: close 31 July 2020
How to make a submission: go to Inquiry website
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